More Role Ideas

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Thread: More Role Ideas

  1. ISO #1

    More Role Ideas

    1. Neutral Killing - Cryptologist

    Each night the Cryptologist enters a phrase into an input box (similar to -lw) and selects "OK". During the day, the first person to say that phrase dies immediately.

    2. Neutral Evil - Ventriloquist

    Select a person (x) times at night. The next day you speak for them and they are silenced. They still control their votes.

    3. Town Investigative - Decoder

    Select a person each night to read their LW.

    4. Triad/Mafia Deception - Hacker

    Select a person each night to rewrite their LW.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: More Role Ideas

    1 is pointless. Any serious player would type something all players would say like "lw" to ensure a kill rather than risk missing a kill. Also, there's no way to control who will be the first one to say it. ALSO, it can be countered by simply not talking, which is devastating when it comes down to, say, 2 Triad vs 1 Cryptologist.

    2 is Silencer/Blackmailer with extra flavor. Since it's NE, it doesn't really add anything to the game (e.g. give evils something new to claim). Pretty sure the ventriloquist mechanic would either give the Ventriloquist away (personal observation: people are not good at changing the way they type) or used to grief (e.g. N-word spam to get the target lynched).

    3 is pointless as a Town Invest role, evils will keep a fake LW anyway.

    4 is easily countered by Ctrl+C. Pretty sure most players keep their LWs copied for easy pasting on trial or for PMing Town Gov. Even if the target is killed on the same night their LW is rewritten, it's pointless if the target has revealed their LW before. This ability is only useful in a fringe case where a player gets killed without publicly revealing their LW before... and even then, how would you know what role that player is, in order to create an appropriate LW?
    Last edited by Exeter350; February 25th, 2023 at 07:01 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: More Role Ideas

    2 triad vs 1 cryptologist... the triad already won dude. It's not supposed to be an easy role to play, you're supposed to use your brain.

    Ventriloquist is supposed to be fun man. Like hijacking a mayor and trying to get town to lynch the wrong person.

    How is Decoder useless? You're literally finding people's role claims. and other info they might not want public until they die.

    Fair point about Hacker. How often do you rewrite your lw though? The idea is to catch people slippin, change their LW and see if they realize it or not.

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: More Role Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by lawson View Post
    2 triad vs 1 cryptologist... the triad already won dude. It's not supposed to be an easy role to play, you're supposed to use your brain.

    Ventriloquist is supposed to be fun man. Like hijacking a mayor and trying to get town to lynch the wrong person.

    How is Decoder useless? You're literally finding people's role claims. and other info they might not want public until they die.

    Fair point about Hacker. How often do you rewrite your lw though? The idea is to catch people slippin, change their LW and see if they realize it or not.
    An SK can kill one of the Triads at night and win the tie the next day.
    A Cryptologist has to rely on the Triads speaking the next day, which they can easily choose not to.

    I guess Ventriloquist could be fun, it's not much different from Silencer. But I see a lot of griefing potential with it, e.g. N-word spam.
    I'd rather have a neutral Silencer than a Ventriloquist for that reason.

    Decoder's ability is not good for a Town Investigative role that is supposed to find evils.
    Town should already keep a LW and post it when necessary. If they don't keep a LW, this ability doesn't do anything anyway.
    Evils would have a fake LW if they keep one at all.
    In other words, this ability is only useful for the fringe cases where a Town player writes a good LW, but doesn't want to post it.
    It still doesn't help find the evils.

    Regarding Hacker, I update my LW multiple times per day and night, and I always have it copied (because the shitty UI keeps deleting my text, especially when it's laggy).
    Even if the playerbase doesn't have the habit of doing this now, they will once the role is released. The ability's not difficult to overcome, just like Spy night chat.

    I think any ability that relies on players' carelessness is bad in general, because a little bit of vigilance will render the ability useless.
    Last edited by Exeter350; February 26th, 2023 at 12:15 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: More Role Ideas

    1. You're taking a super niche case and saying the entire mechanic is a bad idea because of that one case. Think of all the fun you could have trying to pick a word for who to kill.. observing their vocabulary.. how they type.. man it'd be so dank. There will ALWAYS be town alive and town needs to talk to win. And town players would have to adjust their vocabulary because they'd be scared of trigger words... "Last Wills please" instead of "lw". It would bring an entirely new dynamic to the game that hasn't been done before.

    2. Ventriloquist would be dank. You could hijack anyone really, claim sheriff, give a false lead, and destroy their cred. It would give evils a new way to lie and say "Ventriloquist got me" when they frame someone, get a lynch, and then try to avoid their lynch. Saying it'd be used for griefing is kinda silly, if someone wanted to grief they could just grief and leave the game.. do you think griefers care about winning?

    3. You can get so much out of reading someone's LW. You ever hear of an anti-lead? If you check 5 people and they're all NS, and there are 7 people alive, you know who the evil is. You could also compare LWs without anyone knowing and be able to tell Gov (if they were to reveal) that two LWs conflict.

    4. Hacker is supposed to get stronger the longer the game goes. Like day 4/5 when people are posting their LWs public, you can rewrite it exactly as they wrote it but all the shit is wrong. Or a lead that was supposed to be there that would have caught your BMer somehow gets erased... it's just another mechanic that could be added to the game that hasn't been done before. I guess it wouldn't work on you, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a fun mechanic.

    It really seems like you just shoot holes in my ideas solely to do just that. If you guys don't like the ideas, fine, but Frinckles said he wanted to add two new roles and one of them sounds like an AoE Escort? We need new mechanics, not the same mechanics rearranged. So I'm throwing NEW ideas out there.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: More Role Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by lawson View Post
    It really seems like you just shoot holes in my ideas solely to do just that. If you guys don't like the ideas, fine, but Frinckles said he wanted to add two new roles and one of them sounds like an AoE Escort? We need new mechanics, not the same mechanics rearranged. So I'm throwing NEW ideas out there.
    I disagreed for the reasons I explained above, not to be a contrarian.

    If Frink opens up discussion about his new role ideas, I would evaluate and voice my concerns too.
    In the past, I have already spoken at length about the new 2.0 roles.

    Don't take it personally.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  8. ISO #8



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