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  1. ISO #101

    Re: Best man for the job

    I disagree, it’s not insignificant. If someone makes a study with 10,000 people purporting to show the benefits of crystal balls on health or whatever the fuck I will literally not give a shit. I could care less if people put the ‘scientific study’ sticker on it; if it’s unreasonable, it doesn’t matter who’s saying it or why - it’s still unreasonable. As it stands nobody in this fucking thread has bothered or even tried to explain a causal relationship coupd be between diversity and profit in such a way that diversity -> profit. The five points the authors of the study we investigated were called into question and quite frankly just as I suspected the conclusions they drew look more like their own opinions. You cannot build science on the basis of an opinion! Honestly if there were anything remotely conclusive that proved causality oops would’ve mentioned it - the fact that he didn’t when challenged is evidence enough for me.

    People need to stop being intimidated by ‘scientific studies’ that purport to show nonsensical causalities. This is intellectual tyranny at its finest.

    To continue the line of thought I originally went on, when someone claims something fucking stupid such as culture > personality/education (which in my view basically goes back to the fucking tabula rasa argument), I can dismiss it out of hand with my personal experience because of how fucking obviously stupid it is. I have not witnessed any cultural factora trumping personality virtually ever and I seriously doubt whether anyone else here has. This reminds me of the dumb shit people in Romania believe in such as the idea that life experience > education. An incredibly anti-intellectual idea and maybe not even that surprising in a second world country like Romania, but to hear something like that from the so-called first world... disheartening.

  2. ISO #102

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    when someone claims something fucking stupid such as culture > personality/education
    Admittedly I haven't read the studies in question, nor a lot of this thread given that they talk about what I haven't read.

    But if you are implying that someone has claimed that personality/education doesn't matter and that they would rather hire a random guy off the street from a different culture, just for the diversity, completely ignoring how qualified they are - may I ask you to quote it and prove that you're not strawman'ing someone's argument?
    Last edited by OzyWho; February 3rd, 2021 at 01:03 AM.

  3. ISO #103

  4. ISO #104

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Admittedly I haven't read the studies in question, nor a lot of this thread given that they talk about what I haven't read.

    But if you are implying that someone has claimed that personality/education doesn't matter and that they would rather hire a random guy off the street from a different culture, just for the diversity, completely ignoring how qualified they are - may I ask you to quote it and prove that you're not strawman'ing someone's argument?

    It's I think the fourth quote or someshit. I don't know.

  5. ISO #105

  6. ISO #106

  7. ISO #107

  8. ISO #108

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    ▪ Diversity fosters innovation and creativity through a greater variety of problem-solvingapproaches, perspectives, and ideas. Academic research has shown that diverse groupsoften outperform experts.
    this is from their article.
    I mean, let's be honest.

    Technically that text doesn't say anything about the importance or unimportance of how qualified a person is etc. but almost everyone would presume that they don't imply any random doofes would be better and that their qualification and stuff is irrelevant.

    The way I see it, this is text book example of arguing semantics.

  9. ISO #109

  10. ISO #110

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    I disagree, it’s not insignificant. If someone makes a study with 10,000 people purporting to show the benefits of crystal balls on health or whatever the fuck I will literally not give a shit. I could care less if people put the ‘scientific study’ sticker on it; if it’s unreasonable, it doesn’t matter who’s saying it or why - it’s still unreasonable.
    This shows that you actually don't understand what science is. Science isn't some religion that is formed around "reasonability", it is a framework for building knowledge through testable hypotheses. Yes, if there were numerous studies that showed that crystal balls show benefit in some area of health, you would be unscientific and denying reality to refuse to accept that relationship. I would never make claims that it's due to magic or whatever, unless another scientific study showed that it is. Then magic would become a part of accepted science/physics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    As it stands nobody in this fucking thread has bothered or even tried to explain a causal relationship coupd be between diversity and profit in such a way that diversity -> profit. The five points the authors of the study we investigated were called into question and quite frankly just as I suspected the conclusions they drew look more like their own opinions. You cannot build science on the basis of an opinion! Honestly if there were anything remotely conclusive that proved causality oops would’ve mentioned it - the fact that he didn’t when challenged is evidence enough for me.
    Are you fucking joking dude? I posted several articles showing both proven methods through which diversity could affect company performance, such as boosting decision making, as well as a study establishing a CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP between diversity and performance. Learn to actually read what people are saying.

