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  1. ISO #1

    Neutral Role Suggestions

    Mad Bomber - None (Killing, Evil)

    You are a grudged bomb smith against the town.

    - Be the last person alive.

    - Place a bomb at a player’s house.
    - You may wait a night to level up your bomb, making it more powerful

    Special attributes:
    - if you decide to wait no nights, your bomb will kill your selected target
    - If you wait one night, your bomb will kill your target and their visitors.
    - If you wait two nights, your bomb will erase the player’s role and list will.
    - If you wait three nights, your bomb will bypass protection
    - If you wait four nights, you will be able to place two bombs at two separate
    - Being roleblocked will not stop your bomb’s charges
    - You are night immune

    Sheriff: Mad Bomber/Not Suspicious
    Investigator: Trespassing, Arson, Destruction of Property, Murder

    Night Immune [ON] = Default
    Must wait one night before placing another level 2 bomb [ON] = Default
    Must wait two nights before placing another level 2 bomb [OFF] = Default
    Immune to detection [OFF] = Default

    Win Achievement:
    Boom Boom, Baby

    Night-Kill text:
    You hear a countdown with an explosion afterwards and horrid screams..
    You have been blown to pieces by a Mad Bomber.

    Death Description:
    They were blown to bits.
    Their body parts were blown apart in an explosion.
    They became an unidentifiable pile of body parts due to an explosion.


    Drunk Driver - None (Killing, Evil)

    You are an AA member who thinks he/she's off the hook.

    - Be the last person alive.

    - Visit a player at night, killing who they visit

    Special attributes:
    - If your target visits nobody, you will kill them instead
    - If your target's victim is being protected, you will kill their protector instead
    - You kill any Bus Drivers that visit you, regardless if they bussed themselves or not
    - You are night immune

    Sheriff: Drunk Driver/Not Suspicious
    Investigator: Trespassing, Destruction of Property, Murder, Speeding

    Night Immune [ON] = Default
    Immune to detection [OFF] = Default

    Win Achievement:
    Think before you drink

    Night-Kill text:
    You hear a car speed by as they run somebody over..
    You have been ran over by a Drunk Driver.

    Death Description:
    They were ran over.
    They had tire marks on the back of their body. They were ran over by a truck.
    Their body was flatten by a speeding car.


    Scientist - None (Killing, Evil)

    You are an evil scientist with a deadly surprise for the town.

    - Be the last person alive.

    - Visit a player at any night, infecting them with a deadly virus
    - Kill all infected targets

    Special attributes:
    - You may only infect one player
    * - You may only infect two players
    * - You may only infect three players
    - Players who visit infected targets will also become infected
    - Your targets will know they've been infected
    - You will know who's infected
    - If your original infected target dies or is healed, you may infect another
    * - If your original infected targets die or healed, you may infect others <- [If infected 2/3 players is enabled]
    - You are immune to infections
    - Your kills bypass night immunity, but not healing
    * - Your kills bypass night immunity, including healing
    - Your infections can be healed by a doctor
    * - Your infections can NOT be healed by a doctor
    - You are night immune

    Sheriff: Scientist/Not Suspicious
    Investigator: Murder, Conspiracy

    Doctor heals infection [ON] = Default
    Target is notified of infection [ON] = Default
    Can infect 2 players [OFF] = Default
    Can infect 3 players [OFF] = Default
    Night Immune [ON] = Default
    Immune to detection [OFF] = Default

    Win Achievement:
    Oops.. That wasn't medicine..

    Infection Message:
    You feel as if you've whipped up a horrible cough.. You've became infected of a deadly illness..

    Night-Kill text:
    You hear sounds of constant vomiting with a loud thump sound to the floor afterwards..
    You have died of an infection by the Scientist.

    Death Description:
    They laid on the floor completely lifeless with vomit next to their body.
    There were no signs of struggle, they died with a bottle of medicine in their hand.
    Their body has turned completely pale, they've died of a horrible illness.


    Philanderer - None (Killing, Evil)

    You are a charming romantic who seduces others to do his/her bidding.

    - Be the last person alive.

    - On any night, charm a player to fall in love with you
    - Once you've charmed a victim, control them to visit and kill another player
    - If you are killed, your charmed victim will commit suicide, if your charmed victim is killed, then maybe it wasn't mean to be.
    - If you haven't fallen in love with anyone, you may choose to attack somebody yourself

    Special attributes:
    - When you are charming a player, you are immune to all roleblocks and manipulation
    - Your target will know they've fallen in love with somebody, but not who
    * - Your target will not know they've been fallen in love with
    - Your target will still do their original night actions as well with your attack action
    - When your victim is attacking a player, they will be immune to all roleblocks and manipulation
    - If your charmed victim dies, you may charm another
    - You are night immune

    Sheriff: Philanderer
    Investigator: Conspiracy, Murder, Trespassing

    Can kill without a lover [ON] = Default
    Target knows he's in love [ON] = Default
    Night Immune [ON] = Default

    Win Achievement:
    Love Kills

    Your Love Message:
    You've fallen in love with NAME but you don't really care.

    Victim's Love Message:
    You've fallen in love with a mysterious beautiful person!

    Night-Kill text:
    You hear sounds of gunshots through-out the town by a heavy hand-gun..
    You were shot by a Philanderer's Lover.
    You were shot by a Philanderer.

    Lover Suicide Kill text:
    You hear sounds of a shattering broken heart...
    You couldn't bare to live with yourself knowing your true love was gone.

    Death Description:
    There were signs of struggle, he/she was shot was a heavy hand-gun.
    There were bullet-holes in their torso, they've been shot with a hand-gun.
    They were bleeding through-out the night, they've been murdered with a hand-gun.

    Lover Suicide Death Description:
    They have shot themselves in their temple, there was a note by their body expressing grief and heartbreak from losing their true love.


    Pretender - None (Killing, Benign)

    You are a retired assassin, hoping to leave his/her past behind and start a new.

    - Take a player's role, then complete their role's win condition.

    - Visit a player at night, killing and taking their role

    Special attributes:
    - You can only kill once
    - Upon killing your target, you will clean their role and last will
    - If your target's role has any charges, you will have the same amount as when they died, you will have always have atleast one
    - You are immune to other Pretenders' kills

    Sheriff: Not Suspicious
    Investigator: Murder, Identity Theft

    Must wait a night before disguising [OFF] = Default
    Must wait two nights before disguising [OFF] = Default
    Disguises pierce through immunity [OFF] = Default
    Cannot disguiser as Town [OFF] = Default
    Cannot disguiser as Triad [OFF] = Default
    Cannot disguise as Mafia [OFF] = Default
    Night Immune [OFF] = Default

    Win Achievement:
    New beginnings

    Taken Role Message:
    You have successfully killed your target and taken their role. You are now a ROLE NAME.

    Failed To Take Role Message:
    You have failed to kill your target.

    Night-Kill text:
    You hear a silent shot then a dull thud as a body hits the ground..
    You have been killed and cleaned by a Pretender.

    Death Description:
    He/She was shot at close range.
    He/She was also riddled with bullets at close range.
    There were signs of struggle. He/she was shot at close range.


    More to come...?
    Last edited by JeremiahSablan; February 15th, 2024 at 02:23 PM.



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