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Thread: Street Racer

  1. ISO #1

    Street Racer

    I don't feel like Street Racer has a net positive impact on the game. At least for me the role itself feels less interesting than doctor and escort. Though, personally, I still prefer it over having Coroner.

    How do you guys feel about Street Racer?

    Offtopic: btw how do you guys write a LW as Enchantress and think of the role in general? It seems powerful role but I never yet experienced it's presence being even noticed in the game with 30 games played so far.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Street Racer

    Well Street Racer is a bit too passive role for the meta but the first problem right now is the limited uses of the ability. We need options for 3 and 4 uses to let him actually use the ability and see if it's any good then.

    Enchantress is just like Witch, u are either completely useless, u can even be a detriment to ur allies or u completely control and carry the game. It really depends on the roles in the game and what u hit with the ability so it's hard to balance.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Street Racer

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I don't feel like Street Racer has a net positive impact on the game. At least for me the role itself feels less interesting than doctor and escort. Though, personally, I still prefer it over having Coroner.

    How do you guys feel about Street Racer?

    Offtopic: btw how do you guys write a LW as Enchantress and think of the role in general? It seems powerful role but I never yet experienced it's presence being even noticed in the game with 30 games played so far.
    SR is underwhelming.

    For enchantress for now I've been typing n1 lure 5 repel 10 to be more explicit. In the future it might turn into l3 r6 once people get more familiar with it.

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Street Racer

    Quote Originally Posted by RufusPL View Post
    Well Street Racer is a bit too passive role for the meta but the first problem right now is the limited uses of the ability. We need options for 3 and 4 uses to let him actually use the ability and see if it's any good then.

    Enchantress is just like Witch, u are either completely useless, u can even be a detriment to ur allies or u completely control and carry the game. It really depends on the roles in the game and what u hit with the ability so it's hard to balance.
    When you saw Enchantress carry a game, what was it like? Other than self sacrificing by luring a killer to themselves, it's difficult to imagine any better accomplishment with the abilities. Perhaps like self-confirming and becoming the town leader?

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Street Racer

    Street Racer is a shit role.

    - His ability really only becomes useful late game when town needs to clutch up.
    - He only has 2 of his ability, maximum
    - He is an easy claim for scum to use.
    - He may or may not be racist (lol)

    Because of that, town govs just lynch every SR claim they see unless there are 100% no town support counterclaims (which only happened once in all the games I played since my return). Then I started lynching every SR claim. Now I'm making Street Racer 0% in my saves b/c next to Crier they are the absolute weakest town roles, and I don't want people to roll weak roles and feel the urge to rolequit out of my saves. fuck it heres all the sc2mafia pics i would have put in the sig

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Street Racer

    Quote Originally Posted by Takumi Fujiwara View Post
    You just can't play it right.
    Bro its as simple as "leave when you have a good feeling that you would be hit" but having only 2 of your drift ability means you will often skimp out on those. More likely to not use them even when you're at risk, more likely to die.

    On the other hand, a lot of evils now use the street racer claim to try and get away with being lynched.

    There's just no winning as Street Racer. fuck it heres all the sc2mafia pics i would have put in the sig

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Street Racer

    Quote Originally Posted by Takumi Fujiwara View Post
    Street Racer is a good role.
    Quote Originally Posted by Takumi Fujiwara View Post
    You just can't play it right.
    Bruh, some elaboration would be nice.
    I can't imagine you adding a role to the game without much thought. What was it that you were thinking?
    Last edited by OzyWho; January 23rd, 2022 at 09:11 PM.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Street Racer

    Well now that your perceived weakest role weakest role is removed, what's your new weakest role? Are you going to remove that role too?

    Giving more charges to Street Racer will just mean they will drift endlessly until the gamestate is about to break or is already broken, and when that moment comes you are still going to be in the position of "Do we trust the SR claim?"... if you haven't lynched them already. SR being an easy claim for scum doesn't strike me as good critique of the role, there are already heaps of easy claims for scum which doesn't bother anyone. It also doesn't require the game to be in late stages to be effective, ANY day scum don't kill is a good day for town.

