FMXII - Epilogue

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  1. ISO #1

    FMXII - Epilogue

    The man known as Richard the Flayer sat atop a makeshift throne, eyes closed in quiet contemplation. His family lay in ruins, himself the only survivor of the brutal wash of bloodlust that had overcome his reason. But even so, in his madness he found it easy to find a silver-lining. There were still the surviving, healthy guards whom he had sent scurrying into the ruins of the city to hunt down. He reckoned there were some among them that would make suitable members to his new family.

    A soft groan, raspy in nature, interrupted his thoughts. His eyes followed the sound to it's source, finding the woman known as Cersei to be the cause. She hung upon a wooden cross, arms tied tightly by the entrails of Joffrey, whom lay discarded at it's base. She was still alive, a cruel joke played upon her by the blessed breastplate she wore upon her person. But each arm bore shallow cuts, a game Richard was playing with her to see how long she could last while the Lord watched over the protection of the rest of her body. She was staring at him, a glazed look upon her eyes, but she had lost the ability to speak to him after he chattering annoyed him to such lengths he found it necessary to remove her tongue.

    Taking his focus off her once again, he considered once again what to do next. Sooner or later, there would be those who came to investigate Adelaide, and he would have to prepare to meet them. Here he would make his new kingdom, and with his late sire's tomes of magic, his killing would only grow more perfect. Indeed, when the humans did come to Adelaide, he would be prepared to welcome them with open arms.

    The unseen entity once known as Jon considered the madman who sat upon his throne, and decided it would watch over his mad schemes for some time longer. Now that it had solidified itself upon the mortal plane, it found that it yearned for more souls to feed upon. It knew that this man would give the souls it desired to it, though he would likely do so unwittingly. And when it found itself no longer hungering, growing to the apex of it's power, perhaps then it would repay the man for his service the same way his last servant had been repaid. With blood.

    The Nosferatu, Fool, and Phantom have won!
    Congratulations to:
    Lord Varys
    Ser Illyn
    Ser Rodrik
    Ser Gregor

    Also, special mention to Blazer for winning in the first game, despite it not reaching it's conclusion.

    Roles and Identities:

    1. Richard The Flayer - Auckmid - Lord Varys
    2. Nosferatu Devout (Consigliere) - Kromos - Bronn
    3. Nosferatu Devout (Consort) - Bruno - Ser Rodrik
    4. Nosferatu Devout (Graverobber) - Ganondorf - Ser Illyn
    5. Anya Nighthawk - The Nightbringer - Oberyn
    6. Child of the Stars (Janitor) - Sinclair - Eddard
    7. Child of the Stars (Consort) - Rocshi - Robb
    8. Child of the Stars (Interceptor) - Kovath - Tywin
    9. Warlock (Witch) - Straykiwi - Yoren
    10. Count Dracula (Cult Leader) - Sumikoko - Janos
    11. Cursed (Jester) - Ambient - Ser Gregor
    12. Cursed (Ghost) - MagmaRam - Jon
    13. Cursed (Executioner) - Arexjamin - Syrio
    14. Bishop(Mason Enforcer) - McPwnage - Viserys
    15. Paladin(Mason "Clubber") - Raptorblaze - Catelyn
    16. Sergeant (Sheriff) - Dont Shoot Me - Ser Barristan
    17. Dr. Adolf von Helsing (Vigilante) - Goremancer - Tyrion
    18. Random Town (Bus Driver) - Clementine - Renly
    19. Random Town (Coroner) - Deathfire123 - Stannis
    20. Random Town (Jailor) - Northstar - Ser Davos
    21. Random Town (Armorsmith) - Luna - Ser Jorah
    22. Random Town (Investigator) - Dust - Joffrey
    23. Random Town (Detective) - Escaho - Melisandre
    24. Serf - Lysergic - Theon
    25. Serf - Philie - Jaime
    26. Serf - Grim - Samwell
    27. Serf - Frostbyte - Arya
    28. Serf - Borkbot - Cersei
    29. Serf - creedkingsx - Daenerys
    30. Serf - CmG - Sandor
    31. Serf - Duzero - Aemon
    32. Serf - Gingerape - Khal Drogo
    33. Serf - Rihfok - Ser Loras
    34. Serf - TheWaaagh - Petyr

    As you can see, with few exceptions, the town was stacked with lurking veterans who contributed little. The majority of newcomers were scum.

