Classical Setups

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  1. ISO #1

    Classical Setups

    Spoiler : Cop 9'er and 13'er :

    Cop 9'er features:
    1x Town Alignment Cop
    6x Vanilla Town
    2x Mafia Goon

    Cop 13'er features:
    1x Town Alignment Cop
    9x Vanilla Town
    3x Mafia Goon

    Special Mechanic (Optional)
    It is possible to choose whether the cop gets a random night 0 (pre-game) peek. If they do, it is set to be on a random Town player. It must be made clear by the Host pre-game whether the Cop has a N0 peak or not.

    Spoiler : Vigilante 10'er and 14'er :

    Vigilante 10'er features:
    1x Town Vigilante
    7x Vanilla Town
    2x Mafia Goon

    Vigilante 14'er features:
    1x Town Vigilante
    10x Vanilla Town
    3x Mafia Goon

    Spoiler : Mountainous 11'er, 13'er, and 15'er :

    Mountainous refers to a range of setups of different sizes which feature no power roles (PRs) for either team. Town is compensated for this in sheer numbers: in this setup, there are at least four town players for every one mafia player. The game strips down mafia to its basics of finding the mafia by posting and argumentation.

    Mountainous 11'er features:
    9x Vanilla Town
    2x Mafia Goon

    Mountainous 13'er features:
    11x Vanilla Town
    2x Mafia Goon

    Mountainous 15'er features:
    12x Vanilla Town
    3x Mafia Goon

    Special Mechanic
    • Mafia have a Permanent Chat.

    Spoiler : Matrix6 :

    Matrix6 is a 9-player semi-open setup designed by Cogito Ergo Sum of MafiaScum, where this is used as their newbie setup. No one is able to know which setup the game has from the beginning, which can make producing lies and fake claims interesting.

    Setting up a Matrix6 game involves randomly selecting a row or column from the following table:

    A B C
    1 Town Jailkeeper Vanilla Townie Mafia Goon
    2 Mafia Roleblocker Town Alignment Cop Town Doctor
    3 1-Shot Bulletproof Townie Mafia Goon Town Tracker

    The choice of row or column determines which power roles are in the game. 5 Vanilla Townies and 1 Mafia Goon are then added to complete a 7-town, 2-mafia setup.

    Notice that several of the setups resemble others here, e.g. column B means the setup is a cop 9'er without a night 0 peek.

    Special Mechanic
    The Mafia Roleblocker is allowed to both submit the night kill and perform his Roleblocker action.

    Spoiler : D6 :

    D6 is a setup designed by Visorslash of MafiaUniverse. It is a 13-player Semi-Open Variable setup designed to offer a more balanced experience compared to C9++.

    Town Power Roles:

    To determine the town power roles, roll a die six times and mark down the numbers. Each roll corresponds to a grouping below.

    1-3: Investigative
    4-5: Protective
    6: Killing

    Mark down the number of each grouping and add the corresponding roles from the table below.

    Investigative Protective Killing
    1 Innocent Child 1 Bodyguard 1 1-Shot Vigilante
    2 Voyeur 2 Doctor 2 2-Shot Vigilante
    3 Motion Detector 3 Roleblocker 3 Vigilante
    4 Role Cop 4 Jailkeeper 4 Vigilante
    5 Tracker 5 Jailkeeper + Bodyguard 5 Vigilante + 1-Shot Vigilante
    6 Parity Cop 6 Roleblocker + Doctor 6 Vigilante + 2-Shot Vigilante

    Add as many Vanilla Town roles as necessary to bring the total number of Town roles to 10.

    Mafia Power Roles:

    Count the number of town power roles from above, then take that number minus one. Roll a die that many times and mark down the numbers. Add the corresponding roles from the table below.

    Mafia Roles
    1 Mafia Roleblocker
    2 Mafia Roleblocker
    3 Mafia Jailkeeper
    4 Mafia Role Cop
    5 Mafia Tracker
    6 Mafia Watcher

    Add as many Mafia Goon roles as necessary to bring the total number of Mafia roles to 3.

    Example Setup:

    Spoiler : :
    First, roll a die 6 times.

    Town: 6 (K), 6 (K), 3 (I), 4 (P), 5 (P), 2 (I)
    (x2 K) = 2-Shot Town Vigilante
    (x2 I) = Town Voyeur
    (x2 P) = Town Doctor

    With 3 Town Power Roles, Mafia get two Power Roles. Roll a die 2 times.

