Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT! - Page 13

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  1. ISO #601
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Goremancer View Post
    Because we just had a day shot. And the only vigilante that actually shot someone was V.
    That was the arsonist.

  2. ISO #602
    fm Dimwit

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    fuck. I call the cops and they send ONE FUCKING GUY who says hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrr License and Registration please. I'm moderately drunk so I reach for the glove box awkwardly and realize that the fucking niggers stole everything.


  3. ISO #603
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Dimwit View Post
    fuck. I call the cops and they send ONE FUCKING GUY who says hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrr License and Registration please. I'm moderately drunk so I reach for the glove box awkwardly and realize that the fucking niggers stole everything.

    Who were you before Dimwit?

  4. ISO #604
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    That was a bad move saying that you were dead

  5. ISO #605
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    vote Dimwit

  6. ISO #606
    fm McPwnage

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    I don't know who the mason leader is and I already chose my mentor. My mentor is a town role and I chose him because he's the only sane person in the entire game that I'd want to have a night chat with.

  7. ISO #607
    fm Plato

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Goremancer View Post
    Because we just had a day shot. And the only vigilante that actually shot someone was V.
    Did I miss something? I don't remember anyone getting shot.

  8. ISO #608
    fm TheWaaagh

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Can’t sleep. Police sirence keep waking me up.

    I’m going to go back to my gut choice and -Unvote everyone and -Vote Kevinpowers. He is who I feel is our best target tonight.

    -unvote all
    -Vote Kevinpowers

    Ambient {1}: Admiral,
    Auckmid {3}: Plato, Rumpel, Zack, Nick,
    Crimson {9}: NorthStar, Ganondorf, Auckmid, Fred, Vornskr, BlastYoBoots, HerrZynisch, Dark.Revenant, Nick
    Deathfire123 {1}: Rumpel,
    Fred {11}: Oops_ur_dead, Zane, CptKirk, Philie, Echonian, MrSmarter, KevinPowers, Procyon, Admiral, Deathfire123, BlastYoBoots,
    Ganondorf {1}: Zane
    Guardian {1}: CptKirk
    HerrZynisch {3}: Philie, Plato, Procyon,
    Kevinpowers {8}: BlastYoBoots, HerrZynisch, Dark.Revenant, Zack, Zane, Fred, TheWaaagh, Dimwit
    McPwnage {3}: Zane, Zack, Nick,
    MrSmarter {4}: Zane, Muso, Rumpel, Zack, Nick,
    Nick {7}: HerrZynisch, Ganondorf, KevinPowers, Zane, Plato, Deathfire123, Goremancer
    Oops_ur_dead {1}: Ganondorf
    Philie {1}: HerrZynisch
    Plato {1} CptKirk
    Dimwit {1}: Zack
    Rumpel {1}: Ganondorf

    Fred is 7 votes away from being lynched.
    Kevinpowers is 10 votes away from being lynched.
    Nick is 11 votes away from being lynched
    Crimson is 9 votes away from being lynched.

    Day is over in only 13h 22min and for a few of those hours people are fast asleep (sleeping off Saturday night)

    Fred, Kevinpowers, Nick and Crimson are our choices to Hammer tonight.
    We need to make a choice and vote together to pull off a successful lynch.
    Kevinpowers is my pick, as well as a few others as recent past posts would show.
    Think we should get a train going on him.

    Hope I can sleep now. I work in a few hours.

  9. ISO #609
    fm Goremancer

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Plato View Post
    Did I miss something? I don't remember anyone getting shot.
    I thought that the ignite was a shot.

  10. ISO #610
    fm Crimson

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    We had an arsonist day burn.

    Also you bitches say zack is off and has massive holes - lookie, he is right about me and i'm at 11 votes which is the majority;)

    The player count finally turned reasonable, goodie. Now I can scumhunt.

  11. ISO #611
    fm Crimson

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    yo waagh your tally is incorrect on me.

