S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk - Page 54

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  1. ISO #2651

  2. ISO #2652

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Play at Your Own Risk

    End of Day 5

    Vote Counts
    FM-Silent Night (1 [L-1]):

    FM-Mid-Atlantic (2 [L-0]):
    FM-Once Upon a Town, FM-Silent Night

    FM-Mid-Atlantic has been executed.

    Spoiler : Flip :
    Alignment: My Little Pony Fan Club
    Role: My Toilet Paper Guy

    Factional Abilities:
    Arcane Initiation
    Allocate 10 mana from members of the My Little Pony Fan Club to recruit a player at night. If the target is town, they will join the club and be given their very own pony. If not, then mana deposits and pony will be refunded.

    Mana Gain
    Gain 2 mana at the start of each day.

    Harvest Malice
    Gain an additional 1 mana per player that is voting you at EoD. You may self-vote to trigger this ability too.

    Role Abilities:
    (2-shot, Day or Night Action, Multitaskable)
    Target a player during the Day or at Night, if they die during that phase, then their flip will be erased and identity will not be determined. This action may be used only once in any Day and Night Cycle.

    Clogged toilet
    Your target will be sitting on it all night and unable to perform any action (the poofect roleblock).

    Inventory Adjustment
    Costco won't move our product anymore, so swap up to 4 different stores/players to move our product around. The number of swaps is unlimited.
    You may target yourself.
    Swaps are performed in the order that you list them.

    The original post has also been updated.

    Players Alive Graveyard

    @FM-Silent Night
    @FM-Once Upon a Town
    FM-Looney Toons (Warlock)
    FM-All Stars (Researcher (SCP-294))
    FM-Matrix6 (?????)
    FM-Gravity Falls (Armed Blackmailing ArchiJailBlocker)
    FM-Politico (Doubler)
    FM-Last Hope (You're gonna love my nuts)
    FM-Wilder Wastelander (Forgetful Armed Blackmailing ArchiJailBlocker)
    FM-Bisected Souls (Robot Chicken)
    FM-Mid-Atlantic (My Toilet Paper Guy)

  3. ISO #2653

  4. ISO #2654

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Players and Roles

    Player Alias Preferred Roles Alignment Role
    Helz (Day 1 - Night 2)
    Helz + PQHack (Day 3+)
    FM-Silent Night Evil Mayor
    Angry Druid
    Town (Day 1 - Night 2)
    FM Host (Day 3+)
    Spoiler : Wizard :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Wizard

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Mana Gain
    Gain 2 mana at the start of each day.

    Harvest Malice
    Gain an additional 1 mana per player that is voting you at EoD. You may self-vote to trigger this ability too.

    Ability Thief
    (Multitaskable, Unlimited Use)
    Spend 3 mana, target another player, and guess the name of a role ability that they possess. If your guess is correct, you permanently steal that ability from them.

    Note: Unlimited Use means you may use the ability multiple times in the same phase, if you had 30 mana, you could attempt to steal 10 abilities.

    Spend mana equal to the amount of mana you began the night with to cast both of the following spells:
    - Infiltrate
    - Anonymous Post

    - Infiltrate
    You will join one random existing non-factional private chat at the start of the next day.

    Alternatively you may elect to delay the infiltration to instead join one random existing non-factional private chat at the start of the next night.

    - Anonymous Post
    You may submit a SoD and an EoD message. The messages will be anonymously posted at SoD and EoD respectively.
    PQHack FM-Matrix6 Converter Roles (Mason Leader, Cultist Leader, etc.)
    Jack of all trades with choice of abilities and limited uses
    Elector manipulating votes
    FM Host
    Spoiler : FM Host :
    Alignment: FM Host
    Role: FM Host

    Role Abilities:
    Each day you may target 2 to 3 players to create a night chat containing those players. You are not automatically added to the night chat, if you wish to participate in it you must select yourself as one of the players. The night chat only lasts that single night.

    Each night you may choose one of the following options:
    - Invite a player to your neighborhood
    - Remove a player from your neighborhood

    Chat Cop
    You may check the alignment of a player you share a private chat with.

    Factional Abilities:
    Passive Abilities
    First in the OoO
    Your actions always go first in the OoO and are therefore unpreventable.

    Unlimited Power
    All of your factional actions have the following modifiers:
    - Multitaskable
    - Unlimited Use
    - Strongman
    - Ninja

    Perfect Information
    - You learn all night actions at SoD
    - You instantly are notified of all day actions
    - You are a member of every private chat created under the name "FM Host" sending messages from FM Host will result in a modkill
    - You know every players role and any changes to roles that occur

    Plot Armor
    If you are lynched, your lynch message is replaced with:
    When we went to arrest {PLAYER_NAME} for the execution, a charred and unrecognizable body was found in their home.

