S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    ?KRC M-FM Edition
    Presented by: Lag
    Flavor by Mafia Universe Awards 2021's Best Flavor Writer: Garden Gnome
    Special Thanks to the Balance and Naming Team: Lag, Aamirus, Twice Shrunk, and Anonymous (until post-game)
    With an Extra Special Thanks to: Anonymous (until post-game)
    Special Thanks to mikevipe for helping with site-side logistics to make this kind of setup possible

    Refer to the sign-up page for full setup details.

    1. RULE NUMBER ONE of KRC, MUST READ: You MAY NOT discuss the role you submitted in any way, shape, or form, anywhere (not even factional chats) other than in direct discussion with the host! Although you are free to discuss the role you received without any restrictions! (Note the difference between the role you submitted vs the role you received!)

      Revealing mechanics of the role you submitted will result in a modkill.
      Revealing the name of the role you submitted will result in a modkill.
      Softing mechanics, softing the name - modkill for both.

      You know what role you submitted and may make decisions and actions accounting for that knowledge (e.g you do not have to intentionally perform sub-optimal actions in order to act uninformed), but aside from that you must act and post as if all the roles in this game were created by me and you have no knowledge on what roles are in the game.

      Players attempting to hunt or deduce role submissions of living players anywhere other than in their own head/in communication with the host will also be in violation of this rule.
    2. 10 posts per day phase minimum. Anyone that fails to meet this will be modkilled, I don't care how good your reason is. If there is an early hammer then it will be at my discretion if I think someone has posted enough to not get modkilled.
    3. All Standard Rules apply unless specified otherwise.
    4. Hunting for other players mains will result in a modkill.
    5. Outing your main will result in a modkill.
    6. Softing your main will result in a modkill.
    7. Cryptography is forbidden. Breadcrumbing is okay.
    8. Never post screenshots of anything. Do not screenshot the thread, do not screenshot private chats, do not screenshot mod communication, do not screenshot. If you wish to quote something, copy + paste it.
    9. The only player communication you are allowed to copy paste is either from the thread to a private chat or to a factional chat. Or from a private chat to a factional chat.
    10. Pasting your rolecard, night feedback, or day feedback is okay. Pasting any other forms of mod communication is forbidden. Warning: I am only human and sometimes make typos or grammatical errors in rolecards/feedback. Copy-paste at your own risk!
    11. If you are unsure of what is allowed, ask first.
    12. You may not modify your profile picture or signature at any point during the game.
    13. I reserve the right to modify these rules if needed.

    Host Questions
    I will not be answer questions publicly in the thread. If you have a question message me on Discord.

    Day Links

    SoD 1EoD 1
    SoD 2EoD 2
    SoD 3EoD 3
    SoD 4EoD 4
    SoD 5EoD 5
    SoD 6EoD 6
    SoD 7 • EoD 7

    Day 1

    A Contest
    Tradestar Midas Opens!
    FM-Kaleidoscope has Died!
    FM-Arcade was Modkilled.

    Day 2

    A shot was fired at FM-Is that a Leaf. It missed!
    A second shot was fired at FM-Is that a Leaf. It missed!
    A third shot was fired at FM-Is that a Leaf. It missed!
    A fourth shot was fired at FM-Is that a Leaf. It missed!
    A shot was fired at FM-Purple. It missed!
    A shot was fired at FM-Kitty Cat Dance. The shot hit and killed them!

    Day 3

    FM-Mr Pain has Died!

    Day 4

    A shot was fired at FM-Demonic TP. The shot hit and killed them!
    A shot was fired at FM-Blue Beard. The shot hit and killed them!
    FM-Forsaken Bones left with a win!

    Day 5

    FM-CBI Agent left with a win!

