M-FM VII Gamethread

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM VII Gamethread

    Roles List

    Godfather (Anders Westrum)
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Neutral Role
    Hidden Neutral Role

    Cop / Insane Cop
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Citizen / Journalist

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Actress, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Consort, Dirty Sleuth, Drug Dealer, Fabricator, Framer, Janitor, Lawyer, Mafioso

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Corrupt Journalist, Executioner, Jester, Witch

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Armoursmith, Bodyguard, Citizen, Cop, Coroner, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Gunsmith, Insane Cop, Investigator, Journalist, Lookout, Mason, Medical Student, Sleuth, Veteran, Vigilante

    Win Conditions

    Hedmark: See the Preservers, Vestfold and any evil neutrals dead.
    Preservers: See the Hedmark and the Vestfold dead.
    Vestfold: See the Hedmark and the Preservers dead.
    Corrupt Journalist: See the Hedmark dead.
    Jester: Get lynched.
    Executioner: Live to see your target lynched. You must survive until the end of the game.
    Witch: See the Hedmark dead.

    Role Cards

    Can give out one piece of armour at night. The target will be informed that they have received armour the following day. Armour protects the user from one attack upon use, but does not expire until used. You cannot target yourself.

    Each night you may choose one player to protect and one person to keep an eye on. If that player is attacked you will sacrifice your life for them and take down the attacker with you. If the person you chose to keep an eye on is the one attacking the player you chose to protect, you will survive the duel. Your attack does not pierce immunity.

    You have the power of the vote and your voice.

    Cop / Insane Cop
    You are a cop or an insane cop. If you are a cop you can investigate a player during the night, and will be informed if your target is Suspicious (Mafia) or Unsuspicious (Town or Neutral).

    If you are an insane cop you will see the Mafia as Unsuspicious, while Town and Neutrals will appear to be Suspicious.

    Can investigate a dead body at night. You will find out your target's real last will, role, how they really died, and who they targeted each night.

    Every night, you can follow a player and discover who he visited that night.

    You may heal a target at night, protecting them from one attack. Your target will not be informed they have been healed. You will not be informed that your target has been attacked.

    Can choose to block a target a night. Target may not take any night actions.

    Every night, you can give someone a gun. They will then be allowed to shoot another player at night. You cannot target yourself.

    May choose to interview one target per night. The interview will be published anonymously the next day to the whole town. You may add your own comments alongside the interview.

    Every night, you can target a player and find out a list of possible roles that they can be.

    Every night, you can target a player and get a list of all players that visited them that night.

    Can attempt to recruit someone each night. If your target is a citizen or the journalist he will be recruited. If your target is mafia he will be informed of your identity.

    Medical Student
    Player will be told they are a regular Doctor. Has the ability to heal players. Also has the ability to roleblock players. The first night action will be randomised, and then it alternates between the heal and the block. Your target will not be informed they have been healed. You will not be informed that your target has been attacked.

    Can read the current last will of a living or dead player at night. If you try to read the last will of a sleuth or dirty sleuth, you will be informed that your target's last will cannot be deciphered.

    Can go on alert twice. Your attacks do NOT ignore immunities, but when on alert you are immune to all attacks and manipulation.

    Can shoot a player at night only. You have 2 bullets.

    Corrupt Journalist
    May choose to interview one target per night, including yourself. The interview will be published anonymously the next day to the whole town. You may add your own comments alongside the interview and may edit your target's interview.

    Target will always be Town. If your target is killed at night you will become a jester.

    May visit another player at night, but that target will not be notified. If you are lynched, you can choose one player who voted for you to die that night. Jester suicides can be healed.

    At night you can force one player to target another player. You can make your target visit himself. If your target is a role with no night action or has spent their limited charges on their action, he will still visit whoever you control him to. The manipulated target will be told they have been controlled.

    At night may target a player. The targets role is not revealed, but if you die you will appear to be that role in the graveyard. You will disguise yourself as the last target you visited - you do not need to pick a target every night. You show up as the target you are acting as to investigators. You are still detectable by cops.

    May target a player at night - that player may not talk during the next day chat, except for a single post saying "I have been blackmailed". The blackmailed player may only vote a maximum of two times.

    Every night, you can target a player and find out a list of possible roles that they can be.

    Can choose to block a target at night. Target may not take any night actions.

    Dirty Sleuth
    Can read the current last will of a living or dead player at night. If you try to read the last will of a sleuth or dirty sleuth, you will be informed that your target's last will cannot be deciphered.

    Drug Dealer
    May drug a player at night. The player will be informed that they have been blocked, witched, failed to be recruited by masons, given a gun, given armour or attacked, chosen by the drug dealer.

    If sent to kill for the Mafia, you may make the killing appear to come from another source. You can fabricate a kill to make it look like it came from a vigilante, the other mafia team, a veteran, a jester suicide, or a gunsmith gun.

    May frame a target at night, including yourself. A cop (of any kind), an investigator, a consigliere, a lookout and a detective will all receive false information from your target. If a sleuth tries to read the last will of your target he will receive your last will instead. You may choose the information each investigative role receives.

    Godfather (Anders Westrum)
    Can send a member of the mafia or himself to kill someone. He cannot be tracked and appears to be a citizen to investigative roles. He is invulnerable at night.

    Limited to two cleans. May clean someone at night; if the player is killed during the night, their role won't be revealed in the graveyard and you will get exclusive access to their last will. Unsuccessful cleaning attempts will not use up the charge.

    You can change your target's last will to anything you want or remove their last will. You do not see your target's last will. The effect only works for the night it is used.

    Can participate in the mafia's kill vote.

    Investigation Results

    Citizen / Mason / Veteran / Godfather / Actress / Lawyer
    Cop / Insane Cop / Executioner / Jester / Mafioso
    Bodyguard / Doctor / Lookout / Framer
    Escort / Medical Student / Consort
    Armoursmith / Gunsmith / Drug Dealer
    Detective / Witch / Blackmailer
    Investigator / Consigliere
    Vigilante / Fabricator
    Coroner / Janitor
    Sleuth / Dirty Sleuth
    Journalist / Corrupt Journalist

    Order of Operations

    1 Journalist Interview
    2 Put on vest
    3 Veteran goes on alert
    4 Witching
    5 Blocking
    6 Lookout/Detective (Can see blocks/witching, but can also be affected by those actions)
    7 Jester Visitation
    8 Actress chooses role to act as
    9 Give Guns/Armour
    10 Framing
    11 Mason recruit
    12 Cop / Insane Cop / Investigator / Consigliere / Coroner / Sleuth / Dirty Sleuth
    13 Drug Dealer
    14 Blackmailer
    15 Journalist publishes article
    16 Bodyguard (+1 to life bar)
    17 Kills (-1 to life bar)
    18 Heals (+1 to life bar)
    19 Janitor Cleans / Lawyer changes last will

    Feedback Messages

    No colours are used. The whole message is in italics. All feedback messages will be included. The title of the PM will be
    M-FM VII Night # Results

    You were attacked.

