[WIP] S-FM Data Breach

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Data Breach

    Theme is a WIP. idk what to do.

    Special Mechanics:

    (***): Every player must attempt to visit a primary target every night. (Every role can visit at night). Every player's choice of primary target must be different to their prior visits. If they have visited every player aside themselves, they will self-target, even if they otherwise can't. If they can't even self-target, they will take no action and die that night. If you have not submitted legal actions, you will die.

    You will receive feedback telling you who you targetted.

    Every player is assigned a category of alpha, beta, gamma, theta (and informed of their category). This has nothing to do with alignment. Instead, this places some additional attribute / property on how one selects their primary target:

    Omega - Must make two legal choices for their primary target, or die. All choices must be people they haven't visited. A target will be randomly chosen between the two choices. If they are only permitted to visit one person by the rules of targetting in (***), they will instead just visit that person and their choices will be ignored.

    Gamma - May make 0-3 choices with respect to their primary target. A target will be randomly chosen outside of those choices respecting the rules in (***). If their 0-3 choices leaves them with no legal target as per the rules in (***), they will take no action and die.

    Beta - Any choices for primary target will be ignored. A target will be randomly chosen, with respect to the rules in (***).

    Alpha - Visits normally, choosing a single primary target, only constrained by the rules in (***).

    The factional mafia kill is not carried out by an individual mafia, and is thus not constrained by any of the rules above.

    Setup (13p):

    Town Power Role
    Town Power Role
    Town Power Role
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Town Random
    Town Random

    Mafia Random

    Any Random
    Any Random
    Any Random

    There will be at least 2 alphas, betas, gammas and omegas. There will be no more than 5 players in the same category.

    I pulled these numbers out my ass. The setup can be smaller or bigger with tweaks.

    Role List

    Drug Dealer, Hypnotist, Tailor, Literal Gamethrower, Terrorist, Mafioso, Witch, TKx01 Flipper, Pressurizer, Ultimate

    101 indicator, Tracker, Best Investigator, Jordan Peterson, Doctor, Escort, Bus Driver, Veteran, Vigilante, Citizen

    Target-based Executioner, Target-based Jester, Amnesiac


    Spoiler : Mafia :

    Spoiler : Mafia Deception :

    Drug Dealer:

    Select a primary target.

    Send me a list of feedbacks (possibly empty).

    You wipe any feedback the player would receive that does not appear on that list.


    Select a primary target.

    Send me a list of feedbacks (possibly empty).

    In addition to feedback your target receives, they also receive any feedback on your list. They will not receive any feedback twice.


    Select a primary target.

    You may choose how all information with respect to that target appears in investigations/roleflips, for the following day/night. Specifically, you choose:

    -What their role, alignment and category appears as in investigations/roleflips.
    -Who their primary target for that night appears as in investigations.
    -Who appeared to visited them in investigations.
    -What their last will says in roleflips.

    Notice: you will alter all of this information, regardless of whether you choose to. If you do not make a choice for their role/alignment/category, they will appear as alpha citizen. If you do not make choices about visitations, it will appear that they visited noone and noone visited them. If you do not make a choice for their lw, it will appear empty.

    Spoiler : Mafia Self-Destructive :

    Literal Gamethrower

    Select a primary target.

    You will reveal to target that you are mafia.


    Select a primary target.

    Self destruct on either night 2 or night 3, killing target.

    You will know what night you self destruct on.


    In general, the factional kill is not carried out by a particular mafia.

    However, if a mafioso is alive they will instead carry out the factional kill, according to the restrictions specified in the special mechanics.

    Multiple mafioso can decide which will carry out the kill. Mafiosos will continue to select targets even if another mafioso is carrying out the kill.

    If the mafioso selects to kill a mafia, they will die instead.

    Spoiler : Mafia Power :


    Select a primary and secondary target.

    The primary will be forced to target the secondary.

    The primary target will not die as a result of targetting someone they already targetted due to your ability - this overrules the restrictions placed on primary targets layed out in the special mechanics.

    TKx01 Flipper

    Selects a primary target.

    If the target is alpha they will become a beta.
    If the target is beta they will become an alpha.
    If the target is omega they will become a gamma.
    If the target is gamma they will become an omega.


    Select a primary and secondary target. You have 1-2 charges.

    You may choose to go active. Going active uses up a charge.

    On active nights, the primary target will visit the secondary target in addition to their usual target.

    The primary target will not die as a result of targetting someone they already targetted due to your ability - this overrules the restrictions placed on primary targets in the special mechanics.

    If you pressurize someone to take more active actions than they have remaining charges the pressurized action simply won't go through - with the exception of the Ultimate.

    Spoiler : Mafia Ultimate :


    Select a primary and secondary target. You have 1-3 charges.

    You may choose to go active. Going active uses up a charge. If you are pressurized, you will use 2 charges.

    On active nights, may choose to use any power in the setup for that night, aside from vigilante or veteran.

    Unlike every other role, you may exhaust more charges than you have. But you will die.

    Spoiler : Town :

    Spoiler : Town Investigative :

    101 Indicator

    Select a primary and secondary target.

