M-FM VIII Gamethread

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  1. ISO #1

    Post M-FM VIII Gamethread

    The Fiveside Town was a harsh place to live in. Crime rates were increasing day by day, and local law enforcement forces were either unable to stop then from spreading, or closed their cases for unkowns reasons. Rumors had it that they were bribe by local tycoons in order to increase their profit by continually supporting the local mob from behind. But even tycoons were not in charge of their situations; they alrady lost their several office buidings, which were burned by unknown group of arsonists. Some of the citizens grew tired of that stanglehold: thus town militia were created. They started to act independely, sooner becoming a force of their own.

    In order to put some kind of order in the town, there were several mayor elections in the last week. But since that no one of the previous mayors could hold up their power seat for more than 3 days - they were either oppressed and fled from town, or killed with many different circumstances, like the last three mayors.

    And now another day of mayor election is coming ahead. Everyone wanted to rule this town. But of the five factions that were formed from that turmoil no more than two can come out as winnners. Many lives will be lost soon.

    Role list:

    Police Member
    Police Member
    Police Member

    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member

    Outlaw Member
    Outlaw Member
    Outlaw Member

    Mafia Member
    Mafia Member
    Mafia Member

    Tycoon Member
    Tycoon Member
    Tycoon Member


    Hidden Police roles: Sheriff, Investigator, Detective, Sleuth, Jailor, Bodyguard
    Hidden Militia roles: Mason Leader, Doctor, Vigilante, Journalist, Lookout, Armorsmith
    Hidden Outlaw roles: Outlaw, Electro Maniac, Escort, Drug Dealer, Framer, Grave Robber
    Hidden Mafia roles: Mafioso, Consigliere, Janitor, Blackmalier, Enforcer, Godfather
    Hidden Tycoon roles: Tycoon, Merchant, Gunsmith, Bus Driver, Security Guard, Actor

    Player list:

    Carolina Crown
    Tasogare Akira


    Luna (First Mayor): Riddled with bullets at close range [Mod Edit: Y people kill me in prologues QQ]
    Capitalier (Second Mayor): Found burned inside his own house
    Kromos (Third Mayor): Beaten to a bloody pulp by angry mod

    Day 1 will begin in 24 hours from now. On that day, the town will elect a new Mayor. Whoever receives the most votes when day ends will be elected as Mayor. The Mayor has the power of 2 votes instead of one, and he cannot be the target of night actions on Night 1.

    Day will begin at this time:

    You cannot post in this thread.
    Last edited by Luna; April 23rd, 2012 at 10:45 AM.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  2. ISO #2

    Post Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    And so the day of mayor election came in. Some people were throughly prepared from that day, but there were also few who didn't care about that - after all, mayors in this town don't live long enough. This time however, it was slightly different - a new rule was inveneted by town. That rule allows the newly elected Mayor to receive some kind of diplomatic immunity on the night after elections. The immunity was made short-termed - it was simply a way to give the new mayor enough time to put the situation in the town under control.

    Tension immediately began to rise in the town square... On this week, the Fiveside Town's destiny will be decided - probably by hand of its new mayor.

    Role list:

    Police Member
    Police Member
    Police Member

    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member

    Outlaw Member
    Outlaw Member
    Outlaw Member

    Mafia Member
    Mafia Member
    Mafia Member

    Tycoon Member
    Tycoon Member
    Tycoon Member


    Hidden Police roles: Sheriff, Investigator, Detective, Sleuth, Jailor, Bodyguard
    Hidden Militia roles: Mason Leader, Doctor, Vigilante, Journalist, Lookout, Armorsmith
    Hidden Outlaw roles: Outlaw, Electro Maniac, Escort, Drug Dealer, Framer, Grave Robber
    Hidden Mafia roles: Mafioso, Consigliere, Janitor, Blackmalier, Enforcer, Godfather
    Hidden Tycoon roles: Tycoon, Merchant, Gunsmith, Bus Driver, Security Guard, Actor

    Player list:

    Carolina Crown
    Tasogare Akira


    Luna (First Mayor): Riddled with bullets at close range [Mod Edit: Y people kill me in prologues QQ]
    Capitalier (Second Mayor): Found burned inside his own house
    Kromos (Third Mayor): Beaten to a bloody pulp by angry mod

    Day 1 begins now. During the course of the game, the town will elect a new Mayor. Whoever receives the most votes when day ends will be elected as Mayor. The Mayor has the power of 2 votes instead of one, and he/she cannot be the target of night actions on Night 1.