    Day 6

    Day 7

    Host ISO

    # Name Status Role ISO Flip
    1 FM-Father and Sun Died Night 5 The Watcher with No Names ISO Link
    2 FM-Its SOMETHING Died Night 2 Inspector Gadget ISO Link
    3 FM-Mr Bones Died Night 3 Frog in Space! ISO Link
    4 FM-Eyes Executed Day 1 Lovestruck ISO Link
    5 FM-Mr Pain Died Day 3 Machiavellian ISO Link
    6 FM-Dark Unicorn Executed Day 6 Town Leader ISO Link
    7 FM-Earless Artiste Executed Day 4 Forum Mengsk ISO Link
    8 FM-Forsaken Bones Left Victorious Day 4 Tradestar Midas ISO Link
    9 FM-Kaleidoscope Died Day 1 Android ISO Link
    10 FM-Purple Alive ? ISO Link
    11 FM-Is that a Leaf Alive ? ISO Link
    12 FM-Bizarro Pepsi Died Night 3 Stealthbomber16 ISO Link
    13 FM-Demonic TP Shot Day 4 Lonely Cowboy... ISO Link
    14 FM-Tesseract Executed Day 3 The Powerwolf ISO Link
    15 FM-Comrade PickleRadish Died EoD 2 Art Thief ISO Link
    16 FM-Myopia Executed Day 5 Holely Digger ISO Link
    17 FM-Blue Beard Shot Day 4 Chopper Dave + Puzzle Master ISO Link
    18 FM-Chad Knight Alive ? ISO Link
    19 FM-Kitty Cat Dance Shot Day 2 The PQ Maneuver ISO Link
    20 FM-ohno Died Night 6 The Messenger ISO Link
    21 FM-Inconspicuous Man Executed Day 2 Lover ISO Link
    22 FM-Mafia Bro Died Night 2 Pun Czhin-Bakk ISO Link
    23 FM-CBI Agent Left Victoriously SoD 5 [REDACTED] ISO Link
    24 FM-Arcade Modkilled Day 1 The Hive Mind ISO Link

    48H Days / 24H Nights
    Plurality + Majority Hammer, No Day 1 Hammer
    YES Last Wills / YES Death Notes
    Skip/Sleep Allowed

    Last edited by Lumi; March 7th, 2022 at 05:02 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    ?KRC M-FM Edition

    Can I ask questions about the setup?
    Yes, there's no guarantee I will answer your questions, but it doesn't hurt to ask!

    Can we trust you?
    I will never knowingly lie to you unless made to do so by a role.

    What factions are there?
    There is an uninformed majority known as the town, and there is at least one anti-town faction.

    What exactly is an "Anti-Town Faction"?
    Refer to the Terminology section at the bottom of this post for the exact definitions I use.

    Can rolecards contain hidden information or false information?
    It is possible.

    Will players know their true alignment?
    Yes, players will always know their own true alignment.

    Will players know their true win condition?
    Yes, players will always know their own true win condition.

    Why wasn't my question answered?
    I respond to all questions, even ones that I won't answer (e.g "No comment" or "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"). If it feels like I missed your question, then I probably missed your question and you are free to ask again. Getting 1 notification from a user vs multiple notifications from a user is effectively the same to me, so don't worry!

    What is the difference between factional actions and role actions?
    Factional actions are granted by a player's faction. Role actions are granted by their role. But other than that distinction they are all just treated as actions unless a role explicitly specifies otherwise (e.g a roleblock will stop a factional action just the same as a role action)

    Can you rand your own role?
    No. (The math behind the probability of someone randing their own role is fun: Derangements)

    Was my role modified after I submitted it? Will I know if it was modified?
    The balance team had two primary goals:
    - To make a fun and balanced game for all roles and factions
    - To alter as little about roles as we can in pursuit of this goal

    We did our best to change as little as we can about submitted roles. But if your role was changed, you were not notified, and will not be notified.

    Was the role I received altered?
    I cannot comment on that, refer to the previous question.

    What is the OoO?
    I refer to the OoO I use as "Paradox Avoidant Simultaneous Execution" meaning all actions happen simultaneously - unless a paradox would occur. If a paradox would occur then the paradox inducing roles are executed in a predetermined order instead.

    In 99% of cases this functions exactly like a normal OoO, and you should probably stop reading here.

    The major area where this differs from a traditional OoO is that roles that alter the execution of other roles do not have a strict hierarchy.

    For example, imagine a setup with a Roleblocker and a Bus Driver. With a traditional OoO one of them has to go first, if the Roleblocker goes first then the Bus Driver can never protect other players from role blocks because the RB goes first in the OoO. If the Bus Driver goes first, then the Roleblocker can never stop the Bus Driver from swapping. But with simultaneous execution neither role acts as a trump card over the other role.