    You were role blocked.

    You have been manipulated.

    M-FM VII Journalist Interview
    You have been interviewed. Please submit an article to me in the next 12 hours.

    You have been blackmailed. You may not post during the day, except for single post saying "I have been blackmailed". You may vote a maximum of two times.
    Recruited by a mason

    Citizen / Journalist:
    You have been recruited by the masons.
    [NAME] tried to persuade you to become a mason but you politely refused.
    Cop / Insane Cop check

    Your target is a member of the mafia!
    Everyone else:
    Your target is not suspicious.
    Investigator / Consigliere check

    Your target is [INVESTIGATION RESULT].
    Sleuth / Dirty Sleuth check

    Sleuth / Dirty Sleuth:
    Your target's last will could not be deciphered.
    Last will:
    Your target's last will is:

    No last will:
    Your target did not leave a last will.
    Detective check

    No movement:
    Your target visited no one.
    Your target visited [NAME].
    Lookout check

    No visitors:
    Your target was not visited.
    Your target was visited by [NAME], [NAME], [NAME].
    Coroner check

    Alive Target:
    Your target is not dead.
    Dead target:
    Your target was killed by [KILLER*], [KILLER*], [KILLER*]. He was a [ROLE].

    Your target visited the following targets:
    Night 1: [NAME] / No one
    Night 2: [NAME] / No one

    Your target's last will is:

    No last will:
    Your target did not leave a last will.
    *killers can be: the Vestfold, the Preservers, a veteran, a vigilante, a bodyguard, a gunsmith gun, a jester

    Mason Recruitment

    Citizen / Journalist:
    You recruited your target.
    Everyone else:
    You failed to recruit your target.
    Veteran alert

    You spotted an intruder so you shot them.
    Janitor clean

    Last will:
    Your target's last will is:

    No last will:
    Your target did not leave a last will.
    Rules and Game Mechanics

    No outside discussion is allowed even between members of the same faction. Rep messages and PMs are not allowed.

    Editing posts is strictly not allowed and will result in a modkill.

    You cannot quote or pretend to quote any PMs you have received from me with the exception of the feedback messages and role cards posted here. Posting any other PMs will result in a modkill.

    There will be no clues given in the RP and there are no secret RP names.

    Everyone can leave last wills. Only the mafia can leave death notes.

    Game will start on Night 0 to allow the mafia to allocate their roles to each member. No night actions can be used on Night 0.

    Day will be 48 hours long. Day will not end early once someone has been lynched but the vote will be locked. The lynched player may continue to talk until the day is over.

    Night will be 24 hours long.

    Votes must be made in red or they will not be counted. You can only vote for one person at a time.

    Excluding day 1, you must be active throughout the game and make at least 4 posts that contribute significantly to the discussion each day. PM me if you have to be away for a couple of days and tell me your night actions for that night. Absence for any longer than one day / night cycle will result in a modkill.

    You must PM me "-suicide" to commit suicide. Doing so will lose you the game regardless of your faction.

    To make a last will PM me with the title "Last Will". The body of your message is your last will.

    Pen and paper codes are allowed but any codes made by using an outside source are NOT allowed. Codes relating to your last will are NOT allowed.

    To send night actions, PM me with what you want to do. No special formatting is needed, just make it clear who you are targeting.

    Mafia members must PM me their night actions. Night actions posted in night chat will be ignored.
    Last edited by Kromos; April 13th, 2012 at 02:48 AM.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  2. ISO #2

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ


    1) When will M-FM VII start?
    M-FM VII will probably start close to the end or after FM XI.

    2) Will the cop know which mafia his target is if he gets a "suspicious" result?
    No. He will only receive the information in the feedback messages.

    3) How does the interview work? Does the (Corrupt) Journalist need to choose a target during day? When will the (Corrupt) Journalist get the final version of the interview, in order to modify/add and comment on it? Will there be a deadline to submit the article (i.e. 12h - CJ needs time to modify things)? Explaining in general, rather than answering specific questions, might be better here.
    The (Corrupt) Journalist chooses a target during the day. The target receives a PM at the start of the night telling them they have been interviewed. The target has 12 hours to submit an interview. The journalist will receive the interview once it has been submitted. He can then edit the interview and/or add his own comments in a separate message to be displayed after the interview.

    4) Are Non-Citizen/Journalist/Mafia notified, if they failed to be recruited by Masons? There is a drug, that creates this kind of feedback message, but it's not listed in the Recruited by a mason section.
    Town PRs and neutrals will not be notified that a mason has failed to recruit them unless they are drugged. Mafia are notified that a mason has failed to recruit them and they will be told the name of that mason. Citizens and journalists will be recruited.

    If a drug dealer chooses to drug someone with failed mason recruitment, he can choose the name of the mason that supposedly failed to recruit his target as shown in the feedback message. Town and neutrals will get the same feedback message that a mafia would get if they are drugged.

    5) It is stated, that a blackmailed player may only vote two times. Is unvoting considered a vote or may the player vote/unvote/vote/unvote?
    He may only post -vote someone two times. Unvoting is not considered a vote.

    6) The Godfather can't be tracked. Does this mean he is undetectable by Detective AND Lookout?
    Yes, the godfather is undetectable by both the lookout and detective. He will appear not to have moved to the detective.

    7) Can the Mafia send anyone of their Members to do the killing?
    Yes, the mafia can send any member to do the killing.

    8 ) Can Gunsmith guns be used along other night actions?
    Yes, gunsmith guns can be used along with your normal night action.

    9) Will the Detective see both the shooting and the regular night action?
    The detective will see both night actions.

    10) Can multiple guns be used by one player a night?
    Only one gun can be used per night.

    11) How does witching interact with gunsmith guns?
    If you fire a gun the night the witch controls you, you will shoot who the witch controls you to shoot along with using your regular night action on them. If you do not choose to fire a gun that night, your gun will not fire.

