{Ban List} Taffer: 1-S2-1-10399678, Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826

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  1. ISO #1

    Taffer: 1-S2-1-10399678, Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826

    Account Name: Taffer
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-10399678
    In-Game Name: CRINGE SAVE 9

    Account Name: Toast
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-6031826
    In-Game Name: cult my life into pieces 6
    Screenshot2023-12-10 20_53_24.jpg
    Crimes Committed: Toxicity/Racism/Etc
    -Mafia- (740).SC2Replay
    Your Account Name: PonyPonyPony
    Summary: Quick and dirty, screenshot speaks for itself.
    Screenshot2023-12-10 20_53_14.jpg
    Last edited by PonyPonyPony; December 10th, 2023 at 08:00 PM. Reason: Actually ordering the pics correctly

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Taffer: 1-S2-1-10399678, Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826

    Taffer: 1-S2-1-10399678 is Correct.
    Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826 is Correct.

    Respective Hotkey:

    Taffer: E
    Toast: 1

    Previous Offenses:

    Taffer has a WL for intentional gamethrowing, 2 approved racism reports, and at least three others pending.
    Toast...well. How the mighty have fallen.

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    Taffer - "CRINGE SAVE" - BUS DRIVER - 9
    Toast - "cult my life into pieces" - MARSHALL - 6


    Setup: Extensive repicking, takes 2.5 minutes to spawn a game in.
    Names: Taffer changes name repeatedly.
    Roles: None.
    D1: Nothing relevant.
    N1: 6 (MARSHALL) has no night action. 9 swaps himself with 8 and sets LW. He gets killed for it. Kills: MAFIA.
    D2: 9 (BUS DRIVER) is dead. 5 to trial after much discussion, he goes down 6-1 on a RACER claim. Flip is GODFATHER.
    N2: Kills: MAFIA.
    D3: 4 (LOOKOUT) is dead. 6 reveals as MARSHALL for double execution power. 2 and 12 are executed, flipping POISONER and KIDNAPPER.
    N3: 6 sets LW. He is audited for...no obvious reason, it's all upside for him. Kills: VETERAN, POISONER.
    D4: 14 (CITIZEN) and 11 (DOCTOR) are dead. 6 drops a hard N word against another player. No executions.
    N4: 6 clears his LW in spite. Kills: VETERAN, MAFIA.
    D5: 10 (INVESIGATOR) is dead. No trial, more slurs from 6.
    N5: 6 sets a LW that is nothing but slurs. He puts on his vest and is bus driven. Kills: MAFIA.
    D6: 13 (EXECUTIONER) is dead. 6 tells players to kill themselves... 8 is put to trial, goes down 2-0, flips MAFIOSO. Town wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?

    Player Offenses:

    Taffer didn't do anything offensive in this game.
    Toast on the other hand took the griefing to 11.

    Recommended Actions:

    Toast: 4x banlist
    Taffer: Cleared in this report

    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Taffer: 1-S2-1-10399678, Toast: 1-S2-1-6031826

    First Things First, Unban Light Yagami
    My name is Toaster, and I have preferred Jester and Amnesiac IRL, and I am a swell player.

    this got long
    i appeal rl threats and griefing
    i solved the game, played perfectly fine
    i quit when the game was solved, and called people names
    yes i am racist
    better player than you

    its cool that arrows game summary doesnt have me voting the last guy on d4 and d5
    no trial
    no trial

    looking at the screenshot knowing what happened in the game
    im voting the last evil and town isnt, and im getting upset about it
    how is that griefing lol

    if i call arrow a dumb nigger is that a perma ban
    fine by me

    this was indeed a memorable game
    because it was going alright
    then town got retarded and refused to follow their god king marshall


    looking at this replay again its strange Kuirya calling out gf and kidnapper as poisoner
    maybe i should give his replays a look
    why bother if im banned though
    i have a big anime backlog i can take a gander at instead

    i prefer some roles i enjoy and some im testing, not a tryhard list
    -prefer amnesiac, jester, detective, coroner, bodyguard, lover, marshall, oracle, double flower, spy

    repick passes to me and i pass it along because my cult save doesnt work with 14
    i am a generous god

    let us beginnings

    cult my life into pieces
    apex mafia predator, racist femboy gaming

    DAY 1 is for jailors
    chat is pointless who cares
    NIGHT 1 no crier/judge talk good, i dont do anything because im a marshall

