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  1. ISO #1601

  2. ISO #1602

    Re: M-FM VII Day Eight: Drawing to a Close

    Night Eight: Betrayal

    On the final day, Rihfok and GriM-DeMoN stood together and agreed to betray the memories of their dead friends and join the Preservers. They could have easily defeated their foes but the allure of power was too strong for them. They shook Fragos' hand and turned to Dust. His disguise as a guardsman of Hedmark had been almost foolproof but it was no use anymore. Grim and Rihfok held him down while Fragos put a bullet in his head. Laughing Fragos turned around and shot both Rihfok and Grim.

    "Stupid peasants..." he chuckled

    Last Wills:



    GriM-DeMoN did not leave a last will.


    Well, this ended somewhat unexpected.
    Night 1 - BorkBot. Citizen etc.
    Night 2 - Dust. Consigliere.
    Night 3 - Nick. Janitor.
    Night 4 - CmG. Citizen etc.
    Night 5 - BorkBot again, because I still felt that he was lying. Citi etc., so looks like it.
    Night 6 - ???
    Oh well, the Preservers played really well.

    Epilogue should be posted soon. GG!

    Role List:

    Godfather (Anders Westrum)
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Neutral Role
    Hidden Neutral Role

    Cop / Insane Cop
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Citizen / Journalist

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Actress, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Consort, Dirty Sleuth, Drug Dealer, Fabricator, Framer, Janitor, Lawyer, Mafioso

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Corrupt Journalist, Executioner, Jester, Witch

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Armoursmith, Bodyguard, Citizen, Cop, Coroner, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Gunsmith, Insane Cop, Investigator, Journalist, Lookout, Mason, Medical Student, Sleuth, Veteran, Vigilante

    Hedmark Population:


    Hedmark Burial Mound:

    Spoiler : Night 0 :
    Halfdan Geirstad (Jarl of Hedmark): Died Night 0 - Shot in the head by Anders Westrum, leader of the Preservers.
    Luna (Preserver Soldier): Died Night 0 - Head chopped off by a Vestfold Warrior.
    Crimson (Preserver Soldier): Died Night 0 - Beaten to a pulp by a Vestfold Warrior.
    TheWaaagh (Vestfold Warrior): Died Night 0 - Shot multiple times by a Preserver Soldier.
    Kovath (Vestfold Warrior): Died Night 0 - Shot in the head by a Preserver Soldier.
    Hedmark Citizens (Citizens): Died Night 0 - Killed in the Great Fire.

    Escaho (replaced DramaLlama) (Sleuth): Died Night 1 - Found with a Vestfold arrow embedded in his skull.
    McPwnage (Citizen): Died Night 1 - Throat slit while stargazing.
    Mopin (Corrupt Journalist): Died Night 2 - Cleaved in two by a Vestfold axe.
    Sumikoko (Mason): Died Night 3 - Slipped on an icy patch put there by the Preservers.
    Phyr (???): Died Night 3 - Drank the Vestfold victory soup.
    Nick (Vestfold Janitor): Died Day 4 - Hanged by the angry mob.
    Kony (replaced ajkei) (Vestfold Fabricator): Died Night 4 - Garroted and thrown in the lake by the Preservers.
    Ubernox (Citizen): Died Night 4 - Shot in the chest by someone carrying out vigilante justice.
    Goremancer (Corrupt Journalist): Died Day 5 - Hanged on the town gallows.
    clementine (Mason): Died Night 5 - Shot in the neck by the Preservers.
    FrostByte (Medical Student): Died Night 5 - Run through with a claymore.
    Blazer (replaced trineroks) (Coroner): Died Day 6 - Torn apart by the crowd.
    Rocshi (Mason): Died Night 6 - Stabbed in the chest by the Preservers.
    Deathfire123 (replaced creedkingsx) (Preserver Dirty Sleuth): Died Night 6 - Hacked to pieces.
    CmG (Godfather (Anders Westrum)): Died Day 7 - Executed for his sins.
    BorkBot (Mason): Died Night 7 - Skull caved in by a mace then strapped to the gallows and incinerated.
    Hedmark Town Gallows (Gallows): Destroyed Night 7 - Burned to the ground along with BorkBot.
    Dust (Vestfold Consigliere): Died Day 8 - Ganged up on and killed by his enemies.
    Rihfok (Investigator): Died Night 8 - Conspired against the town and was killed by his new 'ally'.
    GriM-DeMoN (Mason): Died Night 8 - Conspired against the town and was killed by his new 'ally'.

