S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)


    It's that time of year where the birds are singing... and the flowers are blooming. On days like these... People like you...

    SHOULD BE PLAYING FM! *Insert Sans the skeleton picture here*

    But no seriously, welcome to all ye sinners and those of the benign. This day marks the day of the end. The Word hath ended, 2020 actually was too much and 2021 is now here and with it bring the armies of heaven and hell to do battle upon the plains of our world. Earth is dying and people are revolting. Satan decided this is the perfect time to unleash his demons and the Antichrist upon the world and feast upon our souls to grow his army of the damned.

    However, this didn't sit well with God for God is all knowing and almighty and sended his strongest angels and holy men to meet the devils army in a battle for the ages. It will be something the history books will always remember.

    Or not, because if heaven loses... everything will burn and be forgotten. Let's find out what happens!

    @Dark Magician
    @Marshmallow Marshall
    @Hybrid Richard Dawkins - Superjack Solo account
    @SamsungLyssa - Bwcporscha/Goatse Archon.
    @Leto II - Now replaced with @Varcron
    @Paul - Now replaced with @Samson
    @S-FM Magoroth

    No one's met their maker just yet!

    Link to setup here: https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showt...Conflict-(13P)

    with 13 players remaining, it is 7 votes to hammer.

    REMINDER! This is a 3 week long game. I mentioned it before but just reiterating it here now: the point is to post as you can. So feel absolutely no rush! Of course if you literally dont post much at all for 3 weeks then you and I will have some talking to do..

    Day 1 Ends January 27th at 2:00 PM EST:
    Will put a timer here but for now 3 weeks is a long time ahead of us xD
    Last edited by AIVION; January 12th, 2021 at 01:07 PM.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    You may now post as you can! Have fun everyone! <3

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    I am God-Emperor Leto II,

    Follow my rule and humanity will be led down The Golden Path. We shall exterminate the unholy and put an end to this Eternal Conflict!

    I believe that you all have been deceived.
    @Paul is not Paul the Apostle from Old Terra. He is, in fact, Paul Atreides. Muad'Dib, The Preacher, The Dune Messiah. His Jihad cost the lives of over 60 billion people and now he deceives you into thinking that he is someone that he is not!
    We must keep an eye on Paul.

    But for now, I have a question for all of you. When do you think is a proper time for a God such as myself to Smite down the unholy? I want clear and honest answers only.
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  4. ISO #4

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    I am God-Emperor Leto II,

    Follow my rule and humanity will be led down The Golden Path. We shall exterminate the unholy and put an end to this Eternal Conflict!

    I believe that you all have been deceived.
    @Paul is not Paul the Apostle from Old Terra. He is, in fact, Paul Atreides. Muad'Dib, The Preacher, The Dune Messiah. His Jihad cost the lives of over 60 billion people and now he deceives you into thinking that he is someone that he is not!
    We must keep an eye on Paul.

    But for now, I have a question for all of you. When do you think is a proper time for a God such as myself to Smite down the unholy? I want clear and honest answers only.
    Are you asking what God should do to get the real God to slip? :P

  5. ISO #5

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Are you asking what God should do to get the real God to slip? :P
    It is anti-town to discuss the WIFOM around early D1 "claims" like his. He's obviously baiting something, and God, if He is not stupid, won't just come out and "slip" anything.
    -vote Grayswandir
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  6. ISO #6

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    It is anti-town to discuss the WIFOM around early D1 "claims" like his. He's obviously baiting something, and God, if He is not stupid, won't just come out and "slip" anything.
    -vote Grayswandir
    “She hath wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire.”
    **Ezekiel‬ *24:12‬ *

  7. ISO #7

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul View Post
    “And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town.”
    **Mark‬ *8:26‬ *
    Quote Originally Posted by Paul View Post
    “She hath wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire.”
    **Ezekiel‬ *24:12‬ *

    I truly love what you're doing lol (NAI, it's just fun), but could you explain us your reads in a biblical, yet clear manner, please? Content-wise, this is as useful as a naked vote or as a "HES TOWN HES TOWN HES TOWN" spam.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    It is anti-town to discuss the WIFOM around early D1 "claims" like his. He's obviously baiting something, and God, if He is not stupid, won't just come out and "slip" anything.
    -vote Grayswandir
    I disagree, but I’m not going to solve scum’s game for them by telling them what ‘slip’ to look for.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    It is anti-town to discuss the WIFOM around early D1 "claims" like his. He's obviously baiting something, and God, if He is not stupid, won't just come out and "slip" anything.
    -vote Grayswandir
    You seem have given the ‘scum bait’ a lot of thought. Were you afraid you were going to get caught in it? :P

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    But for now, I have a question for all of you. When do you think is a proper time for a God such as myself to Smite down the unholy? I want clear and honest answers only.
    I'm not sure if there's always going to be a "proper" time.

