Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
Warning: By his own admission, Oberon purposefully does not read, evaluate, nor think critically about any opinion he disagrees with, and in fact, he often does not even read or evaluate his own sources. When discussing matters of politics with him, it is safe to assume anything he posts is a falsehood unless evaluated independently by yourself or another person. Any discussion with him will end in an intellectual black hole, as he will refuse to consider other viewpoints and ignore your posts, and never admit that anything he has posted is wrong even if proven so. Tread carefully.
What the fuck are you even on about? Literally nothing was proven wrong. I am disputing the CDC data because it’s garbage. 400,000 extra deaths literally makes no sense. How does one fail to report a death? It is literally the most clear outcome you could have - dead or not dead. It’s not even deaths with COVID which we could be debating about. And yet they missed out on so many deaths? Btw if we say that 266,000
people died in January then the death rate is actually off by 6% - 3 times the amount that the CDC gave! Bullshit.

Also funny how that 0.4mln figure corresponds closely to the number of deaths from COVID - 0.377mln