    Mafia: 2, 5
    (2) = Mafia Roleblocker
    (5) = Mafia Tracker

    Fill up the rest of the Town and Mafia with Vanillas and you get:

    x1 2-Shot Town Vigilante
    x1 Town Voyeur
    x1 Town Doctor
    x7 Vanilla Town
    x1 Mafia Roleblocker
    x1 Mafia Tracker
    x1 Mafia Goon

    Spoiler : C9++ :

    C9++ is a semi-open setup for 13 players, originally designed by Fiasco of MafiaScum. The idea behind a C9++ setup is that for every power role the town rolls, anti-town forces also grow stronger.

    To set up a C9++ game, randomly choose 7 numbers between 1 and 100. Each number corresponds to a letter, which signifies the type of power role rolled:

    Number Letter
    1-50 T (Townie)
    51-65 C (Cop)
    66-75 D (Doctor)
    76-85 V (Vigilante)
    86-95 M (Mason)
    96-100 B (Blocker)

    Then based on the letters you have, consult the following list to add roles to the game (where not specified, they are town roles):

    Cop Roles
    C = 1-Shot Cop
    CC = Cop
    CCC = Cop, 1-Shot Cop
    CCCC = 2 Cops
    CCCCC = 2 Cops, 1-Shot Cop
    CCCCCC = 3 Cops

    Doctor Roles
    D = Doctor
    DD = Doctor, 1-Shot Doctor
    DDD = 2 Doctors
    DDDD = 2 Doctors, 1-Shot Doctor
    DDDDD = 3 Doctors

    Vigilante Roles
    V = 1-Shot Vigilante
    VV = Vigilante
    VVV = Vigilante, 1-Shot Vigilante
    VVVV = 2 Vigilantes
    VVVVV = 2 Vigilantes, 1-Shot Vigilante

    Mason Roles
    M = Innocent Child
    MM = 2 Masons
    MMM = 2 Masons, Innocent Child
    MMMM = 3 Masons
    MMMMM = 2 Masons, 2 Masons (i.e. two separate pairings)

    Blocker Roles
    B = Roleblocker
    BB = Roleblocker, 1-Shot Roleblocker
    BBB = 2 Roleblockers
    BBBB = 2 Roleblockers, 1-Shot Roleblocker

    Scum Roles
    TTTTTTT = Mafia Goon, Mafia Godfather; Serial Killer + 1 Bulletproof Vest*
    TTTTTT = Mafia Goon, Mafia Godfather
    TTTTT = Mafia Goon, Mafia Godfather; Serial Killer + 1 Bulletproof Vest
    TTTT = 2 Mafia Goons, Mafia Roleblocker
    TTT = 2 Mafia Goons, Mafia Roleblocker; Serial Killer + 1 Bulletproof Vest
    TT = Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Godfather
    T = Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Godfather; Serial Killer + 1 Bulletproof Vest
    0 Ts = Mafia Goon, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Godfather

    Then, add Vanilla Townies until you have 13 roles.

    Spoiler : Example :
    For example, I rolled the following numbers using 91, 32, 92, 81, 87, 83, 93. Converting them to letters gives me MMMMVVT. This means my setup will have the following power roles:
    • 3 Town Masons in a group together
    • Town Vigilante
    • Mafia Goon
    • Mafia Roleblocker
    • Mafia Godfather
    • Serial Killer

    That's 8 roles, so adding 5 Vanilla Townies completes the setup.'

    Special Mechanics
    • Serial Killer chooses Investigation Immunity or 1-shot BP pregame. (Bulletproof allows a player to avoid being killed at Night.)
    • Innocent Child is revealed at the start of Day 1 by the Host.
    • Doctors prevent one night kill.

    Spoiler : Semi-Nightless :

    Semi-Nightless features:
    9x Vanilla Town
    2x Mafia Goon

    This setup, designed by Cogito Ergo Sum of MafiaScum, is similar to Mountainous in that there are no power roles for either team. However, the mafia cannot kill on nights 1 and 2.

    Special Mechanic
    1. N1 and N2 are skipped, including the Mafia factional Night Kill.
    2. Mafia have a Permanent Chat.