    Street Racer is a role that requires finesse to be effective, more than what arcade players are used to. I think the more important question here is, where should Frinckles draw the line regarding what roles to add to the game? Street Racer is by no means an obscure role, but its addition clearly indicates there is a line somewhere that some arcade players do not want to cross. I mean most of us know what most players want, or where the line is. High agency roles. It's why roles like Doctor, Citizen, etc are loathed relentlessly despite them being probably the most played/used roles in Mafia outside of the custom map game.

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Street Racer

    The problem is that instead of Street Racer u could have other more powerful role in that slot with more impact on the game instead. Even if we just look at town support roles getting an Escort instead of him is a lot more valuable and can prevent a lot more town deaths if GF dies/isn't rb immune. Getting Party Host can mean getting a relatively easly confirmable town role. I would argue that even Oracle is better at luring mafia/neut killers to it so it can reveal a confirmed player. Meanwhile SR even if he manages to waste 1 mafia kill he can still lead to a wasted lynch later on because it's really hard to confirm the claim especially with 2 uses only.

    People don't hate Doctors, sure Citizen is not liked because nobody wants to play a role without an ability and it can't really be used with random slots (especially that it's a gov slot), it would need to be predetermined which is generally avoided in SC2 mafia. But people still put Doctors possible in every setup, players just don't like to play protectives in general unless it's a BD but i would treat it more like a power than a protective. Protectives just have a pretty low skill ceiling and don't really leave much room to do anything differently than sitting on a confirmed role since d2/d3. Doctor is still way better role than Bodyguard and in most cases better than Armorsmith also.

    The problem SC2 mafia has is the relatively easy accessibility and the fact it's not in person. Half of the time u need to ask urself if the person is acting that way because he is a scum or because he has no clue what he is doing. Other times u need to ask urself if he isn't afk. And u can't read any physical tells like u would be able to do in person. U need to be a Mafia nerd already to sign to something like forum Mafia so u can expect players who play it know their stuff and very long day/night times pretty much exclude being afk. That leads to very often not being able to determine anything based on just behaviour in SC2 mafia so we gravitate towards actual information from roles rather than that.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Street Racer

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post
    Well now that your perceived weakest role weakest role is removed, what's your new weakest role? Are you going to remove that role too?


    It's why roles like Doctor, Citizen, etc are loathed relentlessly despite them being probably the most played/used roles in Mafia outside of the custom map game.
    Citizen doesn't usually spawn naturally from saves, although if they do then the save creator usually just forgot to account for Citizen weight and its like 2-5% chance. But irregardless, Citizen atleast has a vest, meaning Mafia, Triad, and NKs won't bother hitting them earlygame, which is dangerous for them to do if the citizen survives to final 2, winning in a tiebreaker against Mafia or Triad. Atleast he has that.

    As for roles like Doctors and Bodyguards, which some people might rolequit (and they get reported if they do), but most don't, simply because the role is actually good for the town in the right hands. Sure, the scum usually claim doc or BG pretty frequently, but that is offset by the absolute utility those two have in protecting town leaders, town investigatives, or even other town categories. BG can even massively change the balance of the game on N1 in favor of town by correctly guessing the target of the DH/GF or NK.

    If I were to 0% the shit out of SR and Crier, which I have, as well as Citizen, which is buffed to have vest and tiebreaker and will spawn out of Auditors anyways, I won't 0% any other town role simply because they actually have better utility for the town, even the "next weakest role" naturally spawning in that situation would be far better for town than a Crier, an SR, or a Citizen naturally spawning.