    12) Can multiple vests be used in the same night?
    No, only one vest can be used per night.

    13) Can the bodyguard prevent himself from dying by protecting somebody, if he uses vests or his healed?
    Yes, the bodyguard can be prevented from dying by protecting someone if he uses a vest or is healed.

    14) Can the Coroner see both targets of the witching action? Will he get the real last will, and not the lawyered one?
    The coroner can see both targets of the witching action. He will get the real last will and not the lawyered one.

    15) If there was a Journalist in game, would he replace the slot taken by a citizen?
    A journalist could be in the Citizen / Journalist slot or the Hidden Town Role slot. The Citizen / Journalist slot means only a citizen or a journalist can fill this slot while the Cop / Insane Cop slot means only a Cop or Insane Cop can be in this slot.

    16) Can there be multiple (Corrupt) Journalists/Neutrals of the same role?
    There can be multiples of any role, except for the godfather.

    17) How would multiple witches interact with each other?

    Witch 1 controls Witch 2 to target Player A.
    Witch 2 controls Player B to target Player C.


    Witch 2 controls Player A to target Player C.

    18 ) Can the Witch make player target dead ones?
    Yes, the witch can control players to target dead people.

    19) Will the Journalist retain his special ability, if recruited?
    Yes, the journalist can still interview people if recruited by masons. He will be shown to be a Journalist / Mason in the graveyard.

    20) Do Masons need to choose one of them to do the recruiting?
    Yes, masons need to choose which of them is sent to do the recruiting.

    21) Is the Member of the Mafia doing the killing unable to use other existing abilities, while doing the killing?
    Yes, they cannot use any other abilities while killing.

    22) Will you receive multiple feedback messages (attacked, witched, blocked, interviewed, blackmailed, recruited), if you are the target of two or more night actions of the same category? Does the Drug Dealer have a special position for this kind of interaction?
    You will receive multiple feedback messages if targeted by the same type of action twice. The drug dealer's message will be indistinguishable from the other messages so won't have a special position.

    23) Are Escorts/Consorts/Medical Students, when role-blocking, immune to witching?
    The witch will control the escort before the escort blocks the witch.

    24) If a Framer gets lawyered, who's last will will appear on the framed target?
    The framer's original last will will appear on the framed target for the (dirty) sleuth to read. Lawyering will not affect this.

    25) In case of multiple (Corrupt) Journalists targeting the same player, will you be able to write two different articles?
    Yes, you can write two different articles.

    26) How does a masoned Journalist just look like a Journalist to an Investigator?
    A masoned journalist will have this investiagtion result: Citizen / Mason / Veteran / Godfather / Actress / Lawyer.

    27) Will the order of feedback messages follow the order of operations?
    Feedback messages can be in any order.

    28 ) May a Framer target his own Mafia members/himself?

    29) Does the publishing of the (Corrupt) Journalist's article follow a fixed format

    Article from interviewee
    Comments by journalist
    30) If a lawyer removes a last will will we be told in the RP?
    No, if a lawyer removes a last will it will appear as if there never was a last will. Lawyer actions only take effect if the player dies.

    31) Can the Coroner try to be lucky and investigate a living player in (macabre) hope of him dying the same night?

    32) Can the (Dirty) Sleuth read the last will of a cleaned player?

    33) Who does the Bodyguard share an investigation result with?
    Bodyguard / Doctor / Lookout / Framer

    34) The Drug Dealer role card states that there is an attacked+healed message, but there is no such feedback message in the Feedback Messages. Does the message only show attacked?
    The message only shows attacked like in the attacked feedback message.

    35) Can the publishing of an article be blocked?

    36) Can the Fabricator make visitations, if he isn't sent to kill?
    If the fabricator is not the one sent to kill he will not kill anyone. The only way he can visit someone is if he is witched which will make him move to the witch's target without performing an action on the target.

    37) Can the Mafia choose to kill one of its own members, if the shot member approves?

    38 ) Will we know if we receive a REAL or ILLUSIONARY armour or gun?

    39) Say I receive armour and use it. Does the armour stay on me until I get attacked (even if its 2 nights later) or is it normal that it gives +1 to life (like a doc heal) for that night only (regardless of being attacked or not).
    Armour is the same as always. It expires when you use it, regardless of you being attacked or not.

    40) What do you mean by "pen and paper" codes? Is something like binary code considered outside source?
    You can use binary but I don't encourage it.

    41) If a (Insane) Cop dies, will we know which of the two he was?
    No, you will be told he was a Cop / Insane Cop in the graveyard.

    42) If a framer frames someone and a lookout checks that person, does the framer himself appear along with any false targets or are all the names randomised?
    The framer chooses which names appear to the lookout. He can choose any number of names to appear.

    43) Does the Mafia have day chat?
    No, they only have a night chat.

    44) Will the beginning of day RP mention, how many killers killed a player and who it was, that killed him (See coroner killers list)? Will some be indistinguishable from each other, or do all of those need the coroner to be available to town?
    You should know which and how many killers killed someone from the RP. A coroner is not needed.

    45) Mason recruiting is before kills so recruitment will be successful even if the recruiter dies. Will the newly recruited citizen gain access to the mason night chat the very same night he is recruited?
    He will be able to see mason chat as soon as he is recruited but will only be able to speak in it at night.
    Last edited by Kromos; April 8th, 2012 at 03:56 AM.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Dust View Post
    Q1: what is the message saying "you were chosen to write an article for the newspaper"?
    I haven't finished doing the feedback messages yet. I'll do the rest later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dust View Post
    Q2: Is the gunsmith gun the only way to commit suicide?
    That was a leftover from when I had a bus driver in the setup. Suicide is the same as normal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dust View Post
    Q3: will the cop know which mafia his target is if he gets a "suspicious" result?
    No. You only get what's in the feedback messages.

    Quote Originally Posted by DramaLlama View Post
    Hehe I think your mason recruitment pms are mixed up
    You have cit/journalist "You failed to recruit your target"
    and anything else recruited
    Thanks for telling me, I'll fix that.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    I'm thinking of doing this new thing where you can sign up as an observer. As an observer you will:

    Have read-only access to all night chat boards and dead chat.
    Have access to a forum that displays all night actions and last wills as they come in.
    Have access to your own dedicated chat forum for observers to talk about the game.

    I thought it might be fun for people who don't want to or don't have time to participate in the actual game to have fun watching it with the same knowledge I would have as the host. I don't know how much people would be interested in this but I'm thinking of posting it along with the signups for people to become an observer if they want. Luna will be an observer because she has seen the roles list which gave me the idea to open it up to more people in the first place.

