Quote Originally Posted by Lag View Post
Explain this to me please?
Day 1 stunk because of the oliverz stuff and generally unimpressive play.
Day 2 was great because MM's aggression seems more like town trying to actively find scum rather than wolf hard pushing an agenda - the reason I believe this is the fact he was willing to do a turn around on you. It shows that he's not just tunneling to get a mislynch, rather, he's actually reconsidering his reads (assuming y'all are not BOTH scum, and he never intended on pushing you to the end in the first place, which I guess is a slim possibility, and maybe it was something you guys talked over in scum chat, and that's why MM suddenly got better after the night phase? Hmm).

His thought patterns have made sense, even if I didn't agree every step of the way, for example, it made sense why he was (is) suspecting PQR, and it made sense why he suspected you. His attitude whilst doing so felt genuine a lot of the time as well.