  3. ISO #1603

    M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    The Preservers have won!

    Congratulations CmG, Deathfire123, Fragos,
    Mopin and Goremancer!

    Role List:

    Godfather (Anders Westrum) - CmG
    Hidden Mafia Role (Dirty Sleuth) - Deathfire123 (replaced creedkingsx)
    Hidden Mafia Role (Framer) - Fragos

    Hidden Mafia Role (Fabricator) - Kony (replaced ajkei)
    Hidden Mafia Role (Consigliere) - Dust
    Hidden Mafia Role (Janitor) - Nick

    Hidden Neutral Role (Corrupt Journalist) - Mopin
    Hidden Neutral Role (Corrupt Journalist) - Goremancer

    Cop / Insane Cop (Insane Cop) - Phyr
    Investigator - Rihfok
    Hidden Town Role (Medical Student) - FrostByte
    Hidden Town Role (Coroner) - Blazer (replaced trineroks)
    Hidden Town Role (Sleuth) - Escaho (replaced DramaLlama)
    Hidden Town Role (Mason) - GriM-DeMoN
    Hidden Town Role (Citizen) - BorkBot
    Citizen / Journalist (Citizen) - Rocshi
    Citizen - McPwnage
    Citizen - clementine
    Citizen - Sumikoko
    Citizen - Ubernox

    Night Chats:

    https://masonchat927.forumotion.co.uk/ - Mason Chat
    https://preserverchat625.forumotion.co.uk/ - Preserver Chat
    https://vestfoldchat391.forumotion.co.uk/ - Vestfold Chat
    https://deadchat186.forumotion.co.uk/ - Dead + Observer Chat


    An easy choice for me by the end. clementine consistently pushed town in the right direction, provided great analysis and had some good ideas for catching scum like his journalist interview. He was active and intelligent and because of that he got himself killed. He played citizen very well.

    Player's Choice Award

    Here's for you to decide who you think was the best player in M-FM VII. Post -vote PERSON to vote for who you think deserves this award.

    Best Town Player

    Frostbyte played his role extremely well. He managed to stay under the radar and struck a perfect balance between looking scummy enough not to get killed and not being too scummy that he would be forced to role claim. His night actions might have been a bit misplaced but after clementine I think he was the best town player.

    Best Mafia Player

    Fragos played a very solid game. He didn't pick up too much attention and made good use of his role by framing himself and his team mates instead of others which was the right thing to do. He made good use of this when he was twice checked and many people believed his claim even after it was revealed that Phyr was a cop. At the end he managed to convince town to vote Dust even though town would have won by skipping day.

    Best Team
    The Vestfold

    While they didn't win I think the Vestfold worked very well together unlike the masons and the Preservers. They got unlucky with night actions but I think all 3 did a good job at looking pro-town especially Kony who was killed by the other mafia team and Dust who was revealed as an investigator very early but managed to keep the charade going until the end.

    Closing Comments

    For a game with so many new roles: insane cop, medical student, sleuth, dirty sleuth, 2 corrupt journalists, I thought everyone handled it really well and there wasn't too much confusion. The game ended up much closer than I expected as I thought town had it a couple times (they would have if they didn't derp at the end). While creating the setup I wanted scum to be very powerful because town can usually get by just from scum hunting and often don't need a power role to lynch someone. 2 corrupt journalists were there so you would inherently trust the guy that lived. I was looking forward to both of them accusing each other of being corrupt while both being right :P

    While the sleuth and dirty sleuth didn't end up having much of an effect I loved all the wifoming last wills you sent me, it was a shame more weren't read.

    I really like how the insane cop works as his questionable insanity means he cannot go around confirming people as scum or town right off the bat. You would need to think who was the scum and was the town from day chat, in this case, Nick or FrostByte. It gives the mafia more of a chance as the cop is unsure whether he would be claiming on the right person + they could call a cop insane and try to lynch the guy who got the other result.