    I'll only invite people I trust not to reveal anything about the game while it is in progress. Doing so will get you banned from any other games I might host. It is understandably risky doing something like this because of the potential for information to leak out and I would be putting a great deal of trust in observers to not talk to anyone else about a game they are not even in.

    Any thoughts?
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  8. ISO #8

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Kromos View Post
    I'm thinking of doing this new thing where you can sign up as an observer. As an observer you will:

    Have read-only access to all night chat boards and dead chat.
    Have access to a forum that displays all night actions and last wills as they come in.
    Have access to your own dedicated chat forum for observers to talk about the game.

    I thought it might be fun for people who don't want to or don't have time to participate in the actual game to have fun watching it with the same knowledge I would have as the host. I don't know how much people would be interested in this but I'm thinking of posting it along with the signups for people to become an observer if they want. Luna will be an observer because she has seen the roles list which gave me the idea to open it up to more people in the first place.

    I'll only invite people I trust not to reveal anything about the game while it is in progress. Doing so will get you banned from any other games I might host. It is understandably risky doing something like this because of the potential for information to leak out and I would be putting a great deal of trust in observers to not talk to anyone else about a game they are not even in.

    Any thoughts?
    I would do this if I weren't participating.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    -How does the interview work? Does the (Corrupt) Journalist need to choose a target during day? When will the (Corrupt) Journalist get the final version of the interview, in order to modify/add and comment on it? Will there be a deadline to submit the article (i.e. 12h - CJ needs time to modify things)? Explaining in general, rather than answering specific questions, might be better here.

    -Are Non-Citizen/Journalist/Mafia notified, if they failed to be recruited by Masons? There is a drug, that creates this kind of feedback message, but it's not listed in the Recruited by a mason section.

    -It is stated, that a blackmailed player may only vote two times. Is unvoting considered a vote or may the player vote/unvote/vote/unvote?

    -The Godfather can't be tracked. Does this mean he is undetectable by Detective AND Lookout?

    -Can the Mafia send anyone of their Members to do the killing? Is the Member of the Mafia doing the killing unable to use other existing abilities, while doing the killing?

    -Can Gunsmith guns be used along other night actions? Will the Detective see both the shooting and the regular night action? Can multiple guns be used by one player a night? How does witching interact with this?

    -Can multiple vests be used in the same night?

    -Can the bodyguard prevent himself from dying by protecting somebody, if he uses vests? Can heals save him?

    -Can the Coroner see both targets of the witching action? Will he get the real last will, and not the lawyered one?

    -If there was a Journalist in game, would he replace the slot taken by a citizen? Can there be multiple (Corrupt) Journalists/Neutrals of the same role? If yes to multiple Witches, how do they interact with each other?

    -Can the Witch make player target dead ones?

    -Will the Journalist retain his special ability, if recruited?

    -Do Masons need to choose one of them to do the recruiting?
    Last edited by Phyr; April 1st, 2012 at 11:24 PM. Reason: minor typo

  11. ISO #11

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    -How does the interview work? Does the (Corrupt) Journalist need to choose a target during day? When will the (Corrupt) Journalist get the final version of the interview, in order to modify/add and comment on it? Will there be a deadline to submit the article (i.e. 12h - CJ needs time to modify things)? Explaining in general, rather than answering specific questions, might be better here.
    The (Corrupt) Journalist chooses a target during the day. The target receives a PM at the start of the night telling them they have been interviewed. The target has 12 hours to submit an interview. The journalist will receive the interview once it has been submitted. He can then edit the interview and/or add his own comments in a separate message to be displayed after the interview.

    -Are Non-Citizen/Journalist/Mafia notified, if they failed to be recruited by Masons? There is a drug, that creates this kind of feedback message, but it's not listed in the Recruited by a mason section.
    Town PRs and neutrals will not be notified that a mason has failed to recruit them unless they are drugged. Mafia are notified that a mason has failed to recruit them and they will be told the name of that mason. Citizens and journalists will be recruited.

    If a drug dealer chooses to drug someone with failed mason recruitment, he can choose the name of the mason that supposedly failed to recruit his target as shown in the feedback message. Town and neutrals will get the same feedback message that a mafia would get if they are drugged.

    -It is stated, that a blackmailed player may only vote two times. Is unvoting considered a vote or may the player vote/unvote/vote/unvote?
    He may only post -vote someone two times. Unvoting is not considered a vote.

    -The Godfather can't be tracked. Does this mean he is undetectable by Detective AND Lookout?
    Yes, the godfather is undetectable by both the lookout and detective. He will appear not to have moved to the detective.

    -Can the Mafia send anyone of their Members to do the killing? Is the Member of the Mafia doing the killing unable to use other existing abilities, while doing the killing?
    Yes, the mafia can send any member to do the killing. They cannot use any other abilities while killing.

    -Can Gunsmith guns be used along other night actions? Will the Detective see both the shooting and the regular night action? Can multiple guns be used by one player a night? How does witching interact with this?
    Yes, gunsmith guns can be used along with your normal night action. The detective will see both night actions. Only one gun can be used per night. If you fire a gun the night the witch controls you, you will shoot who the witch controls you to shoot along with using your regular night action on them. If you do not choose to fire a gun that night, your gun will not fire.

    -Can multiple vests be used in the same night?
    No, only one vest can be used per night.

    -Can the bodyguard prevent himself from dying by protecting somebody, if he uses vests? Can heals save him
    Yes, the bodyguard can be prevented from dying by protecting someone if he uses a vest or is healed.

    -Can the Coroner see both targets of the witching action? Will he get the real last will, and not the lawyered one?
    The coroner can see both targets of the witching action. He will get the real last will and not the lawyered one.

    -If there was a Journalist in game, would he replace the slot taken by a citizen? Can there be multiple (Corrupt) Journalists/Neutrals of the same role? If yes to multiple Witches, how do they interact with each other?
    A journalist could be in the Citizen / Journalist slot or the Hidden Town Role slot. The Citizen / Journalist slot means only a citizen or a journalist can fill this slot while the Cop / Insane Cop slot means only a Cop or Insane Cop can be in this slot. There can be multiples of any role, except for the godfather.


    Witch 1 controls Witch 2 to target Player A.
    Witch 2 controls Player B to target Player C.


    Witch 2 controls Player A to target Player C.