    Their identity could not be confirmed.
    Their role could not be determined.
    Their alignment could not be determined.
    That night you must target another player to disguise as that player. You may perform no other actions on the night you disguise with this ability.

    (Disabled in F3)
    If you are targeted by a killing action the killing action is instead redirected to a random player.

    Enhanced Disguises
    When disguised as another player you gain nerfed versions of their abilities necessary to maintain the disguise without granting you significant additional power.

    Lone Wolf
    You are the only anti-town player in the game. Any actions that would attempt to change this fail without providing any feedback.

    Night 0
    You may use Perfect Deception on Night 0.

    Active Abilities
    Perfect Deception
    Target a player, you may self target, modify as many of the following about that player as you wish:
    - Death Tailor: modify what alignment they reveal as when they die.
    - Role Tailor: modify what role they reveal as when they die.
    - Framer: modify what alignment they appear as to investigative checks.
    - Role Framer: modify what role they appear as to investigative checks.
    - Action Framer: modify what players they appear to visit to investigative checks.

    (1-shot, Day or Night Action, Disabled in F3)
    Target a player and select the killing method:
    - Terminate
    - Disguise

    - Terminate
    The target dies and their true role and true alignment are revealed. (Overriding Perfect Deception)

    If used during the day, then their death description is: "A sniper shot rings out, {TARGET} drops dead. Their role and alignment will be revealed at EoD."

    If used during the night, then their death description is: "{TARGET} was found dead."

    - Disguise
    You replace the target. Your slot appears to die with the death description:
    {YOU} was found dead.

    Their role could not be determined.
    Their alignment could not be determined.
    CRichard FM-Last Hope Cop
    Spoiler : Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Clue Collector
    You begin the game with 6 clues. At the end of each day you gain 2 clues.

    Alignment Cop
    (Multitaskable, Unlimited Use)
    Spend 4 clues to target another player to check their alignment.

    (Multitaskable, Unlimited Use)
    Spend 2 clues to track another player.

    (Multitaskable, Unlimited Use)
    Spend 2 clues to watch another player.

    Spend 1 clue to watch yourself.

    Note: Unlimited Use + Multitaskable means you may use that ability multiple times in the same night. For example: On night 1 you would have 8 clues, you may therefore track two players, watch a third player, and alert, spending 7 clues, leaving you with 1 clue.
    deathworlds FM-All Stars Researcher (SCP-294) from S-FM: ????
    Ghost from M-FM: The Curse of Castle Varen
    Jester King (any variant)
    Spoiler : Researcher (SCP-294) :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Researcher (SCP-294)

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    You are a researcher studying SCP-294.

    Schedule Experiment
    Schedule an experiment by submitting a word or phrase to enter into SCP-294.

    You will receive one of the following:
    - A cup of the requested liquid
    - "OUT OF RANGE" feedback
    - "Request Denied by O5 Council" feedback

    Cups of liquid may be either kept, consumed, given to another player, or discarded. These actions may be done at any time, although cups given to other players during the night will only be received at SoD.

    Players that receive a cup of liquid will receive a visual description of it, but will not be informed of how it was created. They may also choose to pass the cup along.

    Request Permission
    (Multitasking, Unlimited Use, Day or Night Action, Instant)
    You will receive one of the following:
    - "Experiment Approved by O5"
    - "Experiment Denied by O5"

    Note: The (Multitasking, Unlimited Use, Day or Night Action, Instant) modifier basically means you can use this ability whenever you want to pre-emptively check if O5 will deny an experiment.

    Addendum 1:
    "It has now been confirmed that SCP-294 has the ability to directly gather information from someone's mind in order to comply with the given conditions."
    Therefore use of the device to gain information you do not already have will be severely limited.

    Addendum 2:
    The O5 Council has currently prohibited use of the device in causing direct harm to others.
    Requests such as "The spinal fluid of {PLAYER}" will be denied.
    Requests such as "Poisoned Water" will still be accepted.

    Research Group
    You are the leader of a research group. The research group provides its members with 24/7 communication outside of the main thread. If you die then the research group is dissolved.

    You begin the game with one other random player in your research group.

    Expand Research Group
    Invite a player to join your research group.
    Invited players automatically join.

