S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3 - Page 9

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  1. ISO #401

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    ladies and gentlemen , we got em
    -vote bakermir

    catch up for yall:

    Bakermir scumreads cape
    bakermir scumreads me, Oliwaz144 because I " scumread " cape
    bakermir votes me.
    this all happened in one post!!!!

    i point it out
    he claims he never scumread cape

    he forgot what reads he fabricated, forgot the playbook

    Ok yeah Baker is a wolf…
    He lied about not wolf reading Cape…


    At least Cape/Baker contains a wolf tbh.

  2. ISO #402

  3. ISO #403

  4. ISO #404

  5. ISO #405

  6. ISO #406

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    nah rn the chances for helz to bride scum are like 3/14
    late ron it can he be like 3/7 or smth God beware
    1) It can be useful even if a Town is targetted.

    2) It can be very very useful if a Neutral is targetted.

    3) It can be very very very useful if a Maf is targetted.

    4) The odds you mention were the one at the start of the game, without any knowledge and interactions, I hope the odds have changed since then.

    5) Nothing tells Helz will be able to live that night, although it's likely he will. Evils want to delay.

    The way I see Helz' role is just like a one-shot day specific Sheriff with a little tweak.
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    MM Magoroth and Distorted are the 3 baddies
    just like Agrael Acriel and Auwt being the original 3 baddies
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    MafiaZ and Skwirl its all a repeat of history
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkRevenant View Post
    But Potoss has Pobes, Zeelot, and Acrons!
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    Screw you I actually have more grudges towards the people who have their names start with A

  7. ISO #407

  8. ISO #408

  9. ISO #409

  10. ISO #410

  11. ISO #411

  12. ISO #412

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by bakermir View Post
    porscha you have the upper hand here so I am not even going to try getting out of this if the votes stay the same near EOD.

    i am bored and its day 1 no zaza i am gonna drink to my misery tonight and hope town wins this in the end but i think the chances will be lower after i am gone

    you may still continue making fun of me or the situation
    They're town.

  13. ISO #413

  14. ISO #414

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Either they're scum and forgot or town and they're forgot. Pushing somebody for forgetting something is some of the laziest and worst pushes you can do.
    would he have forgotten, he would have said:
    "oh sorry, i have forgotten xyz because abc and it differentiates from def because of ghi."
    and it's chill.
    How ever he did not do that, infact he did the exact opposite.

    an example for town behavior:
    bakermir asked me how I feel abt Helz voting me. When i was answering that post, i
    a. didnt care about it that moment as it is a bullshit question
    b. i was typing walking iutside and the freezing cold wind is killing my hand, and no amount of 4° degree celsius cold showers has prepared me for that i believe.
    anyways, now tha it's warmer?
    some random jack vote in mid d1 i dont feel no weight from it. Votea gain weight the closer they get to EOD. So yeah now like 90 minutes from EOD it weighs a bit more, but since it is pretty much alone (didnt he vote varcron since then?) its still pretty light.
    Intimidating me doesnt work =)
    Praise the Lord!

  15. ISO #415

  16. ISO #416

  17. ISO #417

  18. ISO #418

  19. ISO #419

  20. ISO #420

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    would he have forgotten, he would have said:
    "oh sorry, i have forgotten xyz because abc and it differentiates from def because of ghi."
    and it's chill.
    How ever he did not do that, infact he did the exact opposite.

    an example for town behavior:
    bakermir asked me how I feel abt Helz voting me. When i was answering that post, i
    a. didnt care about it that moment as it is a bullshit question
    b. i was typing walking iutside and the freezing cold wind is killing my hand, and no amount of 4° degree celsius cold showers has prepared me for that i believe.
    anyways, now tha it's warmer?
    some random jack vote in mid d1 i dont feel no weight from it. Votea gain weight the closer they get to EOD. So yeah now like 90 minutes from EOD it weighs a bit more, but since it is pretty much alone (didnt he vote varcron since then?) its still pretty light.
    Intimidating me doesnt work =)
    I cannot understand this post in the slightest

  21. ISO #421

  22. ISO #422

  23. ISO #423

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    skimming up now

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    He’s trying to play the game of mafia and he might have found a mafia member within you.
    this is a weird statement to make and wasn't really made for productive purposes

    kinda implies tmi depending on how you look at it
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  24. ISO #424

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Auwt View Post
    Note that this can only be beneficial :

    - Martin is scum : Confirmed Helz can tell us instantly.
    - Martin is not scum : Confirmed Helz can confirm Martin instantly.

