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Thread: Framer/Forger

  1. ISO #1


    Framer/Forger need some kind of rework badly for years now. Not only 3 out of 5 invest roles bypass his ability completely the other 2 are very often not fooled anyway because of bad RNG.

    Alignment/role frame needs to be changed to exclude Neut Evils completely, the only acceptable one would be Cult but it's still very out of meta to play Cult alongside Mafia/Triad so i would keep it out. It should only frame as Mafia/Triad and Neut Killers. Preferably he should only frame as Neut Killer that is actually spawned in the game, or at least have a lot less of a chance to frame as a Neut Killer that is not spawned or as Neut Killer altogether because Mafia/Triad frames are the most valuable ones most of the time. Other solution could be to have 2 buttons at night next to each target, one button to frame as Mafia/Triad the other to frame as NK.

    Crime frames are completely scuffed and will almost never fool anyone. It needs to be changed so that instead of adding a random crime Framer/Forger changes crime record of the player to a set of crimes chosen at random from a set list (trespassing/kidnapping/soliciting and disturbing the peace/trespassing and murder etc.) that are actually likely to appear on a role. Possibly the set of crimes could be assigned at the beginning of the game to each player so Framer could frame the same person multiple times with the same crime record to prevent double checks countering it. Could also give Framer/Forger feedback when he picks the target during night of what he will frame the target as the same as Caporegime works to minimise bad RNG.
    How it would work in a night action order is:
    Framer chooses to target a player who is Investigator->Investigator performs his crime of Trespassing->Framer erases previous crime record and adds his own set instead so let's say Soliciting and Disturbing the Peace->Anyone who checks the Investigator in the same night will see Soliciting and DTP only. Next night Investigator can perform his crime of Trespassing again and add it to the framed crimes so it would be Soliciting, Trespassing and Disturbing the Peace, they stay on the target->Framer can visit again to erase the crime record and add the Soliciting and Disturbing the Peace back on.
    That way Framer/Forger would have a lot larger chance of success against Investigator checks.

    Could also potentially add a framed visit to mess with Det/Lookout results but it might be out of role flavor and Witch can already sort of do that so the changes to Sheriff/Invest checks should be enough i think.
    Last edited by RufusPL; February 19th, 2022 at 08:37 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Framer/Forger

    Framer should frame the target as visiting the Godfather/DH target. So Mafia attacks 5, Framer frames 7, if 7 is invested by a Detective or 5 is investigated by a Lookout, 7 will be shown on the visit. Also the Frame should remain for Investigators/Sheriffs until they've been investigated or at least a night afterwards

  3. ISO #3



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