    Dismiss Researcher
    Remove a player from your research group.
    Zedus FM-Wilder Wastelander Amnesiac
    Spoiler : Forgetful Amnesiac :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Forgetful Amnesiac

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    (Day Action, Multitaskable)
    You may target a rolecard in the graveyard. You become that role (but not that alignment) until you use this ability again.

    You retain this ability even after remembering a new roles.
    Renegade FM-Looney Toons Witch
    Parity Cop
    Spoiler : Warlock :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Warlock

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Power Word: Kill
    (1-shot, Vengeful)
    Target a player. That player dies. This does not count as a visit, although it may still be healed, blocked, redirected, etc.
    This ability is vengeful. Meaning if you die before using your shot, then you must use it to kill someone during the soonest night after you die. You do not enter graveyard chat until you lock in your target.

    Dark Magics
    Target two player with Mind Control. You receive as feedback if they have the same alignment or different alignments.

    - Mind Control
    Select another player to force the controlled player to target them. If the controlled player has multiple actions, all of their actions will target this player. If the controlled player has actions which require multiple targets, the first player in their list of targets will be replaced with your chosen target. You may force a player to self target, even if they are normally not able to.
    Gikkle FM-Gravity Falls Town Killing roles, Day Vigilante
    Spoiler : Armed Blackmailing ArchiJailBlocker :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Armed Blackmailing ArchiJailBlocker

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    You begin the game with a 1-shot, multitasking, loud, vengeful, night-only gun.
    - 1-shot: Single-use item
    - Multitasking: May be used in conjunction with other actions
    - Loud: Both the shooter and the target are announced at SoD
    - Vengeful: If you die, you must fire the gun during the soonest night. You do not enter the graveyard chat until after you lock in your target.
    - Night-Only: May only be used at night and counts as a normal KP in the OoO

    You may send an anonymous threat to someone, they will receive the threat at the start of the day.

    The threat may be used to just send information, to impose rules on the player for the following day, or both.

    If rules are included, a punishment for failing the rules must also be included.

    The punishments may be anything subject to my approval. It is the player's responsibility to be pro-active in designing punishments in advance and providing alternatives in the event that punishments are vetoed.

    Killing actions, actions that benefit the target, or effects that last for longer than the following day/night will always be vetoed.

    Fake Blackmail
    There are no restrictions on what punishments may contain. Although none of the listed punishments will actually be imposed.
    The target has no way of knowing if the blackmail is real or fake.

    (Day Action)
    Target another player, that night you will enter a night chat with that player.

    You may roleblock the player you have ArchiJailed. The jailed player will be notified of your decision.
    Mesk514 FM-Mid-Atlantic Any role
    Uninformed Majority
    Spoiler : Secretary of Transportation :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Secretary of Transportation

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Unlimited Bus Drives
    (Multitaskable, Unlimited Use)
    You may drive (swap) an unlimited number of times, although you may not affect more than 4 players with your actions.

    You may target yourself.

    Swaps are performed in the order that you list them.

    Swap Player A and Player B
    Swap Player B and Player C
    Swap Player A and Player D

    What happens:
    Before any swaps:
    Target -> Person you actually target

    Swap A and B:

    Swap B and C

    Swap A and D
    Loldebite FM-Once Upon a Town Addictive Cop
    Spoiler : Arsonist Cop :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Arsonist Cop

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Douse someone with Investoline™
    You will be told the person you end up dousing, even if the person you douse is not your intended target.

    Ignite all previously doused individuals.
    This will perform an alignment cop, tracker, and watcher action on all doused individuals.

    (Note: This role does not have KP, the use of "douse" and "ignite" is a joke. I am legally obligated to tell you this to avoid confusion.)
    oliverz144 FM-Bisected Souls JOAT
    Spoiler : JOAT :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: JOAT

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Perform one of the following actions:
    - Borrowed Time
    - Party Host
    - Infiltrate

    As a JOAT you must cycle through all your abilities before you may use any ability a second time. This ability may only be used once per day/night cycle.

    - Borrowed Time
    Any deaths that occur during the night or the following day, including the lynch, are delayed until the start of the next day.

    - Party Host
    (Day Action)
    The thread will remain open for posting during the night.

    - Infiltrate
    (Day or Night Action)
    You will join one random existing non-factional private chat. If activated during the day, this occurs at Start of Night. If activated during the night, this occurs at Start of Day.
    Paopan -> Dum -> Frinckles FM-Politico Any support/utility role, but not investigative Town
    Spoiler : Doubler :
    Alignment: Town
    Role: Doubler

    Factional Abilities:
    Town is the uninformed majority and receives no factional abilities. Use your vote and your role to win!

