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  1. ISO #22401

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Lassie View Post
    You should ask if you'd be informed if you were attacked and protected though
    Its not something I can/would be told apparently

    Like for me the only thing that I "know" you protected me is cos of the message you sent me

  2. ISO #22402

  3. ISO #22403

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    matchstick bait/hood with scarf is actually not a sellingpoint for me. Thats within something wolves realistically do if you ask me, and I can totally see wolves trying to focus everything into a few deep wolves, explaining why lassie didn't take the cred

    anticlaim/holster thing doesn't need to be a problem if lassie simply is roleblock immune. We don't know their rolecard (unless im tripping?)

    But I will admit my thing on lassie is mostly my gut going "this is smelly" but my gut is running on a pulse of the game that is pretty old by now (around when we murked scarf, thats last time i had a good pulse) so it's def not the most accurate
    at that time, you TRed me

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    lassie is pocketed town i agree
    so when and why did you change?

  4. ISO #22404

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    I feel like right now Lassie may be my top TR due to mech. Like to use the doc on me and no kill go off is some absurd level of WIFOM I dont think could comprehend it.

    Autumn just harped on Choo for so many days, and then the red check, like its just a wild unnecessary play when there are RBs/investigates still in the game its giving no wiggle room.

    Lipstick pushed and shot a LOT of wolves, like I think mech aside theyve got the most going for them in terms of pelts and pushes

    Hippo was straight up one of my earliest TRs and had a strong early game, the only thing that can cause doubt is the fact theyre still alive

    Plat just kinda has the least going for them, Plat where have you used your poisons real and fake this game?

  5. ISO #22405

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Player 2 View Post
    While not specifically Autumn related I think you're kinda onto something here. Like with the Licky mech confirmed on me there is definitely an angle people should be pushing me off here, but the fact no one is is making me think you caught the kill with the protect and thats why whoever is wolf doesnt wanna push the RB angle, they know its not true and theyre scared that trying to push it could be countered later
    Real weird post
    Why would catching a kill with the protect make any difference as to whether or not a wolf would push you here? And why would "they know it's not true" hinge upon a protect? Any wolf pushing any town for any reason is a situation of "they know it's not true"

  6. ISO #22406

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Also I think it's less likely that any non P2 wolf would holster here
    Because either they kill someone who's town and not likely to get chopped like me or Autumn
    Or they whiff the kill into a protect
    But in which case they have the route of paranoia around P2 as an explanation to the no kill

  7. ISO #22407

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Lipstick View Post
    Also I think it's less likely that any non P2 wolf would holster here
    Because either they kill someone who's town and not likely to get chopped like me or Autumn
    Or they whiff the kill into a protect
    But in which case they have the route of paranoia around P2 as an explanation to the no kill
    Oh wait but then a non P2 wolf would also probably target P2 then
    Because succeeding in a kill on someone else would clear P2

  8. ISO #22408

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Lipstick View Post
    Oh wait but then a non P2 wolf would also probably target P2 then
    Because succeeding in a kill on someone else would clear P2
    So either P2 is wolf or P2 is probably shot at
    That doesn't really help lol

    Still kind of hate that post from P2
    It's a weird perspective
    Shoehorning "I was probably protected" via something that was a suss on Autumn

  9. ISO #22409

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Lassie View Post
    this is one thing bothering me about Autumn last night
    specifically that they're assuming p2 gets cleared

    also like... idk why they're not paranoid about p2
    they've been paranoid about everyone else somewhat, and IDK what the towncase on p2 is other than getting hard pushed by wolves (which yeah is strong but like. idt that's so strong that there wouldn't be tinfoils, if there were tinfoils on Lipstick)
    idk they've just seemed like blatant town to me lol

    like the specific ways/reasons why wolves were pushing them (and seemed to just kinda abuse the fact that p2 made one mistake with shooting at snuggles to get then p2 killed for that) is very town-indicative. i keep townreading their posts. etc.

    also unlike most other people (mainly hippo/lipstick, tbh), p2 is like... not really just playing like typical deepwolf? it's like they aren't actually doing anything to get that towncred to themselves, they just kinda accidentally got this far and got cleared etc. so i'm like. not really worried about them similarly because they just don't seem to be that type of player/in that position where deepwolves usually are?

    also there's not really any reason to worry about someone who's like. my top townread and also very likely just getting mech solved lol.
    (like if your question is about "why did you assume that p2 just gets cleared"... i mean they were basically my strongest townread even before they got marked lol, i got no reasons to assume the mark suddenly makes them wolf. basically just thought that theyre town so theyre getting cleared lol, and then if they wouldn't... well i could just re-evaluate with that knowledge afterwards. but no reason to worry about that in advance lol)

