S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing) - Page 9

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  1. ISO #401

  2. ISO #402

  3. ISO #403

  4. ISO #404

  5. ISO #405

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    I'm 99.9% sure you and halz are just town.
    You don't need to think about me, gray is dead, nothing can save him

    And we can kill Yzb who is over 80% likely to be a wolf, based on his entrance.

    That's 5 people removed the PoE... And to be fair, unless wolves are potatoes I was already outted by my response to Halz

  6. ISO #406

  7. ISO #407

  8. ISO #408

  9. ISO #409

  10. ISO #410

  11. ISO #411

  12. ISO #412

  13. ISO #413

  14. ISO #414

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Paul has now officially been replaced by Samson! Welcome Samson.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  15. ISO #415

  16. ISO #416

  17. ISO #417

  18. ISO #418

  19. ISO #419

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    Wait.. So what you thought was going to give you anxiety was scum reading another player?

    I dont know if I have ever felt anxious over that. I actually feel some real relief when I feel like I have a scum pegged... What use to make me anxious is when I am the scum (or even a town) who is on the chopping block..

    I am curious. Do others feel anxiety when seeing scummy behavior from other players? And do you feel that it matches this statement?
    I'm not sure what to say to this. In hindsight, anxiety makes it sound like something clinically wrong with me, which is a massive overstatement. Maybe I should have gone with the word "stress", but yeah. I didn't really feel it much last game, for example. But if I have to repeatedly reply to and analyze posts with the strong suspicion or even confirmed knowledge that everything they say is just to manipulate or trick, yeah that gets painful. It's mainly something that arises in thunderdomes or if you get caught in a tunnel. But the latter should never happen with the amount of time to reflect and this seems very casual w/ all the space for breaks. Anyway, I am very surprised to learn this is niche. I honestly thought it would be as commonplace as the stress over "failing the town" when you get mislynched.

    But formulating reads is not constantly an inherently painful process, especially because normally you're just giving interpretations and making judgements about who to vote. If I gave that impression, I'm sorry for any concern I must have caused LOL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  20. ISO #420

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post
    Is it just me or is it ironic that Yzb25 says a post by MM about gray is opportunistic, and then soon later says something that feels opportunistic in a bad way?

    Like, for the 2nd thing, its almost completely dismissive of a post about gray simply because the writer was "trying too hard to sound towny", and then leaves no comment about Gray with respect to the points brought up by Leto II that apparently look like a lot of effort was put into from his point of view.

    It kinda feels like since both those posts are about gray, he's trying to defend him here a bit without confronting the issues directly.
    Leto's post is opportunistic because it looks like he's just taking an excuse to shit loads of townpoints, because Gray's original post wasn't anti-town in the way he described. Pointing that out isn't opportunistic. I don't deny he put in a lot of effort into the post. That's literally my problem with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  21. ISO #421

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Hello and pleasant day. I am late for the party, but I am Samson. To my character I will be true, thus many questions will only be answered in riddles. You must decide the answers for yourselves but be warned, I shall not suffer cheaters to my riddles! Play me false and with the surest grip I shall grab your throat, pry open thy mouth, and rip out thy forked tongue. So cheat me not!

    I'll read past posts later, just needed to make my entrance.

  22. ISO #422

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Are you just defending me because you’re scum and feel bad for a townie who is reacting poorly and having mental breakdowns and ect? Is that also why you defended Paul?
    Earlier when I wrote about how your early posts seemed towny, it wasn't intended to defend you. It was necessary context in explaining why I thought MM/Leto's votes were weird. I guess I now think Leto's vote was weird for a different reason because he professed a townread of you later anyway. But MM's post remains scummy for the same reason. It didn't make sense for me for MM to choose to vote you there, because you had several towntells at that point. You normally push people that seem suspicious.