    Role Abilities:
    Target a player, for the next day and night all numbers on that player's rolecard are doubled where applicable.
    The number of players their abilities target are also doubled.
    This buff also affects any factional abilities that the target may have.

    The target will be notified of this buff and its effects, but will not know how long it lasts.
    If you target yourself, then you double your own action, allowing you to quadruple the next player you target - multiplying everything by four instead of two. (Further stacks are not possible)
    Last edited by Lumi; January 17th, 2022 at 08:41 PM.

  5. ISO #2655

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Game Events

    Event Trigger Time Effect
    Telephone Night 0 A random player receives the following item:
    At night you must perform the following two actions:
    - Make two changes to the name of this item (1 change is either adding a letter, deleting a letter, or changing a letter).
    - Hand this item to another player.

    For the next day and night you will gain access to a private chat with the recipient of this item. You cannot return the item back to the person that gave it to you.

    If the person carrying this item is killed, the killer takes possession of the item instead of the intended recipient.
    If the person carrying this item is lynched, a random voter will take possession of the item.
    A Deal with the Devil Night 0 Upon a player's death, the scum player has the option to invite them to a hydra. The dead player will receive all spoilers about the game state sans player COMs before they are required to make their decision.

    If the dead player accepts, they abandon their original slot and join the solo scum slot as a part of a hydra, adopting the scum win condition.

    If the dead player declines, they join the town graveyard instead.

    There can be at most one player that accepts the deal - after the deal has been accepted once, no further offers will be available.
    Feeling Lucky? Day 5 If the two remaining town cross vote, the solo scum has the option to self-vote to end the day. This will cause a tied vote count of 1v1v1 and a random player will be eliminated.

    There is no practical benefit for the solo scum to do this. But it is an option nonetheless.

  6. ISO #2656

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Actions Log

    (I have no idea how this will display on mobile, lol. Good luck mobile users)

    Alias Night 0 Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5
    FM-Silent Night Renamed Telephone to Telebone
    Gave Telebone to Mid-Atlantic
    Spoiler : Clairvoyance :
    reject assumptions this bastard game. understand you know nothing focus on consistency and intentions to hunt.

    i think there heavy chat mechanics. i join existing one and given an item creates one. seems votes mean more for my role. be cautious same utility could exist for evil alignments.

    when signed up summited favorite roles. good talk for D1 what roles submitted. could have an impact on the game. wont indicate alignment but useful for reveal gamestate late game. i not be surprised if a role exists that draws from the submitted roles.

    i may not send another message this manner. i have ability that frustratingly meta but with strong potential i may focus on. or may throw it away to talk instead.

    Infiltrate MelebonS
    Spoiler : Clairvoance :
    If I am dead today I think I have said everything already. Best of luck and please take some time to do some reads. We have gotten too complacent.

    Infiltration fails, no valid chats.
    Is disguised.
    Helz accepts deal with the devil and is now a hydra.
    Renames MMelebonsS to MMelonsS
    Gives MMelonsS to Mid-Atlantic, redirected to Wilder Wastelander
    Spoiler : Perfect Deception :
    Terminate Wilder Wastelander
    Spoiler : Perfect Deception :
    Spoiler : Perfect Deception :
    Tailored Silent Night as Wizard Federation, Wizard
    Framed Matrix6 as Town, Architext Matchmaker
    Tailored and Framed All-Stars as Wizard Federation, Researcher (SCP-294)
    Tailored and Framed Wilder Wastelander as Pirates, Dread Pirate Roberts
    Tailored and Framed Looney Toons as Wizard Federation, Warlock
    Tailored and Framed Gravity Falls as Pirates, Blackbeard
    Give fruit to Last Hope, Mid-Atlantic, Silent Night
    Neiborize Last Hope
    Chat Cop Bisected Souls
    Perfect Deception everyone as town, including self
    Executed Disguise as Silent Night
    FM-Last Hope Watch Gravity Falls
    Alignment Cop Politico
    Renamed MelebonS to MMelebonsS
    Gave MMelebonsS to Silent Night
    Watches Mid-Atlantic
    Alignment Cop Wilder Wastelander
    Death Delayed by Borrowed Time.
    Alignment Check Wilder Wastelander
    FM-All Stars Formed Research Group with Mid-Atlantic Add Last Hope to Research Group
    Schedule Experiment for True Potential
    FM-Wilder Wastelander Remember Warlock Power Word: Kill Silent Night, Silent Night becomes FM Host, kill ricochets to Gravity Falls Remember ArchiJailor
    ArchiJail Silent Night
    Roleblocks Silent Night
    Spoiler : Blackmails Bisected Souls :
    Copy and paste your full rolecard, including alignment, faction and role abilities, in your first post of the day without any changes. If you do not, you will lose all factional and role abilities until the next day. Don't try to fool me, I can repeat this action forever.
    ArchiJail Once Upon a Town Renames MmelonsS to MmeosS
    Attempts to give MmeosS to Mid-Atlantic, gets killed, Silent Night steals MmeosS
    Spoiler : Fake Blackmails Wilder Wastelander :
    Copy and paste your full rolecard, including alignment, faction and role abilities, in your first post of the day without any changes. If you do not, all night actions you did last night will be revealed and cancelled after.

