Account Name: Zeratul
Account ID: 1-S2-1-11103432
In-Game Name: Li Pinseng (Player 4)
Crimes Committed: Game-throwing
Your Account Name: kildja
Summary: 13, who appears as doctor in GY, leaves a lw that says he visited 3. He died to vet. Vet is confirmed 3 so everyone pms roles to 3. 3 says to put up 4 because he didn't pm. He's on the stand and refuses to give lw because of "randoming" even though he didn't pm confirmed town. He's lynched. His role is revealed as marshall. He did not appear to be a new player considering his statements on the stand. The outcome of the game wasn't radically changed by this.
Zeratul - Gamethrowing.SC2Replay