    Personally, how I would play it, if god, is have someone who I've rather continuously scum-read around day 2 or day 3 and, presuming that I believe they aren't aware of how much I suspect them, allow them to create content and somewhere in the last (IRL) week before EoD just kill them.

    In either case though, each day phase is 3 weeks long and so there's plenty of time to think about god's circumstantial nuances as well as the game state's nuances.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  11. ISO #11

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    I am God-Emperor Leto II,

    Follow my rule and humanity will be led down The Golden Path. We shall exterminate the unholy and put an end to this Eternal Conflict!

    I believe that you all have been deceived.
    @Paul is not Paul the Apostle from Old Terra. He is, in fact, Paul Atreides. Muad'Dib, The Preacher, The Dune Messiah. His Jihad cost the lives of over 60 billion people and now he deceives you into thinking that he is someone that he is not!
    We must keep an eye on Paul.

    But for now, I have a question for all of you. When do you think is a proper time for a God such as myself to Smite down the unholy? I want clear and honest answers only.
    Also Varcron is this guys slot so Varcron is only scum if Samson flips Non-Satan.

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Hi. I thought this would be like, anxiety-inducing af but now I'm in it I realize this is super chill if you have literally weeks to mull over reads and can just go awol for days and take a break lol. I'm reading thru the setup rn.

    Gonna be interesting to see how pressure works psychologically over such extreme time periods. Idk if some forms of pressure will even exist in the same way. I think we should be open to early hammers. Not suggesting we play this like a 48h game, I get ppl wanna chill. But if there's at least a decent threat of getting lynched after a week there'll be much more potential for AI tells.

    I'm reading thru the setup rn. I don't get why god would ever not use the check over the heal. Using the heal instead seems insanely risky and fps-ish. w.r.t. Leto's question, I think the kill should probably be saved for later on to be used in a POE-ish sort of way. It shouldn't just be thrown away on day 1. And if there's a god CC war later then the kill can resolve it for us if god still has it. I think the same is true of the check.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Hi. I thought this would be like, anxiety-inducing af but now I'm in it I realize this is super chill if you have literally weeks to mull over reads and can just go awol for days and take a break lol. I'm reading thru the setup rn.

    Gonna be interesting to see how pressure works psychologically over such extreme time periods. Idk if some forms of pressure will even exist in the same way. I think we should be open to early hammers. Not suggesting we play this like a 48h game, I get ppl wanna chill. But if there's at least a decent threat of getting lynched after a week there'll be much more potential for AI tells.

    I'm reading thru the setup rn. I don't get why god would ever not use the check over the heal. Using the heal instead seems insanely risky and fps-ish. w.r.t. Leto's question, I think the kill should probably be saved for later on to be used in a POE-ish sort of way. It shouldn't just be thrown away on day 1. And if there's a god CC war later then the kill can resolve it for us if god still has it. I think the same is true of the check.
    Interesting post.

    I think that this setup could be anxiety-inducing only for the Scum. Therefore someone talking about their own experience regarding anxiety is what I find interesting in it's own.

    What exactly have we got here? (I will put some words on yzb25's mouth to make my point across)

    • The 1st paragraph expresses relief regarding the lack of anxiety.
    • The 2nd paragraph expresses irritation regarding the lack of pressure that the Scums could feel.

    I want everyone to take a moment and contemplate on the train of thought that went behind of making that post, it might be important.

    What are your soul reads on yzb25's frame of mind for when he made that post? Please take your time. Share your opinions.

    @yzb25 I think your thoughts regarding the proper use of God's powers are spot on.

    @Grayswandir Don't ignore questions. And I hope you will keep the fluffing to a minimum this game. 3 weeks per day makes it easy to flood the thread and make it unproductive. I'm sure you know that.
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Interesting post.

