S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing) - Page 21

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  1. ISO #1001

  2. ISO #1002

  3. ISO #1003

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Day is over! Stop posting! Will submit end of day post momentarily!

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  4. ISO #1004

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Final Vote talley of Day 1:

    yzb25 (4 [L-3]):
    Marshmallow Marshall, Wiisp, Helz, MartinGG99
    Bahkieh (1 [L-6]):
    Hybrid Richard Dawkins (1 [L-6]):
    Dark Magician (1 [L-6]):
    S-FM Magoroth

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  5. ISO #1005

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)


    While the hours seems like days and the weeks seem like months... this day has finally came to an end. It's been a roller coaster of emotion and events. It's been something for the books. Sc2mafia's very first long day phase game. I'd have to say, as the host who is breaking the 4th wall, it's been interesting and also very annoying so far. Back to the game:

    The Angels of heaven have decided to eradicate and banish from the gates of heaven YZB! This person was an evil soul and was a Demon to his core. He was sent back to hell where he belonged.

    God has decided in his righteous glory to smite the Angel Known as Grayswandir! This Angel will be reformed back into society His soul renewed... maybe he will come back as a bug... maybe he won't come back? Who knows if resurrection exists or not. God does though. Maybe try asking him?

    Anyway Satan and his troupe will be wanting revenge for the loss of their "precious" minion. This isn't over... not by a long shot.

    @Dark Magician
    @Marshmallow Marshall
    @Hybrid Richard Dawkins - Now @SuperJack
    @SamsungLyssa - Now replaced with @NoctiZ
    @Leto II - Now replaced with @Varcron
    @Paul - Now replaced with @Samson
    @S-FM Magoroth

    @Grayswandir - Angel
    @yzb25 - Demon

    Make sure to submit your night actions if any an hour before Night Ends. I'll be talking to some people who haven't been posting enough as this is a 3 week game and some of the activity i've seen is incredibly unwarranted. Thank you!

    Night 1 Ends January 30th at 5:00 PM EST:
    Extending the night by a couple hours as I wont be here saturday at 2PM
    Last edited by AIVION; January 30th, 2021 at 06:41 AM.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  6. ISO #1006

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    @SamsungLyssa has been replaced with @NoctiZ !!


    I will extend the night by 1-2 more hours (some point between 6-7PM my time) I am stuck at work for a little while longer due to unforeseen circumstances. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    it's not like this games a 3 week long day phase or nothing not like you can easily make it up lol...
    Last edited by AIVION; January 30th, 2021 at 06:41 AM.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  7. ISO #1007

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)


    Welcome back to the frontline soldiers! It is time for another 3 week long round! In the coming days Satan has struck heaven and struck hard. The main man God, Is now dead. He was killed by the lord of evil himself. Without his throne filled with his holy light... heaven looks a little darker than usual.

    Alongside his death, reports of a Human Priest being slaughtered by a band of demon worshipping heretics was reported on the news, his body and entrails sprawled all over the altar. This priests name was Helz, and his life was slain in the name of the anti-christ. But his life was for his lord and savior Jesus.

    What will this news of the lord himself and one of his disciples death bring? Only time will tell.

    @Dark Magician
    @Marshmallow Marshall
    @Hybrid Richard Dawkins - Now @SuperJack
    @SamsungLyssa - Now replaced with @NoctiZ
    @Leto II - Now replaced with @Varcron
    @Paul - Now replaced with @Samson
    @S-FM Magoroth

    @Grayswandir - Angel
    @yzb25 - Demon
    @Helz - Human Priest
    @Wiisp - God

    With 9 left alive it is 5 votes to hammer.
    3 week long phases oh yeaa

    Day 2 Ends February 20th at 6:00 PM EST:
    Last edited by AIVION; January 30th, 2021 at 03:26 PM.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  8. ISO #1008