  12. ISO #612
    fm Plato

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Nick View Post
    The arsonist clearly stated who was going to die, he had no reason to lie since it was anonymous day.
    I picked the one I wanted to autopsy since no instructions were given on how to autopsy people who died during the day.

    Besides it doesn't really matter since I was witched. I gained no information and either the GM didn't care to tell me I was wrong, or saw I was witched so it didn't matter anyways.

    I could pm GM and say -shoot <thisperson> and nothing will happen. He will ignore my pm.
    You're wrong. I PMed the GM to test this theory.

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Game Master
    Quote Originally Posted by fm Plato
    -shoot FM Oops_ur_dead
    You pull out a water pistol and hold it up to your own head and pull the trigger. You have been shot and are now all wet.

    Don't troll me again! Wasting my time double checking to see if you got a gun or not.

  13. ISO #613
    fm Crimson

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    fuck the role list is a mess. Yayap added 1 mafia cus he thought they're losing or some shit. Noobs voted the jester and you're rewarding them by balancing it back up.
    I'm telling you town with those rerolls we might barely have majority.

  14. ISO #614
    fm Rumpel

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Dimwit vs Deathfire123 one of them lies.

    Also if Nick is mafia why would he counterclaim fred in the first place? Makes not much sense does it? Also Fred s defense lacks the GM messages and it lacks a lot of posts.

    true if i look how nick trolled through the days 50% and 50% holding almost correct tallies. He is scummy as well but he is new to FM's so its hard to tell if he does that because he is evil and wants to control the tally to manipulates it as he sees fit or just a townie who wants to help as good as possible.

    I want to hear more about freds opinion about this.

    Hm True maybe this was a day shot. Maybe gun holders can dayshot as well or something. Didn't blasyourboobs claim that he has a gun?

  15. ISO #615
    fm Rumpel

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    oh and i like how Nick states he gets bussed from fred. Very nice :3

  16. ISO #616
    fm Narks

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Rumpel View Post
    oh and i like how Nick states he gets bussed from fred. Very nice :3
    Sorry, what?

  17. ISO #617
    fm Rumpel

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    hmm after rereading his shit it just looks like he doesn't understand the word bussing. nevermind.

  18. ISO #618
    fm Rumpel

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    So Dimwit why do you tell us now what those messages are andnot the day you were rerolled? Not giving us the information hurts town and not the rabble. Could you explain why you didn't tell us sooner?

  19. ISO #619
    fm Narks

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Also, please remember that Deathfire123 is a safe lynch for today. He did claim Survivor, after all.

  20. ISO #620
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    I'm going to unvote Nick because he could have been allowed to check Capitalier (need confirmation from Yayap but I think it's likely). I don't think Nick is that scummy and he also said that he had a medkit stolen so a thief could confirm him.


    I now would like to lynch either fred or MrSmarter.

    vote fred
    vote MrSmarter

    The thieves can check Auckmid and Kevinpowers tonight to see if they are cits. Goremancer should check Kevin and the second thief should check Auckmid. Goremancer should be driven by the bus driver tonight.

    The student needs to take the mason leader as his mentor tonight so we will know that McPwnage is either lying or telling the truth and can lynch him the next day. A doctor should also heal the mason leader. If Narks and Luna agree we can reveal who the mason leader is as the mafia probably know by now.

  21. ISO #621
    fm Procyon

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    I like how the vigilante tries to show he's still out there by day shooting someone, and everyone thinks it was the arsonist. He must be face palming right now.

  22. ISO #622
    fm Ambient

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Ambient here again, because you bitches still haven't grow brain cells.

    Dimwit DID say he got rerolled. I think he's Ubernox.

    We vote Kevinpowers , why ? Because Herr made a mistake oh right , move along.

    @Plato, did you not read the RP ?

    Saddest thing is , i need to clean up all these lies and chaos, And I don't even fucking take notes, but hey it appears you guys really do have shit for notes.