    At this point it's pretty clear to me you're either being wilfully ignorant, because you can't stand to accept the conclusion of this, or you just don't understand how to think critically. Maybe you just fundamentally misunderstand the concept of science? That's fine if you don't understand it, it can be a hard concept to grasp, but you need to find the humility to recognize your shortcomings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    People need to stop being intimidated by ‘scientific studies’ that purport to show nonsensical causalities. This is intellectual tyranny at its finest.
    Once again, you're admitting that science doesn't matter if it goes against your pre-formed opinions and feelings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    To continue the line of thought I originally went on, when someone claims something fucking stupid such as culture > personality/education (which in my view basically goes back to the fucking tabula rasa argument), I can dismiss it out of hand with my personal experience because of how fucking obviously stupid it is.
    Sure, that's just as unscientific as someone dismissing evolution because the bible says that God created all the animals. You're literally dismissing scientific evidence because you think it's "obviously stupid".

    Also nobody claimed that culture > personality/education. Stop strawmanning other people's arguments.

  11. ISO #111

    Re: Best man for the job

    I also can't comprehend how one can be so arrogant as to barely be through university yet claim to understand what science is to the point of arguing what the fundamentals of scientific philosophy and methods are with published scientists who have masters and PhDs in their field. Go talk to any of your professors about how you can dismiss studies showing a causal link between two things because the conclusion is "obviously stupid" to you and see how many laugh at you.

  12. ISO #112

  13. ISO #113

  14. ISO #114

  15. ISO #115

    Re: Best man for the job

    So you read one paper that I posted, out of like 10, found a couple of issues with it that other people further explained to you (which you ignored ofc), and dismissed the entire concept based on that? Like you read one single paper, which directly stated that they weren't trying to establish a causal relationship, out of several others, of which a couple directly established causal relationships or further explained and showed evidence of ways through which diversity leads to profitability and performance, and then said the WHOLE THING is invalid and that I never attempted to establish causality because that one paper didn't?

    Dude, how do you type these words and re-read your posts, and think to yourself "yes, this is an intelligent opinion, and I am completely correct". Seriously man, in this thread you've admitted you're dismissing an argument backed up with scientific evidence solely because you disagree with it, and that you don't even read what other people post and arguments contrary to your opinion, and you still think you're in the right. How the hell do you think yourself into these things?

  16. ISO #116

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Wanna know what the most diverse part of the world is? Africa! Doesn't work out that well does it?
    I know it sounds extreme, but I'm halfway towards believing it's in everyone's benefit for a mod to forcefully cap how many posts you can make in these political threads per, say, 48h. You really don't seem to have any control over your own impulses and knowing you said shit like this must feel really embarassing later. Trying to compare an entire continent to a workplace. Jesus. How did you even measure the diversity of Africa compared to, say, Asia? Man, I'm already thinking too hard about this XD.

    You need to at least attempt to improve your impulse control. And I don't say it with a hint of resentment when I say you might benefit from the community putting concrete controls on what you say in these threads. No actual censorship, just some mechanism that implicitly forces you to think before posting by restricting post count or whatever.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  17. ISO #117

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    I know it sounds extreme, but I'm halfway towards believing it's in everyone's benefit for a mod to forcefully cap how many posts you can make in these political threads per, say, 48h. You really don't seem to have any control over your own impulses and knowing you said shit like this must feel really embarassing later. Trying to compare an entire continent to a workplace. Jesus. How did you even measure the diversity of Africa compared to, say, Asia? Man, I'm already thinking too hard about this XD.

    You need to at least attempt to improve your impulse control. And I don't say it with a hint of resentment when I say you might benefit from the community putting concrete controls on what you say in these threads. No actual censorship, just some mechanism that implicitly forces you to think before posting by restricting post count or whatever.
    I'm going to predict the future and say that now he's going to post some article about how Africa is the most diverse continent by some weird measurement and claim he's actually right.

  18. ISO #118

    Re: Best man for the job

    This site isn't really used for Mafia anymore.
    We should change It to
    It's a site dedicated to Oberon partaking in political threads so that easy other can get annoyed then point out the obvious flaws to make themselves feel pathetically good and make Oberon look and feel terrible to the point they have to try again to try and redeem themselves by digging the hole deeper.
    Have FM and mod as a hard to find sections.
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  19. ISO #119

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Magoroth View Post
    I too only trust studies that agree with my set of beliefs.