    The "MVP" Award: Cersei
    The reason this epilogue took me so long to publish came solely down to the MVP. I'm not going to lie when I say that I simply could not come to a decision on this and so I set it aside and went on with my life for a few days. I decided it should go to Cersei because Borkbot was simply the only person in the entire Town team that both remained consistent in contribution throughout the game, and played his role to the best of his ability. While he was not always correct in his assumptions, his play this game is a shining example of how you should play citizen, and for that I commend him.

    Special mention goes to Escaho, whom was the other person I had considered for MVP. You played a very good game, most notably your defense in the final day of your life, so kudos for that.

    The "Aspiring Newcomer" Award
    : Tywin
    Kovath greatly impressed me with his attitude this game, most notably in night chat, simply because after some small encouragement, he never gave up. He made his share of mistakes, but he managed to stay relatively under the radar while offering his team a lot of discussion material even if his GF called most of the shots. And he was a great teammate to boot. For that reason, I bestow upon him this award.

    The "Cult Leader? Close Enough" Award: Lord Varys
    My feelings towards the Red Mafia this game was a rollercoaster that ended in the most startling conclusion: an accidental Cult Leader kill. Night 7 will forever stay with me as the night Auckmid pulled the best move in the game in the most ironic way possible, after I had already teased them(the cult) that they were all going to die that night a few hours before. The night kill hopped from Ser Jorah(the actual armorsmith), to Janos in the hunt for the armorsmith and ended up securing his mafia the win by doing so. So while he might not have killed the armorsmith, I'd say it was close enough.

    The "Subtle Jester" Award: Ser Gregor
    I would like to congratulate Ambient on the first Jester win that was achieved late into the game without much "OMG LOOK AT ME IM SCUM LYNCH ME" involved. As I observed him play through the game, I felt that he played a majority of it fairly pro-town, and by doing so made himself out to be a possible cult leader as a result. My only regret is that he did not get to show off much, due to the rest of the town lurking too much for him to play off them.

    The "Evil Mastermind" Award:
    I'll be honest, Sumikoko's scum playstyle while anonymous surpasses even my own when it comes to flying under the radar. She was openly pro-cult, she voted once the entire game, she made it seem like she had spent a lot of time and effort into helping the town while being right without not quite being all that helpful to the town, and not a single person even questioned her once the entire game. Even in a game like the one FMXII was, that's damn impressive. Furthermore, while some might have called her cult targets cowardly, she managed to pick the targets that would be least likely to die and was very close to seizing the first cult voting block since the very first FM in a very convincing fashion. And for that brilliant 'in-the-shadows' play, I am pleased to grant her this award.

    And that's it! Thank you to all those who stayed with us in this ordeal, while it was not the smoothest game ever(the amount of small details that have to be considered in rolecards is astounding), I still feel like it was a very close, well-fought game.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Lol gee thanks, not sure about it so much cuz I fucked up on certain things (that stinking Day 7!) but thanks anyway.

    Grats to red mafia for the first mafia win, they really played very well by presenting other targets for town to lynch (although cult definitely helped a lot in that regard)

    Auckmid, that implies you won the first time... mad bro?

    GG all.
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  5. ISO #5

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Game Master View Post
    The "Cult Leader? Close Enough" Award: Lord Varys
    My feelings towards the Red Mafia this game was a rollercoaster that ended in the most startling conclusion: an accidental Cult Leader kill. Night 7 will forever stay with me as the night Auckmid pulled the best move in the game in the most ironic way possible, after I had already teased them(the cult) that they were all going to die that night a few hours before. The night kill hopped from Ser Jorah(the actual armorsmith), to Janos in the hunt for the armorsmith and ended up securing his mafia the win by doing so. So while he might not have killed the armorsmith, I'd say it was close enough.
    Auckmid, you make me sad. Why you no keel actual armorsmith and keel innocent bystander? Lol. And congratulations to you, Borkbot.