  9. ISO #1009

  10. ISO #1010

  11. ISO #1011

  12. ISO #1012

  13. ISO #1013

  14. ISO #1014

  15. ISO #1015

  16. ISO #1016

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    -vote Varcron

    Sup man. Where you at? Any thoughts?
    My thoughts are mainly questions on this post

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack
    Also I'm near enough confirmed town because of how I was so absolutely wrong about YZB.
    Town points for mag for not flipping onto another train.
    Some for MM for starting it
    Explain how you being wrong confirms you of being town

    I can well enough give town cred to MM and mag for being a part of the lynch on YZB, but you being wrong does not sit well with me to give you that town cred.

  17. ISO #1017

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    My thoughts are mainly questions on this post

    Explain how you being wrong confirms you of being town

    I can well enough give town cred to MM and mag for being a part of the lynch on YZB, but you being wrong does not sit well with me to give you that town cred.
    I correct my donkeyness

    I can understand the town cred on MM for being part of the train on YZB and partially mag for sticking to his solo vote.

  18. ISO #1018

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Resetting the vote counter.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  19. ISO #1019

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Who wants to lynch Samson/noctiz/Bahkieh/Varcron

    DM is still town.
    Mag earned some town cred with MM.
    And Martin is just weird and quiet.
    How does being quiet and weird smell like town to you? Enlighten me

    Personally I'd love to hear from
    -vote Samson

  20. ISO #1020

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    How does being quiet and weird smell like town to you? Enlighten me

    Personally I'd love to hear from
    -vote Samson
    To add on to this

    Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that Samson has not spoken in quite some time, I believe the last time being a few hundred posts ago now.

  21. ISO #1021

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Also I'm near enough confirmed town because of how I was so absolutely wrong about YZB.
    Town points for mag for not flipping onto another train.
    Some for MM for starting it.

    @AIVION do the dead share a night chat?
    Uh. They share a dead chat ya. lol.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  22. ISO #1022

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    I kind of assumed I would have more to say, but the thread has not had many AI interactions frankly. My reads are something like this:

    Wiisp - town. (I thought the way they probed me and Leto was very much sincerely trying to understand. Don't agree with the reads they often produce but the thought process is very consistent)
    Martin - town. (I thought the wallpost was good. Helz's characterization if it seemed unfair. Their thought process reminds me of the prior illuminati game.)
    Helz - null/town. (I'm honestly not sure how much the towntells ppl point out on Helz's slot can be trusted, but they seem to be making a very earnest effort to push the game forward)
    SJ - scum. (the overall play has been very anti-town and the way they push ppl has been more plain argumentative than trying to actually find alignments and shit)
    Leto/Varcron - scum. (after the early posts that seemed extremely vain, they mainly pop in to have lame arguments and excuse themselves for not reading / taking stances)
    MM - null. The vote on gray and the way they responded to being asked about it remains very strange. But whenever they're not talking to me they seem like usual early game null MM.

    I don't have any meaningful read on anyone else (if the above can even be considered meaningful). There is a good chance there are multiple scums among the people that barely have any AI content and this game is just town cannibalism.

    -vote samsungLyssa

    I can get behind Helz reasoning for this vote for now.
    Now that we know the YZB was indeed confirmed scum we can kind of dive into this a bit more knowing his wolf perspective and likely fake reading people. I personally believe that he replaced two of his town reads with his scum buddies (not ruling out the possibility that SJ could be scum, but it just lessens the probability by a fair bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Wiisp - town. (I thought the way they probed me and Leto was very much sincerely trying to understand. Don't agree with the reads they often produce but the thought process is very consistent)
    Martin - town. (I thought the wallpost was good. Helz's characterization if it seemed unfair. Their thought process reminds me of the prior illuminati game.)
    Helz - null/town. (I'm honestly not sure how much the towntells ppl point out on Helz's slot can be trusted, but they seem to be making a very earnest effort to push the game forward)
    SJ - scum. (the overall play has been very anti-town and the way they push ppl has been more plain argumentative than trying to actually find alignments and shit)
    Leto/Varcron - scum. (after the early posts that seemed extremely vain, they mainly pop in to have lame arguments and excuse themselves for not reading / taking stances)
    MM - null. The vote on gray and the way they responded to being asked about it remains very strange. But whenever they're not talking to me they seem like usual early game null MM.
    He never gave a read on Bahk, Mag, or Samson. I personally believe that our scum are likely Bahk/Samson based on this assertion in my head.