    I think that this setup could be anxiety-inducing only for the Scum. Therefore someone talking about their own experience regarding anxiety is what I find interesting in it's own.

    What exactly have we got here? (I will put some words on yzb25's mouth to make my point across)

    • The 1st paragraph expresses relief regarding the lack of anxiety.
    • The 2nd paragraph expresses irritation regarding the lack of pressure that the Scums could feel.

    I want everyone to take a moment and contemplate on the train of thought that went behind of making that post, it might be important.

    What are your soul reads on yzb25's frame of mind for when he made that post? Please take your time. Share your opinions.

    @yzb25 I think your thoughts regarding the proper use of God's powers are spot on.

    @Grayswandir Don't ignore questions. And I hope you will keep the fluffing to a minimum this game. 3 weeks per day makes it easy to flood the thread and make it unproductive. I'm sure you know that.
    I think God should keep their nightkill to deter potential God fakeclaims (and obviously stay hidden).
    Also, if God reveals, they should 100% reveal who they are going to use their kill on so the person they vig has time to prepare a decent last will and a roleclaim, so we at least have something from them if they're town (and if they're scum I suppose it could be read into, too). Plus if God reveals, kills someone and causes a hammer, that would be some kinda bullshit lol. Obviously the last one isn't gonna happen unless God is extremely inattentive, but better safe than sorry, lol.

    A God who thinks they have scum pinged down can also nightcheck someone and if they're scum shoot them. That's also one way of playing that role ^^

  16. ISO #16

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Interesting post.

    I think that this setup could be anxiety-inducing only for the Scum. Therefore someone talking about their own experience regarding anxiety is what I find interesting in it's own.

    What exactly have we got here? (I will put some words on yzb25's mouth to make my point across)

    • The 1st paragraph expresses relief regarding the lack of anxiety.
    • The 2nd paragraph expresses irritation regarding the lack of pressure that the Scums could feel.

    I want everyone to take a moment and contemplate on the train of thought that went behind of making that post, it might be important.

    What are your soul reads on yzb25's frame of mind for when he made that post? Please take your time. Share your opinions.
    I don't get why someone would be anxious on the first day as either alignment. Yes, the argument could be made that scum are self-conscious, but ideally for them they haven't lost anybody nor they are under any significant pressure at or around the start of a game. At the very least, it could take them 8 weeks (presuming a God day-kill) to lose the game. They have plenty of time to try and turn things around if something goes bad for them somewhere.

    A unrelated note: I'm not sure what you exactly mean by a "soul read" here; I thought it only occurred with people who were similar in trains of thought or playstyle. In other words, a "soul read" was a very accurate read that (sometimes) included mindset and what-not, as far as I know. So, I can't really soul-read them right now. What do you mean by that here (presuming it hasn't been answered later in the thread)?
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  17. ISO #17

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Interesting post.

    I think that this setup could be anxiety-inducing only for the Scum. Therefore someone talking about their own experience regarding anxiety is what I find interesting in it's own.

    What exactly have we got here? (I will put some words on yzb25's mouth to make my point across)

    • The 1st paragraph expresses relief regarding the lack of anxiety.
    • The 2nd paragraph expresses irritation regarding the lack of pressure that the Scums could feel.

    I want everyone to take a moment and contemplate on the train of thought that went behind of making that post, it might be important.

    What are your soul reads on yzb25's frame of mind for when he made that post? Please take your time. Share your opinions.

    @yzb25 I think your thoughts regarding the proper use of God's powers are spot on.

    @Grayswandir Don't ignore questions. And I hope you will keep the fluffing to a minimum this game. 3 weeks per day makes it easy to flood the thread and make it unproductive. I'm sure you know that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Your input is appriciated.
    -vote yzb25
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    If you're town, I beg of you to not reveal your "weapons" early. Wait it out.

    Imagine this hypothetical scenario: you told me first hour into the game that I usually do x as scum. Great! Now I do y. When instead you could have just waited for me to continue and then made your case a couple hundred posts later.

    Please don't reveal to the scum how they have to play in order for you to town read them.

    I'm not a fan of chitchatting like apparently some others are.
    But what you did here I find inherently anti-town.

