M-FM IX Gamethread - Page 2

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  1. ISO #51
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour


    Cryptonic, the Mayor, has revealed himself!

    come at me bro

  2. ISO #52

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    -shoot CmG
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  3. ISO #53
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    -shoot CmG
    i like u

  4. ISO #54

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    I sell thing for cheap, because I will just take them of your body again when you are dead. No offense
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  5. ISO #55

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Can a mason leaderp convert soul thieved shitizens of all alignments to masons?

    of Nottingham caught Robin of
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  6. ISO #56

  7. ISO #57

  8. ISO #58

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    There is no loop hole you fool! Only scum wants to know loopholes to abuse the game into their favor!

    -vote Ubernox
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  9. ISO #59

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Quote Originally Posted by Luna View Post
    I've decided that I'm going to say something.

    I don't think McPwnage randomed my role, he made me a Veteran. I suspect he thought there might be some epic lulz if I got visited by a whole bunch of people tonight.
    Inb4 Luna only says this because she always gets killed off the first day or two.

    In all honesty, though, if all these claims are true, this probably set a record for most number of real role claims on Day 1.

  10. ISO #60

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    I was about to call Luna out for claiming veteran because veteran going on alert isn't in the order of operations.... But then I realized that veteran is always on alert in this setup.

    If Mafia has a witch, they will likely test out the veteran claim by witching someone to visit Luna tonight. If there is a witch, I doubt there would also be an interceptor. Based on what happens tonight, we should be able to start narrowing down mafia roles and neutral roles tomorrow.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  11. ISO #61

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    If Mafia has a witch, they will likely test out the veteran claim by witching someone to visit Luna tonight. If there is a witch, I doubt there would also be an interceptor. Based on what happens tonight, we should be able to start narrowing down mafia roles and neutral roles tomorrow.
    Oh good grief, I didn't even think about that. I can almost guarantee one of the evil neutrals is a serial killer or arsonist. With a soul thief on the side. If scum has 3 KPN in this game, then we're doomed.

  12. ISO #62

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    I hope we have even more kpn. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the floor. Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  13. ISO #63

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    I roleclaim Godfather! Might as well join in, right?!?!

    Don't stab me, bro!

    I'm clearly NOT a Citizen masquerading as a PR whose claiming a scum role in order to take a bullet for the town at night. Who would be so stupid as to admit to doing that on Day One?
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  14. ISO #64

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Chances of Luna being a Veteran are slim to none.

    And Sumi, let's be honest, as long as I'm alive in the game, you're as good as dead, Lol.

    In before clementine is actual Godfather claiming to be a Citizen. Oh wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    In any case, I have once again gotten my favorite role ever! I am Citizen.
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  15. ISO #65

  16. ISO #66

  17. ISO #67

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Quote Originally Posted by Escaho View Post
    I roleclaim Godfather! Might as well join in, right?!?!

    Don't stab me, bro!

    I'm clearly NOT a Citizen masquerading as a PR whose claiming a scum role in order to take a bullet for the town at night. Who would be so stupid as to admit to doing that on Day One?
    I think what you should really do is claim every single role in the game day one.

    You won't get killed.

    Trust me.

  18. ISO #68

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Well hi there.

    Spoiler : FM History :
    KF S-FM (X) : Citizen (Lost, last to be lynched) | WD S-FM (XI) : Jailor : Lost | WFC SF-M (77) : Doctor : Won | SR SF-M (79) : Citizen : Killed N1 | Trust S-FM (80) : Exec. Lynched D1 | C S-FM (82) : Colonist/Armorsmith : Won | HotS S-FM (84) : Framer/Mafioso : Lost | SWT S-FM (85) : Citizen : Won | PC S-FM (86) : Manipulator : Won | DK2 S-FM (87) : Escort : Lost | FotNS (89) : Escort : Won | BCOWYL S-FM (91) : In Progress |

  19. ISO #69

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    I hope Yuffie is in this game.
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  20. ISO #70

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    Quote Originally Posted by ajkei View Post
    I think what you should really do is claim every single role in the game day one.

    You won't get killed.