    DAY 2
    2 announces himself as scum by saying maf has napper, escort chance super low
    maybe he got healed, but he is probably night immune

    big lookout reveal 5 7 9 10 possible gf
    poisoner Kuriya calls 5 gf (yes)

    i look at logs, then vote gf with town
    12maf 1bus 8maf vote a different guy

    gf on trial
    street racer claim auto guilty, 5% even worse, shit role, fuck frinckles
    i dont know a single street racer car and i do not care
    i will never check replays for street racer cars, remove it from the game

    guilty gf, type -chance framer, gf is dead

    lookout should get prot now
    1 bus possible prot dead

    NIGHT 2
    lookout dies did not get protected

    DAY 3
    a dude says he got poisoned AND AUDITED
    hopefully hes not judge baiting, i reveal, no judge, now i can play the game

    investigator (that voted gf) finds poisoner

    i reveal
    he are the claims
    3 vet, claims the saves only CONFIRMED vet, with unlimited alerts
    1 bus, says he bussed 4 (lookout) to his death, unlucky
    13 sheriff, finds 12 as mafia, doesnt claim that he was bussed
    14 bus, audited and poisoned

    1 and 14 as bus drivers have overlapping wills on 13
    so bus is a mess

    7 auditor claims to me and asks to be stumped, swell player this auditor
    i direct the bus and auditor into each other
    auditor doesnt follow my direction, but this helps solve the game later

    very easy to stump auditors now with enchantress and bus
    very cool

    shit claims
    11 doctor, wasnt on lookout

    shit claims and didnt vote gf
    8 bg, wasnt on lookout
    12 bg, no will

    2poisoner after calling 5 as gf yesterday now calls 12 kidnapper
    what a player, clearly smarter than i

    i look at logs and town votes the poisoner following exact role invest lead

    executioner starts the voting on 12, which was called kidnapper by poisoner
    town votes this kidnapper guy but im pming, looking at log, and dont vote on this
    kidnapper dead cool, but town should give marshall time
    i would have lynched 8 here instead, but its not a bad lynch i guess

    poisoner and kidnapper are dead

    NIGHT 3
    i write a swell lw
    1bus 3vet 8bg 10invest 11doc 13sheriff 14bus to cit kill bg and doc
    7 is auditor trying to stump if 1 cooperates

    looking at replay 11doc actually did try to heal lookout
    he just got messed up by bus, and he pmed me a false will

    and the doc claim i thought was scum dies to vet, lucky me
    dont know why he wasnt on invest instead

    now pay attention class, this will be on the test
    the bodyguard claim that didnt vote gf
    didnt protect the marshall from being audited
    and he guarded the poisoner instead of the lookout that found gf

    DAY 4
    1 says that 2 cheated, and looking at replay its certainly possible
    im not paying much attention since poisoner is dead
    thought about muting 1 here

    i(very smart), the marshall (very important), vote the mafioso(outstanding move), since he claimed bg, and i got audited
    town doesnt put him on trial, i could have typed more helpful things i suppose, but im marshall
    if im wrong you can just vote the guy innocent
    trial isnt instant death

    i call the lobby "terrible"
    the cracks are forming
    racist toast is going to break out
    oh no oh no

    bus and auditor are pming each other which is good
    i dont like to lynch auditors if i can stump them
    swell auditor helped solve the game by auditing me
    so give this guy a win

    with enchantress and bus stumping yourself is a good strategy in 2.0

    toaster deletes his lw in frustration (clearly high level griefing tbhsmh)

    NIGHT 4
    inspectigator dies to vet and mafia, and doesnt get the bg either
    where could this mythical bg be
    who is he guarding
    who does number 8 work for

    DAY 5
    auditor announces he has become the best role
    stump, god i wish that was me

    3 votes needed with 6 alive, confirmed stump in the game

    so what do we have now

    confirmed roles
    1 bus, 3vet, 6marshall 7stump

    very good claims
    13sheriff, but hes actually executioner

    very scum claims
    8 bg, actually mafioso
    didnt protect marshall from an auditor
    or protect the exact role invest from mafia

    the game in my mind was solved yesterday
    but lets officially call it solved today
    we have the bodies to mislynch and we have 2kp with bus and vet
    its fine

    morons say 8 cant be mafia when there have been 3 confirmed bus drivers in this game
    and actually turns out 8 was beguiler as well

    look guys, just put him on trial
    you can just vote innocent, its not the end of the world to mislynch someone anyway
    stop being so bad at the game

    i vote the mafioso again, which would end the game

    and now
    the worst part of the replay
    i called a very bad player
    a dumb nigger

    when obamna is producing racial agitation movies, saying white people are evil and cant be trusted
    im going to call dumb niggers, dumb niggers

    i just dont think STUPID RETARD!! really means what im trying to say

    cant get a cheap fuckin used car thanks obama
    need 3 bus drivers instead i hate this place

    this is my only offence by the way
    saying nigger, many times of course

    typing a word on a screen, didnt ruin the game
    played well
    called someone a nigger

    they turned jake from state farm into a nigger, can you believe that?
    i need some warm milk to calm down


    stump cant vote, i need my confirmed bus and confirmed vet to vote with me
    they arent

