Account Name: Zeratul
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1103432
In-Game Name: Guy is lowest IQ mafia player
Crimes Committed: Griefing
Your Account Name: Invictus
This player was a jailor and I was a vigilante. Night one witch controlled me to shoot a random person but fortunately vigilante shot Night immune. So I asked jailor to jail me so witch cannot control me anymore. Jailor jailed vigilante on night 2 and I explained to him why I was asking him to jail and there was a vigilante shot on the night sequence n1. However, this player trolled and decided to execute me just because I was a specific player. Plus, he was telling me to say n word in jail. Vigilante's claim was very provable but this player exed me not out of the strategy but out of hatred against a specific player. Please punish him accordingly.