S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Link to setup

    Role List:
    Hidden Koopa Role
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    Hidden Mushroom Kingdom Role
    Hidden Mushroom Kingdom Role
    Hidden Mushroom Kingdom Role
    Hidden Mushroom Kingdom Role
    Hidden Mushroom Kingdom Role
    Hidden Mushroom Kingdom Role
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    Hidden Any

    2 - firebanger
    3 - dungeon master
    4 - steve the pirate
    5 - Whysper
    6 - Fred
    7 - Martinelli
    8 - mallow
    9 - Frost "where's my nickname" Byte
    10 - gry
    11 - BRUNO???!!!
    12 - Ken
    13 - yuki2
    14 - Barker
    15 - Scone




    Day 2
    Day 3
    Day 4
    Day 5

    Day 1 begins immediately after all players have confirmed! Day 1 will end after 48 hours + however many hours it takes tacked on to get to 4 PM MDT OR 12 AM MDT (extended day 1, yay!)
    Last edited by BananaCucho; November 2nd, 2020 at 03:42 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Link to the original game

    Note: The story is a continuation of camp mafia. If you wish to see how it went down, feel free to read the story in the spoiler tag below.

    Spoiler : Camp Mafia :

    Originally Posted by Day 1
    Welcome citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom to the Committee of Justice! I am your Mayor Toadette.

    You have all been briefed on the illegal activities plaguing the city of Mushroomsville. We must find the culprits and bring them to justice.

    Unfortunately all of you here are suspects! You must find out which of you are members of the Mafia. Choose wisely, for we will lynch the player at the end of the day with the most votes. Please review your classified documents here.

    Originally Posted by Night 1
    The committee has made their decision. They bound and gagged MattZed and took him to the town square to be hanged.

    As MattZeds body fell and his neck broke, evidence was brought into my office proving that he was in fact a town member.

    Sleep with one eye open tonight, and close the doors and lock them tight. We shall reconvene in the morning.

    Originally Posted by Day 2
    Day 2 has begun.

    I found a box on my doorstep this morning. It contained Stealthbombomb16's winder covered in blood. Guess he won't be blowing anyone up without that.

    There was also a note. If we let the mafia run the town, they would spare Stealthbombomb16's life. He is a town member. Since I won't negotiate with the Mafia, the best thing we can do for him is try to catch the mafia now.

    Originally Posted by Night 2
    DarknessB, Helz, SuperJack, and Frog were standing in a line, yelling at each other while the rest of the committee were yelling at them. Amidst the confusion, DarknessB threw a rope around Frogs neck and dragged him away. By the time anyone had noticed they were gone it was too late, Frogs body was found dangling in front of my office window!!

    "I made the right decision I swear!!" yelled DarknessB, "That guy is mafia, I'm sure of it!! I'M NOT CRAZY!!" he screamed.

    Upon searching Frogs body, we found one of Stealthbombomb16's eyes in a box in his pocket. He was a member of the Mafia after all! Could there be hope to find the now one eyed Stealthbombomb16?

    Originally Posted by Day 3
    Day 3

    After yesterday's events and finding stealthbombombs eye, I sent a team to search Frogs house. We found a clue to his secret hideout which was vacated by the time we arrived - except for the body of Stealthbombomb16 which was found lying on the floor.

    When Slaol didn't show up for the meeting this morning, I sent the team to his house next. What they found was a terrible sight. While it looked like he put up a fight, he lost it. His body parts were everywhere, his blood was splattered all over the floor and a big "REVeNge" was written on the wall with his blood. The remnants of his head were found in his blender.

    I think its safe to conclude he was a member of the town

    Originally Posted by Night 3
    In the middle of committee discussion, the conversation turned on Firebringer. "Definitely Fire, Look at him Squirming." SuperJack stated. "Fire knows he's cooked", DarknessB said. "We can totally extend your life 24 hours to allow you time to hunt for the scum-" Helz started to say, when Firebringer lost it. He started thrashing about, kicking and screaming and even tried to bite me. Ika awoke from his nap suddenly. "Cool. do i need to do anything?"

    Foaming at the mouth, the rest of the committee held Firebringer down and DarknessB put a gun to his head. "Are you stupid or something Darkness?" Firebringer yelled out in fury, as DarknessB put a bullet in his head. The crisis was over!

    ...or so we thought. As I was approaching my car, i was almost shot and the shooter got away in their escape vehicle. The only logical explanation is that Firebringer was a member of the town and that the last killer is still out there...

    Originally Posted by Day 4
    Dawn of the final day

    After a sleepless night for all, I found a note from DarknessB on the floor in my office It said:

    "I have made a bad name to myself"

    It included this drawing:

    As I was reading it, I noticed blood seeping out from under my desk. Opening the drawers, I found only a bloddy cloth, and wrapped in the cloth his badge. He was the cop.