    -vote Grayswandir

    This post might be hypocritical of me. But I find it important for every towny to be aware of this sort of thing especially given the game length.
    This here.

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    How exactly is the second post scummy? The first one could seem like heavy roleplaying which I dislike to be completely honest with you. The second post to me looks like Leto is explaining why he does not like Gray.
    His post switched within not that long at all.
    Didn’t keep the vote up on YZB for that long.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Hi. I thought this would be like, anxiety-inducing af but now I'm in it I realize this is super chill if you have literally weeks to mull over reads and can just go awol for days and take a break lol. I'm reading thru the setup rn.

    Gonna be interesting to see how pressure works psychologically over such extreme time periods. Idk if some forms of pressure will even exist in the same way. I think we should be open to early hammers. Not suggesting we play this like a 48h game, I get ppl wanna chill. But if there's at least a decent threat of getting lynched after a week there'll be much more potential for AI tells.

    I'm reading thru the setup rn. I don't get why god would ever not use the check over the heal. Using the heal instead seems insanely risky and fps-ish. w.r.t. Leto's question, I think the kill should probably be saved for later on to be used in a POE-ish sort of way. It shouldn't just be thrown away on day 1. And if there's a god CC war later then the kill can resolve it for us if god still has it. I think the same is true of the check.
    I think God should never use their daykill too early into the game. Imagine waiting 3 weeks for someone to flip. I think I would legit kill myself IRL.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)


    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Hi. I thought this would be like, anxiety-inducing af but now I'm in it I realize this is super chill if you have literally weeks to mull over reads and can just go awol for days and take a break lol. I'm reading thru the setup rn.

    Gonna be interesting to see how pressure works psychologically over such extreme time periods. Idk if some forms of pressure will even exist in the same way. I think we should be open to early hammers. Not suggesting we play this like a 48h game, I get ppl wanna chill. But if there's at least a decent threat of getting lynched after a week there'll be much more potential for AI tells.

    I'm reading thru the setup rn. I don't get why god would ever not use the check over the heal. Using the heal instead seems insanely risky and fps-ish. w.r.t. Leto's question, I think the kill should probably be saved for later on to be used in a POE-ish sort of way. It shouldn't just be thrown away on day 1. And if there's a god CC war later then the kill can resolve it for us if god still has it. I think the same is true of the check.
    Correct! That's the point of the game. Agreed with your reasoning.

    God should definetly not smite instantly, and instead should wait until He has a reasonable amount of info against someone. As for his check-or-heal, checking is indeed pretty good, but you never know when a heal may be handy. The setup is designed with quite a lot of kills, after all, so the heal possibility is here to balance it out. I'd let it up to God's judgment and let it WIFOM so that scum don't have info on what God plans to do.

    -vote Leto II
    Because in this dire hour, we ought to fight for democracy and reject autocrats...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  22. ISO #22

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    @yzb25 Could you explain this? Because from my perspective it looks like you literally just scum slipped in the classic sense of the word, lol. Were you taking it to mean they were scum and could make that analysis regardless of if you were town or not?

    I’m sorry, I know I said I would not be posting again for a while, but if this is an actual slip I cannot let anyone else point this out first lmao. No way I’d forgive myself for ignoring this, and letting someone else take credit for it, lol.
    I have good news and bad news. And they're both the same!
    You don't need to feel the Hero Syndrome for the possibility of yzb red flip. It's all mine thanks to my 2nd post in the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Are you asking what God should do to get the real God to slip? :P
    You're such a troll lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    I think God should keep their nightkill to deter potential God fakeclaims (and obviously stay hidden).
    Also, if God reveals, they should 100% reveal who they are going to use their kill on so the person they vig has time to prepare a decent last will and a roleclaim, so we at least have something from them if they're town (and if they're scum I suppose it could be read into, too). Plus if God reveals, kills someone and causes a hammer, that would be some kinda bullshit lol. Obviously the last one isn't gonna happen unless God is extremely inattentive, but better safe than sorry, lol.

    A God who thinks they have scum pinged down can also nightcheck someone and if they're scum shoot them. That's also one way of playing that role ^^
    Those were some good points, thank you. Also, I didn't even know we have Last Wills here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post

    Correct! That's the point of the game. Agreed with your reasoning.