    You can vote only for 1 person at the same time. You cannot vote yourself. Votes must be written in red text. You can change your votes as many times as you want, but if one person recieives 11 or more votes, lock the vote tally immediately, and that person will be iimmdeately elected as new Mayor.

    Day 1 will end at this time:

    Day will last 48 hours, but if someone manages to reach 11 votes early, the day will end faster - it could last 36 or even 24 hours.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    First post in epic game (come at me, bros!).
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Alright everyone I claim to be the Outlaw aligned citizen, and I do believe I have a strategy to win this relatively easily.

    Simply put the Militia has the ability to recruit every night regardless of who on their team dies, unless they are blocked, which is rather unlikely. If one or two citizens were to claim everyday to try and get recruited then it would mean the militia would get the majority extremely quickly, once we reach enough members we can all win with either the police or outlaws to end the game (depending on who is the most co-operative).

    While I expect they'll be a lot of people from the other teams claiming citizen to prevent this, I should hope it wouldn't be too hard to get the right recruits. The sure one for tonight would of course be me.

    Today I'll say you should elect me to be the mayor. The night immunity would be useful to allow the militia to get 6 members straight off, and it will allow us to see who supports this plan through the voting patterns.

    Again, I'll advise the Police and Outlaws not to target the Militia, as they have a very good chance to win this. Instead you can just fight among yourselves, or just try to assist us in any way you can. I suppose the Militia can choose who they want to win at the end.
    M-FM III: Lookout | M-FM IV: Lookout/Detective | M-FM V: Witch | M-FM VI: Acolyte
    S-FM I: Mayor | S-FM III: Bodyguard | S-FM V: Consigliere [MVP] | S-FM VI: Citizen

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Since this place is so divided, and the mayor is going to be voted in by some kind of majority. I'm not going to pretend that nigh-everyone isn't part of one kind of mafia or another, so I'll be honest with you:

    I am a citizen. I am best suited to be the mayor of this town, because I will shamelessly side with the majority. I will favour no particular faction or group, and I am guaranteed not to be one of your enemies. While other candidates may lie or wifom, and while other candidates have hidden agendas against any two of you factions, I shall do neither. As I said before, I shall aid whatever majority appears to be in power, because it is most logical for me to do so. It doesn't matter who I win with; Just that I survive.

    Vote for me, and you shall have lots of pingas Equality. Harsh, Ruthless Equality.

    For now, I shall -vote Mopin. While I doubt the truth of his claimed alignment, His plans seems reasonably logical and should provide the best, most all-encompassing route to victory.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mopin View Post
    The sure one for tonight would of course be me.

    he/she cannot be the target of night actions on Night 1.
    Can you actually be recruited N1 if this is the case?

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    I happen to be the citizen aligned with the Police. I don't know how to do that fancy colored word shtick; obviously I never made it through police academy training. I am in direct opposition to Mopin, and believe we should hurry up and start killing people. Police Brutality is best Brutality.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Still trying to decide who to jail...
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Hi everyone,

    My name is clementine, and I would be honored to support Zane for mayor. I believe in the message of bananas, and think they have a tremendous potential to reinvigorate our town with locally produced fruits and veggies. I would very much like it if Zane would consider starting up a weekend Farmer's Market. Clementines and bananas along with the rest of the fruits are a very important part of a healthy diet.

    -vote Zane

    Also, I should mention I am a citizen. It seems unlikely to me that Mopin is citizen, or any of the others who wish to be mayor. Being mayor will only shorten one's lifespan, which is counterproductive to our cause of surviving. Mayor cannot be recruited to militia either. Something seems a little off to me... I am almost inclined to think that Mopin could be the purple team veteran, hoping to get elected and then kill a bunch of people N2.

    tl;dr FOS on Mopin
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    I will say this much about Mopin: he is smart.

    And, therefore, he would lie. I doubt Mopin is Citizen. In fact, I also doubt he is Outlaw-aligned. He is sending a message here and it may even be to the Outlaws themselves. No way would a Cit check their role card and then proclaim Citizen. It seems counter-productive. In fact, getting people to visit you as Citizen is a good way to soak up a kill for your faction and/or eliminate their night actions for one night.

    I claim Tycoon Citizen. There, see how easy that was?
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mopin View Post
    Alright everyone I claim to be the Outlaw aligned citizen, and I do believe I have a strategy to win this relatively easily.
    That's a lie.
    I'll tell you why with statement analysis.