    This ends today.

    Originally Posted by Conclusion
    Helz and ika faced SuperJack, backing him towards the window in the council room. "You're done SuperJack", Helz said. "Give yourself up. There's no where to turn."

    "But I'm super town!" He responded. He didn't even see ika lunge forward, driving a knife into his neck. As he struggled for breath, he muttered "super not cool-", as ika shoved him and pushed him out the window.

    Spoiler : Fin :
    ika then turned towards Helz, brandishing the knife with SuperJacks blood. Helz suddenly realized that it was ika all along. His eyes got wide. "YOU!"

    Helz ran towards me. "SuperJack was a Super Town!! Ika is the mafia, madam Mayor!! We can still stop him-"

    He looked down as he realized that I had thrust a knife into his midrift. "I know", I said. "He is my son.".

    The Mafia has sucessfully corrupted city hall and has won the game.

    Yukitaka On I ika

    December 3rd, 2015

    It has been two months since the Committee of Justice was disbanded. Evidence was found afterward that tied each of the deceased committee members to the rise in crime, and it appears they turned on each other resulting in a crime war that left most of them dead. Following these events there was a sudden drop in reported incidents, and the investigation turned to the mayors office. The investigation has so far yielded no incriminating results, and peace had been restored to the kingdom for a time.

    Mayor Toadette looked up from her writing. What was this feeling? Deja vu? Something didn't feel right.

    On December 1st, 2015, Princess Toadstool made her way to Mushroomsville to commerate me for unrooting the evil that had plagued the kingdom and making the town crime free. When she never arrived, I commissioned a small task force led by the Mario Bros to find her and bring her back. We can only assume it is Bowser and his cronies who have kidnapped Princess Toadstool on occasion and demanded ransom each time, though they deny any claim to this tragedy. Only time-

    Toadette paused again. Everything had seemed so perfect, her careful planning was perfect. Everything was falling into place. So why did it all feel so wrong?

    Only time will tell what they may find.

    -Toadette, Mayor of the Mushroom Kingdom


    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Answer in your first post to the game.


    2D Mario Game:

    3D Mario Game:

    Here's mine:

    2D: Super Mario World
    3D: Super Mario Sunshine
    Can I say Super Mario Maker 2 for 2d?
    And Super Mario Odyssey
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    your mom is yikes
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    I predict an insane amount of shitposting and it's host's fault
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Deciphering night actions is gonna be hard enough without all the shitposts but oh well I knew what I signed up for
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    -vote auwt
    I see you lurking
    -vote Mike
    calm the fuck down, son
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    I predict an insane amount of shitposting and it's host's fault
    Hell yes, one adavange of rolling town is I can shit post. Lol
    Do Not open this spoiler under any condition!!!!!!!
    Spoiler : :

    <a href=https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signaturepics/sigpic27614_1.gif target=_blank>https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signat...pic27614_1.gif</a>

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Hell yes, one adavange of rolling town is I can shit post. Lol
    or you could be shitposting to match your old town meta because meta is apparently the only way anyone here knows how to scumhunt
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  16. ISO #16

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    -vote Mike
    calm the fuck down, son
    I like this guy. Not afraid to vote soon. Mafia tends to be afraid of voting soon as to bring attention to them selfs. Town points.
    Do Not open this spoiler under any condition!!!!!!!
    Spoiler : :

    <a href=https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signaturepics/sigpic27614_1.gif target=_blank>https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signat...pic27614_1.gif</a>

  17. ISO #17

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Using logic gets you lynched here 100%
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  18. ISO #18

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I like this guy. Not afraid to vote soon. Mafia tends to be afraid of voting soon as to bring attention to them selfs. Town points.
    Keep your town points. They don't help.
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Answer in your first post to the game.


    2D Mario Game:

    3D Mario Game:

    Here's mine:

    2D: Super Mario World
    3D: Super Mario Sunshine
    2D: New Super Mario Bros (2006)
    3D: Never played one AFAICR

    ...tbh, I think I like Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story the most.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    or you could be shitposting to match your old town meta because meta is apparently the only way anyone here knows how to scumhunt
    I am town but only way to know 100% is to flip me. Lol
    Do Not open this spoiler under any condition!!!!!!!
    Spoiler : :

    <a href=https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signaturepics/sigpic27614_1.gif target=_blank>https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signat...pic27614_1.gif</a>

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    Keep your town points. They don't help.
    Ok I got my first town read lol. Then again last game Martin I had as my top town and you all saw who he was lol..