    -Can the Witch make player target dead ones?
    Yes, the witch can control players to target dead people.

    -Will the Journalist retain his special ability, if recruited?
    Yes, the journalist can still interview people if recruited by masons. He will be shown to be a Journalist / Mason in the graveyard.

    -Do Masons need to choose one of them to do the recruiting?
    Yes, masons need to choose which of them is sent to do the recruiting.

    Thanks for your questions, I'll add then to the FAQ and change some things
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  12. ISO #12

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    What is you position on codes? With a possible Lawyer in game I plan on making all my last wills forgery-proof by posting a code before the night begins. That code can then be used to check, if somebody tampered with my last will. So he will be reduced to an unlimited-uses Janitor, that doesn't clean roles. I state it again, this kind of code serves no other purpose, then to check the authenticity of a statement - no other information can be gained. Allowed or not?

    -Will you receive multiple feedback messages (attacked, witched, blocked, interviewed, blackmailed, recruited), if you are the target of two or more night actions of the same category? Does the Drug Dealer have a special position for this kind of interaction?
    Last edited by Phyr; April 3rd, 2012 at 04:19 AM. Reason: Moved an unanswered question to the next post

  13. ISO #13

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    What is you position on codes? With a possible Lawyer in game I plan on making all my last wills forgery-proof by posting a code before the night begins. That code can then be used to check, if somebody tampered with my last will. So he will be reduced to an unlimited-uses Janitor, that doesn't clean roles. I state it again, this kind of code serves no other purpose, then to check the authenticity of a statement - no other information can be gained. Allowed or not?
    I don't know much about codes but I don't want people doing this as it's not in the spirit of the game.

    Only pen and paper codes are allowed.
    Codes that relate to your last will are NOT allowed.

    -Will you receive multiple feedback messages (attacked, witched, blocked, interviewed, blackmailed, recruited), if you are the target of two or more night actions of the same category? Does the Drug Dealer have a special position for this kind of interaction?
    You will receive multiple feedback messages if targeted by the same type of action twice. The drug dealer's message will be indistinguishable from the other messages so won't have a special position.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  14. ISO #14

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    -Considering the Order of Operations: Are Escorts/Consorts/Medical Students, when role-blocking, immune to witching?

    -If a Framer gets lawyered, who's last will will appear on the framed target?

    -In case of multiple (Corrupt) Journalists targeting the same player, will you be able to write two different articles?

    -How does a masoned Journalist just look like a Journalist to an Investigator?

    -Will the order of feedback messages follow the order of operations?

    -May a Framer target his own Mafia members/himself?
    (Such an awesome role in this setup!)

    -Does the publishing of the (Corrupt) Journalist's article follow a fixed format?
    RP for the article (Journalist has no influence whatsoever on this)
    [Journalist's comments]
    Quote Originally Posted by Interviewee
    [Interviewee's article]
    Last edited by Phyr; April 3rd, 2012 at 08:46 AM.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    Oh I just remembered, because i'm not sure, can I edit my last will during the day?
    RIHFOK IS A FAILOR Achievements: Last of Kin, Half Mafia, Half Town, Forever Alone
    Spoiler : FM History :
    M-FM VII: Investigator(Lost, kinda survived), GY S-FM: Kidnapper(Won, Survived), DN S-FM: Arsonist(Won, Survived), KF S-FM: Ravager (Lost, Lynched Day 4)

  16. ISO #16

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Rihfok View Post
    Oh I just remembered, because i'm not sure, can I edit my last will during the day?
    You can send me a new last will whenever you want.

    EDIT: Preferably not right before day starts.
    Last edited by Kromos; April 3rd, 2012 at 10:03 AM.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  17. ISO #17

    M-FM VII Prologue / Night 0

    Prologue: The Dawning of a New Age

    The world was a bitter place. Ice and snow blanketed the earth, the warmth of summer long forgotten. The technological advancements of the 21st Century quickly became meaningless in the wake of the devastation. Countless wars and natural disasters had ravaged this world, forever changing it's people. Most were lost, but a small few survived. While some still wander the frozen wastes, others have settled, binding themselves together in tribes, just hoping to survive.

    Hedmark was one of the largest tribes in Norway, it's citizens numbering close to 200. It lay by a great lake, now frozen, called Rogen. Fish were plentiful in the lake and elk could be found in the woods surrounding the town. Jarl Halfdan ruled over his people from the mead hall, Heorot. He had felt troubled of late. Hedmark had seen a large influx of travellers from the East. They said they were running from the masked men. Halfdan furrowed his brow. What was he to make of all this? He was far too old and far too weary. The Jarl had sent his son, Ragnar, to go East and hear what tidings men tell there. That morning the jarl was presented with his son's head.

    "My Jarl, your son was ambushed as he crossed the eastern border..."

    "Let me grieve for my son."

    "My Jarl, they wore the gold crown of Vestfold"

    Jarl Ragnvald looked upon Hedmark with envious eyes. The Vestfold were hardy people but they knew they faced their end. So many hunts had come back with nothing, not even the smallest hare had been found. His people were starving and he was sick with fear. He had heard rumours of a strange men in the East and the bandits were getting ever bolder in their encroachments onto his land.

    He had been told his men had butchered the Jarl of Hedmark's son, thinking he was a common traveller with coin they so desperately needed. How foolish they had been... Now the Jarl wanted his head and was willing to go to war to get it. Vestfold was is no shape for war. His people were starving, children were malnourished and sickly and he needed his men to scavenge for food not to fight some futile war. Gathering his bravest and most loyal warriors to him, he spoke to them.

    "Vestfold might not survive this coming winter. We have little food and Jarl Halfdan is preparing to march on our home. This is not an order but a request. Will you go to Hedmark and stop Halfdan before he comes to destroy Vestfold? If you will not do this for me I will go to the Jarl myself and offer my head as penance for his son."

    Jarl Ragnvald was not a brave man, nor did he wish to throw his life away but if it came to it he would do so to save his people. No one could say the Jarl did not love his people. The warriors of Vestfold pledged they would do as he asked and said goodbye to their Jarl. They would be traveling light to blend in with the other travelers visiting Hedmark.

    Anders Westrum sat on his iron throne overlooking the city he had built. Nesodden was the crown jewel of his empire. When he was young it was a tiny village but now it's towers grew as tall as the sky and thousands lived within it's walls. Slaves were busy paving the roads which would soon carry cars and building the cinemas that would house moving pictures for all to see. Anders loved film. He remembered when he had fallen through the ice all those decades ago.

