S-FM 353: Death Nominations - Page 10

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  1. ISO #451

  2. ISO #452

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Vittae View Post
    In either scenario, I'd appreciate you explaining your top 2 townreads to me.
    My top town reads are tutuu, vittae, and martin, in no particular order. I believe it's unlikely that all three of you are Mafia, and I wouldn't want to see any of you eliminated this early in the game.

    Regarding cyan, it's a bit complex to explain. Yellows haven't provided enough material to earn a higher tr than the greens or cyans, and while I can construct a comprehensive argument for why I see scumbot as mafia, that's just my personal perspective. I don't intend to be the driving force behind any elimination today, as long as we don't eliminate anyone from the green or cyan groups; they are off the chopping board for me.

    I could also share a page from my spreadsheet, but I doubt it would make much sense without explaining the thought process and the trail of posts I have been following. I think it's a bit early for me to leak all my thoughts to the thread, as I recognize that my reads are likely wrong given the early stage of the game (with no flips).

  3. ISO #453

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Vittae View Post
    I also hadn't realised he'd posted quite so little as he actually had.
    This applies to his post count but I moreso meant the length / quality of his posts.

    There's only two posts that contain reads that aren't just IIoA / commentary in his ISO and in both of those there's nothing about the solving that goes beyond the surface level / things that I think would be remotely difficult to fake.

    The commentary posts just point out things that are very obvious already and don't go anywhere, making them seem very much like busywork.

  4. ISO #454

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by bakermir View Post
    My top town reads are tutuu, vittae, and martin, in no particular order. I believe it's unlikely that all three of you are Mafia, and I wouldn't want to see any of you eliminated this early in the game.

    Regarding cyan, it's a bit complex to explain. Yellows haven't provided enough material to earn a higher tr than the greens or cyans, and while I can construct a comprehensive argument for why I see scumbot as mafia, that's just my personal perspective. I don't intend to be the driving force behind any elimination today, as long as we don't eliminate anyone from the green or cyan groups; they are off the chopping board for me.

    I could also share a page from my spreadsheet, but I doubt it would make much sense without explaining the thought process and the trail of posts I have been following. I think it's a bit early for me to leak all my thoughts to the thread, as I recognize that my reads are likely wrong given the early stage of the game (with no flips).
    I think I get you.

    I like hearing the way people solve, right or wrong, both out of curiosity and because I think as you lean more about the way a specific person thinks and solves you can get inside their heads ans they become exponentially easier to read. If you've got stuff to share then I'd be very eager to look but I won't try to force it since I'm generally unwilling to share my own personal notes and I don't plan on being a hypocrite.

    What do you think Varcron in particular has done to provide enough material to earn a higher townread from you? That's definitely one I'm very interested in hearing more about.

  5. ISO #455

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by CRichardForumLies View Post
    Those convos don't feel like they're going through the motions of being forced to talk to each other in thread. So >rand not w/w.
    I agree. Keeping this in mind lets go back at your reads again:

    Quote Originally Posted by CRichardForumLies View Post
    I'd say that Vittae would be the one I'm potentially misclearing, because I've seen them snow town as mafia in past games.
    MM/Varcron is PoE, and I'm thinking that if i'm wrong on lol. Martin is probably the townie who I'm incorrectly slotting into PoE.
    Quote Originally Posted by CRichardForumLies View Post
    It would be one of Varcron/MM mainly because I have townier players in my list than those 2.
    Quote Originally Posted by CRichardForumLies View Post
    Probably Vittae, though I'm unsure who would fit as the 3rd mafia in this team.
    You have Vittae/?? or Martin/?? + MM/Varcron

    That still leaves us with two mafia members if we stop circling around the names. We need three.

    Have you had an opportunity to review your reads and see if anything has changed? @CRichardForumLies

  6. ISO #456

  7. ISO #457

  8. ISO #458

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    The current three-way tie wagon formation is basically never going to result in a dead wolf and even if we try to agree on a specific person to vote out of the three that person can justifiably self pres onto somebody else and break the tie without necessarily even looking bad for it.