    1 bus driver is not voting 8, as he is typing that it is indeed 8
    very frustrating
    what a waste of time

    cult my life into pieces, man
    emo names emo games

    DAY 5 OVER

    here we go, racist toast is going thermonuclear
    puts nigger in his lw at least 10 times, AT LEAST, unbelievable racism
    absolutely disgusting

    heartrate rising, jannie pops a xanax, and looks to their george floyd portrait for comfort

    i put on my vest, i probably shouldnt get bussed here,
    hes pming the auditor so he should know i have a vest
    bus should be prot himself
    stump can die
    vet cant die
    but its not a big deal

    i type -colors
    to see who died in night
    my other nonconfirmed role dies
    lucky me again

    the game is solved
    i call 13 as executioner before his role is revealed
    4 confirmed roles alive
    bg was always fake(i knew that)
    i tell town they are stupid and leave
    because the game is solved and i want out

    to quote a very smart player (me)
    "i am better than all of you and you have no reason to ever fucking vote someone else
    kill yoursel(f)s
    you are why mafia is a dead game"

    replay end for me
    lol moron toast is too upset cant even type "themselves" correctly
    lmao actually seething

    so overall
    i played a swell game of marshall
    town drank retard juice
    i got frustrated and then called people names on the internet

    Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

    and left the game when it was 100% solved with only confirmed roles alive
    vs one unconfirmed role
    and town won the game

    there is racism

    telling someone to kill themselfs is not an RL threat
    there is no RL threat

    lol themselfs
    nice spelling moron
    too salty cant even type the words right LOL

    my only offence i guess is saying nigger?
    unless griefing includes saying the word nigger?
    in that case thats just duplicating a crime for no reason

    i solved the game
    is deleting my lw in a solved game griefing?, with 3 other confirmed players alive

    is it a trend, in a game about lynching wrongdoers, that some of the best players are consistently racist?

    having a logical brain and having pattern recognition makes you more likely to be a decent mafia player and a racist?
    yes i agree

    anyway im racist
    permaban if thats how it is
    i dont care

    report people for mean words is cringe
    a game about lynching will have racists in it
    and they will be good at the game

    i didnt ruin this game
    i played well
    then told stupid people that they are stupid

    surely policing mean words on the internet will reduce violence in the real world right
    are the white and asian gay dudes on /r/traphentai responsible for killing black trans prostitutes in baltimore?
    or is it, you know
    a completely different demographic doing the killing
    and "slurs" on the internet have nothing to do with it
    jannies are retards

    i have a better idea

    how about we lynch, execute, whatever, horrible violent criminals instead of letting them go free to victimize more people
    prison is expensive, tossing people into volcanoes isnt

    just remove them from existence
    and cut off welfare to retards that keep producing violent criminals
    and and fix divorce and family law so that people stay together to raise the kids that they are responsible for creating and unleashing upon the world

    george floyd deserved to die and the world is a better place without him
    replace george floyd with (insert violent criminal darkies name here)

    i have great ideas
    still not an rl threat


    i had enough of these politicseses

    back to the games

    now this section is me complaining about 2.0 and its bugs

    mafia 2.0 is garbage
    has frinckle even removed the stupid blue box

    the command for the blue box is -witchery
    any moron can type it and disrupt the game
    Street Racer is a stupid useless role
    like im ever going to learn what stupid fucking cars got put in this stupid fucking role

    Frinck was told Elector wouldnt be balanced
    Double Flower and Judge shouldnt ever roll in the same game
    and i dont think either should be in the game in the first place

    mafia and triad can now roll 3 kp?
    Soldato and Double Flower arent even fucking marked as deception roles on the cards LOL

    Bus Driver, Escort, and Witch sequence have changed, escort can no longer rb a bus or witch before they bus themselves, or witch the escort
    i am open to testing this interaction to be proven wrong

    Town Support restricts role claims, and the roles are shit, remove it
    party host should be merged into crier as suggested by smart people (not me)

    before Street Racer and Oracle mafia had to at least claim a fucking visiting role
    sure it was doctor and sheriff every time

    street racer and oracle claims just lowers evil players iq
    its like claiming survivor every game

    and even worse when i actually have a useless oracle or street racer on my team

    Enchantress is like bus in that it disrupts towns and dies to vet too often, players at least write the wills mostly correct now, but they should hold their powers more