    FM-Looney Toons Executed Vengeful Power Word: Kill Matrix6, ricocheted to All Stars
    FM-Gravity Falls ArchiJail Silent Night
    Spoiler : Fake Blackmail All Stars :
    You slam the door of the bathroom open, and in front of you is a knight
    "Salutations, Ogre! By decree of the glorious Lord Farquaad, you are to abide by the following rules in every place you speak, lest you suffer the punishments listed!"

    1) Do not say anything that you know is the truth.
    -You will die immediately if you violate this rule.

    2) You must quote Shrek at least 10 times throughout the day.
    -You will permanently lose your vote if you do not meet the required amount.

    3) You must speak with a Scottish accent in every post (using a translator like https://scotranslate.com/)
    -You will be vanillaized if you violate this rule.

    4) You may not tell anyone, anywhere, in any way, about this set of rules. You can not soft it, you can not claim it, you cannot mention it at ALL. Even mentioning that you have a post modifier is not allowed, and if anyone thinks you do have one, you must deny it fervently.
    -You will die immediately if you violate this rule, and your vote and role will be transferred to a random player of the opposite alignment.

    5) You must say "Lag is an amazing mod" in at least 5 posts. This is an exception to rule #1.
    -You will be publicly shamed at the end of the day if you do not do this.

    The knight rolls up the scroll and gets upon a horse. He gallops away, and you are left standing in shock.
    ArchiJail Bisected Souls Roleblock Bisected Souls
    Spoiler : Blackmail Politico :
    Both houses of Congress have covertly voted in a new bill called the "Anti-Corruption Transparency Act", or the "ACTA", and the President has signed it into law. Henceforth, you shall be obliged to obey the following:

    1) You must declassify all non-factional chats you are currently in, or have been in over the course of this game, or that you have spied on, within the first 24 hours of the day phase. If you do not, you will face punishment as laid out in clause 1d.
    1a) By "declassify", we mean that you must make the names and members of these chats public to the thread. You must specify whether you spied on the chat or whether you were an active participant.
    1b) By "non-factional chat", we mean any chat that is not the chat the scum faction uses to communicate.
    1c) You must declassify this information within the first 24 hours of the soonest day.
    1d) If you do not declassify this information, you will be removed from all chats, including any factional scum chats, and will be unable to rejoin any chats until the end of the next night. This is not made public.
    2) You must declassify all negative actions you have taken, within the first 24 hours of the day phase. If you do not, you will face punishment as laid out in clause 2d.
    2a) By "declassify", we mean that you must make the nature of these negative actions as well as their targets public.
    2b) By "negative action", we mean any action that negatively affected a player or the town as a whole in some shape or form.
    2c) You must declassify this information within the first 24 hours of the soonest day.
    2d) If you do not declassify this information, you will be incapable of doing ANY action that day or night, even if you have an ability that would normally be able to go through roleblocks. This is not made public.
    3) Every time you say the words "I swear that the words I say shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God." in a post, you must tell only the truth. This oath can only be uttered three times. If you lie while saying these words in correct form, you will face punishment as laid out in clause 3d.
    3a) The wording must be exact, but the capitilazation, spacing, and other minute details do not need to be.
    3b) The oath must be in the actual content of the post. It cannot be in a quote or in the title. You can only make this oath a maximum of three times.
    3c) The truth is anything that you know to be aligned with reality. If you know something to be a falsehood, you cannot say it in such a post.
    3d) Failing this will result in the loss of any collected mana, as well as temporary vanillization until the end of the soonest night.
    4) In every post, you must act like a proper politican. You must use proper punctuation and capitilization, and must use political lingo/make vague promises at least 5 times. If you fail, you will suffer punishments as laid out in 4c.
    4a) You must use proper grammar, spelling, and capitilization. A few mistakes are fine, but consistent mistakes will be punished as laid out in 4c.
    4b) You must use political words like "filibuster", or make vague promises at least 5 times.
    4c) If you fail this, you will have a propaganda article written about how un-congressman-like you are, for all to see. You will be laughed at.
    5) This is a classified government act. You cannot tell anyone in the thread about it. You cannot hint at this existing. If someone believes you were to forced to do what you did, you must fervently deny it. If you fail any part of this, you will be punished as stipulated in clause 5c.
    5a) You cannot say or hint anything about this in any shape or form in the thread.
    5b) If someone believes this document exists, you must deny it to the best of your ability. You must make an honest attempt at refuting this idea.
    5c) If you fail any part of rule 5, you will suffer every punishment here, as laid out in 1d, 2d, 3d, and 4c.