    He had landed in an abandoned mine shaft. Only 10, Anders began to cry. His knees were scraped and bleeding and his arm was bruised. He looked into the darkness. Sniffling, Anders got up and started to walk down the shaft. He soon came to thick iron door with a wheel in it's centre. He tried to turn the wheel but with all his strength he couldn't move it. He picked up a rock and smashed the ice surrounding the wheel. Then with one strong pull he turned the wheel and pulled the door open. Anders entered the old fallout shelter.

    Lights flickered on and a projector lit up. Coloured light streamed out of the device and hit the wall opposite. Anders stood transfixed as the image began to move like a painting come to life. Anders sat down on the sofa, not noticing the skeletons that shared his seat. He had been sitting there for days before his father had found him. Anders was inspired by what he had seen. He could not believe how something so beautiful was almost lost.

    Many years later he founded the Preservers, those who had knowledge of the past and wished to preserve it. Soon preserving the past was not enough. They wanted the past to become their future. They found guns, machinery, technology and used their new found power to take slaves and kill those who would oppose them. They put the slaves to work in creating their empire, an empire that would bring about the dawning of a new age. The age of steel.

    Role cards have been sent out.
    Last edited by Kromos; April 3rd, 2012 at 04:49 PM.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM VII Prologue / Night 0

    Night 0: Inferno

    6th October 2682, 11:32 pm
    Heorot, Mead Hall of Hedmark

    Jarl Halfdan was resting in his favourite chair beside the fire. A tall man sat down in the chair next to him. He was wearing strange clothing, blue jeans and a leather jacket, and he looked old with straggly grey hair scraped back over his scalp.

    "Hello?" croaked the old Jarl.

    The man smiled. He pulled a silenced pistol out of his jacket and put a bullet between Jarl Halfdan's eyes. The man waved and 4 others crept out of the shadows. They picked up the dead jarl and forced his limp corpse onto the shield of his tribe and tied him to it.

    Anders Westrum had come here to give the world a message. No one was safe unless they complied with his dream. He ripped upon the Jarl's shirt and pulled out a dagger. Into Halfdan's chest he carved the words:

    Join us or die

    Anders got up. He motioned to his men to make a quick exit. Stepping over the corpses of the Jarl's guard they reached the door. To their surprise five heavily armed warriors burst in. Both sides stood motionless. Then the largest warrior brought his axe down hard upon Anders' leg. Anders screamed in agony. He clutched his leg, trying to stop his blood from gushing out of the wound. His soldiers quickly dragged him out of the way and pulled out uzis. Before they could fire, the Vestfold were upon them.

    Luna backed away, firing a stream of bullets into the approaching savages. TheWaaagh roared and ran at her, claymore held high above his head. Luna unloaded a clip into TheWaaagh's chainmail but still he came for her. He swung his sword up over his head and slashed off Luna's arm. She cried out in pain before TheWaaagh silenced her by loping off her head. Clutching his chest, TheWaaagh sunk to the ground, blood pouring out between the rings of his chain mail.

    Kovath tried to retreat but Crimson was blocking his way. Smirking, Crimson aimed his uzi at Kovath's head but he was knocked backwards by one of the brutes and fell hard onto the stone floor. Kovath jumped on him, beating his head to a bloody pulp. Crimson smiled through broken teeth stained with blood, brought his uzi to Kovath's head and pulled the trigger, blowing Kovath's brains out all over the floor.

    The fly of bullets had ignited the wooden mead hall. It had became an inferno. Thick smoke filled the lungs of the remaining combatants, choking them.

    "Get me out! Get me out!" screamed Anders through clenched teeth.

    One of the Vestfold tried to kick down the door of the mead hall but it wouldn't budge. The roof of Heorot collapsed, burying the Preservers and Vestfold underneath it.

    Outside, the black of the night had turned to orange. It's silence turned to screams. People were forced to abandon the homes they had lived in all their lives as fire engulfed the town. Many fled through the city gates, others were trapped in their houses, unable to break free of the flames that constrained them. That was when the heavens opened.

    No night actions can be used on Night 0.

    Day 1 will begin at this time: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i...pril+4%2C+2012

    Role List:

    Godfather (Anders Westrum)
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Neutral Role
    Hidden Neutral Role

    Cop / Insane Cop
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Citizen / Journalist

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Actress, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Consort, Dirty Sleuth, Drug Dealer, Fabricator, Framer, Janitor, Lawyer, Mafioso

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Corrupt Journalist, Executioner, Jester, Witch

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Armoursmith, Bodyguard, Citizen, Cop, Coroner, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Gunsmith, Insane Cop, Investigator, Journalist, Lookout, Mason, Medical Student, Sleuth, Veteran, Vigilante

    Hedmark Population:


    Hedmark Burial Mound:

    Halfdan Geirstad (Jarl of Hedmark) Died Night 0: Shot in the head by Anders Westrum, leader of the Preservers.
    Luna (Preserver Soldier) Died Night 0: Head chopped off by a Vestfold Warrior.
    Crimson (Preserver Soldier) Died Night 0: Beaten to a pulp by a Vestfold Warrior.
    TheWaaagh (Vestfold Warrior) Died Night 0: Shot multiple times by a Preserver Soldier.
    Kovath (Vestfold Warrior) Died Night 0: Shot in the head by a Preserver Soldier.
    Hedmark Citizens (Citizens) Died Night 0: Killed in the Great Fire.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  19. ISO #19

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    Change to the (dirty) sleuth role card. He can now read the real last wills of dead players.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  20. ISO #20

    M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Rain had washed away the fires and destruction of the previous night. Disheveled and frightened, people started to emerge from the rubble. The first thing that struck them was how deserted Hedmark was. Most of its citizens had fled during the fire; others were killed in the blaze. Now only a few remained.

    Those who were left had gathered in the courtyard. Wide-eyed and shocked, they surveyed the scene. They realised how little they recognised of the Hedmark of old. So many foreign faces, so many names unlearned.

    The Preservers and Vestfold sent to kill the Jarl had snuck out of the ruined hall at daybreak. They were severely battered and wounded from the collapse of Heorot's roof and were in no state to fight their way out through the crowd. The gates had been locked before they could make a quiet exit and the townsfolk were calling for the blood of those responsible for the destruction of their homes. They found themselves brought to the courtyard with their hoods pulled low over their eyes and fear in their hearts for what may happen to them in a foreign town whose people held nothing but hatred for the ones who had killed their jarl and burned down their town.