    Trust me.
    I see what u did there.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  21. ISO #71

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    what where whois false truth?
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  22. ISO #72

  23. ISO #73

  24. ISO #74

    Re: MFMVIII Day 1: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

    I believe there is likely to be a soul thief in this setup to interact with the level up mechanics, as well as a serial killer/arsonist to increase the KPN. Even so, I think it's good to behave as if there could still be a cult/masons in this game.

    I haven't played any "traditional cult/mason" games here where the masons haven't completely been revealed since D1 (M-FM VII) or the mechanic was weird (FM-XII). In any case, if there is one, Mason Leader should NOT reveal their presence, and should stealth recruit people each night in order to setup a network of confirmed town roles. I won't believe any mason claims until I am in the masons, as I think it would be just as easy for members of the mafia to claim masons, although such claims can easily be proven/disproven better than in the M-FM VII setup, at least in the case of cult trying to fake mason.

    Tomorrow, regardless of what happens, I shall neither confirm nor deny being recruited by the masons, and I urge anyone else who is asked to say the same.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  25. ISO #75

  26. ISO #76

  27. ISO #77

  28. ISO #78

  29. ISO #79

    MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Cmg was last seen in a rage. He had been rolled citizen and was jokingly trying to find a loophole that would allow him to reroll as a power role. He looked at the rolecard "random.org hates you!" and laughed knowing that if he just said that one line every cit would know he was confirmed. He laughed as he had found a loophole to the game only to be told the rolecards were in the FAQ thread for all to be seen. That was the last anyone saw of CmG, he was terminated.

    CmG did not leave a last will.

    Random Awesome Music of The Day:

    Role List:

    Final Boss (Godfather)
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia

    Evil Neutral
    Evil Neutral

    Benign Neutral
    Benign Neutral

    Hidden Town Power
    Hidden Town Power
    Hidden Town Power
    Hidden Town Power

    Player List:
    01. Duzero
    02. Ubernox
    03. Blazer
    04. Gingerape
    05. Borkbot
    06. Clementine
    07. Carolina Crown
    08. Shaded
    09. Mopin
    10. Ajeki
    11. Sumiko
    12. Escaho
    13. Sinclair
    14. Goremancer
    15. Brendan
    16. Luna
    17. Cryptonic
    18. SirBlayzalot
    19. Rocshi

    CmG (citizen) - Died Night 1

    It will take 10 votes to lynch. Day will end at: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i...ay+May+26+2012 or when majority decide to skip!

    Rifolk is at risk of being replaced!
    Last edited by McJesus; May 25th, 2012 at 11:11 PM.

  30. ISO #80
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Good morning everyone.

    It felt so good when I did it with my penis.

    There is Consort/Escort/Drug Dealer.
    But i'm betting against Drug Dealer. Probably Escort/Consort

  31. ISO #81

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Well hi there.

    Spoiler : FM History :
    KF S-FM (X) : Citizen (Lost, last to be lynched) | WD S-FM (XI) : Jailor : Lost | WFC SF-M (77) : Doctor : Won | SR SF-M (79) : Citizen : Killed N1 | Trust S-FM (80) : Exec. Lynched D1 | C S-FM (82) : Colonist/Armorsmith : Won | HotS S-FM (84) : Framer/Mafioso : Lost | SWT S-FM (85) : Citizen : Won | PC S-FM (86) : Manipulator : Won | DK2 S-FM (87) : Escort : Lost | FotNS (89) : Escort : Won | BCOWYL S-FM (91) : In Progress |

  32. ISO #82
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinclair View Post
    Well hi there.
    oh hey u

  33. ISO #83
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    RIP CmG... Taking a hit for PRs day 1.
    Dying like a champ.
    May you live forever in our hearts.

  34. ISO #84

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Today I will not forget to post.
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  35. ISO #85

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Good morning everyone.

    It felt so good when I did it with my penis.

    There is Consort/Escort/Drug Dealer.
    But i'm betting against Drug Dealer. Probably Escort/Consort
    Why are you "betting against" a drug dealer?

    You lookin' for trouble?
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  36. ISO #86

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Clementine the godmother ordered CmG's death for calling her a smurf. You guys should pressure her.

    I want a carrot.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  37. ISO #87
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Why are you "betting against" a drug dealer?

    You lookin' for trouble?
    oh, no sir!
    i just been roleblockded sir, and I has just thinkin that Drug Dealer wouldn't fake rb someone night one incase I was an investigatitor, sir! cause then i would have founded out that they was in the game, sir!

