{Ban List} JumpinAway 1-S2-1-1203800, cwal 1-S2-1-7479068

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  1. ISO #1

    JumpinAway 1-S2-1-1203800, cwal 1-S2-1-7479068

    Account Name: JumpinAway
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-1203800
    In-Game Name: Tao Hou

    Crimes Committed: Gamethrowing

    Your Account Name: Invictus
    This player was a vigilante. And on night 2, he shot night immune which was 8. It is clear that he needed to share this vital information with the town as there is a confirmed SK around. However, he did not shre this information from this town and did not say anything. Then on night 3, he randomly shot Mason Leader. Also on night 4, he randomly shot Party host. This player did not cooperate at all with town but random shooting whoever he feels like and did not share the vital information of NI with town. And when he was put on the stand, he said "It was fun. pew pew pew"

    Please punish this player accordingly.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. ISO #2

    JumpinAway 1-S2-1-1203800, cwal 1-S2-1-7479068

    Account Name: JumpinAway
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-1203800
    In-Game Name: Shao

    Crimes Committed: Slur Usage

    Your Account Name: Invictus
    This guy used N-word slur in the game.

    Account Name: cwal
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-7479068
    In-Game Name: Jester

    Crimes Committed: Griefing, slur usage

    Your Account Name: Invictus
    Multiple trolling messages along with racial slurs.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Invictus11; November 3rd, 2023 at 11:53 PM.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: JumpinAway 1-S2-1-1203800, cwal 1-S2-1-7479068

    3739 replay

    1-S2-1-1203800 is Correct.

    Respective Hotkey:


    Previous Offenses:


    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    JumpinAway - "Tao Hou" - VIGILANTE - 9


    Setup: A few players want to repick but nothing happens. CULT save is loaded.
    Names: None.
    Roles: None.
    D1: Some discussion about how a CULT game is not the same as a MAFIA game.
    N1: PARTY is going on. 9 (VIGILANTE) tries to kill someone but can't because it's N1. Kills: SERIAL KILLER.
    D2: 1 (LOOKOUT) is dead. Discussion among other players and votes. 9 says nothing, but is present because he's in and out of the chat log. No trial.
    N2: 9 goes to take out 10, but switches to 7, then at the last second switches to 8. However, 8 is an ARSONIST with NIGHT IMMUNITY. Kills: SERIAL KILLER
    D3: 4 (BODYGUARD) is dead. 6 reports (via night sounds) that the VIGILANTE hit a NIGHT IMMUNE target. The ARSONIST, figuring the game is up, fires off his dayburn; however, it only kills 11 (AUDITOR) and 3 (WITCH DOCTOR). People urge VIGILANTE to speak up about who's NI, but 9 says nothing. 2 is put to trial without a vote from 9. Claiming DETECTIVE, 2 is pardoned 6-1 (with an inno from 9). People again demand VIGILANTE reveal who he shot. 8 is put to trial with help from 9. Claiming STREET RACER, 8 goes down 6-2 (9 guilties). Flip is ARSONIST.
    N3: 9 heads to take out 14. He later changes to 6. He also updates his LW. Kills: VIGILANTE, SERIAL KILLER.
    D4: 13 (MASON) and 6 (MASON LEADER) are dead. Quick rolecheck shows that this has eliminated the MASONS. With three CULTISTS in 8 living players, along with an EXECUTIONER and a SERIAL KILLER, town has lost majority. People claim VIGILANTE is throwing. 15 (EXECUTIONER) pushes for an execution on 10, who is his target. 15 goes up instead. Claiming EXECUTIONER on the stand, he goes down 5-0 and flips EXECUTIONER.
    N4: PARTY TIME! 9 heads out to take out 7, switches to 14, and finally goes to 12. He is now out of shots. Kills: VIGILANTE, SERIAL KILLER.
    D5: 12 (PARTY HOST) is dead. He was attacked by both players, thus the lack of a second kill. CULT has 3 of 6 votes. 10 is put to trial and goes down 5-0. Flip is SERIAL KILLER.
    N5: 9 reviews chat log. No kills.
    D6: CULT has converted again and 9 is the last remaining non-CULT player. 9 bemoans "Missing" all his shots, The CULTISTS vote up 9 and send him to the gallows, 3-0. flip is VIGILANTE. CULT wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?
    No. Even though VIGILANTE didn't report the 'hit' on ARSONIST, he still got executed the following day.

    Additional offenses or players found in replay?

    Nah, this was a clean game. Rarely see those anymore.

    Player Offenses:


    Recommended Actions:

    IGNORE pending outcome of next report.