    At worst (for you) you are voted off if you are scum, at best (for everyone) you are automatically confirmed if you are town or friendly neutral.
    Let's put it this way:

    The only way the automatic confirmation then death is more reasonable than me denying it is if I am under enough suspicion that it risks derailing the game in mafia's favor. Outside of that, it is always better for me to deny it. That is my belief in the past, it is my belief now, and and almost certainly will continue to be my belief in the future/post-game.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  25. ISO #425

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Cape90 View Post
    Helz - Top town for obvious mech reasons, no evil equivalent to Bride.

    MartinGG99 - For a person who said they were gonna lay back until day 2, that actually ended up not exactly happening and I think his contributions have been solvy/pro-town so far. Liked the read on Luka, biased, but like his defense of me.
    Marshmallow Marshall - Explained this earlier and don't have anything to add here.
    Mizery - Explained at least Mizery's early game, their point about not catching that MM said lily was frozen early game and then lily unfreezing herself isn't something MM should TR lily off of is a point I kinda just don't agree with on like a level 0 type of way. (the post is #180, linking it for clarity). Other then that, nothing that makes me strengthen or weaken my light TR here.
    Luka - I like his solving energy, even though it is a tad on a baseline level.
    Varcron - I feel like saying that there aren't many posts worth responding to is rand>v for as """late""" in the game as post #222 is. Hating the Auwt vote on MM feels towny to me for some reason.

    scumbot5679 - I see where their sus on Huohuo is coming from in that Porscha is easy to point fingers at around this moment. I think I need a bit more before I really decide if this is town or not though but I am almost leaning that way. IDK just isn't enough there for me yet.
    Dark Magician - The more Dark Magician doubles down on the whole Porscha inquiry thing, the more I felt better about it, oddly enough. I find Dark Magician to be particularly "jumpy" (like kinda posting like "AH HA" things without thinking too hard about it) which idk how to feel, my gut scumreads it but also knows that it could be a personality thing.
    Huo Huo and Mr Tail - Have picked up this isn't a hydra, but like a partial roleplay type of thing. I am kinda drawing a blank when I read their content. Their post supporting the lily push felt not great to me, same with their subsequent changing of their mind on lily. Been prodding people which is good to see I suppose.
    Auwt - Early push on MM was... whatever. I will say the problem with Martin deciding to take the bride's offer is that he would only be confirmed for a day (assuming he is indeed town) before mafia likely NKs one of Martin/Bride, and for town PRs, I see 3 possible town healing power roles I believe, but there could only be one and if so, how would they know who to protect? (unless night watchmen, but to protect both bride and whoever bride loves, that will be 2 out of the 3 uses for that role, which isn't super great IMO and it also is a gamble whether the role is here or not here, and soul mate would create a whole nasty chain of events if solo). (Sidenote: I am aware this has nothing to do with a read on Auwt but it's more a response to their recent content).
    oliverz144 - The pairing of me and helz off an arbitrary thing is classic oliverz i think so idk how to read into that in terms of alignment for him. Other then that I have nothing to add.
    Porscha - Don't have a lot to say, pretty fluffy, also scumleans lily though

    Lilypetal - I don't see why anyone should TR this though. Like I feel like their micro posts feel off, like idk how to describe it, like when lilypetal questioned why a Mizery post was phrased towny, also nobody said anything about that. I know Mizery last game on here suspected me when I was town pretty hard so I died really really early so I can see their paranoia. #181 feels off in like a shruggy type of way. Only thing is their Luka read seemed kinda towny I guess.
    bakermir - Their posts feel pretty devoid of substance/underwhelming despite being game related.