    Mopin says "I claim to be the outlaw citizen".

    It's possible to use the rules of grammar to detect deception with how a person uses articles within his statement. When we introduce someone or something that is unknown, we are required to use the indefinite articles “a” or “an.” Once the introduction has been made, we then use the definite article “the.”
    For example, in the following statement:
    “A man approached me and pointed a gun at me.
    He stuck the gun in my ribs and forced me into the car.”

    In the first sentence, the victim properly refers to the attacker and the weapon as “a man” and “a gun.” Having identified the gun, he then correctly refers to it as “the gun” in the second sentence. A problem arises when he refers to the vehicle as “the car.” Since this is the first time he mentions the vehicle, he should have called it “a car.” Using the article “the” tells us the victim either recognized the car or he is making up the story.

    Or in sc2 mafia it's very common to hear this from an SK "I am the doctor" instead of correctly "I am a doctor".
    Lets say he really was an outlaw aligned citizen.
    You would expect this "I am an outlaw aligned citizen". After this statement, he would then refer to himself as "the outlaw citizen".

    So, Mopin is lying?
    Why would he lie? I leave that up to you.
    Vote for him if you will. I choose to abstain for now, since it is obvious to me that he lied about his role. Who roleclaims day 1 anyway?
    In sc2 mafia if I jail a 'survivor' I will always execute. He's either a survivor, or evil. Mopin claims to be a survivor.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremancer View Post
    I am a MILITIA aligned citizen. I believe I am far more capable than these fools. I will offer no epic or awe inspiring speeches. But I will offer you my axe!
    Much more inclined to believe this. Correct grammar, doesn't give a fuck about being mayor, and straight to the point.

    Mopins long speech makes me think he was part of a night chat and prepared it in advance.

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Hai guise

    Spoiler : FM History :
    KF S-FM (X) : Citizen (Lost, last to be lynched) | WD S-FM (XI) : Jailor : Lost | WFC SF-M (77) : Doctor : Won | SR SF-M (79) : Citizen : Killed N1 | Trust S-FM (80) : Exec. Lynched D1 | C S-FM (82) : Colonist/Armorsmith : Won | HotS S-FM (84) : Framer/Mafioso : Lost | SWT S-FM (85) : Citizen : Won | PC S-FM (86) : Manipulator : Won | DK2 S-FM (87) : Escort : Lost | FotNS (89) : Escort : Won | BCOWYL S-FM (91) : In Progress |

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Promote me to mayor and I promise the streets will run red with the blood of the fallen.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Dust, what is your stance on sustainable fruits and veggies? Can you out-banana the banana-man? Can you out-sweet the clementine? I would definitely not want you as mayor serving the kids of this town... plates of dust for an afternoon snack. Please state your candidacy platform instead of just buying up bilboard space. STATE YO PLATFORM PLZZZ.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    Dust, what is your stance on sustainable fruits and veggies? Can you out-banana the banana-man? Can you out-sweet the clementine? I would definitely not want you as mayor serving the kids of this town... plates of dust for an afternoon snack. Please state your candidacy platform instead of just buying up bilboard space. STATE YO PLATFORM PLZZZ.
    Dust on every desk. Dust on every photo. Think of me as Big Brother, except everywhere.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by straykiwi View Post

    That's a lie.
    I'll tell you why with statement analysis.

    Mopin says "I claim to be the outlaw citizen".
    Isn't this the definition of misapplied WIFOM? You are assuming someone unconsciously made the choice of using the word "the", when it has been established that there is only one of each type of aligned citizen.

    I do however find it odd multiple people claim he is not what he claims.

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Whoever gave me negative rep for that post is an idiot.

    2 people said the were 'the citizen' and 2 people said they were 'a citizen'.

    There is a difference between the two.
    Somebody please restore my rep.
    Google 'statement analysis' if you don't believe me.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by straykiwi View Post
    Whoever gave me negative rep for that post is an idiot.

    2 people said the were 'the citizen' and 2 people said they were 'a citizen'.

    There is a difference between the two.
    Somebody please restore my rep.
    Google 'statement analysis' if you don't believe me.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Never thought of this before, but a mayor from the Police faction would be really OP if given night immunity every night whilst in jail. Police game plan: have your police mayor really exposed/out in the open to communicate with other factions as the spokesperson if you will, and then have the other two working quietly behind the scenes to ensure his safety. Obviously, if this is to work, elected mayor would be role blocked every night, so can't be a role that would want to use a night action every night.

