{Permanently Banned} Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

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  1. ISO #1

    Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

    Account Name: Harold
    SC2 ID: 1-S2-1-10927042
    In-Game Name: Bin Guo (Harold1.SC2Replay), Deming Pindao (Harold2.SC2Replay) , Agosto (Harold3.SC2Replay)

    Suspected Affiliate
    Account Name: Ava
    SC2 ID: 1-S2-1-10926603
    In-Game Name: Huan Hu (Harold2.SC2Replay), Yutong Huo (Ava1.SC2Replay)

    Crimes Committed: Hacking, Bank Hacking, possible Multi Box

    My Account Name: Law


    A few things about Harold. He has 20k points but only 20 games. He is not a donor. He prefers government roles.

    What Harold does that makes me suspicious is 100% accuracy at lynching evils. He makes zero mistakes in the absence of leads. From my perspective he is clearly not deducing the evils based on behavior or information, he just knows who they are.


    In this game Harold rolls Constable, with the name Bin Guo. All times listed are the replay times, so you can find these moments in the game easier.

    4:10- It's Day 2. Daybreak. The role cards are being flipped for who died the previous night. The very second Harold has a chance to shoot, he does. He shoots 3, 3 flips SK.

    4:59- Harold leads town to lynch 4. 4 leaves before defending. 4 flips Forger. There were NO leads PMed to him by anyone.

    6:14- Harold tells town to lynch 10. Harold has a lead from 7 on 6, 7 claims 6 is Cultist, which he ignores. 1 tells him "I'm triad". 10 flips Cultist.

    12:10- Harold leads a lynch on 5. He has no lead on 5. 5 quits when he's put to the stand. 5 flips Dragon Head.

    13:53- Harold leaves a last will saying "hang 13", before he is shot. He received no leads on 13.

    16:00- After some debate by the town, we put up 13. He quits when put up to trial. He flips Enforcer.


    Harold rolls Marshall this game, with the name Deming Pindao. Ava rolls Crier, with the name Huan Hu.

    4:32- Ava (Huan Hu) claims he is Sheriff and that 3 is Mafia. Harold (Deming Pindao) encourages town to trial him. Town begins to put 3 up.

    5:01- Harold reveals as Marshall when 3 is at 7 votes, meaning only one more vote will execute him. 3 is Judge, and he courts the moment before his death. 3 is lynched.

    5:28- Using F11 to see chat log, you can see Harold saying "Marshall here. Town o n1 next". 1 is lynched. 1 is Godfather.

    6:16- Again using chat log, you can see Harold saying "Marshall here. Town on 4 next". 4 is lynched. 4 is Beguiler.

    8:17- Harold is killed at night.

    9:42- Ava takes control of the town as Crier and leads the town to victory. He appears to be playing a legit game, checking logs and getting roles.


    Harold rolls Constable this game, with the name Agosto. I didn't get the full replay this game, I was the Informant that was lynched. I quit and checked the replay because from my perspective it seemed like he lynched me with no lead, but maybe there was a lead. There was not. This was the first game I played with him that made me suspicious. The saves were posted in reverse chronological order.

    3:56- Day 2 daybreak. The very second Harold has a chance to shoot, he does. He shoots 6, who flips Judge.

    4:41- Harold leads a lynch on 3. He received no leads on 3. He tells town "G" for guilty. 3 was me, Law, and I was Informant. Player 7's perspective in the replay.


    Ava rolls Constable this game, named Yutong Hou. Harold rolls Auditor, Shan Zhang. This replay will focus on Ava. I have a feeling these two players might be one person that is multi boxing, but this is just suspicion. I am fairly certain Harold is hacking, and only suspicious that Ava is hacking, and that Ava is affiliated with Harold. In all four replays I posted they were both present, but that could just be a coincidence.

    In this game I want to note that Ava did not vote incorrectly a single time. He never put a town on trial, he never even VOTED a town. His votes were 100% accurate, evil every time, in the absence of leads.

    5:10- Ava shoots 13. To be fair, with a keen eye, 13 revealed himself by saying BG protected him from Vet, and there were no Mafia shots that night.

    5:56- Ava leads town to lynch 2. He has no lead on 2. Like Harold, he tells town "G" for guilty. 2 is lynched, and flips MM.

    10:45- While Ava did not start the lynch on 5, he votes him and 5 is put up. There were lots of accusations floating around but he picked 5.

    11:41- Ava says "Witch doctor is 85%. We are hanging all doctor claims". 5 is lynched. 5 flips WD. I want to note that 5 did not PM Ava before this, and the first time he heard about this "doctor claim" was on trial.