    A group of people with the same set of life experiences have less tools to address problems that might arise when running a company. It has nothing to do with biological body parts.
    Honestly the fact that people are having the reactions that they are to what I'm saying and especially paragraphs like this: "I too only trust studies that agree with my set of beliefs." (who said anything about belief?) makes me think that this has very little to do with science and everything to do with ideology. I would honestly doubt that there is anyone on this thread that is even genuinely surprised at this. Clearly this issue is ideological and has in actuality very little do with anything people are purporting it to hold (such as profitability or whatever). For if there weren't a study linking diversity and profitability, I would honestly doubt that any person on this forum would even try to link them together or argue that profitability is the reason for why diversity is important. Oops and aamirus touched on the real reason several times when they engaged in blatant discredit of those who are against 'diversity' by painting them as racists or whatever who hate black people (lol).

    It really makes me wonder. If people aren't arguing the real point of diversity, and are instead arguing for tangents as to why diversity is 'good', are they really arguing their point at all? Maybe what I'm saying is unclear. But the real reason, I think, why people are arguing for diversity has nothing to do with profit. That's just a counter-argument for the 'so-called bigots' who in their view do not care about profit anyways (which in itself is an admission that they do not actually believe the people they are debating are racists, because racists don't care about profit - if they did, they would be putting a candidate's natural talent/education/ability/whatever the fuck above their irrelevant personal attributes). As such, arguing for diversity from a profit perspective is actually an indication that the person has no real argument for the real reason they want diversity - "old white men who don't want to hire black people". Need I say more? It's quite literally in this thread lol
    Last edited by Oberon; February 3rd, 2021 at 07:36 AM.

  20. ISO #120

  21. ISO #121

    Re: Best man for the job

    The explanation for why Africa is more diverse (I may look for a citation or something later) is this: initially man only lived in Africa. But some groups of men (notice that I said some) moved away from Africa; the thing is, the ppl who moved away from Africa were a minority; most humans remained in Africa. That is literally the reason why Africa is more diverse: more people, more genes, more cultures.

  22. ISO #122

  23. ISO #123

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Well I’m not sure I trust those studies. Lets take gender diversity as an example. If you have a company of all men, but half of them are more feminine - is that diverse? Would they have the same viewpoints as women? But let’s take yet another example. What if you have a company filled with half transgender men and actual men. Is that diverse? Does diversity come from having a vagina?
    "Doesn't trust studies that he doesn't agree with"

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Now let’s say maybe we trust the study and say yeah companies that are more diverse make more money. But that does not mean they make money because they are diverse. Because then you have to ask yourself the question - how does diversity increase profit? I’ve been in diverse friendships or university groups before and I did not witness any of the said benefits of diversity. The only difference I could see that could be attributed to external variation between different groups of people was in prior education. And again lets put an example forward. Lets say you have a company of white men but half of them were raised in Africa to black families. Is that diverse?
    "Use anecdotal evidence from personal experience to cast doubt on study".

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Honestly the fact that people are having the reactions that they are to what I'm saying and especially paragraphs like this: "I too only trust studies that agree with my set of beliefs." makes me think that this has very little to do with science and everything to do with ideology.
    Your first reaction wasn't "oh, interesting studies that oops linked, maybe I'll check it out to expand my world view". It was "it's not true because mah friends". Sounds like a textbook example of confirmation bias to me.