    Spoiler : Examples :

    Roleblocker blocks Player A
    Bus Driver swaps Players A and B

    Result: The Bus Driver redirects the block from Player A to Player B.
    Roleblocker blocks Bus Driver
    Bus Driver swaps Players A and B

    Result: The swap is blocked
    Spoiler : More Complicated Examples :

    The way the simultaneous execution technically works is:
    - Iterate over all possible action orderings (With n actions there are n! possible orderings)
    - An action ordering is inconsistent if it results in a retrospective contradiction (e.g a role did their action but then later got roleblocked, therefore they shouldn't have been able to do that action)
    - Ignore inconsistent orderings.
    - For consistent orderings, add the outcome of that ordering to the set of valid outcomes.
    - If there is exactly one valid outcome, use that outcome. If there are either 0 or 2+ valid outcomes, then a paradox occurred and the roles responsible for the paradox will be executed based on a predetermined hierarchy

    Roleblocker blocks Player A
    Bus Driver swaps themselves with Player A

    Result: If the Bus Driver were to go first, then they would swap the roleblock onto themselves which is inconsistent because they already did their action. If the roleblocker goes first, then there is no inconsistency and Player A is roleblocked. So the effective OoO of Roleblocker -> Bus Driver is used
    Roleblocker blocks Bus Driver
    Bus Driver swaps themselves with Player A

    Result: If the Roleblocker goes first, then the Bus Driver can't swap. This is a consistent outcome and is added to the set of valid outcomes. If the Bus Driver goes first, then the swap is redirected to Player A. This is also a valid outcome and is added to the set of valid outcomes. As the set of valid outcomes has two different solutions, a strict OoO is used instead and what happens depends on which role was given priority during set-up creation.
    Spoiler : Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here :

    Bus Driver 1 swaps Bus Driver 2 with Player A
    Bus Driver 2 swaps Bus Driver 1 with Player A

    If Bus Driver 1 goes first, then:
    1 -> 2
    2 -> A
    A -> 1

    If Bus Driver 2 goes first, then:
    1 -> A
    2 -> 1
    A -> 2

    As there are two valid outcomes, a strict OoO is used and whichever bus driver was given priority during setup creation goes first. For the sake of example we can assume Bus Driver 1 has priority so the resulting outcome is:
    1 -> 2
    2 -> A
    A -> 1
    Same as the previous example, but add a roleblocker blocking Bus Driver 1.
    Roleblocker blocks Bus Driver 1
    Bus Driver 1 swaps Bus Driver 2 with Player A
    Bus Driver 2 swaps Bus Driver 1 with Player A

    There are 6 action execution orders:
    1) R -> 1 -> 2 results in a paradox because Bus Driver 1 is blocked, but then later swapped, meaning retrospectively they shouldn't have been blocked. This is an inconsistent execution and is ruled out.
    2) R -> 2 -> 1 has the same result as 1
    3) 1 -> R -> 2 results in Bus Driver 1 getting to use their action, but then later being roleblocked, which is inconsistent, and this execution is ruled out.
    4) 1 -> 2 -> R results in Bus Driver 2 getting roleblocked, but this is inconsistent because bus driver 2 already got to use their action, and this execution is ruled out.
    5) 2 -> R -> 1 results in Player A getting roleblocked, and Bus Driver 2 going before Bus Driver 1. The execution is consistent and so the outcome is added to the set of valid outcomes.
    6) 2 -> 1 -> R has the same result as #5

    There is only one valid outcome in the set of valid outcomes, so the action ordering of either 5 or 6 is used to produce the result where:
    1 -> A
    2 -> 1
    A -> 2

    And Player A gets roleblocked.

    Notice that the only thing we changed from the previous example is we added a roleblock action into the mix. The roleblocked blocked neither bus driver, and yet the execution of the bus drivers' actions flipped. The existence of the roleblocker pruned the set of valid solutions and coerced the OoO into a different outcome despite the roleblock itself not actually hitting either bus driver.
    Spoiler : An OoO resolution that runs in O(n!) ?? :

    While the theoretical upper bound for the run time of this style of OoO resolution is O(n!) the search space can be greatly pruned by only considering actions that can affect other actions. Build a digraph of manipulative actions and then search for cycles on the constructed digraph. Disconnected components do not affect each other and can be executed separately. Acyclic connected components form a tree and can be rooted and then topologically sorted in order to determine their execution order. Only cyclic components no the digraph require O(n!) consideration, since the occurrence of cyclic components is very rare, and the ones that do occur are usually of a low order, the actual computation of the OoO is not O(n!) in practice.