    Spy is only useful for distinguishing between mafioso/enforcer and gf/dh kills
    and finding Disguisers

    and you can find Disguisers with pronoun tricks anyway
    does frik even know that the player models have different pronouns?
    and its actually a useful game mechanic
    or possibly an exploit since im like the only nerd that pays attention to it
    id be fine with its removal

    also also
    with 2.0, since i tried this before
    you can mute a disguiser BEFORE they kill, and they will stay muted
    this was NOT THE CASE before, as i tried to use this just like the pronouns

    coroner numbers never align with names, i was told on my return to completely ignore the numbers given to me in coroner, and i thought it was giving me different numbers for bussed and witched stuff
    but no, they were right, it was just bugged and useless

    judge can court twice in a row with the button
    which should have been the first fucking thing tested before releasing it
    fix this garbage ambush exploit
    god forbid players that arent mega nerds want to have a decent game of mayor and think they are safe until some bug abusing worm ruins it

    electromaniac is a pointless role that cant win unless its a neut only save
    cant win ties is pointless and just there to ruin the game and fuck over other players
    it would be great for cult saves if it could just win solo ties

    removing options for night immune roles is garbage
    let me do balance the way i want in my save
    frickles is a retard and like most forum dwellers he doesnt play the game enough to have helpful shit to say about its balance

    day killing and preventing town from voting and trialing is awful
    the entire point of an uninformed majority is they have to communicate during day and discover information through trials


    turning mafia into deathmatch with constable judge double flower arsonist killing is pants on head retarded

    Double Flower
    should be removed for the same reason elector was
    and i hate judge even more now

    SOLDATO christ what a ridiculous role
    bad enough that it kills your marshall lookout and bg in one night
    but then it hides all their wills so you cant even solve the game from there

    does vesting even protect you from bombs? who knows
    does one night immunity save you from kidnapper?
    does it get consumed when you escape jail?
    i have no idea
    i really dont feel like playing these roles more to find out

    evils have too much kp and its terrible

    give exec immune option back

    fix fucking sotd so we can play omnijester
    or at least let us edit our own garbage saves to play omnijester and bonker
    youre damn right i could make a caroler save more fun than the one on chaos right now

    mafia 2.0 section over
    now im going to be racist again

    low iq nigger players tank the game quality then report their superiors to the faggot jannies because they cant compete

    low iq devs dont listen to their superiors when balancing the game, and then leave it a garbage bugged mess and dont play it and dont care

    low iq jannies one day decide that mafia is too racist and ban good players for typing mean words on a screen

    you have a mute function, you can remove them from lobbies
    and you can stop playing like a dumb nigger
    and you wont get called a dumb nigger
    its as shrimple as that

    im told good players like law and killy cant even edit their saves to something fun when sotd is broken?

    moderators should bonk themselves irl
    not a threat by the way
    you dumb nigger

    watching good players slowly leave the game, or get banned by dumb mods

    and bad players continuing to be bad or worse, whining on forums and getting the game changed because they are whiny retards

    or even more fun
    mods like aero fucking lying to players about game mechanics while preferring executioner, tanking the players knowledge of the game just to get stupid wins on your account?
    fucking kill yourself you fucking worm

    i wanted to perma ban renegade the first day i interacted with him
    what an annoying whiny little retard

    then players like this pony faggot who will shit talk me in lobby chat after a game like this, saying town finally won because i left (lol) then report me for saying mean words

    toaster will always be better than you, so you report me instead

    you retards make mafia a worse game

    "how the mighty have fallen"
    im still one of the best players here

    if players dont like me typing slurs in chat they can kick me from lobbies
    billy the rapist gets kicked from lobbies plenty
    and i cant say ive seen him gamethrow tbh, just the cringe names

    the world is garbage and i have pattern recognition
    you dont like mean words
    i dont like my taxes being given to useless violent animals

    my taxes paid to defend bacha bazi and opium in afghanistan
    and now they pay for metzitzah bpeh and gay pride in israel
    all these retard cultists can fuck off back to the desert and eat sand cookies until the sun explodes

    and now i cant call people names to vent on dumb video games
    im having a blast

    anyways i think thats all i have to say
    mafia was fun for a while
    typing in lobby chat is better than playing 2.0
    and 2.0 can certainly be improved

    its too bad i cant liquidate this account like i did eve online

    circumcision is evil
    adultery is evil
    democracy is garbage

    and jannies are fags and give monkeypox to their dogs

    permaban me for hatespeech i dont care
    did i really play this game for 10 years?
    Last edited by Toast; December 16th, 2023 at 08:49 PM. Reason: lol



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