I never thought you were Duke. Nothing about you hinted at being a ginger dentist from Montana. Factor in you knew pinying, and I was sure you were a hobbit from mars.

Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
I are Parasite player.

Parasite has no lobbies.

I see someone named "Duke" hosting a billion lobbies, filling up the entire arcade.

I decide: "fuck it" and join the lobby with the most players.

"Hello, I am new player, how to play?"

"Oh no, a Parasite player. Town is doomed"

*gets sheriff, finds mafia n1

*gets lynched for being exe, has no LW because idk what that is yet (I am new player)

*Town completely forgets about my lead because they are braindead goldfish that don't remember I was screaming to lynch someone as confirmed in graveyard sheriff.

*Town loses

This game sucks!

*Joins next lobby

*Gets SK

*Gets called out as night immune in Mafia LW

"I am just a street racer, the Drift King they call me"

*Gets lynched

"This game sucks!"

*becomes addicted

So no, I am not Duke, but it is no coincidence that I appeared right after Duke disappeared, coz I tried Mafia because of him.