    • Games start on an actionless N0.
    • Days 48 hours, nights 24 hours.
    • Majority+Plurality Lynch Mechanic.
    • No Suicides, Last Wills, and Death notes.
    • Voting to Skip is allowed. (Max 1 day skip per game)
    • Mafia share a factional Night Kill. Not mandatory.
    • Mafia factional kills are assigned. They can be tracked, watched, or roleblocked. (random if not specified)
    • Mafia have a Pre-game and Night chat.
    • No death descriptions.

    Role Cards
    Spoiler : Roles :

    Vanilla Town
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You have no special abilities.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Alignment Cop
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to investigate them and find out whether they are Guilty or Innocent.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town 1-Shot Cop
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Once, at night, you may target one player in the game to investigate them and find out whether they are Guilty or Innocent.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Vigilante
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town 1-Shot Vigilante
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Once, at night, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town 2-Shot Vigilante
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Twice, at night, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Jailkeeper
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Each night, you may jailkeep a player. You will simultaneously roleblock that player, and protect that player from any number of nightkills.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    1-Shot Bulletproof Townie
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You ar immune to 1 Night Kill. (Passive ability)
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Doctor
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Each night phase, you may target one player in the game to heal them. They will be protected from a single kill. You may not target yourself.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town 1-Shot Doctor
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Once, at night, you may target one player in the game to heal them. They will be protected from a single kill. You may not target yourself.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Tracker
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You may each night target a player to learn who that player targeted that night.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Motion Detector
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You may each night target a player and learn if any actions were performed by or on that player, but not what the actions were or who else they involved.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Innocent Child
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You may at any point during the game request to be confirmed as a town-aligned player by the host.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Innocent Child (C9++)
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    On Day 1, you will be publicly confirmed to be Town..
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Voyeur
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You may each night target a player and learn what night actions, if any, they were targeted by.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Parity Cop
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You may investigate a player at night and learn whether that player shares the same alignment as any previous checks. The Parity Cop won't receive a result for their first check, since there wouldn't yet be any previous checks to compare to. Can't self target.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Bodyguard
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You may each night target a player and protect them from death by dying in their stead if they're targeted for death.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Roleblocker
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to block them from performing any night actions.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town 1-Shot Roleblocker
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    Once, at night, you may target another player in the game to attempt to block them from performing any night actions.
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Town Mason
    Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Townie.
    You, [Player1], and [Player2] all know each other to be town. Pre-game and during the night, you may talk to them here [Link].
    You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and there is at least one town player alive.

    Mafia Goon
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Mafia Roleblocker
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    • Roleblock: Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to block them from performing any night actions.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Mafia Godfather
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    • Investigation Immune: You will appear as innocent to any alignment checks.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Mafia Jailkeeper
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    • Jailkeep:Each night, you may jailkeep a player. You will simultaneously roleblock that player, and protect that player from any number of nightkills.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Mafia Role Cop
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    • Role Check: Each night phase, you may target a player to learn that player's role.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Mafia Tracker
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    • Tracking: Each Night, you may target a player tol learn who that player targeted that night.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Mafia Watcher
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia, along with your partner(s), [Player Name] (and [Player Name]).
    • Factional Communication: Pre-game and each night phase, you may talk to your group here [Link].
    • Factional Kill: Each night phase, you may send a member of your group to target another player in the game, attempting to kill them.
    • Lookout: Each Night, you may target a player to will learn which other players targeted that player that Night.
    You win when the Mafia obtain a majority or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Serial Killer
    Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Serial Killer!
    • Choice: During pre-game, you must choose between being either Investigation Immune or 1-shot Bulletproof. Otherwise, one will be assigned for you.
    • Kill: Each night phase, you may target another player in the game to attempt to kill them.

    You win when you are the last player alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Possible Feedback
    Spoiler : Feedback :

    Spoiler : Roleblocks :

    -No result (Investigative roles)

    Spoiler : Jails :

    -No result (Investigative roles)

    Spoiler : Protection :


    Spoiler : Kills :


    Spoiler : Investigations :

    -Your target is Guilty / Innocent.
    -Your target got Roleblocked / Jailed / Protected / Killed / Investigated.
    -Motion Detected / -Motion Not Detected.
    -Your targets are of the same alignment / -Your targets not of the same alignment.
    -Your target visited [Player Name]
    -Your target was visited by [Player Name].
    -Your target came back as a [Role].