    12:53- Harold (Shan Zheng) leaves the game. Harold is Auditor.

    14:45- Ava tells the town "auditor is dead" at the exact moment the role card flips for a now deceased 9. This is pure speculation, but I am suspicious that someone's brain had time to process the information and type out a response in a fraction of a second. It seems as if he knew Auditor was already dead.

    I think these two might be the same person that is multi-boxing. They type similarly and behave similarly in games. They both randomly shoot first thing in the day as Constable, and their accuracy is 100%. They never lynch a town, or even put a town to trial. Below is an example of how they both behave when town asks them "What should we vote?"


    Also, compare "Witch doctor is 85%. We are hanging all doctor claims" to "Marshall here. Town on 4 next" - Same typing pattern when speaking authoritatively. Capitalizing each sentence, period after the first statement but not after the second. It is also worth noting that when not speaking authoritatively, both Ava and Harold speak in all lower case. Am I reading too much into this? Possible.

    Also, take a closer look at Harold2.SC2Replay. It was Ava who suggested town lynch 3 (Judge), claiming he was Sheriff and that 3 was Mafia. Harold then encouraged town to trial him. Then, just before 3 would get put up, Marshall revealed. Was this really a coincidence? Harold also targetted Judge first in Harold3.SC2Replay.

    Another thing I want to note is when you watch the games from both Harold and Ava's perspective, you see a constant resizing of their chatboxes, furthering my belief that they are the same person.

    Thank you for reading.

    Last edited by lawson; January 10th, 2024 at 09:14 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

    1-S2-1-10927042 is Correct.

    Ava is adjacent, possible party. Neither has a clan tag.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    No reports other than this thread.

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Harold - "Bin Guo" - CONSTABLE - 15

    He prefers MAYOR, CONSTABLE, and MARSHALL.
    His bank has 16 wins of 21 games, and 21259 points. As he does not have BENEFACTOR status, this is flat impossible.


    Setup: Quick setup, fairly standard 8/3/3/1 except the neutral Evil is a defined CULTIST.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: General trolling.
    N1: 15 (CONSTABLE) has no night action. He is bus driven. Kills: TRIAD, SERIAL KILLER.
    D2: 8 (VIGILANTE) and 11 (SURVIVOR) are dead. 15 reveals his gun immediately and kills 3 (SERIAL KILLER). People start PMing 15. He leads a trial on 4 who has not PMed, who goes up and quits on the stand, going down 0-0. Flip is FORGER.
    N2: 15 does nothing. Kills: VETERAN, TRIAD.
    D3: 2 (CULTIST) and 12 (BUS DRIVER) are dead. 15 leads trial on 10. With no meaningful defense from 10, he goes down 6-0 and flips CULTIST.
    N3: 15 does nothing. Kills: TRIAD.
    D4: 6 (CULTIST) is dead. 15 leads trial on 5 who quits on the stand, goes down 0-0, and flips DRAGON HEAD.
    N4: 15 finally sets a LW, of "Hang 13." He is hit by the TRIAD. Kills: TRIAD.
    D5: 1 comments that 15 is "Harold", and indicates this is a pattern. 13 is put to trial, quits on the stand, 0-0 elimination, flip is ENFORCER. Town wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?
    The outcome of this game was never in doubt.

    Player Offenses:


    Recommended Actions:


    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; January 16th, 2024 at 05:28 PM.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

    Ava in Harold1

    1-S2-1-10926603 is Correct.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Ava - "Kira has autism" - DRAGON HEAD - 5


    Setup: None.
    Names: Ava gets dinged for too many letters in her name.
    Roles: None.
    D1: None.
    N1: 5 (DRAGON HEAD) says "Yeah, fuck kira" and targets him for death. Kills: TRIAD, SERIAL KILLER.
    D2: 8 (VIGILANTE) and 11 (SURVIVOR) are dead. 3 is killed by CONSTABLE. 4 (FORGER) is hung.
    N2: 5 kills 2, as LIAISON suggests claiming RB. Kills: VETERAN, TRIAD.
    D3: 2 (CULTIST) anad 12 (BUS DRIVER) are dead. 10 is hung 6-0, flips CULTIST.
    N3: 5 kills 6. Kills: TRIAD.
    D4: 6 (CULTIST) is dead. 10 quits on trial and flips DRAGON HEAD.

    Player Offenses:


    Recommended Actions:


    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; January 20th, 2024 at 03:47 PM.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

    Harold2 report

    1-S2-1-10926603 is Correct.