    Despite me throwing a fit every hour from unforeseen circumstances, for the most part, I highly enjoyed being Dracula. Back to my evil lair. Kufufufufufufu.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Basically, I was converted on the wrong night.
    If Tywin hadn't seen me get visited by an immune target, the game might have taken a different turn.
    (And if Sumi actually recruited Tywin...yeah, derpdy derp)

    Also, who's smurf is Nightbringer. They played well IMO. Seemed to have known I was cult before Tywin even claimed.

    Read Night 6 in Cult chat. Pretty funny, actually.

    I completely agree with the choice of Bork, as I simply see no other candidate.

    Oh well, GG.
    A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing. ALWAYS BE CLOSING.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocshi View Post
    Basically, I was converted on the wrong night.
    If Tywin hadn't seen me get visited by an immune target, the game might have taken a different turn.
    (And if Sumi actually recruited Tywin...yeah, derpdy derp)
    Lol I was telling Cap this earlier, but ironically, while culting the Mafia was supposed to help me win more quickly, in the end, attempting to recruit Mafia ultimately resulted in my downfall in various ways. Really, I still can't believe I made such an idiotic mistake.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumikoko View Post
    Lol I was telling Cap this earlier, but ironically, while culting the Mafia was supposed to help me win more quickly, in the end, attempting to recruit Mafia ultimately resulted in my downfall in various ways. Really, I still can't believe I made such an idiotic mistake.
    It was a good idea, in theory, but unforeseen circumstances conspired against you. Your chainsaw got a chunk of flash into the saw belt.

    I guess this whole unforeseen circumstances thingie was what this game was actually about. Murphy's Law and all that shizzaz. Oh well.
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocshi View Post
    Also, who's smurf is Nightbringer. They played well IMO. Seemed to have known I was cult before Tywin even claimed.
    That my friend shall remain a closely guarded secret... and yes, I knew you were culted the moment Melisandre confirmed your story of roleblocks. Once I found out that you were only going to feed me BS in my night chat and weren't going to slip any info, I disposed of you before proceeding with my night plans.

    PS: If you are a mod/supermod - don't reveal my ID.
    Last edited by The Nightbringer; May 29th, 2012 at 07:25 PM.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    Congrats red mafia!!
    And congrats to BorkBot! :]

    Wow, it's so weird finding out who all the anonymous accounts were! Some I was able to guess, but some I just had no clue!
    I think the whole anon thing worked out pretty well in this game, it should probably be the norm for future FMs (the main ones) because it forces the town to really concentrate on the actual game. = good.


    Cult/red played the best in this game, I'm happy that one of them got the win.
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by The Nightbringer View Post
    That my friend shall remain a closely guarded secret... and yes, I knew you were culted the moment Melisandre confirmed your story of roleblocks. Once I found out that you were only going to feed me BS in my night chat and weren't going to slip any info, I disposed of you before proceeding with my night plans.

    PS: If you are a mod/supermod - don't reveal my ID.
    Hmmm, so you didn't sign up for the first FM, while Yayap was running the observer chat? Then, when you signed up for the second round, all your buddys wanted in, so you felt the pang to re-enter an FM?

    Time to do some gramar analysis.

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    On a completely unrelated tangent, I would like to draw attention to a new movie coming out called Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. I can't help but feel as if his legacy is being treated disrepectfully by people looking for quick bucks by using his name.

    Halo theme for FM XIII? Purty please?

    I think that if Sumi/cult hadn't f'ed up the recruit on me, and then won, she would have got MVP. Oh well.

    I think people will agree that Auckmid has really... rehabilitated himself.
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    I find it ironic how the 2 main MVP candidates were both town (at least to start off with), but town was by far the worst faction. Other then those 2, town realy didn't have much going for them. Luna played well in the day chat, but all scum targets in the first 3 nights realy wasn't that great. A few, like Don't Shoot, played decently, but died before they could have much of an impact.

    Then there were the derpers

  20. ISO #20

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Auckmid View Post
    I remember TIBERIUS being flayed
    Player Report Guidelines: Click Here
    *Guidelines likely out of date

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :
    | | FMVII: Citizen (W) | FMVI: Pride (W) | FMVIII: Ghost (L) | FMIX: Proletarian (W) | FMX: Student (L) | FMXI: Co-Host | FMXII: Fool (W) |
    I saw your party join...