    Win Conditions
    • Town wins when all threats to Town have been eliminated.
    • Mafia win when they achieve Parity and all other evil factions have been eliminated.
    • Serial Killer wins when they are the last player alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

    Order of Operations
    1. Roleblocks
    2. Jails
    3. Protection
    4. Kills
    5. Investigations

    Rules of Conduct
    Forum Mafia Rules
    • Feel free to make your own rules of conduct for your game in signups if you so desire.

    Last edited by OzyWho; May 20th, 2021 at 07:28 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Classical Setups

    Denied. You use the terms cops and goons instead of Sheriff and Mafia. Oh. Oh my god that role list. You monster, how could you! Not even a Citizen! Oh how horrid :'( none of the names. Ouch. This isn't classical for SC2Mafia. This is an invasion of language and forced culture.

    And how is the setup picked? What's the mechanic for picking which setup is ran?
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Classical Setups

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Why not have different threads for all of them? To make it easier for people to read through the setup.
    Is it difficult to read through the setups?
    Over half of them consist of 4 lines, 2 words each line. Only with a small mechanical nuance in addition.

    In your opinion, having a sticky thread with links to different threads would make it easier to read through them than to click a spoiler tag?

    By the same logic, I present you an even more advanced version of your own idea: have a "General Setup" thread, and link to it from signups page whenever someone hosts one of those gazillion basic setups that infest the Approved Setups section. You'd only need to add role list to signups.

    I honestly don't understand the obsession of having a dedicated setup page for every little thing.

    I wanted to make a list of setups that are generally well known outside SC2Mafia but not even available here. (Yayap made the Cop setup though, but not 9'er)
    I hope you're not honestly asking me to copy paste them to individual threads, when most of them consist of like 4 lines, and claim that it's hard to read the setups otherwise. I have a little more faith in the players than that.
    Last edited by OzyWho; January 14th, 2021 at 05:16 AM.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Classical Setups

    It's not an obsession ^^ it's a lazyness and I'm only trying to compensate for those people who are too lazy to shift through it and waste time in the game by asking questions about which setup/ setup questions which they couldn't be bothered reading through because it means figuring out what information they need to disregard.

    It's not about it being difficult or hard, it's about those players that fail to grasp it or refuse to read through because there is a little more information there that they don't need ^^

    These setups are needed here, and this is good ^^ sorry if I came off too harsh <3
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Classical Setups

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    It's not an obsession ^^ it's a lazyness and I'm only trying to compensate for those people who are too lazy to shift through it and waste time in the game by asking questions about which setup/ setup questions which they couldn't be bothered reading through because it means figuring out what information they need to disregard.

    It's not about it being difficult or hard, it's about those players that fail to grasp it or refuse to read through because there is a little more information there that they don't need ^^

    These setups are needed here, and this is good ^^ sorry if I came off too harsh <3
    Tbh, in my experience, most people won't understand D6 at first regardless of it having a dedicated setup page or the setup being written in opening post of game thread. Lord knows I didn't for a shamefully long time(though it's setup description was worse then). C9++ looks like it could have a similar story.

    D6 is my fav setup of all (though I only played an older/outdated version), but I'm confident that it'd take close to a miracle for everyone to understand it the first time playing.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Classical Setups

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Denied. You use the terms cops and goons instead of Sheriff and Mafia. Oh. Oh my god that role list. You monster, how could you! Not even a Citizen! Oh how horrid :'( none of the names. Ouch. This isn't classical for SC2Mafia. This is an invasion of language and forced culture.

    And how is the setup picked? What's the mechanic for picking which setup is ran?
    Got it, I'll use only "cop" and "VT" in my setups from now on. :P

    The point of this thread is to be a sticky, by the way. We can then add more classic setups as we see fit by posting setups in this thread! Most games use similar mechanics and similar rolelists anyway.

    And tbh, if people can't be bothered to read a setup because it's in a spoiler in this thread, they also can't be bothered to read a setup that has its own page, in which case they shall burn in eternal flames. Sloth is a sin, ask @Saint Joan Of Arc .
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Classical Setups

    All of those setups have an acceptable level of balance, and what had to be specified already is. Approved and sticked in the Approved Setups section.

    If you find (or make!) an interesting classic setup, you may post it here for it to be edited into the OP (if you're the one making it out of nothing, please make a separate thread and get it approved first, though).
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :



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