    Plus 2 votes < 3 wolves and I don't need to explain why that's so prone to manipulation.

    A wolf flip is very unlikely unless the wagons are w/w/w and that's not something I think is at all likely either.

  9. ISO #459

  10. ISO #460

  11. ISO #461

  12. ISO #462

  13. ISO #463

  14. ISO #464

  15. ISO #465

  16. ISO #466

  17. ISO #467

  18. ISO #468

  19. ISO #469

  20. ISO #470

  21. ISO #471

  22. ISO #472

  23. ISO #473

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Marshmallow Marshall was lynched. His role is Town.

    You have 24 hours to nominate three players that will be up for lynching tomorrow. Day 2 will begin immediately as soon as you lock in your nomination. It could start in 5 min or 24 hours. I will ping everyone on Discord when Day 2 begins.
    Last edited by powerofdeath; September 17th, 2023 at 06:03 AM.

  24. ISO #474

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Player List:
    1. MartinGG99
    2. Marshmallow Marshall - Lynched Day 1
    3. Varcron
    4. ikarusdk
    5. tutuu
    6. scumbot5679
    7. Vittae
    8. bakermir
    9. lol
    10. CRichardForumLies The Scarlet Letters (Nancy/Italiano Hydra)

    White = Alive, Color = Dead with alignment reveal This list will be updated as game start to unfold.
    Last edited by powerofdeath; September 17th, 2023 at 06:07 AM.

  25. ISO #475

  26. ISO #476

  27. ISO #477

  28. ISO #478

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    What I'm going to do myself and what I also suggest everyone else does is focus on talking about and solving the nominated names as a priority.

    Obviously solving everyone and trying to solve the game on a wider scale is still important but with how stagnant discussion was for large parts of D1 we should absolutely be prioritising the imminent issue of "who is the most likely wolf in the list of nominations?" above all else.

  29. ISO #479

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    And, while this is hopefully much less of an issue now that only three wagons can legally voted, having the lead wagon only have 2 votes is not something that should ever again be happening close to EoD.

    Nobody should be having no vote placed down closer to EoD. If, for some reason, this doesn't happen and very few votes are down then consolidating wagons is absolutely still key.

  30. ISO #480

  31. ISO #481

  32. ISO #482

  33. ISO #483

  34. ISO #484

  35. ISO #485

  36. ISO #486

  37. ISO #487

  38. ISO #488

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by ikarusdk View Post
    I can't comment on why lol voted tutuu initially.

    My vote was completely separate from lol's, and even though I said I knew it was going to tie up the votes in a 3 way, that was not my intention to do so.

    The reason I voted tutuu was not because of fluff posts or anything. In fact, I liked them quite a bit. It's because some of their posts worry me as to why they worded them that way, and especially after tutuu kept going after scumbot/Richard slot (which now seems to have veered off a bit).


    - something pinged me as I was reading this waking up this morning. Like, something felt kinda off. If tutuu is reading baker town (but has the potential to be wolf), and tutuu himself is town here, why is he using 'he's not w/w with me'? Hear me out. Tutuu himself is town. Sees baker probably town, less likely to be wolf. So we are not w/w?? Doesn't sound a little off to you guys? Wouldn't you rather phrase it so it's 't/w'?

    These two posts also make me suspect tutuu is further pocketing vittae (although based on vittae's posts, it's easy to townread him). This is further supplemented by the fact tutuu has now spent majority of the day pushing for scumbot/richard slots because tutuu is 'sheeping' their towncore reads, independent of their absent scumread on their slots. It feels like because Vittae is town from W!Tutuu's POV, by towncoring Vittae early, and sheeping his reads and pushing the same prospects, tutuu hopes to get townread by Vittae (which tutuu succeeded).

    I explored into the idea of Vittae being a scum with tutuu and that second post i quoted was made to distance themselves a little. My early prediction/speculation is that if Vittae is scum, tutuu is scum. But if Tutuu is scum, Vittae does not have to be.