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Game Master View Post
    The "Evil Mastermind" Award:[/COLOR] Janos
    I'll be honest, Sumikoko's scum playstyle while anonymous surpasses even my own when it comes to flying under the radar. She was openly pro-cult, she voted once the entire game, she made it seem like she had spent a lot of time and effort into helping the town while being right without not quite being all that helpful to the town, and not a single person even questioned her once the entire game. Even in a game like the one FMXII was, that's damn impressive. Furthermore, while some might have called her cult targets cowardly, she managed to pick the targets that would be least likely to die and was very close to seizing the first cult voting block since the very first FM in a very convincing fashion. And for that brilliant 'in-the-shadows' play, I am pleased to grant her this award.
    Congratulations Sumi

    Now seeing that makes me regret I did not participate in this FM to witness it, lol. Alright, i'l make the damn time and play in the next one!

  23. ISO #23

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    MVP: Diablo 3 nuff said
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  24. ISO #24

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    wow gj Auckmid and Ganondorf

    I thought we had lost at the end :P
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  25. ISO #25

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Game Master View Post
    The "MVP" Award: Cersei
    The reason this epilogue took me so long to publish came solely down to the MVP. I'm not going to lie when I say that I simply could not come to a decision on this and so I set it aside and went on with my life for a few days. I decided it should go to Cersei because Borkbot was simply the only person in the entire Town team that both remained consistent in contribution throughout the game, and played his role to the best of his ability. While he was not always correct in his assumptions, his play this game is a shining example of how you should play citizen, and for that I commend him.

    Special mention goes to Escaho, whom was the other person I had considered for MVP. You played a very good game, most notably your defense in the final day of your life, so kudos for that.
    Aw, thanks bro!

    My strategy going into the game was to lurk the first few days (days one to three) to avoid getting killed. If I found any mafia/cult doing so, I'd reveal them and role-claim to the town. Sumi put a quick stop to that!

    And Sumi, why y u no recruit correct person?! Damage control was difficult. ><

    Great job, red mafia. The end game was very close.
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    No one is saying good job to me. I am going to cry now.

    I will have to say thank you to Kromos. I probably would not of been able to do it without you.
    Player Report Guidelines: Click Here
    *Guidelines likely out of date

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :
    | | FMVII: Citizen (W) | FMVI: Pride (W) | FMVIII: Ghost (L) | FMIX: Proletarian (W) | FMX: Student (L) | FMXI: Co-Host | FMXII: Fool (W) |
    I saw your party join...

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Good job Luna for taking the chance WIFOM'ing that armour with me. That's the one thing that entertained me the most in this whole game!

    Also thanks for the reward and congratulations to all the others.

    Auckmid: I had armour on that last fateful night. If only you had stuck with your first kill decision..

    Congrats on the win. I think you were the hardest of the mafia players to detect.. so well done.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambient View Post
    No one is saying good job to me. I am going to cry now.

    I will have to say thank you to Kromos. I probably would not of been able to do it without you.
    Nobody likes neutrals. So sad.

    A word of thanks to the Children of the Night for killing me, and the Nosferatu for being the winning faction that wasn't orange.
    FMXI: Citizen (Zilean). FMXII Attempt 1: Coroner. FMXII Attempt 2:Consigliere. FMXII Attempt 3 (the one that actually finished): ​Ghost (Jon)
    FMXIII: ​Observer

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Yeah, Jon was fun as an unguided projectile

    Though it annoyed me when I got possessed. I'd probably have pushed for a Lord Varys lynch..
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  35. ISO #35

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Yeah, Jon was fun as an unguided projectile

    Though it annoyed me when I got possessed. I'd probably have pushed for a Lord Varys lynch..
    I'm mad becuz of basic game mechanics and the player making the obvious choice

    Sue me because I am the emperor

    Ok Bork, I'm still mad that you left me out of Haunted House

    Or am I?
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  36. ISO #36

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Auckmid: I had armour on that last fateful night. If only you had stuck with your first kill decision..
    I made the first kill desicion very quickly without too much thought. When I actualy looked back in the threads, I saw how it was preaty unlikely that Dust had the armour. Luna's WIFOM actualy was one of the things that made me very uneasy about targeting you to start with.
    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Though it annoyed me when I got possessed. I'd probably have pushed for a Lord Varys lynch..
    One of the reasons why I decided to lynch Oberyn is because everyone loves an underdog. It would be nigh impossible for Jon to logicaly guess who Oberyn would kill. Better to keep the descision within my hands.