    I still hold onto a townread of your slot, but if you keep puking shit like this I'm not going to risk being the idiot who gave you a townread when you were so anti-town. This post literally makes me suspicious for a second I townread you out of sympathy, for christ's sake. If you're really town, take a deep breath, write down your thoughts, and pull your shit together. Force yourself to only post once every 24 hours if you have too. I've seen later posts and know you want to replace, but even if you do that you'll probably end up staying with us for a while. Paul seemes to be in the process of replacing but even his replace hasn't been confirmed yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  23. ISO #423

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Hello and pleasant day. I am late for the party, but I am Samson. To my character I will be true, thus many questions will only be answered in riddles. You must decide the answers for yourselves but be warned, I shall not suffer cheaters to my riddles! Play me false and with the surest grip I shall grab your throat, pry open thy mouth, and rip out thy forked tongue. So cheat me not!

    I'll read past posts later, just needed to make my entrance.
    Seriously what is wrong with you people?

  24. ISO #424

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Earlier when I wrote about how your early posts seemed towny, it wasn't intended to defend you. It was necessary context in explaining why I thought MM/Leto's votes were weird. I guess I now think Leto's vote was weird for a different reason because he professed a townread of you later anyway. But MM's post remains scummy for the same reason. It didn't make sense for me for MM to choose to vote you there, because you had several towntells at that point. You normally push people that seem suspicious.

    I still hold onto a townread of your slot, but if you keep puking shit like this I'm not going to risk being the idiot who gave you a townread when you were so anti-town. This post literally makes me suspicious for a second I townread you out of sympathy, for christ's sake. If you're really town, take a deep breath, write down your thoughts, and pull your shit together. Force yourself to only post once every 24 hours if you have too. I've seen later posts and know you want to replace, but even if you do that you'll probably end up staying with us for a while. Paul seemes to be in the process of replacing but even his replace hasn't been confirmed yet.
    Gray is dead, move on to someone else

  25. ISO #425

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    [vote]y2b[/vote @Helz
    i'll forgive for calling someone a wolf, and then choosing to give them time, because that is pretty idiotic, given we have 3 week phases
    still like your general attitude

    someone called me town for giving advice on how to play long day phases, kinda weird?

    going back to y2b simply because on reminder of his earlier comment, it really doesn't make sense
    At the time you seemed totally fine with it. I want an explanation of what pings you as off about it this time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  26. ISO #426

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    @Wiisp I can't tell if the posts you made are because you regret the action you have taken and have reacted a little emotionally or not. If so don't take my words to harshly

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    You guys don't need a PR to win, right? Y'all so good with your memes, and your insults, and your trolling, y'all got this, and I don't have to deal with y'all's mild infuriating meta anymore
    I'm not sorry about the meta, from our perspective we are on the internet and are playing a game so I'm not sorry that it involves memes, minor/non-insults and light trolling on Day1. We also had no intention to create the result from the interaction with Paul, we used Richard quotes against Bible quotes and just wished to partake in some early roleplay, even after pauls reaction it threw us and even believed they where getting one on us by stepping up their roleplay. We are sorry that it ended up being toxic that page, and we have had the host express our apologies to paul and as far as I am aware they are now alright and hold nothing on us. So we do apologize for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    I'm 99.9% sure you and halz are just town.
    You don't need to think about me, gray is dead, nothing can save him

    And we can kill Yzb who is over 80% likely to be a wolf, based on his entrance.

    That's 5 people removed the PoE... And to be fair, unless wolves are potatoes I was already outted by my response to Halz
    If you are correct and Helz is town, we wish for you to teach us how you reached your conclusion (This is Genuine from at least my slot which enjoys learning)
    I personally find that day 1 is the easiest to fake and create a town looking slot as scum due to first impressions have a massive impact on a persons judgement. So I'm unsure on how you have reached your conclusion.

    I can't comment on YZB as I haven't given that slot much thought yet.