    Will main identities be revealed post game?
    Yes. Remaining anonymous post-game is not an option.

    What's the deal with night 0?
    All role actions and all factional actions cannot be used on night 0 unless they explicitly specify otherwise. Night 0 exists because at least one role exists that requires a night 0. If your role PM makes no mention of night 0 abilities, then you don't have to worry about doing anything during night 0.

    Can I target myself?
    Abilities may only self-target if they explicitly state that they are able to. If this explicit statement is absent, they may not self-target.

    What does _____ mean specifically?
    Spoiler : Terminology :

    The Thread - the public game thread
    Private Chats - private chats on Slack where you do not know the alignment of the other members of the chat (e.g Neighborhoods, Architect Chats, etc)
    Factional Chats - private chats on Slack where the alignment of all members of the chat is mod confirmed to be the same, in KRC members of a factional chat may have alternative win-cons, but it will always be guaranteed that all members of the chat may obtain a win through the shared win-con. (e.g Mafia factional chat, Masonries, etc)
    Host Chats - each slot's private group chat on Discord directly with the host. If a slot is a hydra then all members of the hydra will be in the same host chat. Host chats are guaranteed to be private and will not be released after the game.

    Alignment - the team someone is playing for. Members of the same non-town alignment will have access to a 24/7 factional chat with all members of that same alignment unless specified otherwise.
    Faction - another word for alignment. A faction may have any number of players, including just one.
    Factional Actions - non-town factions will gain access to some number (possibly zero, possibly one, possibly many) of shared factional actions that can be performed for free alongside their regular role actions. Each factional action must be assigned to a member of the faction unless specified otherwise. Roleblocks will block factional actions unless specified otherwise. Likewise, factional actions are subject to any other game effects as well (tracking, redirection, manipulation, etc.)

    Role - the role that a player receives. Roles are alignment agnostic and any role can be assigned to any alignment.
    Role Actions - the actions granted to a player from their role, as opposed to factional actions.

    Anti-Town Faction - a faction is anti-town if town cannot win as long as any anti-town faction members are alive. Although it may be possible for anti-town factions to win with town still alive.

    Last edited by Lumi; March 1st, 2022 at 05:01 PM.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    ?KRC M-FM Edition
    Action Submission Deadlines

    The day ends at EXACTLY 7 PM CST.
    Day action submission deadline is 6 PM CST (1 hour before EoD)
    Night action submission deadline is 5 PM CST (2 hours before SoD)

    X:59 = Good
    X:00 = Bad

    No exceptions will be made to any of these deadlines.

    Where to Submit Actions?

    I will be using Discord to process action submissions and to send night feedback. Please submit night actions on Discord and check Discord for any day/night feedback.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    ?KRC M-FM Edition

    There was once a girl named Eliza. She was a princess, and she had eleven brothers, who were all princes. They all lived with their father, the king. He was the king over all of the territory that they knew existed. Years ago, the Queen died, and the King sighed three times a day, as he missed his wife so much. He sent his sons to school so that they could learn enough to be a king or another type of royalty. The princes were very smart and they loved going to school, where they learned their lessons very fast. Their favorite subject was music and they sang harmony and they all had perfect pitch because, of course, they were princes. They always had a sword on their belt and they were taught the fine art of sword fighting in gym class, instead of volleyball. One day, they all agreed that sword fighting was fun, but so was volleyball, and they really wanted to play volleyball. Because they were princes, why shouldn’t they play volleyball? So they played volleyball, and they were very happy indeed.

    The princes and the princess lived in a very cold climate, and the palace that they lived in was made of ice. It never melted and it always glittered and gleamed in the sunlight. It wasn’t very often sunny, however, because the palace was not far from the North Pole.

    Eliza did not go to school. She stayed at home and she read all of the stories of the world in a book that was full of pictures. It was one of the costliest books in the world because not a single story was missing. One day, the King set off on an adventure. He was away for several weeks, and the castle servants took care of the princess and princes. When the King returned, he brought with him a new wife, who was also a new queen. What the King did not know was that the new Queen was a wicked sorceress. She looked at the princes and the princess and she realized that they were very smart and that they were capable of figuring out who she was. From that point on, she was determined to be rid of them.