    -vote bakermir

    Obligatory boring vote for now
    Good enough in my books
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  26. ISO #426

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    As in, like, I don't have any issues with the reads there that cape made. Its a bit disorienting though to think someone has me on the same level as MM though while both reads being town-leans or whatever lol.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  27. ISO #427

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    page 6 didn't have much interesting going on

    Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
    Page 4 was a pain to read
    Lily made some points + clearly shows townie thoughtbnD thinking
    Tbh I didn’t read martins walls but I’m just gonna effort clear them
    Scumbots posts were kinda bad therr
    if you think I've wallposted

    you haven't seen me wallpost

    Not that I'm intending to though. I have made wall-posts with wordcounts equivalent to several essays in the distant past though.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  28. ISO #428

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    skimming up now

    this is a weird statement to make and wasn't really made for productive purposes

    kinda implies tmi depending on how you look at it
    I don't see how this is TMI. I don't why it's a "weird" statement other than you (and apparently most of the thread) thinking that I'm wrong or just taking general umbrage that he's lite defending me but when DM says that I could be right and you call it TMI then isn't that kinda TMIy too?

  29. ISO #429

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Porscha's posts early page 7 read genuine, maybe town-lean for this idk prob mull it over when night phase hits

    Yes I'm aware my vote is on them. But if I unvote then that counts as a skip so I'd rather leave it there for now.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  30. ISO #430

  31. ISO #431

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by scumbot5679 View Post
    I don't see how this is TMI. I don't why it's a "weird" statement other than you (and apparently most of the thread) thinking that I'm wrong or just taking general umbrage that he's lite defending me but when DM says that I could be right and you call it TMI then isn't that kinda TMIy too?
    When someone's looking to correct someone else

    they tend to dig into the strongest evidence they have

    and the evidence they have is that you're just "playing the game" and framing it as "having found a mafia"

    like that is not evidence if you're mafia because you can't really be playing the game nor finding anything unless you're neutral-hunting lmao
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  32. ISO #432

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    if DM was uncertain of your alignment I think it would be fairly unlikely to suggest something that really only applies if you're town rather than anything consisting of substance or nuance about your behavior or posts
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  33. ISO #433

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by scumbot5679 View Post
    I mean, how does this play out here? Say we end up flipping huo tomorrow and it's scum. Are you going to go "well DM TMI'd huo's scum flip. lez kill it!" but doesn't that also mean you are TMIing a Huo scum flip?
    Honestly, I don't get what you're saying here and considering I'm town and don't have tmi I'm just going to ignore what you're saying.

    I also have get back to skimming up more.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  34. ISO #434

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    -vote oliverz144

    Gona run but going to park here. Im comfortable with a tossup between Oliverz and Bakermir. Feels a little like two groups on the trains which could prove useful post-flip while I dislike the idea of a total lack of a counter wagon.

    Lilypetal (1):
    Marshmallow Marshall
    oliverz144 (2):
    bakermir, Huo Huo and Mr Tail
    bakermir (4):
    oliverz144, Mizery, scumbot5679, Cape90
    Varcron (1):
    Marshmallow Marshall (1):
    bwcPorscha (1):
    Cape90 (1):
    Huo Huo and Mr Tail (1):

    20 minutes until days end.
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  35. ISO #435

  36. ISO #436

  37. ISO #437

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Sorry, I'm late, came as soon as I could
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    -vote oliverz144

    Gona run but going to park here. Im comfortable with a tossup between Oliverz and Bakermir. Feels a little like two groups on the trains which could prove useful post-flip while I dislike the idea of a total lack of a counter wagon.