    Anders was determined to stand up straight as blood seeped down his trouser leg and into his shoe. He grimaced but knew he would have to act like a normal citizen if he were to have any hope of making it out of Hedmark alive. Someone spoke from inside the crowd.

    "There is no escape for you now, murderers. We will find you and when we do you will beg for death. Jarl Halfdan will not have died in vain. He was a great man, a 100 times the man of the scum who killed him. We will honour him by bringing his killers to justice. We will rebuild Hedmark with their blood."

    With that the crowd all spoke at once, shouting accusations and pointing their fingers. The hunt for the Jarl's killers had begun.

    You cannot lynch anyone today.

    Day One will end at this time: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=10+pm+GMT++|++Thursday%2C+April+5%2C+2012

    Make sure you read the rules and the setup carefully. If you are mod killed for breaking the rules you only have yourself to blame.

    Have fun

    Role List:

    Godfather (Anders Westrum)
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role
    Hidden Mafia Role

    Hidden Neutral Role
    Hidden Neutral Role

    Cop / Insane Cop
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Hidden Town Role
    Citizen / Journalist

    Possible Hidden Mafia Roles: Actress, Blackmailer, Consigliere, Consort, Dirty Sleuth, Drug Dealer, Fabricator, Framer, Janitor, Lawyer, Mafioso

    Possible Hidden Neutral Roles: Corrupt Journalist, Executioner, Jester, Witch

    Possible Hidden Town Roles: Armoursmith, Bodyguard, Citizen, Cop, Coroner, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Gunsmith, Insane Cop, Investigator, Journalist, Lookout, Mason, Medical Student, Sleuth, Veteran, Vigilante

    Hedmark Population:

    Escaho (replaced DramaLlama)

    Hedmark Burial Mound:

    Spoiler : Night 0 :
    Halfdan Geirstad (Jarl of Hedmark) Died Night 0: Shot in the head by Anders Westrum, leader of the Preservers.
    Luna (Preserver Soldier) Died Night 0: Head chopped off by a Vestfold Warrior.
    Crimson (Preserver Soldier) Died Night 0: Beaten to a pulp by a Vestfold Warrior.
    TheWaaagh (Vestfold Warrior) Died Night 0: Shot multiple times by a Preserver Soldier.
    Kovath (Vestfold Warrior) Died Night 0: Shot in the head by a Preserver Soldier.
    Hedmark Citizens (Citizens) Died Night 0: Killed in the Great Fire.
    Last edited by Kromos; April 5th, 2012 at 01:23 AM.

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    go away smurf! wow 48h troll day fucking awesome. I am already proud to be a part of this.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    There a little list how i think we should play this.

    YELLOW: Secondary CHECKS


    THE END!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  26. ISO #26

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumikoko View Post
    Waaagh was killed? Wonderful. And on top of that, he can't retaliate in chat. Kufufu~
    Scum again, CmG?
    I am always scum. There is no way around it.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  27. ISO #27

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by clementine View Post
    The Wolfram Alpha Day 1 end time is in ~24 hours. Maybe Day 1 is specifically shorter for that reason?
    Oh thanks i didnt check that up.

    "writes in his notes clementine knows his stuff"
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  28. ISO #28

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    If we have an Executioner claim now and vote with us, we will lynch your target near the end.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  29. ISO #29

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    There a little list how i think we should play this.

    YELLOW: Secondary CHECKS


    THE END!
    Aww... thank you so much.

    Some might not be too happy being orange or red though.

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: M-FM VII Setup and FAQ

    More Question...

    -Can the Coroner try to be lucky and investigate a living player in (macabre) hope of him dying the same night?

    -Can the (Dirty) Sleuth read the last will of a cleaned player?

    -Who does the Bodyguard share an investigation result with?

    -The Drug Dealer role card states that there is an attacked+healed message, but there is no such feedback message in the Feedback Messages. Does the message only show attacked?

    -Can the publishing of an article be blocked?

    -Can the Fabricator make visitations, if he isn't sent to kill?

    -Can the Mafia choose to kill one of its own members, if the shot member approves?

  32. ISO #32

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Its just those people contribute stuff in green and are cabable of (miss)leading town. I didnt took Mcpwnage in there cuz i never saw him leading.. and he is Canadian...

    Also i am a Nazi.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  33. ISO #33

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    I claim Executioner.

    My target is DramaLlama.

    I propose we random lynch him on day 2. I'll claim sheriff and say that he's mafia.

    Also, McPwnage is Jesus.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  34. ISO #34

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    I claim Executioner.

    My target is DramaLlama.

    I propose we random lynch him on day 2. I'll claim sheriff and say that he's mafia.

    Also, McPwnage is Jesus.
    Vigi take aim!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  35. ISO #35

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Yes vigi, waste your shot I dare you!
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  36. ISO #36

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Hi Guys (and Gals)

    As no Spreekiller is possible in this setting, I'd like to propose to use our first night for our possible Lookout to identify all of our protective roles like Doctor (Medical Student), Bodyguard and Armorsmith. I want to make clear that ONLY those roles should visit the chosen target. It is an implicit role claim.
    Mafia members that might visit too: Framer/Consort/Drug Dealer
    If other scum visits too and gets investigated by an Investigator, they put themselves in a rather tough spot.
    The Drug Dealer needs to choose "blocked" or "given armor". But as the "given armor" forces him to take no other message, unless he wants to reveal that there is a Drug Dealer, he will choose "blocked". If there is no Armorsmith, he is put to risked as well, if choosing "blocked".
    Blocked claims on following days will at least reveal the consort, unless he chooses not to block.
    As the Medical Student/Consort might block, the visited target of choice should be Citizen/Coroner/Veteran/Vigilante. Some Neutrals or certain Mafia may want to take the spot as well.
    I think the information that can be gained outweighs the downsides of no lucky heal/protection on a town member.
    I suggest a discussion and a vote on this plan. If the majority of players voting wants to enact this plan, I'll hope that NO town member will act against this plan, as all information gained rely on town members acting accordingly. I'd like EVERYBODY to vote -FOR or -AGAINST it.
    If somebody wants to volunteer for being the target the Lookout should watch, just say so. If nobody wants, I'll gladly take that place.

  37. ISO #37

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins


    This is a dirty sleuth ploy.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    i like that idea -For

    Now give me Armor and a Gun!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  40. ISO #40

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocshi View Post
    Yes, Jarl?
    Jarl of Hedmark is dead.