    But if you can explain and teach I would be very greatful

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Quite sure I can lower the PoE even more if people start taking this game seriously. I don't know how I feel about Leto's grandstanding
    That vote was pretty yikes
    I would just like to point out, that there are those of us who are slow at starting, and there are those who are new / not highly experienced yet to be able to create the serious game you desire to exist at this point. Give us chance, as you can see by us we certainly did and have and even will become more worthwhile and serious

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Best world is we have a protection, and they save me? Like I only need me alive two days phases.
    I think its unstoppable but might need to double check, you can hope that the scum want to throw some insane wifom and create absolute chaos and keep you alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Mafia literally isn't hard if u play the game optimally, but for some reason so many people choose not to, it's confusing
    Sure, if everyone played exactly as the rulebook and guides set out, it would be very easy to play mafia. Yet we are human with different levels of intelligence and a wild verity of personality's that cause us to never play optimally and that is the fun in the game, the variables and differences each person make. It would be boring if we all played the same and on the same level. People who are skilled and great like you are just as important as the cavewomen like brains like mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Bankieh will be a bit rough to read, but if u can't fit him into the town PoE, and/or if he doesn't look townie by day 3, you just yeet him

    Because I already know how he plays
    Your point now as a confirmed town would help us greatly if you can help us read the people you know, as you know what to look for

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Do u not read anything I just said about trying? I don't even know you that well to justify this statement.
    Dark Wizard is one of our more newish players who still has a lot to learn and develop. Go easy on them and help guide them if you can.

    So thank you Wiisp for reading, and I won't hold or blame you (harshly :P was initially just shocked lol hence the earlier reaction) and it is a game and in the end we are just here to rock ^^ So lots of love?

    I've also tried to make this post mostly NAI for the spirit of the game and would kindly ask to try not to use the entire post to read us (Apart from the parts where we did talk about town/scum reads). You can even consider this post as a scum tactic because I admit I would probably do something similar

  27. ISO #427

  28. ISO #428

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Hello and pleasant day. I am late for the party, but I am Samson. To my character I will be true, thus many questions will only be answered in riddles. You must decide the answers for yourselves but be warned, I shall not suffer cheaters to my riddles! Play me false and with the surest grip I shall grab your throat, pry open thy mouth, and rip out thy forked tongue. So cheat me not!

    I'll read past posts later, just needed to make my entrance.
    Oh @Hybrid Richard Dawkins
    We have a new role-player player to interact with!

  29. ISO #429

  30. ISO #430

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Hybrid I just realized something, was your other half planning to not post the rest of the day, to make halz look like God....
    Onto that topic. There is alot to discuss.

    When Helz first publicly fake smite us, we went to the setup and read through again to confirm how the roles work, we discovered that although a true-smited player would have to only post an unvote, and the flip is shown at the end of the day yet there was nothing said about the smite being announced at the time it happened. We decided to take advantage of this and act dead, because it would allow an insane amount of discussion and reads to be able to generate from the event.

    Firstly, we would continue to act dead until it either became obvious we are not, or it got close to the end of the day. (Because after Day 1 it would be impossible to hide what happened)
    This meant that Helz would appear as confirmed town and would have a shockwave of events.
    If Helz is town, it would cause the scum to immediately start sucking up to him and more focus be placed on someone who is potentially the real god and alas also confirmable.
    If Helz is scum, they would either be instantly forced to reveal its fake via Helz, or for the scum team to emergency play some more complicated tactics like acting like they think its real, yet not be forced to suck up to Helz.
    It also creates a few other scenarios and also creates other possible events like we act like we thought we where dead and only realised we weren't later on. Or reveal something like the 3 scum suddenly arriving on the same conclusion concerning the fake-smite and hence exposing them that way

    In the end, it was a gambit and had risks, but they seemed worthwhile in the long run. We also didn't expect God to ever smite day1 for real so never calculated for that variable.