  10. ISO #22410

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Lassie View Post
    also part of me is thinking Scarf told Autumn to pocket me
    (this kind of stuff is kinda why it's hard for me to see lassie as wolf also tbh. like i know they aren't objectively as towny as some other people... but that "what if scarf just told autumn to pocket me" etc is the type of thought which is like. basically always just comes from paranoid town lol)

  11. ISO #22411

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Didn't finish my ISO on P2 yet
    And have like a lot of quotes

    But the short of it is
    First some really bad interactions with known wolves on D1 BUT
    Literally everyone I've ISOed have this
    I think wolves were just "lol haha" with everyone on this day

    There's definitely some real interesting things going on with P2
    Like he gets quite upset with people some times and almost all of those times are with wolves
    Strong language towards all of Goblin, Pizza and Yellow
    He also did that with Snuggles when Snuggles did the ITA thing

    I'll go further into this later
    But would invite people to ISO this slot

    Most of all
    The whole ISO is like not wolfy at all really
    A lot of things I really like
    How they completely refused they should be on shot lists and thought wolves were pushing it and also tried to target them at night
    And how Goblin, Yellow (and I think Scarf?) shot at P2
    Goblin was very anti P2

    They also got conf biased after the Mining Peep fake reaction test thingy
    And a lot of their posting just seems quite town perspective to me
    I was kind of wanting to find the ISO wolfier than I actually did

    I didn't get to their Protag shot yet though
    Which was like objectively bad but

  12. ISO #22412

  13. ISO #22413

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Player 2 View Post
    I feel like right now Lassie may be my top TR due to mech. Like to use the doc on me and no kill go off is some absurd level of WIFOM I dont think could comprehend it.

    Autumn just harped on Choo for so many days, and then the red check, like its just a wild unnecessary play when there are RBs/investigates still in the game its giving no wiggle room.

    Lipstick pushed and shot a LOT of wolves, like I think mech aside theyve got the most going for them in terms of pelts and pushes

    Hippo was straight up one of my earliest TRs and had a strong early game, the only thing that can cause doubt is the fact theyre still alive

    Plat just kinda has the least going for them, Plat where have you used your poisons real and fake this game?
    N1 fake poison Snuggles because I wanted to see their reaction, their D2 behaviour made me give them town cred
    N2 real poison Goldfish Bowl because he was on some shot list I think or someone SL them and I did as well. To their poor fortune, their D3 behaviour also made me give them town cred so it’s too bad they had to die at the end.
    N3 was fake again on Chibi due to me finding them sus but some mech interaction made them towny on D4
    N4 was too late but I wanted to poison Catnip lol
    N5 blocked and since then I holstered due to consensus

  14. ISO #22414

  15. ISO #22415

  16. ISO #22416

  17. ISO #22417

  18. ISO #22418

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    wrt what happened last night. i believe they tried to kill p2
    it makes sense. with what the earlier kills have been, etc. p2 is logically the next person: they are townread and they're probably the strongest role alive at this point. it's actually exactly who i expected would die next lol

    but that also means that the last wolf is someone who knows what they're doing. like. people are going for "those kills make no sense" but that's. not actually true? they do make sense. but they're kills that are made like. with the logic being mainly to get rid of mechanical powers, and. whoever's the last wolf is not worried about letting the "towncore" (in me/hippo/lipstick) live. instead, they are entirely just killing people based on who has the strongest roles and would be possibly the biggest threat that way.
    and i think that also implies that the wolf isn't in poe. like i mean... if it was someone like plat, their main worry wouldn't probably be to get rid of someone like licky? they seem like the type of player who's just kill the towncore and try to get rid of those strong townies who suspect them? while this kind of play, completely ignoring towncore and letting them live, while killing somewhat outside of that and aiming for the strongest roles, does usually come from people who are like. at least somewhat comfortable with their position in thread?

  19. ISO #22419

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    (that's also one thing which is making me slightly more paranoid of hippo lol. bc iirc they were exactly who said that "kills make no sense" at sod. while like. i think the kills make sense, and i think someone like hippo would also be able to see the pattern there. but instead they're acting like they just don't have any idea of stuff and can't understand at all what's happened. and. idk if i believe that lol)

  20. ISO #22420

  21. ISO #22421

  22. ISO #22422

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Spoiler : candyfloss readlist :

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Candyfloss View Post
    Amma write my current thoughts and read to each slot this is on phone as I can only play on phone for next few days.