    Samson has not spoken in a LONG time, long enough for me to believe he is coasting at this point

    If I'm not mistaken Bakh has done the same, however I believe that to a lesser extend and for that reason for me his is only a scum lean and not full scum.

  23. ISO #1023

  24. ISO #1024

  25. ISO #1025

  26. ISO #1026

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    Ok so I have determined that SuperJack/Bahkiek/Samson contains at least 1 Scum.
    I also read Page 1 and if Samson flips scum there is a good chance Varcron flips scum (unfortunately) due to both their previous slot owners interaction.

    -vote Samson
    What from page 1 would make we turn scum if samson were scum? Bussing would not be ideal for scum with immunity being given to the Satan role by the Antichrist

  27. ISO #1027

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    Ok so I have determined that SuperJack/Bahkiek/Samson contains at least 1 Scum.
    I also read Page 1 and if Samson flips scum there is a good chance Varcron flips scum (unfortunately) due to both their previous slot owners interaction.

    -vote Samson
    Also explain your read on Samson for me, I know my reasons but want to know your reasons.

  28. ISO #1028

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Also I'm near enough confirmed town because of how I was so absolutely wrong about YZB.
    Town points for mag for not flipping onto another train.
    Some for MM for starting it.

    @AIVION do the dead share a night chat?
    Uh, I'm not sure I follow your reasoning...
    Agreed. At this point, given the town tells that are piling up when it comes to Mag, it's pretty likely he's town.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Oh man there is.
    This means that once helz starts to communite with me Gray, Wisp and even YZB can even partake. I would be able to channel all of their voice.
    Yep, that's the point
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Who wants to lynch Samson/noctiz/Bahkieh/Varcron

    DM is still town.
    Mag earned some town cred with MM.
    And Martin is just weird and quiet.
    Samson, sure, I'm all in for significant pressure atm, since they haven't really explained any reads or views afaik.
    -vote Samson

    Let's give Noctiz some time to exist? His slot was purely and simply inactive.
    Bahkieh... uh... exists? Wouldn't mind pressure there either.
    Err, why would we lynch Varcron? If you gave reasons for that, I missed them. What I see about him is mostly his reaction to Helz giving a town pass to Mag, which was towny (already explained).

    How is DM towny?
    Agreed about Mag.
    Somewhat agreed about Martin, I actually don't remember much from him. That being said, I don't see how that makes him different from the lurkers in your lynch pool.

    There's a lot of weirdness in this post o.O
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    @Marshmallow Marshall morning today's forecast calls for blue skies
    yay? xD
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  29. ISO #1029

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    Ok so I have determined that SuperJack/Bahkiek/Samson contains at least 1 Scum.
    I also read Page 1 and if Samson flips scum there is a good chance Varcron flips scum (unfortunately) due to both their previous slot owners interaction.

    -vote Samson
    Could you explicate your reasoning?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  30. ISO #1030

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Uh, I'm not sure I follow your reasoning...
    Agreed. At this point, given the town tells that are piling up when it comes to Mag, it's pretty likely he's town.

    Yep, that's the point

    Samson, sure, I'm all in for significant pressure atm, since they haven't really explained any reads or views afaik.
    -vote Samson

    Let's give Noctiz some time to exist? His slot was purely and simply inactive.
    Bahkieh... uh... exists? Wouldn't mind pressure there either.
    Err, why would we lynch Varcron? If you gave reasons for that, I missed them. What I see about him is mostly his reaction to Helz giving a town pass to Mag, which was towny (already explained).