    God should definetly not smite instantly, and instead should wait until He has a reasonable amount of info against someone. As for his check-or-heal, checking is indeed pretty good, but you never know when a heal may be handy. The setup is designed with quite a lot of kills, after all, so the heal possibility is here to balance it out. I'd let it up to God's judgment and let it WIFOM so that scum don't have info on what God plans to do.

    -vote Leto II
    Because in this dire hour, we ought to fight for democracy and reject autocrats...
    You tell me what an autocrat is without me having to google it, or I OMGUS you!
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  23. ISO #23

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    I have good news and bad news. And they're both the same!
    You don't need to feel the Hero Syndrome for the possibility of yzb red flip. It's all mine thanks to my 2nd post in the game.

    You're such a troll lol

    Those were some good points, thank you. Also, I didn't even know we have Last Wills here.

    You tell me what an autocrat is without me having to google it, or I OMGUS you!
    An autocrat is you, Mr. God-Emperor :P

    Grey is wrong, though: we don't have last wills. Plus, God's kill is theoretically instantanous, which means there is no need to say who you're targeting to avoid playing with the Vigilante: it's literally a smite out of nowhere. Claiming God before using the kill could be a good idea if you want to be confirmed by the kill, though.

    By the way, Grey Swan, dir, why are you elaborating a mechanical way to play the game without reading the setup? :P
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  24. ISO #24

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    An autocrat is you, Mr. God-Emperor :P

    Grey is wrong, though: we don't have last wills. Plus, God's kill is theoretically instantanous, which means there is no need to say who you're targeting to avoid playing with the Vigilante: it's literally a smite out of nowhere. Claiming God before using the kill could be a good idea if you want to be confirmed by the kill, though.

    By the way, Grey Swan, dir, why are you elaborating a mechanical way to play the game without reading the setup? :P
    Thank you for the link!

    Your reply about Grey feels mechanical, and the "claim before kill" idea sounds suspicious.
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    An autocrat is you, Mr. God-Emperor :P

    Grey is wrong, though: we don't have last wills. Plus, God's kill is theoretically instantanous, which means there is no need to say who you're targeting to avoid playing with the Vigilante: it's literally a smite out of nowhere. Claiming God before using the kill could be a good idea if you want to be confirmed by the kill, though.

    By the way, Grey Swan, dir, why are you elaborating a mechanical way to play the game without reading the setup? :P
    I don’t understand what you mean with "God’s claim is instantaneous, and there is no need to say who you’re targeting”. If two trains are tied at L-1, killing one of the ppl on one of the trains could result in the other train getting hammered lmao. Even if they unvote.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    An autocrat is you, Mr. God-Emperor :P

    Grey is wrong, though: we don't have last wills. Plus, God's kill is theoretically instantanous, which means there is no need to say who you're targeting to avoid playing with the Vigilante: it's literally a smite out of nowhere. Claiming God before using the kill could be a good idea if you want to be confirmed by the kill, though.

    By the way, Grey Swan, dir, why are you elaborating a mechanical way to play the game without reading the setup? :P
    I think I'm going to call MM town here. Not only he provides a valuable point/question here,

    but I also don't think scum enters the thread by flip flopping their vote 2 minutes after the first one.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  27. ISO #27

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    I have good news and bad news. And they're both the same!
    You don't need to feel the Hero Syndrome for the possibility of yzb red flip. It's all mine thanks to my 2nd post in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Ehh, I suppose it isn't that hard. One scum we already know - yzb. That slot just creeps me out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    You and yzb keep exaggerating on the meanings of random votes. ;)
    Are you yzb's mate?
    imagine giving this slot even the tiniest bit of credit post yzb-flip.
    Last edited by OzyWho; April 19th, 2021 at 11:34 AM.

  28. ISO #28

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Hi. I thought this would be like, anxiety-inducing af but now I'm in it I realize this is super chill if you have literally weeks to mull over reads and can just go awol for days and take a break lol. I'm reading thru the setup rn.
    I don't get the anxiety part tbh. If I'm going to be anxious about a game for very long lengths of time that doesn't sound like a pleasant way to exist.
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  29. ISO #29

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    In the spirit of the setup, if I post too much I'll try and put some informal post cap on the nonsense I spew to let ppl catch up. But given how lurky even this daystart seems that probably won't be necessary xD.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    As an avid player of long day phases
    1. pace yourself
    2. Don't slank
    3. Vote early and/or a lot, being stingy with your vote means we see less pressure and the game is slower.
    4. If we ever no yeet I will end you all
    Your input is appriciated.
    -vote yzb25
    "Charismatic leaders ought to come with a warning label on their forehead: May be dangerous to your health."
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question."
    "Beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment and your own mistakes."