  24. ISO #124

    Re: Best man for the job

    Disclaimer: THIS HAS STRICTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM, AS I'VE ALREADY EXPLAINED. THIS IS STRICTLY ABOUT ECONOMICS. FOR THE SOCIAL ASPECT, SEE MY FIRST POST, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE THREAD. Calling people racist for disagreeing on a simple economic debate is completely dumb and off-topic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    I disagree, it’s not insignificant. If someone makes a study with 10,000 people purporting to show the benefits of crystal balls on health or whatever the fuck I will literally not give a shit. I could care less if people put the ‘scientific study’ sticker on it; if it’s unreasonable, it doesn’t matter who’s saying it or why - it’s still unreasonable.
    It's true that some "scientific studies" are bogus. That doesn't make personal experience outweigh a statistical accumulation of data when it comes to seeing a tendency, though... if the sources are trustable (I'd say Harvard Business Review is) and if their conclusions are backed by other sources (they are; I made my own research, and realized I ended up reading the articles Oops had already linked), then you at least have to consider them lol. If your reasoning about "it seems unreasonable due to my personal experience, therefore it's necessarily fake, no matter the study" was correct, quantum physics would be to dismiss completely. After all, you can absolutely measure both speed and location of objects around, so how could objects possibly be made of things that do not have that property?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    As it stands nobody in this fucking thread has bothered or even tried to explain a causal relationship coupd be between diversity and profit in such a way that diversity -> profit. The five points the authors of the study we investigated were called into question and quite frankly just as I suspected the conclusions they drew look more like their own opinions. You cannot build science on the basis of an opinion! Honestly if there were anything remotely conclusive that proved causality oops would’ve mentioned it - the fact that he didn’t when challenged is evidence enough for me.
    I kinda implied it, but didn't clearly express it, I guess.
    It's logical that a culturally diverse team would perform better than an homogeneous one: multiple cultures imply multiple views, which lead to multiple reasonings; this is what the Harvard study is talking about when it says "thinking outside the box". It prevents intellectual inbreeding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    To continue the line of thought I originally went on, when someone claims something fucking stupid such as culture > personality/education (which in my view basically goes back to the fucking tabula rasa argument), I can dismiss it out of hand with my personal experience because of how fucking obviously stupid it is. I have not witnessed any cultural factora trumping personality virtually ever and I seriously doubt whether anyone else here has. This reminds me of the dumb shit people in Romania believe in such as the idea that life experience > education. An incredibly anti-intellectual idea and maybe not even that surprising in a second world country like Romania, but to hear something like that from the so-called first world... disheartening.
    It's quite obvious someone without an elementary education won't be fit to lead a business, no matter what his culture may be xD. I don't think anybody was arguing against that.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  25. ISO #125

    Re: Best man for the job

    I think this would be better turned into a discussion on how to properly think critically and how to interpret science versus anecdotal experience. The original topic has been beaten to death, and this discussion won't go anywhere without aligning on what to do when empirical evidence challenges your predetermined opinions.

    This actually reminds me of a discussion I had with a friend. She's from a less developed European country (I won't name which country but it might surprise you if I did) and told me that critical thinking is kinda taken for granted in most of the west. She says the first time she was actually, truly exposed to critical thinking was when she started studying for her bachelor's abroad. She told me about many instances in her home country where critical thinking was not only not emphasized or taught, but actively discouraged. There was an assignment she had in high school where they had to write an essay on a famous poet in that country, and her classmate wrote about the poet but also wrote about some things they disagreed with in the poet's writing. Said classmate was actually punished and received a low grade on the assignment solely for that, because the teacher said "how can you think this poet is wrong? He's a cultural icon!"

    It's not meant as an insult, but people often take offence to it because they see critical thinking as some sort of innate knowledge like "common sense" or "the sky is blue", when really it's a skill to be learned, and requires a certain amount of humility to accept that you're wrong in the face of evidence. People might get mad at me or accuse me of making ad-hom attacks but I think it needs to be said if we want to get anywhere in any discussion.

  26. ISO #126

    Re: Best man for the job

    Tbh in my country nobody knows logical fallacies. We don't even have translations for "fallacy names" as far as I know. Maybe in some obscure philosophy class somewhere they teach about critical thinking, I wouldn't hold my breath though.
    There's other parts to critical thinking, ofcourse, but I always presumed that critical thinking isn't actually thought in the world, other than philosophy classes specifically.

  27. ISO #127

    Re: Best man for the job

    Are we confident that diversity is achieved better by race and sex, rather than by individuals?

    Here - - Jordan Peterson claims to have studied differences between people and that individual differences far outweigh the group differences.
    It makes sense, yet @oops_ur_dead showed that companies go for that 'diversity by looks' so to speak.

  28. ISO #128

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Are we confident that diversity is achieved better by race and sex, rather than by individuals?

    Here - - Jordan Peterson claims to have studied differences between people and that individual differences far outweigh the group differences.
    It makes sense, yet @oops_ur_dead showed that companies go for that 'diversity by looks' so to speak.
    He's 100% right about everything he said in this video, though his political bias and attempts to bait are pretty obnoxious.

    Individual differences are very obviously larger than intergroup differences. I don't think anyone really denies that. However, social context and associations are very important and an aspect he completely ignores, which makes sense because he's a psychologist.