    How is DM towny?
    Agreed about Mag.
    Somewhat agreed about Martin, I actually don't remember much from him. That being said, I don't see how that makes him different from the lurkers in your lynch pool.

    There's a lot of weirdness in this post o.O

    yay? xD
    How can you agree with someone if you don't know what the other person said to agree to?

  31. ISO #1031

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    What from page 1 would make we turn scum if samson were scum? Bussing would not be ideal for scum with immunity being given to the Satan role by the Antichrist
    It’s how the whole thing went down on page 1.
    Just saying it’d put you in my PoE.

  32. ISO #1032

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    I am God-Emperor Leto II,

    Follow my rule and humanity will be led down The Golden Path. We shall exterminate the unholy and put an end to this Eternal Conflict!

    I believe that you all have been deceived.
    @Paul is not Paul the Apostle from Old Terra. He is, in fact, Paul Atreides. Muad'Dib, The Preacher, The Dune Messiah. His Jihad cost the lives of over 60 billion people and now he deceives you into thinking that he is someone that he is not!
    We must keep an eye on Paul.

    But for now, I have a question for all of you. When do you think is a proper time for a God such as myself to Smite down the unholy? I want clear and honest answers only.
    Also Varcron is this guys slot so Varcron is only scum if Samson flips Non-Satan.

  33. ISO #1033

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Interesting post.

    I think that this setup could be anxiety-inducing only for the Scum. Therefore someone talking about their own experience regarding anxiety is what I find interesting in it's own.

    What exactly have we got here? (I will put some words on yzb25's mouth to make my point across)

    • The 1st paragraph expresses relief regarding the lack of anxiety.
    • The 2nd paragraph expresses irritation regarding the lack of pressure that the Scums could feel.

    I want everyone to take a moment and contemplate on the train of thought that went behind of making that post, it might be important.

    What are your soul reads on yzb25's frame of mind for when he made that post? Please take your time. Share your opinions.

    @yzb25 I think your thoughts regarding the proper use of God's powers are spot on.

    @Grayswandir Don't ignore questions. And I hope you will keep the fluffing to a minimum this game. 3 weeks per day makes it easy to flood the thread and make it unproductive. I'm sure you know that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Your input is appriciated.
    -vote yzb25
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    If you're town, I beg of you to not reveal your "weapons" early. Wait it out.

    Imagine this hypothetical scenario: you told me first hour into the game that I usually do x as scum. Great! Now I do y. When instead you could have just waited for me to continue and then made your case a couple hundred posts later.

    Please don't reveal to the scum how they have to play in order for you to town read them.

    I'm not a fan of chitchatting like apparently some others are.
    But what you did here I find inherently anti-town.

    -vote Grayswandir

    This post might be hypocritical of me. But I find it important for every towny to be aware of this sort of thing especially given the game length.
    This here.

  34. ISO #1034

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Interesting post.

    I think that this setup could be anxiety-inducing only for the Scum. Therefore someone talking about their own experience regarding anxiety is what I find interesting in it's own.

    What exactly have we got here? (I will put some words on yzb25's mouth to make my point across)

    • The 1st paragraph expresses relief regarding the lack of anxiety.
    • The 2nd paragraph expresses irritation regarding the lack of pressure that the Scums could feel.

    I want everyone to take a moment and contemplate on the train of thought that went behind of making that post, it might be important.

    What are your soul reads on yzb25's frame of mind for when he made that post? Please take your time. Share your opinions.

    @yzb25 I think your thoughts regarding the proper use of God's powers are spot on.

    @Grayswandir Don't ignore questions. And I hope you will keep the fluffing to a minimum this game. 3 weeks per day makes it easy to flood the thread and make it unproductive. I'm sure you know that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    Your input is appriciated.
    -vote yzb25
    Quote Originally Posted by Leto II View Post
    If you're town, I beg of you to not reveal your "weapons" early. Wait it out.