    No clan tag. Not adjacent to Harold

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    Covered above.

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Ava - "Huan Hu" - CRIER - 12


    Setup: Ava says "asd" after the setup is finished.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: A bunch of general trash about stuff. Ava says nothing.
    N1: PARTY is held. Kills: MAFIA.
    D2: 8 (INVESTIGATOR) is dead. 12 (CRIER) claims they are SHERIFF and checked 3 and got a MAFIA read. Votes pile up to a 6-count on 3, at which point 15 reveals as MARSHALL and joins in. This starts a triple execution. However, the JUDGE calls court and hijacks the process! 3 is removed. 1 is removed. 4 is removed. Flips are JUDGE, GODFATHER, and BEGUILER in that order.
    N2: Crier calls the marshall a hero. Kills: MAFIA.
    D3: 15 (MARSHALL) is dead. 12 uses the CRIER power to confirm himself and starts getting PMs. 12 leads 2 on getting trialed. He's released 5-3 on an AMNESIAC claim under threat of execution if he doesn't choose a town role. 5 is put to trial. He goes down 3-2 on a BUS DRIVER claim, 12 voting to convict. Flip is BUS DRIVER.
    D4: 7 (ENCHANTRESS) and 6 (MAFIOSO) are dead. 2 has not remembered a role and is put to trial, going down 4-0. Flip is AMNESIAC.
    N4: No kills.
    D5: Nobody is dead. Town seems convinced it's 9 and puts him up with 4 votes. He goes down 4-0 and flips ELECTROMANIAC. Town wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?

    Player Offenses:


    Recommended Actions:


    Additional Notes:
    Ava here definitely helped hang the BUS DRIVER which is a clear mistake.

    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; January 20th, 2024 at 03:47 PM.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

    Harold3 report,

    1-S2-1-10926603 is Correct.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:

    See above.

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Ava - "Carlo" - DRAGON HEAD - 10


    Setup: Nobody seems to want Ava to host. A standard save goes in.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: General talking about the lack of cult(not possible).
    N1: 10 (DRAGON HEAD) targets 8 for death. They suggest their INFORMANT go, but he declines. Kills: TRIAD.
    D2: 8 (VETERAN) is dead, followed immediately by 12 (CONSTABLE, played by Harold) killing 6 (JUDGE). The ARONIST dayburns and incinerates 5 (BODYGUARD). 3 is put to trial. He goes down 7-0 on a DETECTIVE claim and flips INFORMANT. Replay ends.

    Was the game result altered?
    Harold was in the game, so yes.

    Player Offenses:

    Ava: Innocent

    Recommended Actions:


    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; January 20th, 2024 at 03:46 PM.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Harold: 1-S2-1-10927042

    Ava 1 report

    1-S2-1-10926603 is Correct.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Ava - "Yotong Hou" - CONSTABLE - 12


    Setup: Standard save, a few patrons, yadda yadda.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: Some general talking.
    N1: 12 isn't entitled to a night action. Kills: BODYGUARD, VETERAN, VETERAN, VETERAN, MASS MURDERER.
    D2: 8 (SOLDATO), 4 (BEGUILER), and 14 (BODYGUARD) are all dead. 13 claims 7 is RB immune and brags about how he (due to his name?) caused a mess. 15 claims Audited. 12 reveals as CONSTABLE and kills 13, who flips GODFATHER. So much for the mafia. 2 claims 9 is MASS MURDERER. 2 is put to trial. He goes down 4-1 and flips MASS MURDERER. The day ends (The WITCH DOCTOR and AUDITOR are still alive).
    N2: 12 does nothing. No kills.
    D3: Nobody is dead! 5 is put to trial on claim of being AUDITOR. He claims DOCTOR on the stand, and 10 has a heart attack. 5 goes down 6-0 and flips WITCH DOCTOR. 9 quits after the flip. Day ends.
    N3: 12 does nothing. Kills: AFK, LEAVER.
    D4: 10 (DOCTOR) and 9 (AUDITOR) are dead. Town wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?
    While taking out the GODFATHER on D2 was fortuitous, I don't think there's enough for anything untoward to be happening. While the game was short, the other two mafia were taken out by bad luck (the SOLDATO was slain by the MASS MURDERER and the BEGUILER tried to hide behind an alert VETERAN), so I don't feel there's anything untoward happening here.

    Player Offenses:

    Ava: Innocent

    Recommended Actions:

    Ava: Ignore

    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; January 20th, 2024 at 03:59 PM.

  7. ISO #7



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