The S stands for Shitpost
This setup is heavily experimental. Please make sure you read all of the special mechanics.
Republican Party
President Donald Trump
Random Republican
Random Republican
Democrat Party
Joe Biden
Random Democrat
Random Democrat
American Populace
Random PR
Random PR
Random PR
Undecided Voter
Undecided Voter
Undecided Voter
Undecided Voter
Undecided Voter
Third Party
Random 3p
All standard S-FM Rules apply
Pictures are allowed within reasonable size. Hopefully I don't need to specify what "reasonable size" is.
Videos are allowed as long as autoplay is off.
48 hour days.
24 hour nights or early ending nights at host discretion.
The Republican and Democrat alignments share a night chat and know each others roles/identities.
Special Mechanics
One of the political parties will be deemed "corrupt" at random. There is no host meta here, this will be decided by a coin flip. The corrupt party will know they are corrupt, and vice versa.
Each day, players vote on a player to convict rather than eliminate. Convicted players will still have access to their night abilities, but will lose their ability to vote on day 4. If a presidential candidate is convicted, the game ends and the convicted party loses. If the convicted party was not the corrupt one, town loses as well. This voting is majority only.
On day 4 the presidential election begins. Instead of the typical voting process, players may vote anonymously for either President Donald Trump or for Joe Biden. The game will always conclude after day 4. If the corrupt politician is elected, the town loses.
Republican Party: Elect Donald Trump as the President of the United States
Democrat Party: Elect Joe Biden as the President of the United States
American Populace: Elect the candidate that is not corrupt as the President of the United States
Spoiler : Rolecards :
Spoiler : Order of Operations :