I had posted about this before in the Discord channel, but there are a few things that I think should be rebalanced or adjusted in this iteration of Silent Night.

1) Wolves should have 24/7 chat just because it's more fun
2) Heartbreaker is much weaker than Actress
3) Ornamentalist is a decently weaker than List-Maker/Caroler
4) Tweak the balance to reach a polished setup after addressing the previous three topics

The solutions I proposed in the Discord channel were very off-the-cuff and I make no guarantees for whether or not they actually solve these problems, but they should be a good starting point:

1) Just give wolf 24/7 chat, lol
2) Give the Heartbreaker night 1 ability to the consort, (so Consort heartbreaks night 1 and then roleblocks on nights 2+) and make the Actress/Heartbreaker slot be just always Actress
3) Make the Ornamentalist ability target two players. If the first target dies then the alignment of the second target is publicly revealed and the ornament shatters preventing the ability from being used again. May self-target. If no new target is selected or roleblocked, the previous target persists.

The setup though with mafia already having such strong power roles, which just get buffed from these changes AND the addition of 24/7 chat turns a slightly wolf-sided setup into something that is probably very wolf-sided and town would need buffs to compensate.

The usual buff of just adding more town works on paper, as adding 2 holiday patrons (or maybe even 4? Before these changes town already needed a buff) could technically work. But that turns this setup into a 16 player, or even 18 player setup. Which unless the host has the pull to get that many players into their game by active recruitment - that size of game will just not fill.

So alternative solutions for buffing town need to be explored.

Frinckles mentioned in the #fm-chat channel that the setup should have Caroler as a confirmed spawn because the Caroler is the spirit of the setup and it's unfortunate when it doesn't spawn in. So perhaps just making it so all three town power roles always spawn could be the buff that town needs?

In that case the setup would be:

Holiday Patron
Holiday Patron
Holiday Patron
Holiday Patron
Merry Doctor (M.D.)
List Maker

Consort + Heartbreaker

Holiday Angel

9 town with 3 named town vs 3 mafia is 32.90% town winrate under EV project conditions
9 town with 4 named town vs 3 mafia is 43.48% town winrate under EV project conditions

But the town aren't just named town, they're power roles each with the potential to swing the game in town's favor. Does the mafia's cast of power roles offset this? Maybe. It's hard to say.

And how does the Angel + Lover impact balance in these scenarios as well?
Angel obviously buffs whichever alignment they're randed to protect.
Lover is generally a buff to mafia since mafia will know not to night kill the lover, meaning the lover becomes a sort of pseudo fourth mafia member if they love a mafia. Whereas if the lover loves a town then it just makes that townie twice as difficult for the doctor to protect.

So overall is the modified setup with all three power roles as confirmed spawns a balanced setup?
Probably not, but we still have plenty of time to figure out how to change it to get it there.