    Additional Notes:
    9 could've legitimately been concerned about becoming SERIAL KILLER bait, especially since the only TOWN PROTECTIVE spawn died N1. I didn't see any particular intent to gamethrow; he certainly randomed, but several of his random picks were CULTISTS (he just happened to switch off them), and the people he targetted were not explicitly confirmed town. Its bad play to random shoot as VIGILANTE but we can't punish being bad at the game. He also bemoaned the loss late in the game, which is not in-theme with someone setting out to gamethrow.
    Last edited by Arrow; November 5th, 2023 at 09:51 AM.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: JumpinAway 1-S2-1-1203800, cwal 1-S2-1-7479068

    3754 replay

    cwal: 1-S2-1-7479068 is Correct.
    JumpinAway: 1-S2-1-1203800 is Correct.

    Respective Hotkey:

    cwal: 1
    JumpinAway: 4

    Previous Offenses:

    cwal: 4x WL for slurs in July, compounded off a 2x for rolequitting. https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showt...1-S2-1-7479068
    JumpinAway: An ignored report in this thread.

    Key Points:
    Players in question:

    cwal - "Jester" - INCENSE MASTER - 13
    JumpinAway - "Shang" - DRAGON HEAD - 7


    Setup: 8331 selected. Cwal comments on a lobby conversation.
    Names: Someone chooses name "Black Man", and ends up in slot 12.
    Roles: None.
    D1: 14 calls for NEUTRAL BENIGN claims on D1. 13 says 14 is "triad claiming Neut". Meanwhile, 7 is...insensitive to indigenous people. Day ends.
    N1: 7 (DRAGON HEAD) targets 3 for killing, and 13 (INCENSE MASTER) piles on with a clean. Discussion of SWINGER role with the third TRIAD. 4 gets LURED by the ENCHANTRESS, however, invalidating the clean. Kills: VETERAN, JAILOR, TRIAD.
    D2: 6 (SERIAL KILLER), 4 (CORONER) and 11 (ENCHANTRESS) are all dead. 13 again shades 14. 8 quits the game shortly after 7 denies being enchanted (which was brought up by 11's LW). 13 agains pushes 14 because "He's black" as votes pile on 7. Eventually, 9 reveals as MAYOR and that allows the extra oomph to get 7 up to trial. He claims SHERIFF with an NS read on 2, but goes down 8-2. While it wouldn't have saved him if they hadn't, both his teammates hammer guilty. 7 drops hard R and hard N words as he's executed. Flip is DRAGON HEAD.
    N2: 13 converts to ENFORCER. He targets 12 to kill and sets a death note claiming to be head of the KKK. 13 is targeted for killing by 12 (who is a VETERANL ON ALERT), but a BODYGUARD intervenes, saving his life. Meanwhile, 7's soul has departed, so terminating review of deadchat. Kills: BODYGUARD, LEAVER.
    D3: 1 (BODYGUARD) and 8 (AUDITOR) are dead. 13 claims 14 went after him and reports the BG save. He tells 12 "go back to the kitchen, this is a man's game" during votephase. 2 is put to trial after impassioned claims against 14 by 13. 2 claims ARMORSMITH converted to CITIZEN, and is released 6-3. Day is over and ends.
    N3: 13 decides to kill 10, then 3, then 2, then 9. Kills: JAILOR, TRIAD.
    D4: 9 (MAYOR) and 14 (JESTER) are both dead. 3 is put to trial by MAYOR's claim of him not PMing. He claims VETERAN on the stand, which is true, but it doesn't save him (8-0). 13 says "You're black and on a noose" as he flips VETERAN.
    N4: 13 targets 10. Kills: TRIAD.
    D5: 10 (JAILOR) is dead. 12 says "1 and 3 are monkeys who escaped from the zoo" and accuses them of throwing. Edge case. At this point, the remaining roles are VETERAN, DETECTIVE, and CITIZEN opposing a SWINGER and ENFORCER. 12 is put to trial by the SWINGER and the other two town. He claims VETERAN and goes down 3-0 with the SWINGER abstaining. Flip is VETERAN.
    N5: 13 heads out to kill 2. Some Triad discussion about CITIZEN wins. Kills: TRIAD.
    D6: 2 (CITIZEN) is dead. 15 is voted up and executed, flipping detective, but 13 doesn't waste the opportunity to be a dick to jewish people as well, and drop some asian slurs. TRIAD wins the game.

    Was the game result altered?
    Both players were TRIAD and both played to their wincon as much as possible (and of course, they won). So no find of gamethrowing.

    Player Offenses:

    cwal: Extensive slur usage
    JumpinAway: Slur usage

    Recommended Actions:

    cwal: 4x banlist
    JumpinAway: 3x Watchlist

    Additional Notes:
    Thank you for the report!
    Last edited by Arrow; November 5th, 2023 at 04:54 PM.

  5. ISO #5



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