{Watch List} BestPlayer: 1-S2-1-324338; MrJazzHands: 1-S2-1-4720373

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    Re: BestPlayer: 1-S2-1-324338; MrJazzHands: 1-S2-1-4720373


    MrJazzHands 1-S2-1-4720373 Correct
    BestPlayer 1-S2-1-324338 Correct


    Spoiler : MrJazzHands chat log :

    I 00:27 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -repick 15
    I 00:43 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -prefer jester, survivor, executioner
    I 00:55 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -prefer jester, executioner, investigator
    I 01:00 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -repick
    I 01:12 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -Naggot Figger
    I 01:58 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -lw
    I 02:37 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -lw
    I 03:14 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:15 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:16 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:21 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:22 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:23 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:25 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:27 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:31 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL kill 14
    I 03:39 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 03:48 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL 14 and 2 must be triad lol
    I 03:49 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL easy
    I 03:52 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL eZ
    I 03:53 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL eZ
    I 03:56 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL 14 and 2 triad
    I 04:00 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL 14 and 2 triad butt buddies
    I 04:08 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 04:08 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 04:15 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL 2 and 14 are triad
    I 04:17 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL so obv
    I 04:26 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL vote 14
    I 04:32 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL ok retard town im otn
    I 04:33 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL out
    I 04:44 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL -lw
    I 04:49 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL Sheriff N1 14 triad N2
    I 04:52 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL fuck you retard
    I 04:57 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL this save sucks anyway
    I 05:04 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL youre shooting a sheriff fuck boy
    I 05:14 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL get retarded
    I 05:15 [GGu2EZ]MrJazzHands ALL reported

    Spoiler : BestPlayer chat log :

    I 01:05 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL -Figger Naggot
    I 03:31 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL purp
    I 03:33 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL love you buddy
    I 04:11 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL 4 is clean
    I 04:14 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL can vouch
    I 04:31 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL 14 is a figger naggot
    I 06:57 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL -pm10 citizen
    I 07:01 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL -pm 10 citizen
    I 07:34 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL town
    I 07:36 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL that is all
    I 07:46 [Fetor]BestPlayer ALL 10 knows what i am


    MrJazzHands : Griefing, Other (Racism)

    BestPlayer : Other (Racism)


    MrJazzHands : Leave-Train (WLx3, June 2020), Bank Hacking (Pointbanned, Feb 2020)

    BestPlayer : Already noticed to have picked that name back in Nov 2023 (https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showt...-1-S2-1-830635)


    MrJazzHands : WLx2

    BestPlayer : WLx2


    We have a pointhacker and another one who has already been spotted before, not gonna recommend an On-Hold.
    Thanks for the report !
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    MM Magoroth and Distorted are the 3 baddies
    just like Agrael Acriel and Auwt being the original 3 baddies
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    MafiaZ and Skwirl its all a repeat of history
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkRevenant View Post
    But Potoss has Pobes, Zeelot, and Acrons!
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    Screw you I actually have more grudges towards the people who have their names start with A

  3. ISO #3



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