    -Flavor by Garden Gnome

    Last edited by Lumi; February 20th, 2022 at 07:37 PM.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    ?KRC M-FM Edition

    A Contest Begins!

    The winner is whoever votes the most popular answer the most often! If there are multiple players with an equal amount then the winner is decided between them randomly.
    • Discussion of these questions and your answers IS allowed.
    • If you share a private or factional chat with other players, you may submit your answers in said chat
    • Everyone else should DM their answers to me on Discord!
    • The winner is not publicly announced!
    • Votes are made public and the winner is given their prize at the end of Day 1.
    • Submissions lock at the Day Action Deadline 1 hour before EoD!

    The Questions
    1. In a fight between an astronaut vs caveman who would win?
    2. Witch or Bus Driver?
    3. Waffles or Pancakes?
    4. Is cereal a soup?
    5. Would you rather always be lynched day1 or always survive till the final day?
    6. Teens and Adults can be persuaded equally easy and hard. Yes or No?
    7. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
    8. Is everything debatable?
    9. Bulletproof or Lynchproof? [vest]
    10. Should toilet paper hang over or under the roll?

    Spoiler : :

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    En taro Zeratul, StarCrafters!

    Khalai or Templar or Judicator Caste?
    Khalai - valuing being constructive and efficient.
    Templar - valuing tenacity and WIM.
    Judicator - valuing taking charge of the game and leading the game thread.

    In anonymous games I think there can be something argued about Random Questioning Stage over Random Voting Stage given the importance for us to get to better know one another. Though this 1 question may be as far as I myself will contribute to this RQS idea. Call it token effort if you will.

    My personal preference is Nerazim if you catch my drift.
    But with regards to others I expect I'll inevitably TR those with the highest WIM as I suspect most people to do in anonymous games.

    This is a pre-written message, from before I got my role. I therefore can't be held accountable for it's content.
    According to me anyway.

    Adun Toridas, brothers and sisters!

    Addition while waiting for game start
    I think my role is meant to be publicly known, not sure how else would it make sense to play.

    Essentially my role name is Paranoid-schizoid King and I have 3 abilities.
    1) At the start of nights I learn the number of alignments among the people who had a vote on me at EoD if at least 33% of the living people had votes on me.
    2) If my first ability shows a number higher than 1 then I unlock a once per game day kill ability but I can only target people of that group.
    3) This involves me and nights. You mustn't concern yourselves about it I wouldn't tell anyways.
    @garden gnome
    I appriciate you writing up the game flavor for my role specifically.
    If that's the case ofc.

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    This is probably really REALLY stupid, but so is the setup so im going for it

    I recieved 200 gold last night. No where does my rolecard mention, use, or even infer the use of a currency such as gold (g) so some sort of role is giving out gold.

    For what purpose, and if thats good or not, only time will tell

  18. ISO #18

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-ohno View Post
    This is probably really REALLY stupid, but so is the setup so im going for it

    I recieved 200 gold last night. No where does my rolecard mention, use, or even infer the use of a currency such as gold (g) so some sort of role is giving out gold.

    For what purpose, and if thats good or not, only time will tell
    EBWOP: 2000

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    So I have 3 questions right now.
    1) Why do FM-Dark Unicorn and FM-Tesseract have switched avatars?
    2) How are we going to address the 2 different Bones?
    3) You know that funny feeling in tummy and extremities when you're awaiting something interesting? I had that in my Butt-cheeks. Is that normal? Is it because of the size?

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    ?KRC M-FM Edition

    A Contest Begins!

    The winner is whoever votes the most popular answer the most often! If there are multiple players with an equal amount then the winner is decided between them randomly.
    • Discussion of these questions and your answers IS allowed.
    • If you share a private or factional chat with other players, you may submit your answers in said chat
    • Everyone else should DM their answers to me on Discord!
    • The winner is not publicly announced!
    • Votes are made public and the winner is given their prize at the end of Day 1.
    • Submissions lock at the Day Action Deadline 1 hour before EoD!

