[WIP] S-FM Editor Wars

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Editor Wars

    S-FM Editor Wars (14p)

    Role List
    Chief Vandal (Godfather)
    Hidden Evil Vandal
    Hidden Evil Vandal

    Jimmy Wales (Mayor)
    Hidden Wikimedia Moderator
    Hidden Wikimedia Moderator
    Hidden Wikimedia Moderator

    Wikipedia Visitors
    Hidden Wikipedia Visitor
    Hidden Wikipedia Visitor

    Role Cards

    Spoiler : Vandals :

    Quote Originally Posted by Chief Vandal
    Description: You are the leader of the Vandals - a group of disgruntled hackers who have taken over the accounts of prominent Wikimedia editors.
    Ability: Collaborate with the Vandals to get someone banned from Wikimedia during an Interlude phase. You override the factional ability whilst you are still alive.
    Special: Due to your superior hacking skills, you will appear to be a Wikimedian to SysAdmins.
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Hat Hacker
    Quote Originally Posted by DDOS Attacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Doxxer

    Spoiler : Wikimedians :

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Wales
    Description: You are Jimmy Wales - the founder of the Wikimedia Foundation and of Wikipedia. You've decided to convene a special meeting to look into allegations of server hacking and reports of editors being unable to access Wikipedia. Your identity has been kept a secret to forestall any cyber attacks on your account.
    Ability: Reveal yourself during the day, becoming a confirmed Wikimedian and gaining an additional vote.

    Spoiler : Wikipedia Visitors :

    Quote Originally Posted by Biased Editor
    Quote Originally Posted by Shitposter Extraordinaire
    Quote Originally Posted by Monomanical Curator

    Mechanics & Rules
    Lynch is plurality w/ majority.
    Last wills allowed.

    Council Sessions (days) last 48h. Interludes (nights) last 24h.
    Most standard FM rules apply; this means:
    1. No quoting or SS'ing host feedback or PMs
    2. No OGC
    , no gamethrowing/pretending to gamethrow
    3. No griefing
    4. Insults allowed to a certain degree but don't overdo it
    5. English only
    6. Images and Videos allowed in moderation, keep it PG-13
    7. In a departure from the rules, you ARE explicitly allowed to discuss host meta and replacements, but it is strictly forbidden for people who have replaced out to discuss outside/inside the game their reasons for replacing out. Note that ragequitting is still not permitted, either.
    8. I strongly discourage you from discussing host meta or replacements but I will allow it as I think people will have those thoughts floating around anyways even if they're not outright stating them as arguments so banning them does very little. However, in the end, it's up to you.
    There is no post count minimum for this game. However, if you are not active, I will first give you a warning, and if you persist in your inactivity you will be forcibly replaced or modkilled.
    There is a maximum post count of 100 posts per player per day, lifted 2 hours prior to EOD.
    You may not sign up if you are on my blacklist (given below):

    Spoiler : Blacklist :



    Vandals: Have the Wikimedians banned from Wikipedia, or obtain a majority of the votes.
    Wikimedians: Ban all Vandals and all who would break Wikimedia guidelines.
    Biased Editor: Ensure that your opponent is banned from Wikipedia during one of the official sessions of the Wikimedia Council.
    Shitposter Extraordinaire: Get publicly banned from Wikipedia during one of the official sessions of the Wikimedia Council.
    Monomaniacal Curator: Ensure that your favourite editor remains unbanned from Wikipedia. If your editor ever gets banned, you will become a Shitposter Extraordinaire.

    Last edited by Oberon; November 9th, 2020 at 04:25 AM.

  2. ISO #2



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