    Lilypetal (1):
    Marshmallow Marshall
    oliverz144 (2):
    bakermir, Huo Huo and Mr Tail
    bakermir (4):
    oliverz144, Mizery, scumbot5679, Cape90
    Varcron (1):
    Marshmallow Marshall (1):
    bwcPorscha (1):
    Cape90 (1):
    Huo Huo and Mr Tail (1):

    20 minutes until days end.
    I don't like either of those trains, tbh. Feels like a potential TvT (or perhaps including a neutral somewhere, if I had to guess it'd be Oliverz), and likely not containing scum. I'm also not sure why Oliverz is being voted at all, other than bakermir selfpreservation.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  38. ISO #438

  39. ISO #439

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    its been ages since I last saw oli seriously play a game recent years he's been preety aloof when playing games and semi-just-not-caring but his case on baker seems a bit genuine on him
    ^^^ this

    I dislike the fact that people like Lilypetal, Huo Huo or Luka didn't get any attention, basically, and everyone's focusing on Oli/Baker/(Cape earlier)

    Also, reading up on the TMI accusations, I don't get any of them....
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  40. ISO #440

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    -vote Huo Huo and Mr Tail

    Because this would be a better wagon than the other two
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  41. ISO #441

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    oliverz144 (3):
    bakermir, Huo Huo and Mr Tail, Helz
    bakermir (4):
    oliverz144, Mizery, scumbot5679, Cape90

    If we remove Helz from the equation, I trust the bakermir voters over the oliverz voters

    -vote bakermir

    Porscha's interactions with baker have been very good btw
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  42. ISO #442

  43. ISO #443

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    -vote Huo Huo and Mr Tail

    Because this would be a better wagon than the other two
    This is better than the other 1-vote wagons and definetly better than baker or oli imo
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  44. ISO #444

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Huo Huo and Mr Tail (3): Marshmallow Marshall, MartinGG99, bwcPorscha
    oliverz144 (3): bakermir, Huo Huo and Mr Tail, Helz
    bakermir (4): oliverz144, Mizery, scumbot5679, Cape90
    Marshmallow Marshall (1): Auwt
    Cape90 (1): Lilypetal
    Skip Day (3): Luka; Dark Magician; Varcron

    Bakermir was lynched.

    Their role:

    Spoiler : “Role Card” :
    Teacher - Choose 2 players at night. Learn if their alignments match or not. (Mafia/Town/neutral). Cannot target self.

    Last edited by powerofdeath; November 23rd, 2023 at 04:45 AM.

  45. ISO #445

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Night 1 has begun!

    Night 1 end on Friday, 7:00 PM EST. Click here for reference to when Night 1 end.

    Please submit your night actions at least 60 minutes before the deadline, all actions will be locked 60 minutes before the deadline.

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to DMs me on Discord or via the website.

    Player List:
    1. Marshmallow Marshall
    2. Mizery
    3. Cape90
    4. MartinGG99
    5. Scumbot5679
    6. Auwt
    7. Luka
    8. bakermir - Teacher
    9. Helz
    10. Dark Magician
    11. oliverz144
    12. Huo Huo and Mr Tail
    13. lilypetal
    14. bwcPorscha
    15. Varcron

    White = Alive, Color = Dead with Role reveal This list will be updated as game start to unfold.

  46. ISO #446

    Re: S-FM 355: Nonstandard Roles 3

    Day 2 has begun!

    Day 2 end on Sunday, 7:00 PM EST. Click here for reference to when Day 2 end.

    There is a bounty on Helz’s head.

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to DMs me on Discord or via the website.

    Player List:
    1. Marshmallow Marshall
    2. Mizery
    3. Cape90
    4. MartinGG99
    5. Scumbot5679
    6. Auwt
    7. Luka
    8. bakermir - Teacher
    9. Helz
    10. Dark Magician
    11. oliverz144
    12. Huo Huo and Mr Tail
    13. lilypetal
    14. bwcPorscha
    15. Varcron

    White = Alive, Color = Dead with Role reveal This list will be updated as game start to unfold.

  47. ISO #447

  48. ISO #448

  49. ISO #449

  50. ISO #450



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