  31. ISO #431

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by MartinGG99 View Post

    I would very much like to hear your thoughts on the Paul and Richard Dawkin slots. You've voted both of them at times, but the way I see it for right now they both aren't very likely to be w/w unless they were going through some very serious levels of distancing.
    I thought Paul's opening was actually pretty towny at the time, I was just voting to try to break the RP. He appears to be the only person who mindmelded with me on the weirdness of the early gray train. He also rapidly threw out scumreads on me and wiisp the moment we voted him literally because "I know I'm town and you're voting me" which was kinda wonky. That said, I didn't really find dropping the RP so quickly scummy. Scums can hang on to RP for a long time and cause serious headaches with RP because there's ultimately nothing intrinsically scummy about it. So yeah, he was null/town

    I have no idea how to read the Richard hybrid, honestly. I guess the reasoning for my vote still applies, but it's really not substantial enough reasoning to give me any confidence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  32. ISO #432

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    Onto that topic. There is alot to discuss.

    When Helz first publicly fake smite us, we went to the setup and read through again to confirm how the roles work, we discovered that although a true-smited player would have to only post an unvote, and the flip is shown at the end of the day yet there was nothing said about the smite being announced at the time it happened. We decided to take advantage of this and act dead, because it would allow an insane amount of discussion and reads to be able to generate from the event.

    Firstly, we would continue to act dead until it either became obvious we are not, or it got close to the end of the day. (Because after Day 1 it would be impossible to hide what happened)
    This meant that Helz would appear as confirmed town and would have a shockwave of events.
    If Helz is town, it would cause the scum to immediately start sucking up to him and more focus be placed on someone who is potentially the real god and alas also confirmable.
    If Helz is scum, they would either be instantly forced to reveal its fake via Helz, or for the scum team to emergency play some more complicated tactics like acting like they think its real, yet not be forced to suck up to Helz.
    It also creates a few other scenarios and also creates other possible events like we act like we thought we where dead and only realised we weren't later on. Or reveal something like the 3 scum suddenly arriving on the same conclusion concerning the fake-smite and hence exposing them that way

    In the end, it was a gambit and had risks, but they seemed worthwhile in the long run. We also didn't expect God to ever smite day1 for real so never calculated for that variable.
    I see what you did there with the fancy words and the logic....just need some time to take in and digest the plethora of undigestable jargon whilst figuring out what the rules are, which in hindsight seems like the place I should have started. The ALPHA. The beginning. Dare I say it ere long you figure out I mean the setup!

  33. ISO #433

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Gray is dead, move on to someone else
    Just a quick comment on grey.
    We didn't have a scum read on them because of the way they was acting. We believed that if they have active partners in their scum chat they would of been a little more confident and a little less emotional with the push they received and the comments they made. Unless of course they have low expectations of their partners. Which would be something to look for if they do flip scum.

  34. ISO #434

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    This makes no sense at all. When did Mag do any of this, and when did I call him - or anyone for that matter - on God baiting? It feels like we're not reading the same game.
    The way you replied to this makes it sound like you fundamentally misunderstood the post. Most of it is about Leto, the final point is about you. The only two things I bring up about gray are the two posts each of you voted him based on. Perhaps you're mistaking the "mag" I referred to as s-fm magoroth. At this point, I hadn't stopped calling gray "mag".
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  35. ISO #435

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Well I wouldn't even say I shot them because they necessarily scum, tbh I almost shot Paul for literally the same reason. But I did not care for their read on me

    Claiming to replace in thread tends to have this very weird stigma of coming from town, and it's quite oog honestly. He didn't get the same chance that Paul did, cause I think his post came out of nowhere.

  36. ISO #436

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Y2b as much as I can understand your thought process on stress, it still makes no sense to make that post at the start of the game. Especially since if you have that problem with shorter games, you are going to have it with longer games

    I would say just wow me with your thoughts, since I can get to you being town if you are

    Leto/MM are others I wanna grill, cause MM starts to fall into this being malicious territory.

