S-FM 339: ?KRC

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Thread: S-FM 339: ?KRC

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    S-FM 339: ?KRC

    Hidden Random
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    Deck Mafia Promotional Prize!
    Winners of this game will earn TWO Deck Mafia Booster Packs!

    Current* Signs: 25
    *I will be updating this in rough time intervals to avoid people deducing who is signing based on the time of day this is updated

    Start Date: February 17th
    Sign-up Deadline: February 12th
    Role Submission Deadline: February 12th
    Avatar Submission Deadline: February 13th
    Phase Change Time: 7 PM Central Time

    Create a role, it can be anything, it can do anything, the only limit is your creativity and imagination.
    Submit that role to the host.
    Make an avatar in MSPaint, submit that to the host too. The avatar you make will be your avatar. Then wait for rand.
    After all roles are submitted the host will assign each role to an alignment and slot and then rand those slots to the players.
    Upon a player's death, the role they submitted and the role they received will be revealed.

    How to Sign
    This is an anonymous game. So sign up by either PMing me directly on the forums or messaging me directly on Discord (Lag#0773)!

    An anonymous account will be provided to you after the game begins.


    1. RULE NUMBER ONE of KRC, MUST READ: You MAY NOT discuss the role you submitted in any way, shape, or form, anywhere (not even factional chats) other than in direct discussion with the host! Although you are free to discuss the role you received without any restrictions! (Note the difference between the role you submitted vs the role you received!)

      Revealing mechanics of the role you submitted will result in a modkill.
      Revealing the name of the role you submitted will result in a modkill.
      Softing mechanics, softing the name - modkill for both.

      You know what role you submitted and may make decisions and actions accounting for that knowledge (e.g you do not have to intentionally perform sub-optimal actions in order to act uninformed), but aside from that you must act and post as if all the roles in this game were created by me and you have no knowledge on what roles are in the game.

      Players attempting to hunt or deduce role submissions of living players anywhere other than in their own head/in communication with the host will also be in violation of this rule.
    2. 10 posts per day phase minimum. Anyone that fails to meet this will be modkilled, I don't care how good your reason is. If there is an early hammer then it will be at my discretion if I think someone has posted enough to not get modkilled.
    3. All Standard Rules apply unless specified otherwise.
    4. Hunting for other players mains will result in a modkill.
    5. Outing your main will result in a modkill.
    6. Softing your main will result in a modkill.
    7. Cryptography is forbidden. Breadcrumbing is okay.
    8. Never post screenshots of anything. Do not screenshot the thread, do not screenshot private chats, do not screenshot mod communication, do not screenshot. If you wish to quote something, copy + paste it.
    9. The only player communication you are allowed to copy paste is either from the thread to a private chat or to a factional chat. Or from a private chat to a factional chat.
    10. Pasting your rolecard, night feedback, or day feedback is okay. Pasting any other forms of mod communication is forbidden. Warning: I am only human and sometimes make typos or grammatical errors in rolecards/feedback. Copy-paste at your own risk!
    11. If you are unsure of what is allowed, ask first.
    12. You may not modify your profile picture or signature at any point during the game.
    13. I reserve the right to modify these rules if needed.

    Standard Mechanics
    The game is played on anonymous accounts, an account will be provided for you.
    48 hour days / 24 hour nights
    In the event of an early hammer: If night would be shorter than 20 hours, night will be extended by 24 hours. If night would be longer than 20 hours, then the night will be shortened.
    Last wills are allowed.
    Death notes are allowed.
    Suicide is allowed. Suicides are processed during the standard End of Night OoO.
    Plurality Elimination on Day 1. Plurality with Majority Hammer on Days 2+.
    Votes to hammer is equal to 51% of the number of living players, rounded up.
    Day action deadline (including day votes) is exactly at the posted EoD time. X:59 = good, X:00 = too late.
    Night action deadline is 2 hours before end of night.
    Actions with instantaneous effect cannot be used during the 2 hour period before SoD nor in the 1 hour period before EoD.

    Special Mechanics
    During the sign-up phase, each player must submit a rolecard and a picture made in MSPaint.
    The MSPaint picture will be used as your profile picture during the game.
    The role you submit should be alignment agnostic.
    After all roles are submitted the host will assign each role to an alignment, and then assign each player to a role.
    You will not receive your own role.
    Rolecards may be edited for balance reasons without your knowledge.
    Upon a player's death, both the role they received, and the role they submitted will be flipped.
    There will be no subs. Only Mod Kills.