    The Questions
    1. In a fight between an astronaut vs caveman who would win?
    2. Witch or Bus Driver?
    3. Waffles or Pancakes?
    4. Is cereal a soup?
    5. Would you rather always be lynched day1 or always survive till the final day?
    6. Teens and Adults can be persuaded equally easy and hard. Yes or No?
    7. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
    8. Is everything debatable?
    9. Bulletproof or Lynchproof? [vest]
    10. Should toilet paper hang over or under the roll?

    Spoiler : :

    What is this contest about though?

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Its SOMETHING View Post

    En taro Zeratul, StarCrafters!

    Khalai or Templar or Judicator Caste?
    Khalai - valuing being constructive and efficient.
    Templar - valuing tenacity and WIM.
    Judicator - valuing taking charge of the game and leading the game thread.

    In anonymous games I think there can be something argued about Random Questioning Stage over Random Voting Stage given the importance for us to get to better know one another. Though this 1 question may be as far as I myself will contribute to this RQS idea. Call it token effort if you will.

    My personal preference is Nerazim if you catch my drift.
    But with regards to others I expect I'll inevitably TR those with the highest WIM as I suspect most people to do in anonymous games.

    This is a pre-written message, from before I got my role. I therefore can't be held accountable for it's content.
    According to me anyway.

    Adun Toridas, brothers and sisters!

    Addition while waiting for game start
    I think my role is meant to be publicly known, not sure how else would it make sense to play.

    Essentially my role name is Paranoid-schizoid King and I have 3 abilities.
    1) At the start of nights I learn the number of alignments among the people who had a vote on me at EoD if at least 33% of the living people had votes on me.
    2) If my first ability shows a number higher than 1 then I unlock a once per game day kill ability but I can only target people of that group.
    3) This involves me and nights. You mustn't concern yourselves about it I wouldn't tell anyways.
    @garden gnome
    I appriciate you writing up the game flavor for my role specifically.
    If that's the case ofc.
    I cringed about my own entrance that I made half a month ago probably

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-ohno View Post
    This is probably really REALLY stupid, but so is the setup so im going for it

    I recieved 200 gold last night. No where does my rolecard mention, use, or even infer the use of a currency such as gold (g) so some sort of role is giving out gold.

    For what purpose, and if thats good or not, only time will tell
    We probably all received it. I don't see why call it stupid though like where is that hate coming from?

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Comrade PickleRadish View Post
    How do you guys like my profile picture?

    I stole it off a starving Russian artist and just wrote bottom text on it. It increased the art's value up to like 2000 gold when I fenced it last night.
    Jokes on you. The rest of us got 2000 gold for free.

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Its SOMETHING View Post

    Khalai or Templar or Judicator Caste?
    Khalai - valuing being constructive and efficient.
    Templar - valuing tenacity and WIM.
    Judicator - valuing taking charge of the game and leading the game thread.

    Essentially my role name is Paranoid-schizoid King and I have 3 abilities.
    1) At the start of nights I learn the number of alignments among the people who had a vote on me at EoD if at least 33% of the living people had votes on me.
    2) If my first ability shows a number higher than 1 then I unlock a once per game day kill ability but I can only target people of that group.
    3) This involves me and nights. You mustn't concern yourselves about it I wouldn't tell anyways.
    @garden gnome
    I appriciate you writing up the game flavor for my role specifically.
    If that's the case ofc.
    Normally, I would be a judicator, but given that it's Day 1, and ?KRC is an unfamiliar setup for me, I would relegate myself to being a Khalai for now. And once I'm convinced that something is off about someone, I will suddenly become a Templar for as long as needed.

    My line of work on the other hand requires rapid tenacity. Constant templar work.

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Comrade PickleRadish View Post
    Normally, I would be a judicator, but given that it's Day 1, and ?KRC is an unfamiliar setup for me, I would relegate myself to being a Khalai for now. And once I'm convinced that something is off about someone, I will suddenly become a Templar for as long as needed.

    My line of work on the other hand requires rapid tenacity. Constant templar work.
    I hope you're town.

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: S-FM 339: ?KRC, M-FM edition

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Kitty Cat Dance View Post
    While I don't think that there's any reason to worry about claiming the gold gained (I got 2000 as well) I like ohno questioning whether or not they should do it, and being the first to bring it up. They can be tentatively town for now.
    That whole "this is stupid" thing by ohno didn't feel natural to me tbh.
    You can give ohno that premature looking tentative town read if you want to. I give you a tentative scum read for now.

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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