    FM-Eyescream (Null lean Town)
    Think I have a very clash play style to this which has Madd them hard to read. I do think however gotten townier then previous days wanna see alittle more of their solving on previous wolfs.
    FM-Autumn (Town)
    Trusted SSS alot here at first but between hood and how they've treated my slot I don't think this can be a wolf they would be getting negative investment I think defending me in this way as W. Also helped with ITAs yesterday that flipped so much red.
    FM-Breakup (Town Lean)
    Weird parts of this slot is I feel they get constantly ignored when I look into thread think this is a generic lyrics good look really don't wanna go here anytime soon. Think there was also something else here towny for then that my brain forgets.
    FM-Candyfloss (Town)
    FM-Catnip (Null)
    I'll be honest I need to read more of their posts I havnt been on when are which makes it alot harder.
    FM-Chibi Minnie (Mech Town Lean)
    Simular to catnip like posting has been min to non with them however when catching up noticed they night vigged yellow claimed. (With hippo) like at this point in the game they can't use kp there as a wolf after yesterday like the difference on yellow being itaed to night vigged is massive.
    FM-Choo-Choo (Wolf)
    Think that they have high woof equality the fact they are alive right now is what? If I remember right the ate an absorbed amount of ITAs I think there's a Mech reason there bascially
    FM-Chromatography (Null)
    I hate how many people I look at and go idk right now they arnt selling it to me I have live posted with them but forget most interactions maybe that's wolfy honestly but wanna know any Mech there if any.
    No strong read there
    FM-Dredge (Town)
    Think has had towny posts yesterday/today from what I can tell sounds frustrated town when I see it.
    FM-Droopy Snout (Town)
    Day 1 was towny af feel they are obvious said this a few times that I don't sdd them as wolf ever afterwards and have been trying to read their posts to see if that change s(it doesn).
    FM-Four Past Seven (Town Lean)
    Wall posts (so I skip them sometimes) BUT the ones I have read have had very good progressive reads think I can see how they are solving and keeping it all in the open.
    FM-Lassie (Town Lean)
    Think they had good interactions with goblin where I don't belive they are w/w
    FM-Lipstick (Town)
    Was the kne AFAIK to help push over the itas kn multiple wolfs yesterday only rereading here if we start roads of green.
    FM-Mining Peep (Town)
    Saw mentions of they are mechable but think just Town already from what I read last night (about their EoD) but would like the Mech explained more before passing to much. (Without Mech Town lean)
    FM-Old Lickilicky (Town Lean)
    Feel their role WHILE WE ARE ROLE NON ALIGBEMENT some just are and theirs feel like one of them also if truly doesn't count to parady think that's a high Town Lilley and someone more mentioned from so where I feel a wolf doesn't mention that part.
    FM-Peekaboo (Town)
    Shot Scarf legit locked Town never resend
    FM-Platypus (null)
    FM-Player 2( Town)
    Seen multiple times has good interactions I wanna check those personalit latter but phone isoing is so bad. (Part also here is their villagery frustrated but I hate those reads and only stating to include on my reads fornundeertaanding)
    FM-Protagonist Hair (Town)
    BHD also thought this before dieing to them that was Lilley roles were setuo that way feel the whole claim thing goes differently as a wolf. They also have been just towny in posting as well.
    FM-Ringmaster (Town Lean)
    Mentioned above claim good used actions in towy ways
    FM-Space Pizza (Null)
    With the mention above fine lowering this a but, wanna check how their treatment there was post wise to pyramid and how important pyramid was even.
    FM-The Great Flood (Null)
    Who? Legit either their avatar looks like someone else or I havnt seen this slot post.

    with how tmi-y candy was, think this list is pretty good look for both p2 and lipstick tbh. and maybe lassie also lol

  23. ISO #22423

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    matchstick bait/hood with scarf is actually not a sellingpoint for me. Thats within something wolves realistically do if you ask me, and I can totally see wolves trying to focus everything into a few deep wolves, explaining why lassie didn't take the cred

    anticlaim/holster thing doesn't need to be a problem if lassie simply is roleblock immune. We don't know their rolecard (unless im tripping?)