    Corrupt journalists were fun because they can interview themselves (like Mopin did to setup a sheriff / executioner claim before he was killed) or receive private messages from the mafia (not used probably because of the fear of being tricked which Gore would have been if he edited clementine's interview).

    The medical student is also an interesting role because FrostByte wouldn't have known whether he healed CmG who was attacked or if he blocked him which could mean CmG is attacked town or the killer depending on what happened. The significance of this only came apparent in the later game after the nights of healing and blocking were worked out.

    I had fun writing the RP but I ended up not having enough time to do as much with it as I wanted with some days barely having any RP. I hope you enjoyed the theme anyway.

    Overall it was a fun game to watch and to host and I hope you all enjoyed it
    Last edited by Kromos; April 23rd, 2012 at 10:27 PM.

  4. ISO #1604
    fm Rihfok

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    I would have skiped the day, but GriM just wanted to end this, I would have obviously gotten killed next night and GriM would have just ended the game.
    DON'T JUDGE ME I know we could have won and I wanted to do that. I blame GriM. Go away from me.

  5. ISO #1605

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  6. ISO #1606

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    I obviously vote for BorkBot.
    He messed up my thoughts though, but I really didn't expect him to be Mason, and he was the only real secret Mason.
    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  7. ISO #1607

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    -vote BorkBot
    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  8. ISO #1608

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Rihfok View Post
    I would have skiped the day, but GriM just wanted to end this, I would have obviously gotten killed next night and GriM would have just ended the game.
    DON'T JUDGE ME I know we could have won and I wanted to do that. I blame GriM. Go away from me.
    Grim didn't think town could win. If you told him he might have skipped day with you or you could have waited a few hours until the time limit ran out. Both mafia teams would have to kill each other to have any chance of winning then gg for town.

    I just realised I got the title of the epilogue from FM X

  9. ISO #1609

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by Kromos View Post
    Grim didn't think town could win. If you told him he might have skipped day with you or you could have waited a few hours until the time limit ran out. Both mafia teams would have to kill each other to have any chance of winning then gg for town.

    I just realised I got the title of the epilogue from FM X
    I thought I roughly said that in my posts...
    Whatever, so I need to sign-up in order to see the chats?
    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  10. ISO #1610

  11. ISO #1611

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    but I think all 3 did a good job at looking pro-town especially Kony who was killed by the other mafia team
    You've got to be kidding... lol.

    Agree with Fragos as best mafia player. He started off scummy, but he capitalised on the cleaning of Phyr rather well. Knowing that there was a framer in the game, we also couldn't prove that his results were faked until close to the end of the game.

    Also agree with FrostByte and clementine.

    Game was fun. Not sure who to give player's choice to.

    Dirty sleuth would've been more useful if the sleuth didn't die immediately. After that nobody was going to trust any sleuths to be town aligned.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  12. ISO #1612

  13. ISO #1613

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Kony was extremely useless in day chat. I wanted to lynch him as soon as Dust and FrostByte started to advocate waiting for him to get modkilled and replaced. But nobody followed because they all thought I was godfather lol.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  14. ISO #1614
    fm McPwnage

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    players choice: -vote Fragos, got the job done, should have been mvp

    I would have called dust's bluff and skipped day, that is how town won fmv

  15. ISO #1615

  16. ISO #1616

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by fm McPwnage View Post
    players choice: -vote Fragos, got the job done, should have been mvp

    I would have called dust's bluff and skipped day, that is how town won fmv
    It wasn't a bluff. I really was going to kill a townie

    Because town did not deserve a win
    Last edited by Dust; April 21st, 2012 at 08:00 AM.

  17. ISO #1617

  18. ISO #1618

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Rihfok View Post
    I would have skiped the day, but GriM just wanted to end this, I would have obviously gotten killed next night and GriM would have just ended the game.
    DON'T JUDGE ME I know we could have won and I wanted to do that. I blame GriM. Go away from me.