    Also, Dust is either part of the Police faction, OR he is not part of the police faction and is instead just begging to be jailed. Police, take note. I believe it is likely there is a jailor in this setup. Only the members of the police faction will know for sure.
    The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
    I shake it off, I shake it off

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    Never thought of this before, but a mayor from the Police faction would be really OP if given night immunity every night whilst in jail. Police game plan: have your police mayor really exposed/out in the open to communicate with other factions as the spokesperson if you will, and then have the other two working quietly behind the scenes to ensure his safety. Obviously, if this is to work, elected mayor would be role blocked every night, so can't be a role that would want to use a night action every night.

    Also, Dust is either part of the Police faction, OR he is not part of the police faction and is instead just begging to be jailed. Police, take note. I believe it is likely there is a jailor in this setup. Only the members of the police faction will know for sure.
    Here's a hint for you all: Clementine is not in the police.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dust View Post
    Here's a hint for you all: Clementine is not in the police.
    Here's a hint for you all. I am the police citizen.

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tasogare_Akira View Post
    Here's a hint for you all. I am the police citizen.
    If I am elected mayor, I promise that members of the Outlaws will not be jailed.

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    To clarify more correclty:

    Players CANNNOT target the Mayor with night actions on the FIRST night (this includes Militia as well). They CAN target him at ANY subsequent nights.

    You can vote the mayor in green text if you want.

    Current vote tally:

    Mopin (1): Ubernox
    Zane (1): clementine

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    Dust, the chances of you being Jailor are just...astronomically small. It'd be funny though.
    M-FMIII: Lookout (WIN!) | M-FMIV: SK (WIN!) | M-FMV: Bus Driver (LOSS) (Unintentional MVP Award!) | FM-X: Citizen/Mason (WIN!) | S-FMIII: Vigilante (WIN!) | Cursed Bullet S-FM: Citizen (WIN!) | M-FMVI: SK (WIN!) | Torment S-FM: Citizen (LOSS) | S-FM (GI): Consig (WIN!)

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    I am the spokesman of the Militia!

    I'm delighted to see some Citizen rallying together already.
    We are always looking for fresh recruits in order to get our voting majority established.
    But we do not tolerate fake claims on Citizens as we want to make sure, that we recruit every night. If we fail to recruit you, we will see you lynched.
    We are aware of the Enforcer/Bus Driver and will handle that possibility just fine (the real Citizens are safe).
    We don't ask for all Citizens to reveal, one or two are just fine. But if they choose to reveal, we ask them to reveal their favoring to make fake claims harder. If somebody fake claims your Citizen role, we kindly ask you to reveal that, so we can get the situation cleared up.

    Our primary goal right now is to kill off the Mafia as soon as possible, ensuring our lives and that of our fellow Citizens/Masons. For this we ask for the Police's assistance. We would like to make contact with you via safe channels to discuss a strategy to root the Mafia out. Your help in finding fake Citizen (counter-)claimer would be appreciated as well.

    We don't mind to get one of our allies (Outlaw/Police) the prestigious role of the Mayor, as getting the Mayor ourselves, will hinder a possible communication. We have means to ensure a longer survival of the Mayor, if there is an urgent need for it, but try to handle it yourself as much as possible. We don't like putting the Mayor into the wrong team. So if somebody fakes to be in your team to get the Mayor title, please step in and stop him from doing so.
    Making one of the Citizens Mayor is a possibility as well, but we won't be able to recruit him this night. As a matter of precaution, we will only make Citizens favoring us or one of our allies Mayor (Please call out any fake claims).

    We would like the Citizens to vote with us to form a solid voting block. I'm confident we can pin down some Mafia during day 2 and start with the lynching. The voting patterns should reveal some more.

    We will make sure to recruit all Citizens as to make them win with us.

    I want to make the Citizens aware of their implicit protection. Every side will rather kill off the core members of their opposing sides. So I doubt, that a night killer will target you anytime soon.

    As already some players claimed Citizen roles unaware of the consequences, we will regard all previous claims as nil and naught. If you still choose to claim Citizen, please do it again.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    I demand to be mayor, or I will reveal Akiras secret, trust me, he will be mad and ban everyone, vote for me.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Five-Sided Town Day 1: Who wants to be a Mayor?

    I am on literally all the time. Also I'm probably going to be killed N1, after my resurrection after FMX. These things come in threes....



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