With my life now tied to the Cult Leaders survival / preventing the cult from gaining majority. My best options now is to hunt down cult members instead of the leader if I want to live longer.

Town has obviously given up. Worst town ever, PRs did absolutely nothing to benefit the town and the cits helped the cult leader hide.

Since my life is already forfeit, instead of delaying the inevitable, I will avenge my fallen interceptor by killing who I strongly believe to be the Armorsmith. Hopefully I can stop him from giving out more armor to the cult.

I no longer know if Joffrey is still unculted, he didn't reveal his results yesterday, I'm hoping that he found the armorsmith or a red mafia and that is why he has withheld those results.

I suspect that Petyr was the ghost yesterday, giving the cult an additional vote against me.

The only chance I have left for victory is if I hunt down town members and correctly block the Cult Leader, while Red mafia kills off Cult Members.

The vote being so quick against Tywin, I'm not sure who the real Leader is behind this cult. Possibly Cersei based off of his attack on Tywin before Melisandre posted her fake results, also he wants to discredit Joffrey, didn't vote the jester and was pretty much anti-town yesterday. If that is the case, cult is stronger than I had hoped. He shall be blocked from now on.