    -vote clementine

  19. ISO #1619
    fm CmG

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Too many awards. Seems like winning those games is getting meaningless

  20. ISO #1620

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by Dust View Post
    It wasn't a bluff. I really was going to kill a townie

    Because town did not deserve a win
    I did bluff, though.
    I intended to shoot Dust after skipping the day. I was sure he would shoot the town after hearing my words.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  21. ISO #1621

  22. ISO #1622

  23. ISO #1623

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Oh, and Kromos forgot to put in my last will.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  24. ISO #1624

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    I am going to go and drown myself in sorrow.
    Leave me alone.
    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  25. ISO #1625

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    I'm not gonna lie. I'm unhappy how this game ended because town threw away their chance to win for no reason. Whether we deserved it or not is irrelevant. I wouldn't have cared if Mafia plowed their way to a win, but town's last decision can only be classified as borderline gamethrowing. Town should have no ultimate say in which Mafia wins, much less throwing away the only out way there was. That's idiotic. I'll give my kudos to both Mafia for making this far. I wouldn't have minded losing to either. But the fact that how they won came down to a coin flip is just... unacceptable to me. I bear no grudges for anyone as scathing I sound, as I'm just naturally this way. But town's last decision upset me, not the fact that we lost. But if I were the Orange Mafia, I would be seething.

  26. ISO #1626

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Nooooooooo... I had a feeling mafia I some flavor would end up winning, but not like this...
    I honestly think Fragos played a completely flawless game doing great night actions and fooling everyone... Nobody even had a clue he wasn't cop until the end. Even Dust had no clue and it essentially ended up costing him the game.

    -vote Fragos

  27. ISO #1627

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    I am reallly sorry about this situation.
    Sometimes I'm a complete idiot.
    I hope this kind of thing never happens again.
    So I only say sorry and hope that you all can forgive.
    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  28. ISO #1628

  29. ISO #1629

  30. ISO #1630

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    You don't need to blame yourself, Rihfok. Remember that you won as mafia in S-FM GY.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  31. ISO #1631

  32. ISO #1632

  33. ISO #1633

  34. ISO #1634

  35. ISO #1635

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    I've got this handled.

    Yeah, we'll remember this phrase of yours, Dust. It will be a well known Internet meme around our Mafia community for a LONG time. You surely got this handled - for the most of the game your actions were awkward. Your team even considered to kill me on Night 4 after I claimed Cop. If I were killed as Framer, your image of "town investigator" would be completely ruined and you would be lynched as the last orange mafia.

    But I told then on the night chat, didn't I?
    I wasn't going to die - I'm sure you would think that I am well protected and attack someone else. You were convinced that I am the real cop and you chose to kill Ubernox in order to compromise me in the eyes of town. Too bad that you actually played along with our strategy. It was really nice to keep you alive for a long time. Town could lynch you, but thanks to my pressure we mananged to made not one, but two mislynches. I don't blame the town - the sheep were just following a wolf in shepherd's clothing.

    I though that you were smart, Dust
    - killing Deathfire was the right choice for you, but you just attacked BorkBot not because you wanted to turn it into 1vs2vs1, but because you were really completely misled by me.

    Well, next time in case something happens inside Forum Mafia, remember this, guys and gals:

    Dust will get this handled.

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia History :
    FMVI: Seer FMVII: Lookout FMIX: Propagandist FMX: Arsonist FMXI:Janitor FMXIII: Corrupt Journalist
    FMXIV: Lookout FM XVI: Vigilante FM XVII: Host FM XVIII: Witch FM XIX: Bounty Hunter FMXX: Electro Maniac

  36. ISO #1636

  37. ISO #1637

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    please continue this is totaly funny
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  38. ISO #1638

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    please continue this is totaly funny

    Fragos, did you think of shooting one of the townies to get a scum win? No, I didn't think so.

    I did and so I forced them to choose. What did you do? "You get fancy role in next gaym I host. I promise. If you vote dust you get aewsome role"

    You clearly had things under control.

    I'm going to lol when GriM starts a couple of threads complaining about how he got citizen in your game and that you lied to him.

  39. ISO #1639

  40. ISO #1640

  41. ISO #1641

  42. ISO #1642

  43. ISO #1643

    Re: M-FM VII Epilogue: The Awards Ceremony

    First game Fragos did well! Good job!
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student



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