I'll try to do this in chronological order.

Plato: He donated an awful lot of money, but most likely did so because of his insecurities. He was a moderator for a short time but was quickly removed when we realized what he was doing while in power. He stuck around for a long time afterwards, generally interacting with the staff and causing awkward situations on Skype and on the forums, but suddenly dropped off the face of the planet a while back.

Pedobear: A weirdo who donated a bunch of money. I gave him moderation powers for whatever reason, but it turned out to be a bad idea so he was removed.

MikeVipe: He donated a VPS to me for the Mafia server. He does not interact much with the community here, so there is not much I can say about him other than the fact that we should all be thankful. A VPS usually costs quite a lot of money, so having one that's essentially for free is a godsend.

Kevin Powers: He joined up because he had some good, helpful ideas about where Mafia should go and how the site can develop. Things quickly went downhill when he met the other members of staff. I kept him on because I felt sorry for the dude, but that was obviously a mistake in hindsight. He gradually turned more and more to the dark side (perhaps because of his employment by Bioware), and finally snapped. He was subsequently removed from the staff and banned from the site. Following this, his attitude continued to degrade until the present day; he addresses even me with insults and irrational blabberings.

Menautor: He joined up (and donated) a few months ago, and created a TeamSpeak 3 server for us. Currently, the TS3 is administrated primarily by Tasogare_Akira. Besides that, Menautor is a good voice of reason and acts as consul to me and to the rest of the staff. He tentatively recommended Terripax as an EU moderator and fully recommended darklordnem as an EU moderator.

Claw, Goonswarm, Yayap, and others: Quit staff or removed from staff due to either inactivity or lack of time/interest.

Tasogare_Akira: He joined up some time ago to the behest of the staff, but eventually proved his worth. At this point, his staff approval rate is high, even though it started low. He was temporarily removed during the stuff with FalseTruth, but added back by request of the majority of the staff. At one point, he was a global moderator, but this was a mistake on my part. In truth, Tasogare_Akira himself had little to do with FalseTruth's demotion, as he actually wanted FalseTruth to stay onboard.

Luna: She was given global moderator by oops_ur_dead for whatever reason. Nothing came of it so it is not an issue for us. Later, she became a full EU mod.

FalseTruth: A long-time member of staff. At one point, he was a global moderator, but this was a mistake on my part. For a long time, he kept breaking the internal staff rules (there are only 3 written rules), and was asked to stop. Due to a fundamental disagreement with some of the rules and how they were applied to him versus the rest of the staff (such as Tasogare_Akira), and to how he disagreed with Tasogare_Akira being on staff, and to how he disagreed with my management style, and to an internal vote that favored Tasogare_Akira over FalseTruth, amongst other reasons, FalseTruth was removed from staff.

Muso: He quit when FalseTruth was demoted.

Terripax: He tried to transfer his EU bank to his NA account and at some point tried to use his friend's bank. At some point he messed up and it caused the game to automatically call him a hacker. Turns out that there was some other stuff going on, leading to him being removed shortly after being added.

If I missed anyone, let me know.