  32. ISO #32

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    As an avid player of long day phases
    1. pace yourself
    2. Don't slank
    3. Vote early and/or a lot, being stingy with your vote means we see less pressure and the game is slower.
    4. If we ever no yeet I will end you all
    I think this is town
    A.K.A "That One Idiot"

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    This game seems pretty damn balanced in terms of other games I've seen on this site tbh.
    @Leto II
    I would like him to answer specifically what would be stress inducing before I go that route
    imagine having suspicions on someone for literally weeks. Seeing someone's posts as manipulative / malicious is very painful normally. But now I'm in it I kinda realize this is gonna be more like "eh, I think this, this and this is bullshit" then that's it. It's not like you're not gonna be carrying that weight for weeks.

    I'm p null on wiisp and leto. Maybe a townlean on leto if I squint really hard, but the slot seems kinda systematic so they could probably make that kind of analysis of my post irrespective of my alignment.

    Scum probably are tempted to take a week off to reach nirvana before they post. I'ma begin by scumreading ppl who I suspect are lurking this / may try to lurk this.

    -vote S-FM Magoroth
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    imagine having suspicions on someone for literally weeks. Seeing someone's posts as manipulative / malicious is very painful normally. But now I'm in it I kinda realize this is gonna be more like "eh, I think this, this and this is bullshit" then that's it. It's not like you're not gonna be carrying that weight for weeks.

    I'm p null on wiisp and leto. Maybe a townlean on leto if I squint really hard, but the slot seems kinda systematic so they could probably make that kind of analysis of my post irrespective of my alignment.

    Scum probably are tempted to take a week off to reach nirvana before they post. I'ma begin by scumreading ppl who I suspect are lurking this / may try to lurk this.

    -vote S-FM Magoroth
    Why do you think scum would lurk?

  36. ISO #36

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Why do you think scum would lurk?
    Sometimes when I'm scum I prepare this flowery, beautifully formatted wallpost for daystart to sweat out townpoints, because in the pre-game before the chat has opened you have tonnes of time and no expectation to reply to anything. In this gamemode, that same thing applies for most of the day. It's natural for ppl not to post for a few days. That's the spirit of the setup. But on the other extreme if someone seems to be consistently going awol for a week, dropping a beautiful wallpost then going awol again for a week and doing that over months, I'ma hold onto my suspicions because that's exactly what I'd do LOL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  37. ISO #37

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    If you're town, I beg of you to not reveal your "weapons" early. Wait it out.

    Imagine this hypothetical scenario: you told me first hour into the game that I usually do x as scum. Great! Now I do y. When instead you could have just waited for me to continue and then made your case a couple hundred posts later.

    Please don't reveal to the scum how they have to play in order for you to town read them.

    I'm not a fan of chitchatting like apparently some others are.
    But what you did here I find inherently anti-town.

    -vote Grayswandir

    This post might be hypocritical of me. But I find it important for every towny to be aware of this sort of thing especially given the game length.
    What makes this scummy instead of "mistaky"? I'm assuming you think it's scummy since you placed your vote there, and yet I see you talking to him clearly acting like you know he's town...
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    If you're so vocal about your intention to not even vote for weeks, scum are gonna feel 0 pressure for a while. You can't seriously think lynching a week and a half in is equivalent to a 24h lynch in a 48h day.
    Correct. We NEED to vote people. And although lynching a week and a half in isn't equivalent to lynching 24 hours in, I'd rather not have hammers without a relatively strong consensus.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Sometimes when I'm scum I prepare this flowery, beautifully formatted wallpost for daystart to sweat out townpoints, because in the pre-game before the chat has opened you have tonnes of time and no expectation to reply to anything. In this gamemode, that same thing applies for most of the day. It's natural for ppl not to post for a few days. That's the spirit of the setup. But on the other extreme if someone seems to be consistently going awol for a week, dropping a beautiful wallpost then going awol again for a week and doing that over months, I'ma hold onto my suspicions because that's exactly what I'd do LOL.
    I'd be careful not to go too far with this, though. Posting walls once in a while can be a NAI playstyle (thinking about Voss and Distorted right now, as well as myself). What's scummy is if you're basically fluffing once every 2-3 days and then disappearing.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  38. ISO #38