    Vengeful Shoots Last Hope
    FM-Mid-Atlantic Swap Silent Night and Last Hope
    Swap Mid-Atlantic and Once Upon a Town
    Renamed Telebone to MelebonS
    Gave MelebonS to Last Hope, redirected to Silent Night. Invalid Target, new target chosen at random: Last Hope
    Swap Mid-Atlantic and Bisected Souls
    Swap Once Upon a Town and Wilder Wastelander
    Swap Mid-Atlantic and Wilder Wastelander
    Swap Once Upon a Town and Bisected Souls
    Swap Mid-Atlantic and Bisected Souls
    Swap Last Hope and Once Upon a Town
    FM-Once Upon a Town Douse Silent Night, redirected to Last Hope Douse Wilder Wastelander, redirected to Once Upon a Town Ignite Douse Once Upon a Town, redirected to Last Hope
    FM-Bisected Souls Infiltrate Party Host Borrowed Time Party Host
    Death Delayed by Borrowed Time
    FM-Politico Double Silent Night, redirected to Last Hope Died

  7. ISO #2657

  8. ISO #2658

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  9. ISO #2659

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Fuck you @Helz
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  10. ISO #2660

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    PQhack is the MVP. I'm impressed, being the solo scum must have been exhausting.

    For the record, I knew something was fucky with the random BS from matrix day 1. That's why I also used my vengeful kill on them, but oh well.

    Had I known Wilder was Zedus I wouldn't have given his boo hoo cry me a river don't lynch me argument any weight and would've pushed him a lot harder. I thought the slot was one of the korean mafia folks who recently have been playing the mod.

  11. ISO #2661

  12. ISO #2662

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Gotta say, shoulda known what I was signing up for
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  13. ISO #2663

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    I warned you all, I put it in the title of the game!

    That said I think both sides had reasonable chances to win this game, and I felt it wasn't at all clear who would actually end up winning until the final day.

    Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed the roles you received, I hand made each role for each player based on what they requested!

  14. ISO #2664

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    I warned you all, I put it in the title of the game!

    That said I think both sides had reasonable chances to win this game, and I felt it wasn't at all clear who would actually end up winning until the final day.

    Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed the roles you received, I hand made each role for each player based on what they requested!
    I gotta say. Definitely spot on with my role.

    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  15. ISO #2665

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    I warned you all, I put it in the title of the game!

    That said I think both sides had reasonable chances to win this game, and I felt it wasn't at all clear who would actually end up winning until the final day.

    Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed the roles you received, I hand made each role for each player based on what they requested!
    yeah I liked my role, it's a shame I got got by RNGesus before I got to use it
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  16. ISO #2666

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    I gotta say. Definitely spot on with my role.

    I thought you were matrix before I died
    the whole reason I had matrix town locked was because I thought they were playing like your citizen play
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  17. ISO #2667

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    I thought you were matrix before I died
    the whole reason I had matrix town locked was because I thought they were playing like your citizen play
    My citizen schtick ain't that shitty
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  18. ISO #2668

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    My citizen schtick ain't that shitty
    I mean it's also been like, two years since I played on the site, maybe I shouldn't be doing meta reads
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  19. ISO #2669

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    I mean it's also been like, two years since I played on the site, maybe I shouldn't be doing meta reads
    If it makes you feel better. I thought Helz was MM
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  20. ISO #2670

  21. ISO #2671

  22. ISO #2672

  23. ISO #2673

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    I mean it's also been like, two years since I played on the site, maybe I shouldn't be doing meta reads
    I was about to say. Good to see you again. I think the last time we played together might have been some FM in 2015 or some shit. I did not expect to see your name pop up