    But I will admit my thing on lassie is mostly my gut going "this is smelly" but my gut is running on a pulse of the game that is pretty old by now (around when we murked scarf, thats last time i had a good pulse) so it's def not the most accurate
    that "focusing everything into a few deepwolves" doesn't actually even work here?

    like. scarf was wolfsiding too much, constantly defending wolves and taking them out of shotlists etc. trying to use their credit to keep killing townies. that's... not how someone plays if the entire scumteam is trying to count on that as the deepwolf? they wouldn't focus everything (all the stuff which can get someone cleared) on a wolf like that, who has a decent chance of just getting caught and killed because of how much they're wolfsiding. the wolves must have had some other deepwolves, some wolves who did not wolfside that blatantly also.

  24. ISO #22424

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    that "focusing everything into a few deepwolves" doesn't actually even work here?

    like. scarf was wolfsiding too much, constantly defending wolves and taking them out of shotlists etc. trying to use their credit to keep killing townies. that's... not how someone plays if the entire scumteam is trying to count on that as the deepwolf? they wouldn't focus everything (all the stuff which can get someone cleared) on a wolf like that, who has a decent chance of just getting caught and killed because of how much they're wolfsiding. the wolves must have had some other deepwolves, some wolves who did not wolfside that blatantly also.
    That's... fair. Maybe

    I don't know, thats delving too much on psychology of the scum team, some ppl would def bank on a powerwolf
    @FM-Lassie answering you question what I meant to say is that *read* is based on a old pulse of the game. Like, i haven't been around, but I have been thinking over the threadstate as it was when I last was around

    Idk you just started to fall off and i can't explain it

    but people that have been around say you are obv town and plat W still doesnt make sense to me


    im finally home after hopping accross 5 different timezones in 7 days.

    My sleep shcedule is a fucking mess rn

    im gonna shower get something to eat and then play mafia

  25. ISO #22425

  26. ISO #22426

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    have you ever actually answered the question about what you bought from the morshu shop, and what you did with that?
    A lamp that is a self watcher and a book that tells me if my role is currently being altred by another role

    i used the lamp N2 i think no feedback (i assume the thing was a scam) and never used the book

  27. ISO #22427

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    A lamp that is a self watcher and a book that tells me if my role is currently being altred by another role

    i used the lamp N2 i think no feedback (i assume the thing was a scam) and never used the book
    i think catnip claimed having used that roleblock/protect on you n2 so that actually makes sense tbh

    (pretty sure from the rolecard that they couldn't have sold stuff which didn't work?)

  28. ISO #22428

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    i think catnip claimed having used that roleblock/protect on you n2 so that actually makes sense tbh

    (pretty sure from the rolecard that they couldn't have sold stuff which didn't work?)
    the rolecard said "your target will receive the following feedback:"

    so im actually not convinced it had to be true, just that im TOLD it;s true

  29. ISO #22429

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    i skimmed the first page of lassie's iso

    and really. that's either town or wolf who for some reason decided to go for the approach of "pretend to be pocketed by scarf" and is doing a pretty good job at that lmfao (while still not otherwise doing anything which would look towny)

    idk it just keeps getting harder for me to see that slot as a wolf

  30. ISO #22430

  31. ISO #22431

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Lassie View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Goblin and Worg View Post
    I support adding Lassie to the bottom of shots list.

    I don't feel like their questions have a purpose to them today.
    do not do this
    can't elaborate too much but I essentially self-resolve by claiming
    also honestly think this interaction is a good look for lassie also (partly just because it's goblin suggesting to kill lassie. and goblin iirc was pushing townies mainly)

    but also partly bc that kind of "can we just kill lassie" and kind of getting them into situation where they're more likely to be forced to claim the bait stuff. if they still were planning to give scarf the credit from that etc. is like. eh it just doesn't feel like there was any kind of a common plan with scumteam about what to do with that? which i think there would've been if lassie was a wolf faking that matchstick bait

  32. ISO #22432

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    this is what scares me
    i think they've done a lot of towny-looking stuff lategame *shrug*

    and even earlygame, there's like. they weren't doing much, but it always felt like "not doing much" in the sense of "townie who can't read everything but is trying to help with solving whatever little they can"? like just look at the progression wrt their matchstick read, they thought matchstick was towny, then read scarf's case on that and started doubting the townread. and voted matchstick in the end on d1. then they tried to bait matchstick, while neighborizing scarf. and like. that just really feels like someone who wanted to help lol, like they saw someone they thought is town have a scumread, thought there was a decent chance that scumread was right. and then wanted to give that person (scarf) even more of a chance to figure out matchstick and neighborized scarf (and tried to work with them), while sending private message bait posts to matchstick.

    but anyway my main point with that was that i just really don't see that kind of "putting all the effort into some random detail like pretending to be pocketed". if they are capable enough of a wolf to fake that, they should be good enough to fake stuff which is like. considered more towny generally? and they just aren't doing any of that. which i think is towny bc it's like. it's just them doing whatever they do?
    like in my experience wolves usually do not focus on single details like that. instead they just try to make their overall posting look better.

