Account Name: DrGreenThumb
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1150062
In-Game Name: Isabell
Crimes Committed: Griefing
Account Name: Deathbringer
Account ID: 1-S2-1-1507461
In-Game Name: Deathbringer
Crimes Committed: Griefing
Summary for DrGreenThumb: Constantly flaming when he dies, or gets rb'd. Griefing non-stop in the graveyard, and even tries to harass me next game in lobby by calling me retard, etc. I have screenshots for lobby dispute if necessary, but I guess replays are usually what matters most.
Summary for Deathbringer: Also a downright toxic player who was griefing near the end of the game. He can be fair at times, but he is always cursing people out when they make mistakes, or when things don't swing his way. This is not the first time he has been toxic. Almost every game he is carrying about an elitist rhetoric to harass people who make mistakes. Numerous games played with him where he is toxic, but this was the last straw.