Something I have considered over the last few years is how little our society actually cares for equality. Even just writing some of these out I had this voice in the back of my head calling myself a sexist or a racist just for saying them yet when I stop and think about it there is no justifiable reason. If you can not invert the race or sex and justify the action its a double standard.

On Racism:
If you make an African American only organization its progressive but if you make a white only organization its racist.

Events such as 'Black history month' are seen as normal but if you were to make a 'white history month' people would probably loose their shit.

If you have a company with 100% Latino employees its ok but if you have one with 100% white people its discrimination.

Big media platforms like Amazon, Netflix and Youtube push category's highlighting Latino or African American culture which is seen as normal but I have never seen any platform push a white persons content on account of their race and if it was it would likely be seen as offensive/racist.

Extremism on one side is seemingly protected such as Professor Tommy Curry from A&M advocating that white people should be afraid of black people and even saying some white people may need to die in an interview without loosing his job.

On Sexism:
One of my favorite law suits right now is a federal suit against a Utah law against women being topless in public. The state is in the awkward position of arguing to restrict women's rights on the basis of religious morality. Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma will all have to allow topless women if the federal suit rules it unconstitutional.

If a girl gets laid a lot she is a slut but if a guy does it he is a badass.

If a guy calls women liers, cheaters, sluts, prevailed ect he is considered an evil pig but if a feminist trashes on men the same way people just shrug.

A girl is seen as bossy and controlling if she acts with authority while its just seen as being a leader for a guy to do it.

If a guy slaps a waitress' ass its assault but if a girl who looks like a guy, dresses like a guy, and acts like a guy does it its somehow acceptable. Same parallel with blatantly asking for sex.

A University of Michigan Law School found that overall men receive 63% longer prison sentences and women are twice as likely to avoid going to jail if convicted. I doubt people would support 'equality' when it required a push to 'Put more women in jail for longer'

If a woman accuses a man of assault he is guilty until proven innocent, immediately has to go to jail regardless of if he can flatly prove it was a lie, has to bail himself out, has protective orders thrown at him, and faces her in court while she gets a free lawyer. If a many accuses a woman of assault she is innocent until proven guilty, he is seen as a bitch and afforded no legal protections or assistance.

If a woman lies about a man accusing him of sexual assault or rape to damage his political standing or career its generally done with impunity and there is very little critical opinion of her and almost always no legal repercussions.

Most studys reflect men only get custody of the child in a divorce between 17-20% of the time.

Most data reflects women only make 80-85% of what men do in the same fields.