    Imagine this hypothetical scenario: you told me first hour into the game that I usually do x as scum. Great! Now I do y. When instead you could have just waited for me to continue and then made your case a couple hundred posts later.

    Please don't reveal to the scum how they have to play in order for you to town read them.

    I'm not a fan of chitchatting like apparently some others are.
    But what you did here I find inherently anti-town.

    -vote Grayswandir

    This post might be hypocritical of me. But I find it important for every towny to be aware of this sort of thing especially given the game length.
    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    How can you agree with someone if you don't know what the other person said to agree to?
    WDYM here?
    I think MM is implying that they don’t feel Martin has done much but still somewhat agree with the thought.

  35. ISO #1035

  36. ISO #1036

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    WDYM here?
    I think MM is implying that they don’t feel Martin has done much but still somewhat agree with the thought.
    I read MMs post differently, I thought MM was saying that they agreed that Martin was towny based off of what was said before. That could be a misread on my part though and I will let him clarify.

  37. ISO #1037

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    My thoughts are mainly questions on this post

    Explain how you being wrong confirms you of being town

    I can well enough give town cred to MM and mag for being a part of the lynch on YZB, but you being wrong does not sit well with me to give you that town cred.
    Bitch you blind?
    Why TF you crediting Mag and SJ I don’t think would confidently state that as scum so yeah.

  38. ISO #1038

  39. ISO #1039

  40. ISO #1040

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    Bitch you blind?
    Why TF you crediting Mag and SJ I don’t think would confidently state that as scum so yeah.
    I never said they were scum? I gave them credit because they both stuck to their guns, Mag off in the deep end with whatever he was trying to to and SJ with the YZB train.

  41. ISO #1041

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    How exactly is the second post scummy? The first one could seem like heavy roleplaying which I dislike to be completely honest with you. The second post to me looks like Leto is explaining why he does not like Gray.
    His post switched within not that long at all.
    Didn’t keep the vote up on YZB for that long.

  42. ISO #1042

  43. ISO #1043

  44. ISO #1044

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    So what was Mag trying to do?
    Are you paying attention?
    Mag was putting the pressure on you, not that I particularly agree with it nor from the past votes other people did

    Just quoting the vote from yesterday

    yzb25 (4 [L-3]):
    Marshmallow Marshall, Wiisp, Helz, MartinGG99
    Bahkieh (1 [L-6]):
    Hybrid Richard Dawkins (1 [L-6]):
    Dark Magician (1 [L-6]):
    S-FM Magoroth

    The pressure on you was kind of eh, but at least he did something yesterday unlike Samson/Bahk

  45. ISO #1045

  46. ISO #1046

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Varcron View Post
    Mag was putting the pressure on you, not that I particularly agree with it nor from the past votes other people did

    Just quoting the vote from yesterday

    yzb25 (4 [L-3]):
    Marshmallow Marshall, Wiisp, Helz, MartinGG99
    Bahkieh (1 [L-6]):
    Hybrid Richard Dawkins (1 [L-6]):
    Dark Magician (1 [L-6]):
    S-FM Magoroth

    The pressure on you was kind of eh, but at least he did something yesterday unlike Samson/Bahk
    Yes he did do something and I do think he’s town based on the thread stance Day 1 but from what I read before it looked like you thought Mag voted YZB when I know he was on me.

  47. ISO #1047

    Re: S-FM Eternal Conflict (Off Queue Game Ongoing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Magician View Post
    Yes he did do something and I do think he’s town based on the thread stance Day 1 but from what I read before it looked like you thought Mag voted YZB when I know he was on me.
    What I was thinking and what I was typing did not line up, I believe I corrected that in the next post.

  48. ISO #1048

  49. ISO #1049

  50. ISO #1050



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