    I mean i'm having a hard time trusting Masons because 1 they have Zack , 2 the amount of bs they have posted that is untrue is just through the roof

  23. ISO #623
    fm Ambient

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Zack View Post

    The student needs to take the mason leader as his mentor tonight so we will know that McPwnage is either lying or telling the truth and can lynch him the next day.
    Did your brain forget the part where he already took a mentor, what you should be asking yourself is, how because he only turned student today.

  24. ISO #624
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    On second thought the thieves can check whoever they want. You have plenty of good targets such as Auckmid, Kevinpowers, Ambient, Procyon and Dimwit to name a few. Goremancer is still a good target for the bus driver as the mason leader needs to be targeted by the student, doctor and the lookout.

  25. ISO #625
    fm Ambient

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Again Mcjesus said he already took a PR as mentor, ask yourself can a student take a mentor the same night he turned student, can he do it during the day?
    Maybe he's trying to look good and he's actually The RED Amnesiac, CMON TOWN WHAT HAPPENED YOU LYNCH 3 PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY SAY A LIE AND YOU AREN'T JUMPING ON THIS ?
    Read the day2 newspaper, there's an intellectual read in it.

  26. ISO #626
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Sumikoko is probably Ubernox. Dimwit was either Akira or Archangel but he ignored by question about who he was.

  27. ISO #627
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Ambient View Post
    Again Mcjesus said he already took a PR as mentor, ask yourself can a student take a mentor the same night he turned student, can he do it during the day?
    Maybe he's trying to look good and he's actually The RED Amnesiac, CMON TOWN WHAT HAPPENED YOU LYNCH 3 PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY SAY A LIE AND YOU AREN'T JUMPING ON THIS ?
    Read the day2 newspaper, there's an intellectual read in it.
    We can deal with McPwnage tomorrow. He can still prove himself tonight.

  28. ISO #628
    fm Procyon

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    If McPwnage was the red amnesiac, I'm sure the other amnesiac would call him out on it. Even if the neutral amnes had an evil mentor, it's free trust from the town.

    Unless the student picked McPwnage as the mentor. That would be an epic puzzle to unravel indeed.

  29. ISO #629
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Here comes the rage...

  30. ISO #630
    fm Narks

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Procyon View Post
    I like how the vigilante tries to show he's still out there by day shooting someone, and everyone thinks it was the arsonist. He must be face palming right now.
    It shall be interesting to see who was shot. Fred is not responding. Oops is not responding.

    Come on people! Give us something to work with!

    (@Zack, it is not advisable to direct the Bus Driver's actions. There is potentially still an Arsonist in our midst. He can douse and burn immediately. Though, the town hasn't even confirmed a second mafia yet, so it is in his best interest to keep the balance at the moment. If we've really lost 2 (or even all 3) of our PIs, this game will get a lot harder.)

    As for McPwnage, we are awaiting new answers in the FAQ.

    If you all are so unsure about who is who, Deathfire claimed Survivor. Killing neutrals still keeps Town alive. But it looks like we are headed for a lynch on one of the claimers and I really do not want to lose a Doctor, so if you're keeping your vote on someone, you better explain why.

  31. ISO #631
    fm Narks

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Also, HerrZynisch, you had better not be lying. You may have realized that you have a killing role and start to play around with it. If the KPN is increased and known town members start to die, I advise killing HerrZynisch, followed by Kevinpowers, if he is still alive.

  32. ISO #632
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    No one was shot. The arsonist blew up Oops.

    I'm keeping my vote on fred because he won't give us his PMs, makes a scummy claim and votes like scum.

    Mason leader should claim.

    Blacksmiths should hold off giving armour and guns at night to reveal themselves to us tomorrow.

  33. ISO #633
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    vote kevinpowers

  34. ISO #634
    fm Rumpel

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    why should he reveal now? He is our best weapon versus the random any gayshit rule and the best godfather detector ingame right after the traitor. I don't want to see him burn because you try to trust a neutral student choosing the Mason leader as his mentor. McSaussage already said he choose someone already. I miss the point there.

    Let him stay with the lurkers or hiding in broad daylight.

