Punishment for leavers?

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  1. ISO #1

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  3. ISO #3

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  5. ISO #5

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    When did DR implement a karma system?
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9
    Unknown User

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    You used to lose points for leaving.
    Not sure if they changed it since they added -suicide

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    I'm pretty sure if you leave before dying with a role, it becomes much more likely that you get that role next game. This has happened to me way too many times for me to still believe its a coincidence. I really doubt this will be confirmed though, I think its some kind of secret karma thing, which I'm cool with.

  11. ISO #11
    Unknown User

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    *puts on troll glasses*

    Quote Originally Posted by Trollzor View Post
    Thanks for your input. You would think there is a between A&B, even though there is not. Leaving does not increase your likelihood of getting the same role next round. Donors get to blacklist roles, which reduces the overall number of roles that you can get. This combined with the fact that you play during prime time when there are lots of donors on means that your spy streak was luck. Thousands of people play mafia, and chances are there will be a few role streaks. I have seen this complaint for doctors, citizens, and even brag posts about being sk consecutively.

    The psychological phenomena that you just exhibited is the reason people believe in things not based on fact.
    OH OK!

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trollzor View Post
    Thanks for your folk numeracy dumb ass. Your pattern seeking brain has established that there is a relationship between A&B even though there is not. Leaving does not increase your likelihood of getting the same role next round. Payfags get to blacklist roles, which reduces the overall number of roles that you can get. This combined with the fact that you play during prime time when there are lots of payfags on means that your spy streak was dumb luck. Thousands of people play mafia, and chances are there will be a few lame role streaks. I have seen this complaint for doctors, citizens, and even brag posts about being sk consecutively.

    The psychological retardation that you just exhibited is the reason people believe in stupid shit like God, the Tooth Fairy, Santa, Sasquatch, and the Easter Bunny. Here's a video about it.
    tl;dr correlation does not equal causation.

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    I have been thinking about people leaving at the beginning of a game because they don't like the role.

    I request that that person has a -prefer (role quitting role from last game) . This would eleminate people from role quitting. Once people realize he are she is stuck with that role, people will stop role quitting all together.

    I see that role quitting is a crime. I hardly doubt people get in trouble with this one ever. I see way too many people role quitting than expected. It greatly messes up gameplay. Oh look, the doc and sheriff left the game d1. Now it's 6 town vs 7 non town (without a sheriff and doc). Good luck!

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    Agree. Also some players farm points when they are town. They don't vote or do anything. End up costing town the win. I have barely had any towns wins recently due to town being afk. They should have a system where anyone who doesnt vote is kicked to ensure afk players dont ruin the game after which the game adjusts itself

  16. ISO #16
    Unknown User

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    Quote Originally Posted by modxtreme View Post
    They should have a system where anyone who doesnt vote is kicked to ensure afk players dont ruin the game after which the game adjusts itself
    Yea, no.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Punishment for leavers?

    Quote Originally Posted by modxtreme View Post
    They should have a system where anyone who doesnt vote is kicked to ensure afk players dont ruin the game after which the game adjusts itself
    What if they speak? What if they are active with night actions? People don't have to vote. I frequently don't vote because, personally, it is a good way to see voting patterns and find things like Cult and Mafia. I undertand the frustration on AFK players, but this would punish more non-AFK players than actual AFK players. :P



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