    If you remove your vote off me I will scum read you for it.
    Do Not open this spoiler under any condition!!!!!!!
    Spoiler : :

    <a href=https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signaturepics/sigpic27614_1.gif target=_blank>https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signat...pic27614_1.gif</a>

  22. ISO #22

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If you remove your vote off me I will scum read you for it.
    Don't try to WIFOM me. I was there when WIFOM was invented, sonny boy
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    @Mike you seem pretty cool. I'm glad you're in this game.
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    @Mike refusing to answer the opening question, why?
    you said anyone who doesn't answer is scum

    he's fucking scum trying to be sly and indicate to any potential neutrals, duh
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  26. ISO #26

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    Deciphering night actions is gonna be hard enough without all the shitposts but oh well I knew what I signed up for
    In my case, I already took a quick peek 2 weeks ago and thought to myself: "Nope."
    --but then I got bored and Seth tagged me again.

    Night action will be less of a problem and more of a chore as time passes. N1 will be quiet but from there onwards it will be hell.

    The most broken aspect of this game is that -without Princess Toadstool- we can potentially have 2 Cops if Yoshi is in the game.

    If Princess Toadstool (or Princess Daisy) IS in the game however... then it will be a multiball hell.

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    or you could be shitposting to match your old town meta because meta is apparently the only way anyone here knows how to scumhunt
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    Using logic gets you lynched here 100%
    Oh. Not much different than FoL then, right @Whysper ?

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    or did you plant that whole situation so scum could slyly softclaim and you could collab with scum if you end up neutral?

    or did you do it to scumhunt?

    or did you
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Source please. Already putting words in peoples' mouths?
    damn bro you caught me I got you mixed up with another game I'm in on mafiascum
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  32. ISO #32

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Okay, Banksy is in the "Club".
    the gatekeeping "you're only a real gamer if you jack off to pixels listening to chiptunes" club?

    are 3 dimensions too complicated for you?
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Extremely weak answer. How many times will you use that excuse?

    Hopefully this is the first and last time.
    every fuckin time, son because I don't give a shit what renegade thinks
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  35. ISO #35

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    the gatekeeping "you're only a real gamer if you jack off to pixels listening to chiptunes" club?

    are 3 dimensions too complicated for you?
    You don't know how to get into the "Club" so you are salty, I get it.

    The "Club" has nothing to do with opinion of the third dimension. Only the 2D.

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    damn bro you caught me I got you mixed up with another game I'm in on mafiascum
    -vote FrostByte

    I am not buying this answer. It seems too coincidental that you are "mistaking" someone from a whole other game in a whole other forum. Especially when this one has just begun.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    You don't know how to get into the "Club" so you are salty, I get it.

    The "Club" has nothing to do with opinion of the third dimension. Only the 2D.
    no I'm salty because I got lynched last game despite everyone only townreading me. because they didn't have any meta to compare my attitude to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Wow, it is in fact true. You aren't wired right.
    I'm really not, bro. it's kind of a pain in the ass tbh
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  40. ISO #40

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Zone_Q11 View Post
    -vote FrostByte

    I am not buying this answer. It seems too coincidental that you are "mistaking" someone from a whole other game in a whole other forum. Especially when this one has just begun.
    You're entitled to your wrong opinion. Do some leg work and you could verify it. Or you could be lazy and wrong.
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    no I'm salty because I got lynched last game despite everyone only townreading me. because they didn't have any meta to compare my attitude to.

    I'm really not, bro. it's kind of a pain in the ass tbh
    This isn't last game though? How many people here were even in that game?

    I know Zwebus was there, plz don't associate me with him kthnx.

  43. ISO #43

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    @Mike refusing to answer the opening question, why?
    Sorry what was it I missed it if it is in the first post I did not read it to long lol. And fist pages of post are normally garbage troll posts as is mine.
    Do Not open this spoiler under any condition!!!!!!!
    Spoiler : :

    <a href=https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signaturepics/sigpic27614_1.gif target=_blank>https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/signat...pic27614_1.gif</a>

  44. ISO #44

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    This isn't last game though? How many people here were even in that game?

    I know Zwebus was there, plz don't associate me with him kthnx.
    you remember this shit when all everyone talks about is MUH META MUH META MUH META. Just you wait, it'll happen.
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post

    I know Zwebus was there, plz don't associate me with him kthnx.
    I had a snarky response typed out but I decided against it because talking shit in public when someone can't defend themselves is kinda shitty tbh
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  48. ISO #48

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    Quote Originally Posted by theoneceko View Post
    i think i’ll get a lot of ppl angry this game :3. pls don’t take it personally, i’m just a very competitive person.
    wait til bruno shows up
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: S-FM 313: Mushroom Kingdom Madness II

    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1



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