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post
    Maybe try to think of Street Racer as an off-shoot Veteran? The playstyle is basically the same, you WANT evils to visit you when you can drift.
    Hmm let's see...

    spam a fucking bunch on Day 1. People will know its vetbait, meaning townies and mafia/triad alike (smart ones atleast) will hesitate to visit you, especially if you have a colored name while doing so. Ok, but say a dumb maf/triad falls for the "vetbait" and visits you N1 when you drift?....Ok, you accomplished basically nothing besides averting a town kill. If they are exceptionally retarded they might fall for it again N2 b/c they think the game is glitched or you got healed or something. You probably saved the lives of 1 to 2 townies, but this requires a lot of factors outside of your control to pull off. And with some of the retarded towns I've seen since my return, all the effort you put in by faking vet and getting lucky with having retarded evils will be for nothing, b/c the evils are not going to speak up about you somehow drifting away from them lol. Best case scenario for you is that a gullible but not dumb townie visits you N1, gets no feedback, and pipes up about you, allowing you the opportunity (not guarantee) to confirm yourself as SR and start leading town.

    Or stay silent which is current SR meta and we go back to Square One with the problems I have described with SR. fuck it heres all the sc2mafia pics i would have put in the sig

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Street Racer

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Bruh, some elaboration would be nice.
    I can't imagine you adding a role to the game without much thought. What was it that you were thinking?
    I was thinking that I wanted to add commuter to the game so I re-flavored it and did that.

    It's job is to be untouchable in 95% of scenarios and your comparisons aren't exactly fair as they're not in the same category. It is in the Town Support category and does it's job in two different ways:

    -It is quasi-confirmable, similar to Party Host.
    -It can cause Mafia/Triad to lose out on their factional kill.

    Like Rumox said, sure you could compare it to Veteran who doesn't murder half the town on N1, and some people might want to play the role that way. I personally play it closer to a town Survivor. You can be active and engaged in the game, trying to communicate and figure out who is lying while having a way to protect yourself without harming other players or becoming a threat to them indirectly.

    The elephant in the room will be the assumption that Citizen already has a vest and so that would be closer to a town Survivor. I disagree. There is fundamentally no reason for Citizen to have vests in the first place. In fact, I'd go so far as to say (with the addition of Armorsmith) that option should be removed. In many scenarios you can see an Auditor actually helping the town by putting up constant roadblocks that the Mafia might hit with their factional kill, it makes no sense.

    Furthermore, there is a massive mechanical difference between putting on a vest, and 'physically' leaving the town for the night. It might not seem apparent because the specifics of what goes on under the hood it's publicly documented but everything from roleblocks, witchings, bus driving, enchanting, factional kills, disguiser, armorsmith, investigating, caroling- whatever; None of that can occur while you're out of the town drifting.

    The only exception to the above statement is poison. Turns out if you eat some poisoned food before a road trip, you still die. Another point for Poisoners.

    If Street Racer seems mechanically clunky, then I can look into options to make it seem a bit smoother.

    I originally did have the role with infinite drifts and a CD between them but it felt like the street racer was simply locking themselves into even or odd night drifts. So, I decided to try the shots-approach. 3 or 4 seemed excessive because they might just be drifting in perpetuity but given that those options do exist for roles like Veteran who can easily confirm himself and destroy the town or mafia- I might re-assess that. Like I said, this is a fundamentally new mechanic so I was apprehensive in making it too overbearing.. People like new interactions (or lack thereof), new things and maybe even fast cars. I think the role fits into the game well.

    Another point is that yes, the role was brought in with the understanding that it would be a viable scum fake-claim. I have no issue with that because the same exact problem occurs when you decide to lynch that bodyguard who was just doing his job but 2 scum players also decided to claim it. Shit happens. If you are Street Racer and you don't want to be lynched during the Marshal's 2x4 session, try being involved in the game and voting for the right people and showing them that you're not just a lazy Dragonhead saying "zoom zoom im a racer!" That's on the players to do. The role can protect you from evils but it's not meant to put you on autopilot.

    Notably, if you are attacked while drifting: No notifications are sent out and no sound from the attack is made (MM might be the exception to this because he literally just visits your 'house.') The inconsistencies between sounds you hear and feedbacks you do or don't get are ways to figure out who is telling the truth.

    And of course, if you dislike the role and don't want it in your game. Disable it. I've gotten numerous compliments on the role's flavor, unique car names/sounds, the night ambience and the drifting effect at night. It's not the most powerful role but it was never meant to be. It's just a town support and fits well within it's category.
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