Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
I wonder if your stance will change once someone is completely exiled from ability to engage in business because tech giants decide "we don't like what you say". Like not saying it has happened now. But lets say banks, payment processors, etc decide "you can't use our service". At what point is that going to be unacceptable? If i can't use a bank, can't transact (as far as im aware cryptocurrency exchanges are completely controlled by Mastercard? Someone correct me if i am dumb on that).

Do we just create a separate economy for the social outcasts?
I genuinely want to know cause i don't know the line between "businesses are free to associate with whoever they want" and all these companies getting together saying "we will not give you access to the basic tools you need to live in this world".

I lean more on the side of forcing companies to do business with X is oppressive
It’s hard for me to have an opinion on the matter seeing as what you’re describing has not occurred yet. If it were as pervasive as media censorship it could be a very real problem. Like if banks start using arbitrary reasons to freeze your account... that is something thay needs looking at.