  33. ISO #22433

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    i think they've done a lot of towny-looking stuff lategame *shrug*

    and even earlygame, there's like. they weren't doing much, but it always felt like "not doing much" in the sense of "townie who can't read everything but is trying to help with solving whatever little they can"? like just look at the progression wrt their matchstick read, they thought matchstick was towny, then read scarf's case on that and started doubting the townread. and voted matchstick in the end on d1. then they tried to bait matchstick, while neighborizing scarf. and like. that just really feels like someone who wanted to help lol, like they saw someone they thought is town have a scumread, thought there was a decent chance that scumread was right. and then wanted to give that person (scarf) even more of a chance to figure out matchstick and neighborized scarf (and tried to work with them), while sending private message bait posts to matchstick.

    but anyway my main point with that was that i just really don't see that kind of "putting all the effort into some random detail like pretending to be pocketed". if they are capable enough of a wolf to fake that, they should be good enough to fake stuff which is like. considered more towny generally? and they just aren't doing any of that. which i think is towny bc it's like. it's just them doing whatever they do?
    like in my experience wolves usually do not focus on single details like that. instead they just try to make their overall posting look better.
    ugh you're probably right

    it's just hard for me when I haven't seen any of that late gamey posting myself

    can you try and sell me on wolf plat? i can't see it

  34. ISO #22434

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    ugh you're probably right

    it's just hard for me when I haven't seen any of that late gamey posting myself

    can you try and sell me on wolf plat? i can't see it

    by elimination it would need to be plat?

    but I also don't rlly see it

  35. ISO #22435

  36. ISO #22436

  37. ISO #22437

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    ugh you're probably right

    it's just hard for me when I haven't seen any of that late gamey posting myself

    can you try and sell me on wolf plat? i can't see it
    i mean tbh lassie's posting today is like. an example of that "towny-looking stuff in lategame" lol

    just the random paranoia on me. the specific ways they're talking about it. the reasons they are bringing up. etc. it just seems so real somehow?

  38. ISO #22438

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    i mean tbh lassie's posting today is like. an example of that "towny-looking stuff in lategame" lol

    just the random paranoia on me. the specific ways they're talking about it. the reasons they are bringing up. etc. it just seems so real somehow?
    we'll agree to disagree then. But if it's not plat and it's not lassie then what the fuck?

  39. ISO #22439

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    we'll agree to disagree then. But if it's not plat and it's not lassie then what the fuck?
    then. idk. i still kinda want to just murder you today, have plat poison lipstick tonight, and then kill plat tomorrow. and if i lose to wolf!lassie (or wolf!p2 tho that seems even less likely). then just accept that i suck at this and lost the game lol
    "what the fuck" is a pretty good description of this situation tho i can't find a solve which seems to make that much sense
    but that does not make me want to kill lassie. like. it feels lassie/plat is just the "easy" solve in that they're more lhf than others. and they also seem more towny, when just looking at stuff like posting, how they've used mechanics, etc. they just. haven't killed as many wolves. and can't really post as much (or in as "objectively good" way) as ppl like you or lipstick. (but that doesn't make their posting less likely to come from town it just makes it easier to push on)
    but idk. kinda what i'm feeling here is that the game's hard, and lassie is like.... that type of slot which just becomes easy push because of their playstyle. because they just aren't the type of townie who can defend themselves and highpost similarly as some other people do. and usually that slot gets killed in these situations because "poe says that's the wolf". and then it's never the wolf, and the actual wolf is someone who just is really good at the game and got themselves very deep.