  37. ISO #437

  38. ISO #438

  39. ISO #439

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Well I wouldn't even say I shot them because they necessarily scum, tbh I almost shot Paul for literally the same reason. But I did not care for their read on me

    Claiming to replace in thread tends to have this very weird stigma of coming from town, and it's quite oog honestly. He didn't get the same chance that Paul did, cause I think his post came out of nowhere.
    You know what, I accept that reasoning and understand your position and in a way thank you for it, you have my respect.

    I was in the process of commenting on that type of gameplay had grey continues.

  40. ISO #440

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Also I'm not against having fun if that's how I come off, I believe a nice middle ground is the key to winning and enjoying mafia. I don't care for how new Magician is on this site cause I'm pretty sure he has decent experience on MU. And as someone who was part of the group who sweeped mafia for a town win the first time in the championships, if everyone tries to play the game, it makes it so much easier to mafia in a box, especially in a game this long, because it is not easy to keep up natural thoughts for a long time

  41. ISO #441

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Once upon a time I accidentally locked someone as town for bringing oog into the game, and I just don't want to have those thoughts in the back of mind, cause I will fall back to that read, it's only a matter of time. But it's also not like gray didn't have some questionable posts

  42. ISO #442

  43. ISO #443

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Wiisp, you can't be serious that Gray is dead?
    That's the dumbest thing of dumbest things, the worst of the worst that you (if true) could have done.
    There's literally no play that's worse than that.

    Gray was the towniesr town to ever have towned.

    If this was the mod, I'd report you for game throwing - that's how bad it is.

    And after you do the worst thing possible, you have the audacity to call other players bad? You seem like the rational type, I'm sure you'll realize the hypocrisy and stupidity in it eventually...

    Was it because there were >>3<< votes on you? Dude...
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  44. ISO #444

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    This game turned out much worse than expected
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  45. ISO #445

  46. ISO #446

  47. ISO #447

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Here is my riddle for today:

    "Out of the eater came something to eat.
    I have many teeth sometimes they are fine.
    First I'm by your head, then I'm down your spine.
    What is it of that I speak?"

    Solve the Riddle and I shall answer any question truthfully. I swear on my righteous hair- the hair that gives me the strength of ten men.

  48. ISO #448

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Samson View Post
    Here is my riddle for today:

    "Out of the eater came something to eat.
    I have many teeth sometimes they are fine.
    First I'm by your head, then I'm down your spine.
    What is it of that I speak?"

    Solve the Riddle and I shall answer any question truthfully. I swear on my righteous hair- the hair that gives me the strength of ten men.

  49. ISO #449

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid Richard Dawkins View Post
    Baaaaaa. Let's sheep confirmed townie and suck up to them now
    -vote Leto II
    but yeh now Leto takes the highroad and is acting that they where so certain that Grey was town. Good job, want to stress it out more? Geez Leto reactions not good.
    I'm not acting anything you fool, don't make shit up dickhead.

    Apparently you missed my read on gray/mm/martin/yzb which was before this day kill.

    Either way, it is my wish to end this day sooner than later - prolonging it only brings suffering.


    Ftr, I have a suspicion that the triggered wiisp is secretly legit trying his best to game throw. No, I'm not kidding.
    Last edited by AIVION; January 10th, 2021 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Removing their vote
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  50. ISO #450

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Y2b as much as I can understand your thought process on stress, it still makes no sense to make that post at the start of the game. Especially since if you have that problem with shorter games, you are going to have it with longer games

    I would say just wow me with your thoughts, since I can get to you being town if you are

    Leto/MM are others I wanna grill, cause MM starts to fall into this being malicious territory.
    To be totally honest, I kinda thought when I brought it up it might bait out ppl who were pushing something LHF-ish, but in practice is an experience ppl find relatable. But if this is totally unrelatable then yeah I guess the play just looks utterly bizarre. I ain't gonna clog up the thread with AtEs or defending myself or whatever. That shit is just lame. I came back to seemingly everyone scumreading me for this so I've kinda accepted my own death. I'm at least preparing some wallposts so I can hopefully leave you with something of a little value on my way out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.



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