  24. ISO #2674

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Highest post count small games (less than 12 players):
    1) S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk - Over 2650
    2) S-FM 300: Black Flag Nightless [Ladder] - 2635 posts, 10 players
    3) S-FM 207: Island Conflict - 2333 posts, 10 players
    4) S-FM 265: Illuminati - 2326 posts, 9 players
    5) S-FM 249: Lady Gaga - 2197 posts, 10 players
    6) S-FM 260: Agumon's Revenge - 2174 posts, 10 players
    7) S-FM 298: Third Line Butterfly - 2159 posts, 10 players
    8) S-FM 294: Undercover - 2105 posts, 9 players
    9) S-FM 308: Mallow's Anti-Vaxxing Crusade - 2000 posts, 9 players
    10) S-FM 267: The Secret Society - 1931 posts, 10 players
    11) S-FM 293: C - 1931 posts, 11 players
    12) S-FM 297: BioMed Industries [Ladder] - 1874 posts, 9 players
    13) S-FM 274: Black Flag - 1825 posts, 10 players
    14) S-FM 320: Winder 2020-2021 ?KRC - 1794 posts, 10 players
    15) S-FM 195: In The World of Music - 1769 posts, 11 players

    So that's something, I guess
    Last edited by Lumi; January 17th, 2022 at 08:48 PM.

  25. ISO #2675

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    I warned you all, I put it in the title of the game!

    That said I think both sides had reasonable chances to win this game, and I felt it wasn't at all clear who would actually end up winning until the final day.

    Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed the roles you received, I hand made each role for each player based on what they requested!
    Thank you for this experience. You did a lot of stuff I did not consider and I had a lot of fun trying to figure out what existed : )

  26. ISO #2676

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    The night 1 death of All Stars is still widely considered the most tragic part of this game

    Lost a great role and a great day 2 blackmail
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  27. ISO #2677

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Oh, and if anyone ever uses a solo-scum neutral that resembles anything like the reality bender, i'm demanding royalties
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  28. ISO #2678

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Names were actually indicative of the player in said slot:

    Silent Night - the most recent game Helz played on the site before this one
    Matrix6 - One of PQ's first (if not his first?) FM games on the site
    Last Hope - Most recent game from CRichard on the site (if not his first?)
    Looney Toons - This slot originally belonged to Stealthbomber16 who had to sub out, but Looney Toons was the KRC game hosted by Stealth
    Gravity Falls - Gikkle's first game on the site
    Once Upon a Town - Loldebite's first game on the site
    Bisected Souls - oliver's first win on the site
    Politico - Paopan's first win on the site

    Which left 3 games (All Stars, Wilder Wastelander, Mid-Atlantic) to 3 players (deathworlds, Zedus, and Mesk) who were just assigned those 3 remaining slots randomly.

  29. ISO #2679

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I was about to say. Good to see you again. I think the last time we played together might have been some FM in 2015 or some shit. I did not expect to see your name pop up
    Eh I always pop up for these bastard games, they're fun!
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  30. ISO #2680

  31. ISO #2681

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    Researcher (SCP-294) has now played against the majority of reality benders that have been used on this site.
    and both time it got to do nothing
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  32. ISO #2682

  33. ISO #2683

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Finally it's over.

    Well, I had fun playing this. Setup was beyond any logic, however, this is more good than bad.

    Some things never change. Bonobovoting against me day 1, for example, never based on any reasonable argument, and does not depend in any way on my character alignment. That's all you should know about your "reading", never works and never will be. Ah, pretending to be the new here was kind of main account defence.

    I am happy poor Renegade goes first Funnies part.

    I enjoyed this game as much as I suffered. well, it was worth trying to play the Bastard setup to never try again This is by no means a reproach to the host, the host is the best. But I definitely don’t want to experience such an adventure a second time

    Thanks all.
    I agree with plan C.

    Even if game is already over, I am still agree, why not?

  34. ISO #2684

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
    I warned you all, I put it in the title of the game!

    That said I think both sides had reasonable chances to win this game, and I felt it wasn't at all clear who would actually end up winning until the final day.

    Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed the roles you received, I hand made each role for each player based on what they requested!
    this game was WONDERFUL! Thank you for all that effort and good hosting
    Praise the Lord!