    Also I still am not convinced from their response/answers to my pressure. In fact, their answers to my posts aren't really helping me with my suspicions.
    I mentioned we're not w/w coz that was my fleeting thought

    I had remembered baker longing to be w/w with me

    So then i quite literally wasnt w/w with him. It was also just funny to me to say stuff like that sometimes. Bit of a stone face humor. Like, imagine a character from The Office saying that

    U think im a wolf who forgot that im supposed to pretend im town? Wolves are more conscious of these things. Im town and i didnt and dont care about manipulating. I think i temd to be scummier as town than when im wolf

    Anyway this is a pretty towny post. A lot of depth here, about me and vittae. U mentioned ur new. No shot u fake that as wolf imo. U can be town. But pls stop trying to kill me man, friendly fire 😂

  39. ISO #489

  40. ISO #490

  41. ISO #491

  42. ISO #492

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by CRichardForumLies View Post
    Those convos don't feel like they're going through the motions of being forced to talk to each other in thread. So >rand not w/w.

    Richard was just impressed by an unorthodox read i made earlier. "Tutuu never comes up w this as mafia"

    So for him to make one of his own of a similar caliber - i think this is >rand town

    Problem is whos mafia atp. Coz im misclearing at least 1 if not 2

  43. ISO #493

  44. ISO #494

  45. ISO #495

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by tutuu View Post

    Richard was just impressed by an unorthodox read i made earlier. "Tutuu never comes up w this as mafia"

    So for him to make one of his own of a similar caliber - i think this is >rand town

    Problem is whos mafia atp. Coz im misclearing at least 1 if not 2
    What is it about this specific read that seems unorthodox to you?

    Unless I'm missing what you're getting at, isn't that basically what Baker was also saying?

  46. ISO #496

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by bakermir View Post
    My top town reads are tutuu, vittae, and martin, in no particular order. I believe it's unlikely that all three of you are Mafia, and I wouldn't want to see any of you eliminated this early in the game.

    Regarding cyan, it's a bit complex to explain. Yellows haven't provided enough material to earn a higher tr than the greens or cyans, and while I can construct a comprehensive argument for why I see scumbot as mafia, that's just my personal perspective. I don't intend to be the driving force behind any elimination today, as long as we don't eliminate anyone from the green or cyan groups; they are off the chopping board for me.

    I could also share a page from my spreadsheet, but I doubt it would make much sense without explaining the thought process and the trail of posts I have been following. I think it's a bit early for me to leak all my thoughts to the thread, as I recognize that my reads are likely wrong given the early stage of the game (with no flips).
    Spreadsheet? O_O

    Ok wait im getting a bit paranoid now lmao

    This is mega towny but like. I dont remember seeing u put in this much passion into it with like. Tools. Like stuff that isnt posts.

    So this is new to me. I am a bit paranoid u could be too towny to be town. As town before uve always been a bit of a gremlin

    Can i ask - where did this passion to put in this effort in this particular game come from?

  47. ISO #497

  48. ISO #498

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Vittae View Post
    What I'm going to do myself and what I also suggest everyone else does is focus on talking about and solving the nominated names as a priority.

    Obviously solving everyone and trying to solve the game on a wider scale is still important but with how stagnant discussion was for large parts of D1 we should absolutely be prioritising the imminent issue of "who is the most likely wolf in the list of nominations?" above all else.
    I agree

  49. ISO #499

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by Vittae View Post
    Where's your head at atm with regards to the nominations?
    I need a few hours to marinate and think it out

    Gun to ahead my initial reaction is to kill lol

    But i wanna think a bit more about lol, remind myself of my past games with him, and make sure that im not doing it out of annoyance

  50. ISO #500

    Re: S-FM 353: Death Nominations

    Quote Originally Posted by CRichardForumLies View Post
    If we flip mafia today, do they put in 3 town as their nominees or throw in 1 of their buddies for WIFOM?
    Was there a particular reason why you asked this question when you did?

    Obviously there's the whole WIFOM aspect if it did get discussed so I'm interested in hearing what you thought the benefit in talking about it was.



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