    Your secondary target must be someone you have not already visited. If this leaves you with no choices, you may still submit a primary target but nothing will happen.

    Learn whether the alignments of your two targets are the same or different.


    Select a primary target.

    You receive the names of all players that the target visited and visited the target, but you will not be able to distinguish between the two.

    Best Investigator

    Select a primary target. You will receive a role. One of the following outcomes will occur:

    You will receive their role. (40% chance)
    You will receive their primary target's role. (30% chance)
    You will receive their primary target's primary target's role. (15% chance)
    You will receive their primary target's primary target's primary target's role. (7.5% chance)
    You will receive their primary target's primary target's primary target's primary target's role. (3.75% chance)

    Spoiler : Town Support :

    Jordan Peterson

    Select a primary target.

    They will tidy their room.

    They will become an alpha.


    Select a primary target.

    They will be protected from all deaths aside from special mechanics-related deaths and the terrorist suicide/kill.


    Select a primary target.

    They will be roleblocked.

    The target's actions will be totally overruled and they will be treated as if they took no action. Consequently, they will not die that night due to any of the rules in the special mechanics.

    You are immune to other escorts.

    Bus driver

    Select a primary target and secondary target.

    Your secondary target must be someone you have not already visited. If this leaves you with no choices, you may still submit a primary target but nothing will happen.

    Actions directed at the secondary target will instead be directed at the primary target, and vice versa.

    Neither of your targets will die as a result of targetting someone they already targetted due to your ability - this overrules the restrictions placed on primary targets layed out in the special mechanics.

    Spoiler : Town Killing. :


    Select a primary target. You have [X] charges.

    You may choose to go active. Going active uses up a charge. If you are pressurized, you will use 2 charges.

    If active, you will kill anyone who visits your target.

    You may only choose not to go inactive [Y] times while you still have charges. After which, you will be forced to go active until your charges are depleted.

    X and Y may be any number.


    Select a primary target. You have [X] charges.

    You may choose to go active. Going active uses up a charge. If you are pressurized, you will use 2 charges.

    If active, you will kill your target.

    You may only choose not to go inactive [Y] times while you still have charges. After which, you will be forced to go active until your charges are depleted.

    X and Y may be any number.

    Spoiler : Citizen :


    Select a primary target.

    Visiting your target has no effect.

    Spoiler : Neutrals :

    Target-based executioner

    Select a primary target.

    Visiting your target has no effect.

    (wincon): Ensure at least two of your primary targets are lynched the following day, over the course of the game.

    Target-based Jester

    Select a primary target.

    Visiting your target has no effect.

    (wincon): Be lynched, and be lynched before any of your primary targets over the game are.


    Select a primary target.

    At the end of day 1, you will be assigned a pre-determined neutral or town role and category.

    On top of your role's wincon, you must also survive until the end, unless you are assigned jester.

    Win conditions

    Mafia: Control 50% of the vote and have one person survive to the end.
    Town: Eliminate the mafia and have one person survive to the end.
    Targed-based Executioner: Ensure at least two of your primary targets are lynched the following day, over the course of the game.
    Target-based Jester: Be lynched, and be lynched before any of your primary targets over the game are.
    Amnesiac: Survive, and fulfill the wincon of your role.

    Other Mechanics

    Feedback is listed in a random order.
    First 3 days will be 48 hours. Subsequent days will be 24. Nights will be 24.
    Last Wills are allowed.

    Spoiler : Order of Operations :

    Bus Driver
    Pressurizer's Escort
    Pressurizer's Bus Driver
    Pressurizer's Witch
    All other visits occur simultaneously.

    Spoiler : Feedback :

    Spoiler : misc. :

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Your role is [X]. You are a/an Alpha/Beta/Omega/Gamma.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    You visited [X] last night.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    You are dead.

    Spoiler : town investigative :

    Best Investigator:
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    101 Indicator:
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Your targets share a common alignment.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Your targets share a different alignment.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    [X] Visited / was visited by your target.

    Spoiler : town support :

    Jordan Peterson:
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    You are now an alpha.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Your target was healed!
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    You were attacked and healed last night!
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    You have been roleblocked.

    Spoiler : Mafia Self-Destructive :

    Literal Game-Thrower
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Holy shit! [X] just told you they're a mafia on discord! Oh well!

    Spoiler : Mafia Power :

    TKx01 Flipper
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Your category has been flipped.

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25
    Your pressurized hit didn't process - the target did not have enough charges.
    Last edited by yzb25; November 12th, 2020 at 12:47 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM Data Breach


    Select a primary and secondary target. You have 1-3 charges.

    You may choose to go active. Going active uses up a charge.

    On active nights, may choose to use any power in the game for that night, aside from vigilante or veteran.

    If you exhaust more charges than you have, you will die.
    Is this limited to roles in the ongoing game or is it applicable to every role in the setup?

    This looks dope as fuck by the way
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: S-FM Data Breach

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Is this limited to roles in the ongoing game or is it applicable to every role in the setup?

    This looks dope as fuck by the way
    every role in setup. I'll specify that
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.



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