    Gj on MVP Borkbot. There was no doubt that you were by far the best town player

  37. ISO #37

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Kovath View Post
    I'm mad becuz of basic game mechanics and the player making the obvious choice

    Sue me because I am the emperor

    Ok Bork, I'm still mad that you left me out of Haunted House

    Or am I?

    Some people almost got replaced in that for inactivity, but they barely escaped it. I guess I could've done with better random picks for the new player slots, but what can you do?

    One of the reasons why I decided to lynch Oberyn is because everyone loves an underdog. It would be nigh impossible for Jon to logicaly guess who Oberyn would kill. Better to keep the descision within my hands.

    Gj on MVP Borkbot. There was no doubt that you were by far the best town player

    I was considering to suicide if nobody got lynched that day, to get a nobody wins scenario, which would've been kind of funny
    Last edited by BorkBot; May 30th, 2012 at 05:37 PM.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Luna (and TheWaaagh, I think)

    I believe she's going to use Star Wars themed account names or something
    Last edited by BorkBot; May 30th, 2012 at 06:09 PM.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    I call dibs on Jarjar Binks.

    I will get mayor and I'll still get lynched day 1
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Yeah, Jon was fun as an unguided projectile

    Though it annoyed me when I got possessed. I'd probably have pushed for a Lord Varys lynch..
    Well, I knew you had a vest of armor and probably wouldn't die, so it was the obvious choice.

    Up until then I'd just been possessing whoever would do the least damage to town (read: AFK).

    By the way if we do a Halo theme I have dibs on Sam the cryo tube operator who dies five minutes into Halo 1.
    FMXI: Citizen (Zilean). FMXII Attempt 1: Coroner. FMXII Attempt 2:Consigliere. FMXII Attempt 3 (the one that actually finished): ​Ghost (Jon)
    FMXIII: ​Observer

  46. ISO #46

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Kovath View Post
    May I inquire as to who is using the Game Master account at this point?

    And well done everyone! Yes, congratulations Ambient, I'm really happy you went with the honourable Jester win (even if I didn't even consider voting for you!)

    As you may have read I was hoping Borkbot got MVP. I was never really in any doubt that he was Town. Imagine how easily we could have won if more Citizens had played like that.

    Oh and people are still dissing my night actions I see :P Again I remind you that night 1 it was random and Lord Varys only got it because I wanted to create a link with our avatars (which Borkbot spotted). Night 2 we only had 2 claims and it was a 50/50 toss-up on who was telling the truth, shame it got passed to Dracula. And night 3, well, only Cersei and Oberyn were doing anything useful in day chat, another 50/50 toss-up.

    Well done Kovath, I think you did really well and deserved that award.

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Auckmid View Post
    Wimps excuse.
    Pfft you hesitated because of my WIFOM last will (yes Bork I thought claiming you had 'multiple vests' would be seen with skeptical eyes xD)
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  49. ISO #49

    Re: FMXII - Epilogue

    tbh The only logical decision would have been Joffrey... who would you pick to give armor, the 'culted' investigator/consig or the constantly pro-town citizen...

    Dunno why would you would even consider shooting Cersei at that point.

    I just realized that this game has parallels in the whole investigator scenario with Kromos's MFM when Dust was Consig and someone (don't remember who) was investigator, there wasn't a lot of clash between them and somehow the same thing happened here... interesting...
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  50. ISO #50



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  2. M-FMXII Poll Time!
    By Luna in forum Forum Mafia Discussion
    Replies: 42
    Last Post: August 11th, 2012, 05:20 PM
  3. M-FMXII Poll Submissions
    By Luna in forum Forum Mafia Discussion
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    Last Post: July 30th, 2012, 09:16 PM
  4. An Update on FMXII
    By Forum Mafia GM in forum Forum Mafia XII
    Replies: 86
    Last Post: April 27th, 2012, 05:43 PM
  5. FMXII Signup Thread
    By Capitalier in forum News
    Replies: 322
    Last Post: April 27th, 2012, 12:24 AM

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