    Ugh oh...
    I never claimed that I'm Jarl Ragnvald!

    [QUOTE=BorkBot;107049]I claim Executioner.

    My target is DramaLlama.

    Nonsense. I know for a fact that Executioner's target is always town. Erm... did I say too much?

  41. ISO #41

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    tststs, CmG. Gunsmith wasn't a protective role the last time I checked...

    I also think it puts Mafia roles like Consort/Drug Dealer/Framer somewhat into a bind, if they ever plan to claim a protective role. If they want to, there's a risk in not visiting. If they visit, they can't hurt more important roles... like framing an investigation target or blocking a detection role.

  42. ISO #42

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    The problem is the leap of faith those roles have to do. Basicly you give the scum a free night to do the shit they want while ignoring all those protective roles. Then how will you possibly know that there is a lookout in the first place. Then again you could give scum armor.

    Also i see no point in a framer choosing the target we want to protect if you say only the protective roles should go for that guy.

    If you find a way to garantuee that a town role gets the shit ok. Like 2 Masons claiming alright.

    Keep in mind that revealing town roles isnt that bad because we have 2 mafia teams. Their chances rise to hit themselves as well with every claimed Town role who is protected-
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  43. ISO #43

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by Phyr View Post
    Hi Guys (and Gals)
    As no Spreekiller is possible in this setting, I'd like to propose to use our first night for our possible Lookout to identify all of our protective roles like Doctor (Medical Student), Bodyguard and Armorsmith. I want to make clear that ONLY those roles should visit the chosen target. It is an implicit role claim.
    Quite a decent idea.
    Pro: Lookout knows the protective roles
    Can chain protect each other.

    But I can't think of a way to exploit this information to find mafia quickly. Unless the Lookout claims early.
    Con: Dirty Sleuth, divert protective roles and Lookout, scum protected
    Meaning town will lose the luck factor for Night1.

  44. ISO #44

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Quite a decent idea.
    Pro: Lookout knows the protective roles
    Can chain protect each other.

    But I can't think of a way to exploit this information to find mafia quickly. Unless the Lookout claims early.
    Con: Dirty Sleuth, divert protective roles and Lookout, scum protected
    Meaning town will lose the luck factor for Night1.
    go away you chinese clone of mine!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  45. ISO #45

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by Phyr View Post
    tststs, CmG. Gunsmith wasn't a protective role the last time I checked...

    I also think it puts Mafia roles like Consort/Drug Dealer/Framer somewhat into a bind, if they ever plan to claim a protective role. If they want to, there's a risk in not visiting. If they visit, they can't hurt more important roles... like framing an investigation target or blocking a detection role.
    Consort will normally claim Escort.
    Might be able to counter Drug Dealer, then again they might claim Armoursmith. Only Sheriff can differentiate the real and the fake. And I'm not sure if we know we have a vest unless we use it and being attacked? Same thing for guns...
    Framer sometimes claim Sheriff, other times claim roles without feedback message. Yes, this will work for framer.

    Will we know if we receive a REAL or ILLUSIONARY armour or gun?

  46. ISO #46

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Well, I don't think we have more than one Armorsmith. So it would be a max of one vest going to scum, and I think the chances aren't worse than randomizing who get the vest.
    If we got a Lookout and the Framer gets investigated and the result get revealed, the Lookout knows that he is Framer or framed to look like one, as everybody sharing the investigation message should have visited the Chosen One. So not visiting poses a threat in itself.

    Well, Lookout could claim as early as day 2.

    And can you explain to me, why Dirty Sleuth is such a threat to this?

  47. ISO #47

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Even if there is no Lookout, I want to use the threat of the possibility of him being there. If the Drug Dealer chooses to give illusionary Armor and the is an Armorsmith in game, you will get the message for both and at that point, I'd say we can be sure, that there is a Drug Dealer in play.
    So the less risky play would be to give a "blocked" pill. If on the other hand the Chosen One has a night action with a feedback message (like Coroner) and doesn't get blocked, he will know too, that there is a Drug Dealer in play.

  48. ISO #48

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    Keep in mind that revealing town roles isnt that bad because we have 2 mafia teams. Their chances rise to hit themselves as well with every claimed Town role who is protected-
    It works both ways. They will hunt down confirmed town, unless the protective roles form a chain, which might be broken by the witch, which can't happen unless mafia found the witch, but then investigative roles can't ask for protection...

    I would prefer investigative roles revealing and protective roles protecting them without revealing. Is this not the standard procedure?

    Your suggestion will only work after town is weakened, and mafia starts diverting attention to the opposing team.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    Quote Originally Posted by Phyr View Post
    Nobody knows who the Lookout is... and he doesn't need to include it into his last will until he deems it appropriate.
    Maybe so.

    It guarantees successful kills for both of the mafia teams.

    A lookout isn't guaranteed, and if none exists then the actions of all protective roles are completely wasted.

    Even if there is one, the lookout can't share this information in any way without also informing scum.

    Mafia teams are quite safe to send one of their players to that same player. They can send an actress or a lawyer, who also don't give any feedback messages. The lookout has to reveal them first before anyone can use that information. If he does, that also means the mafia immediately knows who the protective roles/opposite mafia are. Let's say there are 2 protective roles and each mafia sends one of their own to the target, they have much better info than we do. Should the protective roles then protect each other?

    Sure, an investigator can check the visitors, but how much does that really help? There's a good chance he will check someone who gets killed the same night, limiting his information. He may have about 50% chance to find a scum role on night 2, but without directing all the protectors there's already an 8 in 20 chance that he'll scan scum. Scum can counter claim too. There might be jesters and executioners taking advantage of this "strategy" and make every bit of info unreliable.

    May visit another player at night, but that target will not be notified. If you are lynched, you can choose one player who voted for you to die that night. Jester suicides can be healed.
    I think a strategy like this shouldn't be applied until later, if we know for sure that there's a lookout, we need confirmation of people's roles and when we have eliminated possibilities for scum to confuse us.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  50. ISO #50

    Re: M-FM VII Day One: The Hunt Begins

    May frame a target at night, including himself. A cop (of any kind), an investigator, a consigliere, a lookout and a detective will all receive false information from your target. If a sleuth tries to read the last will of your target he will receive your last will instead. You may choose the information each investigative role receives.

    Just found this... Framer's rolecard.

    Apparently even Lookout will receive false information. So no go... Borkbot is correct.



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