M-FM X Gamethread - Page 3

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  1. ISO #101

  2. ISO #102

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  3. ISO #103

  4. ISO #104

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    Would you like tonight to have night actions, or do you feel that a day one in which you all have your roles is necessary before actions occur?
    There has already been one pointless day :o
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  5. ISO #105

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Have day 1 first. We need something to base our night actions on, as otherwise it'll all be complete luck as to what happens.

    Stop being so damn impatient!
    M-FM III: Lookout | M-FM IV: Lookout/Detective | M-FM V: Witch | M-FM VI: Acolyte
    S-FM I: Mayor | S-FM III: Bodyguard | S-FM V: Consigliere [MVP] | S-FM VI: Citizen

  6. ISO #106

  7. ISO #107

  8. ISO #108

  9. ISO #109

  10. ISO #110

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mopin View Post
    Have day 1 first. We need something to base our night actions on, as otherwise it'll all be complete luck as to what happens.

    Stop being so damn impatient!
    This is my thought as well...
    (my co-hosts wanted to have night actions tonight and I disagreed, that is why I asked the players' opinion)

  11. ISO #111

  12. ISO #112

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    why? Night actions are ok for tonight. I have enough grudges against enough people here to justify my night kills
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  13. ISO #113

  14. ISO #114

  15. ISO #115

  16. ISO #116

  17. ISO #117

  18. ISO #118

  19. ISO #119

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumikoko View Post
    I vote for allowing us to perform night actions tonight.

    As someone said, we've already had a useless day. And no one really bases anything off of Day 1 anyway. It's all about targetting veterans lolol.
    Sumi you r gonna die 2nite for dat

    U mad?

    On another note, is Ginger your apprentice?
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  20. ISO #120

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Don't worry i will shoot trolls tonight.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  21. ISO #121

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    Don't worry i will shoot trolls tonight.
    Please kill Bruno, I can't handle all this derp.
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  22. ISO #122

  23. ISO #123

  24. ISO #124

  25. ISO #125

  26. ISO #126

  27. ISO #127

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    -pm ginger ...I'm the sexy escort looking for a good time, who wants me to block all up in their role ;)
    Spoiler : FM History :
    S-FM: Dust's Cop Insanity-Sheriff-LoseMFMVIII-Consigliere-Win"Aspiring Newcomer"M-FMIX-Vigilante-Win S-FM MexianStandoffII-Bandit-Win-"MVPStopTheBomb!-Citizen-Win Army Men S-FM-Mason Leader-Lose WitchCrisis&Kybukakke-Citizen-[COLOR="#FF0000"]Lose[/COLOR

  28. ISO #128

  29. ISO #129

  30. ISO #130

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Did you imply that I am a troll? I am most certainly not a troll you peasant! And yes, yes I do believe this lyre you speak of, is indeed an exquisite string instrument for producing beautiful music.
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  31. ISO #131

  32. ISO #132

  33. ISO #133

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    Day will end at 10:00 pm EST. Or if BorkBot posts. He hatin.
    That's in 15 minutes right?
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  34. ISO #134

  35. ISO #135

    Re: M-FM IX Day 0: Welcome to Shittytown.

    Night One

    "Oh, I know you weren't thinking that. What you are thinking is turning us in. And I'll tell you...the police here are pretty shitty. And we're just here to prove to ourselves that other police are just as shitty. Now, try. Try and find us. Have fun."


    One of the police officers reached over to his desk and turned off his computer. A group of police officers sat in a dingy room that is filled with the smell of unwashed macho guys and donuts. The one that turned off his computer turned to the rest of them and spoke with a gruff voice.

    "Well apparently these thugs have a low opinion about us."

    "They are right though. We are rather shitty. I mean let's face it. No one cares about this shitty ass town. The authorities went and took all the experienced officers away. All we have here are either half-assed detectives or a bunch of trigger happy idiots." Replied an officer sitting on the old couch. A bunch of other officers turned and scowled at the speaker. They obviously don't like to be called half-assed and idiotic.

    "We'll show these pathetic scumbags what the police force is made out of!" A particularly beefy officers shouted across the room. His hand had been on his gun the entire time.

