{Watch List} Nocebo 1-S2-1-20669806

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  1. ISO #1

    Nocebo 1-S2-1-20669806

    Day 2 DH (#10) claims on his own teammate (me, #9). "9 Is Triad". I'm able to get off the stand, but am now "sus" to the town and get shot by the Vigilante at night. At first I thought I had been actually detected, but then I realized it was my own DH. The team ends up winning because an Amnesiac converts to triad, but that was luck. "Giving out a teammates identity" is listed under Intentional Game Throw. I certainly do not see this as any kind of legitimate strategy. At the end of the game he just says "hehehe". In the lobby waiting for game, multiple people spoke of how he does this often.-Mafia- (1007).SC2Replay

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Nocebo 1-S2-1-20669806

    1-S2-1-20669806 is Correct.

    Sc2Maf clantag.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    A 2x WL for griefing. https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showt...-S2-1-20669806

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Nocebo - "Rocco Russo" - DRAGON HEAD - 10


    Setup: General political discussion.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: 6 quits D1.
    N1: 10 (DRAGON HEAD) kills 3. Kills: TRIAD, LEAVER. (The MASS MURDERER kicks in a door to an empty house).
    D2: 6 (AUDITOR) and 3 (VIGILANTE) are dead. 10 hardclaims SHERIFF and that 9 (INCENSE MASTER) is TRIAD. 9 counters with a STREET RACER claim. He has 3 votes at the end of the day and is sent to trial. Claiming STREER RACER, he is released 5-1 (with his own DRAGON HEAD guiltying). 7 has a heart attack during the trial. Day ends.
    N2: 11 reports that 11 is the MASS MURDERER. 9 cleans 7. 10 kills 2. Kills: VIGILANTE, TRIAD, MASS MURDERER, AFK.
    D3: 2 (VIGILANTE), 9 (INCENSE MASTER), 5 (ARMORSMITH), 4 (JAILOR), and 7 (sanitized ESCORT) are all dead. 10 claims CONFIRMED SHERIFF status. He gets PMs, and at EOD, 11 is sent to trial by 7 votes. On philosophical defense, he goes down 7-0 and flips MASS MURDERER.
    N3: 10 kills 12, who he didn't get a roleclaim from. 13 (AMNESIAC) becomes an INCENSE MASTER. Kills: TRIAD.
    D4: 12 (MARSHALL) is dead. An AMNESIAC has joined the TRIAD! With six players alive and three TRIAD, the game is over, since its BALLOT mode and the SURVIVOR will probably turn with the scum. During PM chat with 13, 10 says, "Like how I threw 9 under the bus?" 1 is sent to trial at the end of the day. He goes down 3-0 and flips DETECTIVE. 14 quits the game.
    N4: 10 kills 14 and the new INCENSE MASTER cleans him. Kills: TRIAD.
    D5: 14 (cleaned ESCORT) is dead. TRIAD wins the game with the SURVIVOR.

    Was the game result altered?
    No. Given it was ballot mode, even had the AMNESIAC not joined the TRIAD, it would've been three town to 2 TRIAD with a SURVIVOR and AMNESIAC, and that was likely to go TRIAD favored as the last TRIAD was a disguised DIVA.

    Additional offenses or players found in replay?

    1-S2-1-3920640, Blasta, rolequitting.

    Player Offenses:

    Nocebo: Griefing
    Blasta: Rolequitting

    Recommended Actions:


    Additional Notes:
    This is a complicated situation. If he'd cleared the plan with you ahead of time, I don't think we'd even be here, but it certainly ruined your experience.

    On the other hand, it was a legitimately clever play that got him to have all the town walk up and give out their roles, up to and including the MARSHALL.

    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; March 6th, 2024 at 06:44 PM.

  3. ISO #3



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