  35. ISO #2685

  36. ISO #2686

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Once Upon a Town View Post
    i was absolutely convinced matrix was PQR and never thought he could manage to stfu
    Thanks, friend.
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  37. ISO #2687

  38. ISO #2688

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Once Upon a Town View Post
    How stupid can one be when exhausted, i literally got up from my bed to place a vote, only to awaken and think "Wait... But how did gravity die ?" lol
    Fuck me.
    Ι'm just glad I wasn't the only one who witnessed what was the shit show we know as Day 4.
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  39. ISO #2689

  40. ISO #2690

  41. ISO #2691

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Loldebite View Post
    That day was fucking torture
    In the end, I'm usually always right for all the wrong reasons
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  42. ISO #2692

  43. ISO #2693

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by Loldebite View Post
    And i made a final, wrong, decision for almost right reasons. Ironic
    best town lock going on. I may have to replace helz with you in the SOMETHING SPECIAL chat
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  44. ISO #2694

  45. ISO #2695

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    If you played this and still have sanity, then well done I bit off more than I could chew, and I only now recognize the "risks" of playing a wild, tough setup like this.

    I had an epic fail where I accidentally typed from my spy account on slack with Silent Night. Damage control failed as I spammed Lag that I wanted to Terminate Silent Night ASAP, while she was busy on a long drive. So I ended up going all in and disguised as the player I knew I could not beat. Funny situation for Helz who was then offered to come back from the dead to join the dark side. I actually had Silent Night Wizard framed as the evil Wiz Fed as well, I am surprised he didn't get pushed harder for having a role that showed similarities to Looney's flip.

    I said it before disguise that whoever Silent Night was was going to be MVP based on the hard work they put in as town. Thank you for carrying both town and me, Helz.

    Thank you for hosting this madness, Lag. I don't know how you and other hosts manage to keep everything organized. I suffered inflammation of the brain from having to keep track of all the players, chats, fake rolecards, etc.

    Looney Rene had me D1 lol.

    We never got to see the fake Pirates faction that was gonna steal all the booty (as looney, the evil warlock, became the D1 flip and so I had to stick to that theme). 5 of 10 town players were tagged with fake flips n0, maybe I should have framed more but it would have required more rolecard writing than I had the time for.

  46. ISO #2696

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    GG, survivors of this secret CIA torture camp I didn't really follow the game, but I saw the flips and had a good laugh
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  47. ISO #2697

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by PQRnHack View Post
    If you played this and still have sanity, then well done I bit off more than I could chew, and I only now recognize the "risks" of playing a wild, tough setup like this.

    I had an epic fail where I accidentally typed from my spy account on slack with Silent Night. Damage control failed as I spammed Lag that I wanted to Terminate Silent Night ASAP, while she was busy on a long drive. So I ended up going all in and disguised as the player I knew I could not beat. Funny situation for Helz who was then offered to come back from the dead to join the dark side. I actually had Silent Night Wizard framed as the evil Wiz Fed as well, I am surprised he didn't get pushed harder for having a role that showed similarities to Looney's flip.

    I said it before disguise that whoever Silent Night was was going to be MVP based on the hard work they put in as town. Thank you for carrying both town and me, Helz.

    Thank you for hosting this madness, Lag. I don't know how you and other hosts manage to keep everything organized. I suffered inflammation of the brain from having to keep track of all the players, chats, fake rolecards, etc.

    Looney Rene had me D1 lol.

    We never got to see the fake Pirates faction that was gonna steal all the booty (as looney, the evil warlock, became the D1 flip and so I had to stick to that theme). 5 of 10 town players were tagged with fake flips n0, maybe I should have framed more but it would have required more rolecard writing than I had the time for.
    It was sooo incredibly good. You playing almost lonely against everyone else.
    Chicken faction, eh? You really explained my actions very well (double dip)
    I have to admit, i metaread you as wilder. Never thaugth you can make your playstyle that objective-logical, non enotional. Incredibly well played.
    Praise the Lord!

  48. ISO #2698

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    It was sooo incredibly good. You playing almost lonely against everyone else.
    Chicken faction, eh? You really explained my actions very well (double dip)
    I have to admit, i metaread you as wilder. Never thaugth you can make your playstyle that objective-logical, non enotional. Incredibly well played.
    The playstyle was Helz and the devil lol.

    I added the double dip when we thought you would activate a 2nd Borrowed Time. We were looking forward to another sh1tshow day with no flips lol.

  49. ISO #2699

  50. ISO #2700

    Re: S-FM 337: Play at Your Own Risk

    Quote Originally Posted by PQRnHack View Post
    The playstyle was Helz and the devil lol.

    I added the double dip when we thought you would activate a 2nd Borrowed Time. We were looking forward to another sh1tshow day with no flips lol.
    lol, it was kinda an idea of me, but i thaugth that its conterproductive for town



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