    Also Ambient is highly active for somebody who wifoms a survivor...

  35. ISO #635
    fm Narks

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by fm Zack View Post
    Mason leader should claim.
    Are we sure?

    Attention! Day event in progress!

    A loud explosion was heard followed by blood splattering the walls.

    Someone has died! Only a blown open corpse was left behind.
    Does this signify Arson? Or a powerful gun shot? "Explosion" would seem to be that the Arsonist detonated, but "blown open corpse" appears to be a Vigi kill? There is nothing here about incinerating...

    This is what was said yesterday:

    4 people have detonated and ignited.. 4 more people are dead.
    Clearly Arson.

  36. ISO #636
    fm McPwnage

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    I used my Amnesiac ability last night chose student. I was given a list of roles to choose from. (Arson/Jester/Student)

    I used my student powers on the only intelligent person in the entire game. He is a town power role and I will not say his or her name. We will talk tonight and discuss any strategy we may or may not have. Only the Mafia will know if I'm on their team or not so once they see that I'm not on their team they will kill me. I assure you it is in your best interest to heal me tonight because if my mentor dies I will become a power town role otherwise I'm still in contact with one and am available for checks/clears whatever the hell you want.

    Now that I've chosen town I'll go ahead and say whom I think to be scum:
    Zack - Complete asshat, he's talking constantly about mundane things, he had about 300 posts yesterday during the blackout, he keeps asking the mason leader to claim, I haven't paid much attention to the game, but he's one of the only people actively posting without having any real information to give.

    Illidan - Only partially because of the traitor claim he must have had some ballsy claim in the jailhouse, but I wouldn't know anything about that. He'll probably die tonight and I'm assuming the jailor is just showing us that he still exists by leaving someone jailed.

    Philie - Rarely posts, posts nonsense, unhelpful. Again haven't read everything, but I'm assuming she hasn't claimed anything either.

    Zane - Seriously? The kids on acid or something. Posts nothing helpful, accuses random people, flip flops, votes randomly.

    Ambient - I'm just baffled at how this person can even function as a human being. Nothing he says is helpful in the slightest and he's also partially retarded.

    I don't know they seem like decent targets. I guess Fred is a good target for today, but I have a feeling Oops was trying to pull one over on us. We'll see how it all plays out after the lynch.

    -vote Fred

    On a side note: Narks have you recruited any other Masons yet or is it just you and luna plus the mystery man? I'm not convinced you're the Masons yet FYI.

    Also I see people accusing Nick and while his story has holes I think it's safe to assume his lies aren't the types of lies you'd see a Mafia member make. He's probably just a citizen or jester 2.0 trying to fail his mechanics like I did to get lynched no idea...Masons should try to recruit him see what it says.(If they're real)

  37. ISO #637
    fm Zack

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    The arsonist has a detonation kit so I assumed he could make people explode. It doesn't sound like a vigi to me but we can ask in the FAQ.

    I think the mason leader should claim because it is obvious who he is and he can be protected this way. We have reason to believe there is a PE left and he can observe the ml so that he can find the arsonist if he is doused. It also means the student can take the place of the mason leader if he dies which should win us the game. We have guns, vests and a lot of confirmed people once the blacksmiths claim to us so it should be easy to win after tonight.

  38. ISO #638

    Re: Day 4 - Let there be LIGHT!

    Day is now over.

    Fred has been lynched.
    Fred was
    Tally = Unknown
    The tally was lost in the explosion.

    an unknown amount of people were modkilled.

    Lvl PMs sent.

    Due to a crazy man with a bomb strapped to his back, the last 9 hours of FM were erased. You will have to make due with your memory and what is left.

    I'm making tonight 72 hours so that I can take the time to fix some of the destruction from said bomb.

    !*Please note that if you sent in a night action PM, I DID NOT receive it and it was lost in the forums rollback, PLEASE send it again*!

    Night will end at this time.
    Last edited by Forum Mafia GM; February 19th, 2012 at 05:52 PM.



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