  40. ISO #22440

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    then. idk. i still kinda want to just murder you today, have plat poison lipstick tonight, and then kill plat tomorrow. and if i lose to wolf!lassie (or wolf!p2 tho that seems even less likely). then just accept that i suck at this and lost the game lol
    "what the fuck" is a pretty good description of this situation tho i can't find a solve which seems to make that much sense
    but that does not make me want to kill lassie. like. it feels lassie/plat is just the "easy" solve in that they're more lhf than others. and they also seem more towny, when just looking at stuff like posting, how they've used mechanics, etc. they just. haven't killed as many wolves. and can't really post as much (or in as "objectively good" way) as ppl like you or lipstick. (but that doesn't make their posting less likely to come from town it just makes it easier to push on)
    but idk. kinda what i'm feeling here is that the game's hard, and lassie is like.... that type of slot which just becomes easy push because of their playstyle. because they just aren't the type of townie who can defend themselves and highpost similarly as some other people do. and usually that slot gets killed in these situations because "poe says that's the wolf". and then it's never the wolf, and the actual wolf is someone who just is really good at the game and got themselves very deep.
    ok im sorry but im NOT letting you kill me and then poison lipstick

    FMPOV that's poeing the two least likely people to flip red and keeping the *actual* POE alive

    thats fucking wild

    if you want to poison me (or stick) *fine* but you are absolutely not killing the two of us

  41. ISO #22441

  42. ISO #22442

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    if lassie was wolf... what happened last night would be that lassie would need to intentionally holster and fake getting a save. and do that after having already gotten themselves semi-cleared from killing licky despite being roleblocked.
    like i can see the last wolf trying to fake some mech clear stuff on themselves. if lassie's wolf, they've gotten very lucky and faked that two nights in a row. after having already had the hood stuff etc which is pretty good look for them (and after having claimed to be at least mostly mech clear because of them being in hood with disco at a time when other wolves seemed to try to hint about stuff to disco in thread)

  43. ISO #22443

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    like eh i kinda just feel that you keep suspecting lassie because that's the "easy" target and ignore that there's a lot that looks good for them

    like honestly i think at this point the mech etc on lassie is actually clearly stronger than either you or lipstick, who are just being cleared because you've been killing wolves and are good at posting in a way which just sounds good
    (lassie also killed wolves tho in a way which was more just. shooting wolves who were already in poe. so that's not clearing but yeah)

  44. ISO #22444

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    if lassie was wolf... what happened last night would be that lassie would need to intentionally holster and fake getting a save. and do that after having already gotten themselves semi-cleared from killing licky despite being roleblocked.
    like i can see the last wolf trying to fake some mech clear stuff on themselves. if lassie's wolf, they've gotten very lucky and faked that two nights in a row. after having already had the hood stuff etc which is pretty good look for them (and after having claimed to be at least mostly mech clear because of them being in hood with disco at a time when other wolves seemed to try to hint about stuff to disco in thread)
    Give me one reason why lipstick is ever a wolf that is not just "everyone else isin't"

    because "everyone else isn't" goes both ways

  45. ISO #22445

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    ok im sorry but im NOT letting you kill me and then poison lipstick

    FMPOV that's poeing the two least likely people to flip red and keeping the *actual* POE alive

    thats fucking wild

    if you want to poison me (or stick) *fine* but you are absolutely not killing the two of us
    tbh this is exactly the reaction i expected lmfao but i just. don't like the current poe.

  46. ISO #22446

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    Give me one reason why lipstick is ever a wolf that is not just "everyone else isin't"

    because "everyone else isn't" goes both ways
    i just think the reasons to clear other people are stronger at this point *shrug*

    lipstick is towny. but what's actually the reason to think that it's "never wolf" other than just how they've kept killing wolves?

  47. ISO #22447

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    tbh this is exactly the reaction i expected lmfao but i just. don't like the current poe.
    Ok i can kinda agree with not liking the current POE

    but how do you look at a POE of lipstick/hippo when we realistically only have two more kills and go "yeah this is better"???

    is this the same game I left?

  48. ISO #22448

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Autumn View Post
    i just think the reasons to clear other people are stronger at this point *shrug*

    lipstick is towny. but what's actually the reason to think that it's "never wolf" other than just how they've kept killing wolves?
    The reason is that they have had good reasons for each pelt, and that if lipstick hadn't started killing wolfes left and right there's a very good chance they would have won?

  49. ISO #22449

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    Give me one reason why lipstick is ever a wolf that is not just "everyone else isin't"

    because "everyone else isn't" goes both ways
    also why do you start talking about lipstick, when the post was just about me explaining some of the stuff that makes me think it really isn't lassie here?

  50. ISO #22450

    Re: KRC: Sc2Mafia 13th Anniversary Game (S-FM 357)

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Tiny Hippo View Post
    The reason is that they have had good reasons for each pelt, and that if lipstick hadn't started killing wolfes left and right there's a very good chance they would have won?
    Finding wolfes being "not clearing enough right now" is actually such a wild take wtf



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