{Watch List} Trigger: 1-S2-1-1761657, cwal: 1-S2-1-7479068

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  1. ISO #1

    Trigger: 1-S2-1-1761657, cwal: 1-S2-1-7479068

    Account Name: Trigger
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-1761657
    In-Game Name: nigger

    Crimes Committed: Name abuse

    Your Account Name: roborovski
    Summary: The name is racist

    Account Name: cwal
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-1761657
    In-Game Name: slave one

    Crimes Committed: racial and homophobic slurs

    Your Account Name: roborovski
    Summary: Says multiple racial (nigger) and homophobic (faggot) slurs throughout the game
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Trigger: 1-S2-1-1761657, cwal: 1-S2-1-7479068

    1-S2-1-1761657 is Correct.

    Trigger has ECL clantag.

    Cwal is being banned shortly and will not be processed because of this.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    No priors.

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Trigger - "n****r" - WITCH - 8


    Setup: Cwal is disgusting.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: 8 (WITCH) tells another player to "sftu racist".
    N1: 8 witches 13 to 5. Kills: TRIAD (MASS MURDERER misses).
    D2: 14 (???) is dead. 6 to trial. They go down 4-2 on an ESCORT claim and flip DRAGON HEAD.
    N2: 8 witches 15 to visit 3. They are bus driven. Kills: TRIAD, MASS MURDERER.
    D3: 10 (MARSHALL) and 15 (INFORMANT) are dead. 7 to trial. Down 4-1 on a JESTER claim, flip is ENFORCER. Triad is eliminated.
    N3: 8 makes 3 self-target, and is bus driven. They are slain by the MASS MURDERER. Kills: MASS MURDERER.
    D4: 3 (DETECTIVE) and 8 are dead. 5 to trial. Released 1-2 on an EXECUTIONER claim. 5 to trial again. Released 1-1. Day ends.
    N4: 8 is dead. Kills: MASS MURDERER because he has no spree cooldown.
    D5: 13 (CORONER), 4 (SHERIFF), and 2 (BUS DRIVER) are all dead. 5 to trial, down 3-0. Flip is EXECUTIONER.
    D6: 9 (BUS DRIVER) is dead twice. With three players alive, the roles are MASS MURDERER opposed by a VETERAN and INVESTIGATOR. 1 to trial. Down 2-0 on the VETERAN claim. Flip is MASS MURDERER. Town wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?

    Additional offenses or players found in replay?

    Cwal chose name "Slave one" which ended with another player choosing "slave" as a name. 1-S2-1-11730857 John.

    Player Offenses:

    John: Name abuse (slurs)
    Trigger: Name abuse (slurs)

    Recommended Actions:

    2x WL for both.

    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!

  3. ISO #3



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