    *insert cute picture of kitten here*

  38. ISO #88
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Clementine the godmother ordered CmG's death for calling her a smurf. You guys should pressure her.

    I want a carrot.
    I'm in charge of the mafia apparently:

    Day 1:
    Cryptonic: OK GUYS.
    We'll start lynching at #1. Duzero and move down the list.

    Killers will start at #20. CmG and move up the list.

    sounds like a plan???


    should we... lynch... him...?

  39. ISO #89

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    If you can get a train on him I'll hammer it as promised.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  40. ISO #90

  41. ISO #91

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    I'm in charge of the mafia apparently:

    Day 1:
    Cryptonic: OK GUYS.
    We'll start lynching at #1. Duzero and move down the list.

    Killers will start at #20. CmG and move up the list.

    sounds like a plan???


    should we... lynch... him...?
    Hoping to get a random lynch already? Interesting. =P

  42. ISO #92

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Cryptonic you should be careful with what you say, someone less understanding might take is as a threat.
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  43. ISO #93
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaded View Post
    Hoping to get a random lynch already? Interesting. =P
    Notice how I haven't -vote yet :P

  44. ISO #94
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duzero View Post
    Cryptonic you should be careful with what you say, someone less understanding might take is as a threat.
    Just pointing out an observation, my good sir.
    I can assure you I am no threat.
    After all, with my logic, i'm dead night 4.

  45. ISO #95

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Just pointing out an observation, my good sir.
    I can assure you I am no threat.
    After all, with my logic, i'm dead night 4.
    That is plenty of time to douse people...

    Can you burn before getting killed (jailor is an exception)?
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  46. ISO #96
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Duzero View Post
    That is plenty of time to douse people...

    Can you burn before getting killed (jailor is an exception)?
    I love how defensive you're getting at a joke.
    and how you try to draw attention to me for being an arsonist now lol.
    Congratulations, you've made my scum list. =)

  47. ISO #97

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    You see that mafia? Rihfok the gay knight has night action (kinky)

    You'd better kill him!
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  48. ISO #98

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Is using Duzero's question as evidence (Arsonist, if he is) considered meta-gaming? And is meta-gaming illegal in this MFM?

    Spoiler : FM History :
    KF S-FM (X) : Citizen (Lost, last to be lynched) | WD S-FM (XI) : Jailor : Lost | WFC SF-M (77) : Doctor : Won | SR SF-M (79) : Citizen : Killed N1 | Trust S-FM (80) : Exec. Lynched D1 | C S-FM (82) : Colonist/Armorsmith : Won | HotS S-FM (84) : Framer/Mafioso : Lost | SWT S-FM (85) : Citizen : Won | PC S-FM (86) : Manipulator : Won | DK2 S-FM (87) : Escort : Lost | FotNS (89) : Escort : Won | BCOWYL S-FM (91) : In Progress |

  49. ISO #99

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinclair View Post
    Is using Duzero's question as evidence (Arsonist, if he is) considered meta-gaming? And is meta-gaming illegal in this MFM?
    Why would it be metagaming and how is it evidence? It only suggests that he thinks there's an arsonist. He could be arsonist or jailor himself, he could've found a potential arsonist as sheriff/investigator/consigliere, maybe he has some weird logic regarding the setup that has him convinced that there is one or he's just plain bluffing for whatever reason.

    An arsonist probably wouldn't be so dumb to blatantly ask questions about his role just like that. Then again, he could do it because it'd make us think he couldn't possibly be so dumb.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  50. ISO #100
    Unknown User

    Re: MFMVIII Day 2: First Blood!

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Why would it be metagaming and how is it evidence? It only suggests that he thinks there's an arsonist. He could be arsonist or jailor himself, he could've found a potential arsonist as sheriff/investigator/consigliere, maybe he has some weird logic regarding the setup that has him convinced that there is one or he's just plain bluffing for whatever reason.

    An arsonist probably wouldn't be so dumb to blatantly ask questions about his role just like that. Then again, he could do it because it'd make us think he couldn't possibly be so dumb.
    Also, I didn't use his question as evidence
    He said I would have plenty of time to douse people lol. btw, Arsonist's actions is #14, and kills are like #15-18. So yes, he can still burn.



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