    "Shut up Ben. All you ever think about is shooting people in the face. It's more complicated than that. These assassins don't go around wearing a name tag that says "Hi, I'm a deranged killer". There is no way to distinguish them from the people living in this town." The officer with the computer replied angrily to the one known as Ben.

    "Well, we'll know once we shoot them in the face and search their houses!" Ben replied stubbornly.


    Everyone turned to look at the officer who was sitting on the couch.

    "Look, it's easy. All we have to do is to disguise as the townsfolk and gather information. I'm sure these mobsters will slip up some time or other."

    Police officers looked at each other. Shrugged. And went along with the plan. All's good is good. Except they forgot to tell each other what their disguises were.


    In the interests of speeding this game up so that Luna may start her FM as soon as possible, there will be night actions tonight.
    The day has ended. You may no longer post in dis thread. Pm your night actions 2 me. I will handle them
    re-spon-se- uhhh- bly
    Last edited by Goremansir; June 6th, 2012 at 07:05 PM.

  36. ISO #136

  37. ISO #137

    Re: M-FM IX Rolecards, Order of Operations, and FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    Tooth seekers will only need 3 kills to win now.
    op as fuck
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  38. ISO #138

  39. ISO #139

  40. ISO #140

  41. ISO #141

  42. ISO #142

  43. ISO #143

    Re: M-FM IX Rolecards, Order of Operations, and FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Ubernox View Post
    Tooth seekers.
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  44. ISO #144

    M-FM IX Day 1: The Hotelbourne Homicidal Event

    Day 1

    A rather disgruntled man walked out of his house. He was in his mid 30s and slightly(?) obese. He looked like he wanted some donuts but can't get donuts because of his job. Yes. He is a cop. A bit of a creepy necrophiliac, but still a cop. Undercover. The entire police department decided to disguise themselves blend in with the crowd to find information about the thugs. But that means people like Creed cannot get donuts without attracting suspicious glances. Poor guy.
    "Godammit I'm so hungry. Why the hell did we have to do this? Why can't we just do this the old fashioned way?" Creed grumbled as he marches towards the coffee shop. He took a look around the shop. 3 other customers aside from him. Good.
    "A Medium regular please."
    "Alright. it'll be ready in just a second."
    Creed sat down and waited for his coffee.
    "Here you go sir."
    Creed eagerly chugged down the coffee. It tasted wonderful. Except it tasted likes shit.
    "Uhhhhh excuse me, this tastes like shit! What the hell!"
    The store clerk turned to look at the Creed. He replied in a thick italian accent.
    "Shit's all you're gonna be getting around here. Shut up and drink it down Creed."
    "Well that's rather rude. I'm an enforcer of law! You can't tell me... wait...."

    Creedkingsx was killed. His role was Coroner.

    Music of the Day:

    9 votes to lynch.


    Player List:
    1. Crimson
    2. creedkingsx
    3. SirBlayzalot
    4. Bahkieh
    5. Kovath
    6. Bruno
    7. Sumikoko
    8. CmG
    9. Duzero
    10. Ubernox
    11. Cryptonic Deathfire123
    12. Kromos
    13. Brendan
    14. Deathfire123 BorkBot
    15. Shaded
    16. Mopin
    17. Philie
    18. Gingerape Clementine

    Role List:


    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia

    Truth Seeker
    Truth Seeker
    Hidden Benign Neutral


    creedkingsx - Coroner - Killed night 1

    Day will at end at: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i...2F12+10+PM+EST
    Or when majority is reached on a -skip day vote

    Last edited by Goremansir; June 8th, 2012 at 02:21 PM.

  45. ISO #145

    Re: M-FM IX Day 1: The Hotelbourne Homicidal Event

    inb4 we lose most important town role in the setup n1.
    lol creed was obese
    Way to close the thread btw
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  46. ISO #146

  47. ISO #147

  48. ISO #148

  49. ISO #149

  50. ISO #150

    Re: M-FM IX Day 1: The Hotelbourne Homicidal Event

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    I'll do it
    Thank you

    o.0 Ajkei vs. Gore. I wonder what Gore originally wrote, hope it wasn't too verbally abusive...

    Interesting that they chose to kill creed, when nowadays the Maf usually go for vets.
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code



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