    Rolecard Submissions
    Rolecards must be alignment agnostic. Meaning any alignment can make use of the role.
    Rolecards can be as complex as you like, I welcome it even.
    Your rolecard may be rebalanced without your knowledge.
    If you don't like the idea of your role being modified, you may workshop the role you submit with the host in order to get it into a state where it won't be modified.
    KRC roles are meant to be fun and relatively powerful. Submit accordingly.

    "Sharp" Mechanics
    Some mechanics are what I call "sharp"
    - The balance of the game rests on a sharp knife's edge, where a slight imbalance in either direction has a disproportionate effect on the outcome of the game
    - Or the mechanic is like a sharp knife - running around swinging it wildly will more often than not result in someone having a bad time
    - Or I don't like the mechanic and I'm sticking it here as a way to restrict its use

    Sharp Mechanics:
    - Kill Power (in particular KP per phase. One shot KP is much less sharp)
    - Silencing (speech manipulation that still allows a player to communicate ideas, even if it's more difficult, is not sharp. Manipulation that makes communicating ideas impossible is sharp)
    - All Forms of Vote Manipulation (Extra vote power, vote stealing, changing votes, lynch-immunity, manipulating other players votes, etc.)
    - Jester Mechanics (Generally anything that makes it so someone wants to be the top wagon at EoD is a jester mechanic. Mechanics that incentivize being voted but not eliminated are fine)
    - Alignment Conversion
    - Alternative Win Conditions

    You may still use these mechanics, but roles that utilize sharp mechanics are significantly more liable to being modified during balancing. If you wish to use one of these mechanics in your role, come up with a creative non-vanilla implementation. I will try to modify the submitted roles as little as possible, but if balancing is needed (and trust me, it will be needed), boring vanilla implementations of these mechanics will be the first things to be changed.

    Pre-Game Checklist
    ✓ Did you message the host on Discord or the forum stating your intent to play?
    ✓ Did you submit a custom role to the host?
    ✓ Did you create your avatar for the game in MS Paint and send it to the host as well?
    ✓ Have you read the rules and mechanics for the game?

    This is optional reading. Refer to this for more information on how I as a host run things.
    Spoiler : Terminology :

    The Thread - the public game thread
    Private Chats - private chats on Slack where you do not know the alignment of the other members of the chat (e.g Neighborhoods, Architect Chats, etc)
    Factional Chats - private chats on Slack where the alignment of all members of the chat is mod confirmed to be the same, in KRC members of a factional chat may have alternative win-cons, but it will always be guaranteed that all members of the chat may obtain a win through the shared win-con. (e.g Mafia factional chat, Masonries, etc)
    Host Chats - each slot's private group chat on Discord directly with the host. If a slot is a hydra then all members of the hydra will be in the same host chat. Host chats are guaranteed to be private and will not be released after the game.

    Alignment - the team someone is playing for. Members of the same non-town alignment will have access to a 24/7 factional chat with all members of that same alignment unless specified otherwise.
    Faction - another word for alignment. A faction may have any number of players, including just one.
    Factional Actions - non-town factions will gain access to some number (possibly zero, possibly one, possibly many) of shared factional actions that can be performed for free alongside their regular role actions. Each factional action must be assigned to a member of the faction unless specified otherwise. Roleblocks will block factional actions unless specified otherwise. Likewise, factional actions are subject to any other game effects as well (tracking, redirection, manipulation, etc.)

    Role - the role that a player receives. Roles are alignment agnostic and any role can be assigned to any alignment.
    Role Actions - the actions granted to a player from their role, as opposed to factional actions.

    Anti-Town Faction - a faction is anti-town if town cannot win as long as any anti-town faction members are alive. Although it may be possible for anti-town factions to win with town still alive.

    Past Rolecard Submissions
    This is also optional reading. If you are curious what kinds of roles have been used in the past, check them out here!
    Looney Tunes
    Gravity Falls
    Winter ?KRC
    1.5 KRC
    One Thousand Rolecards

    Also, the Original setup link is here. Everything you need to know for this game should be covered in this post, but SB16's post is a much more amusing read than this post. Just keep in mind the minor changes in this current iteration.
    Last edited by Lumi; February 11th, 2022 at 06:23 PM.



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