    A black person who grew up in inner city Detroit has a very unique frame of view on how certain groups of people live that other people would find it difficult if not impossible to develop without that type of experience. Women in the workforce have a very different perspective on what they consider to be harassment or sexual abuse, which is why it's such a autist incel thing to say stuff like "someone staring at your tits isn't harassment it's a complement xD xD"

    To the original point of your video and how it relates to diversity hiring, Peterson actually brought up something exactly to my point in this video. If you make a bet on a woman vs a man in agreeableness you'll find the woman is more agreeable than the man 60% of the time. A company hiring people might do much better than the 60% if they optimize for the exact person with the best suited traits for the job. But there's two issues with this:

    1) The company has to know what they're looking for, which can be extremely difficult. If a company hires that inner city black guy from before in sales he might propose ideas that greatly improve the company's performance to inner city customers, something the company may not have been looking for because they weren't even aware of this segment. The company is not going to have a perfect plan or a perfect perspective on what they need, diversity hiring is a way of collecting a wider range of ideas and experiences together to not only perform a job better but to figure out what the job even is in the first place.

    2) Even if the company knows exactly what they need and they're correct about it, they need to be able to identify these differences well and in a cost and time effective manner. To Peterson's example, if you had a bunch of men and women and you had an hour to group them by agreeableness, you'd be better off doing so by just doing it across gender lines, maybe with some simple questioning, rather than thoroughly interviewing each individual person and giving them surveys. Same goes for hiring. There's no guarantee there even is a good way to figure out whether someone is brilliant at marketing towards inner city black customers, so you do it based on race and one's cultural background and hope for the best. Maybe the white guy was actually going to be better. But 75% of the time, they aren't, so you just do the best you can do.

  29. ISO #129

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Disclaimer: THIS HAS STRICTLY NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM, AS I'VE ALREADY EXPLAINED. THIS IS STRICTLY ABOUT ECONOMICS. FOR THE SOCIAL ASPECT, SEE MY FIRST POST, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE THREAD. Calling people racist for disagreeing on a simple economic debate is completely dumb and off-topic.

    It's true that some "scientific studies" are bogus. That doesn't make personal experience outweigh a statistical accumulation of data when it comes to seeing a tendency, though... if the sources are trustable (I'd say Harvard Business Review is) and if their conclusions are backed by other sources (they are; I made my own research, and realized I ended up reading the articles Oops had already linked), then you at least have to consider them lol. If your reasoning about "it seems unreasonable due to my personal experience, therefore it's necessarily fake, no matter the study" was correct, quantum physics would be to dismiss completely. After all, you can absolutely measure both speed and location of objects around, so how could objects possibly be made of things that do not have that property?

    I kinda implied it, but didn't clearly express it, I guess.
    It's logical that a culturally diverse team would perform better than an homogeneous one: multiple cultures imply multiple views, which lead to multiple reasonings; this is what the Harvard study is talking about when it says "thinking outside the box". It prevents intellectual inbreeding.

    It's quite obvious someone without an elementary education won't be fit to lead a business, no matter what his culture may be xD. I don't think anybody was arguing against that.
    I will argue against this marshmellow man. Can you clarify what you mean by elementary education?
    This isn't where i parked my car.....

  30. ISO #130

    Re: Best man for the job

    If anyone had any rationale they would be opposing this kind of diversity. Fucking seriously. For instance, I was just jacking it off to some porn and guess what?! I came across a video with a woman in it. A FUCKING WOMAN. I inmediately knew this was the doing of those damn SJWs trying to force diversity into my entertainment. I could feel my masculinity decrease by the second so i clicked away and searched for a video with big sweaty strong men ramming their hips against each other's round toned buttocks. Like every respectable man should dammit!

    I just can't anymore. First they invade my videogames and now my porn? No, i won't let them. I declare war on every SJW out there. From now on i will exclusively jack off to porn with white male protagonists, and i urge you to do the same. That will teach them.

  31. ISO #131

  32. ISO #132

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    I will argue against this marshmellow man. Can you clarify what you mean by elementary education?
    Strictly speaking, elementary school education, so reading, writing, etc. (which means you can't just take people from random third world countries and say "hey they have other cultures, so it's good!"). More broadly speaking, some education in the field the business is working in (or in administration, although sometimes administatives make you wonder...), or some experience at least, is probably necessary to lead a business. Note that by "business", I'm talking about the kind of businesses that are big enough to want to have multiple people with culture diversity, i.e. relatively big and complex entities.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  33. ISO #133

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM punchy View Post
    mrmpht. I think the best person for the job is a BIG philly cheese steak.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  34. ISO #134

  35. ISO #135

  36. ISO #136

    Re: Best man for the job

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Something he doesn't have, French people don't have education
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :



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