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    imagine having suspicions on someone for literally weeks. Seeing someone's posts as manipulative / malicious is very painful normally. But now I'm in it I kinda realize this is gonna be more like "eh, I think this, this and this is bullshit" then that's it. It's not like you're not gonna be carrying that weight for weeks.

    I'm p null on wiisp and leto. Maybe a townlean on leto if I squint really hard, but the slot seems kinda systematic so they could probably make that kind of analysis of my post irrespective of my alignment.

    Scum probably are tempted to take a week off to reach nirvana before they post. I'ma begin by scumreading ppl who I suspect are lurking this / may try to lurk this.

    -vote S-FM Magoroth
    Could you try to explain what you meant here please? I’m likely just being stupid, so my bad for the silly question lol.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    imagine having suspicions on someone for literally weeks. Seeing someone's posts as manipulative / malicious is very painful normally. But now I'm in it I kinda realize this is gonna be more like "eh, I think this, this and this is bullshit" then that's it. It's not like you're not gonna be carrying that weight for weeks.

    I'm p null on wiisp and leto. Maybe a townlean on leto if I squint really hard, but the slot seems kinda systematic so they could probably make that kind of analysis of my post irrespective of my alignment.

    Scum probably are tempted to take a week off to reach nirvana before they post. I'ma begin by scumreading ppl who I suspect are lurking this / may try to lurk this.

    -vote S-FM Magoroth
    lets do some rereading, explain to me why you had to bother saying you had a null read on anyone, 11 posts into the game?
    honestly man, I am still not feeling you town here, I keep wavering

    -vote yzb25

  40. ISO #40

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Ohh I know that feeling, when I first came to this site, I was super unpleasant to play with, it did consistently get better results, but like I'd rather treat my scum leans as human beings, rather than dirt. Cause the point is for everyone to at least try to have fun

  41. ISO #41

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    Ohh I know that feeling, when I first came to this site, I was super unpleasant to play with, it did consistently get better results, but like I'd rather treat my scum leans as human beings, rather than dirt. Cause the point is for everyone to at least try to have fun
    No! Unleash that pro-town righteous anger and smite the scum with divine fury!

  42. ISO #42

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    yeah and you're gonna have so much time to move past the emotional biases underneath your reads. My reads are gonna be rly objective cuz after a week I'm not gonna give a fck XD
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  43. ISO #43

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    yeah and you're gonna have so much time to move past the emotional biases underneath your reads. My reads are gonna be rly objective cuz after a week I'm not gonna give a fck XD
    objectively bad, maybe. But objective nonetheless XD
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wiisp View Post
    how much do you know of Leto? is he usually this serious straight out of the gate?
    the account is new
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    the account is new
    I guess they may be a smurf, but I can't see that stated anywhere. So there's no viable meta read of the slot afaik
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Tbh Wiisp saying this could be AI ^^ Wiisp could be a downright asshole to his scumreads lmao, it was so hilarious. Wiisp could potentially be trying to be ‘nicer’ bc shitting on ppl as scum is kinda meh, and it doesn’t paint as much of a target on him if he plays nice.

    FWIW, I totally won’t mind if you start calling ppl idiots for misreading :P I find that shit hilarious, especially since the way you did it wasn’t really that toxic.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grayswandir View Post
    Tbh Wiisp saying this could be AI ^^ Wiisp could be a downright asshole to his scumreads lmao, it was so hilarious. Wiisp could potentially be trying to be ‘nicer’ bc shitting on ppl as scum is kinda meh, and it doesn’t paint as much of a target on him if he plays nice.

    FWIW, I totally won’t mind if you start calling ppl idiots for misreading :P I find that shit hilarious, especially since the way you did it wasn’t really that toxic.
    The only reason I fall back into my older playstyle is if I really need to control the game as wolf, or stop town from playing poorly

    you played with me? I dont remember you from my old games

  50. ISO #50



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