Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
Like, let's be clear here. Both of these guys are dumbass idiots. They both had a handful of good moments during that debate but it was mostly garbage. They literally stopped mid-debate and started arguing about who interrupted the other person more.

If you don't vote, and you are upset at the result of the election or you are mad at a policy being passed in the next 4 years, you are at fault. You have a chance to make your voice heard right now instead of just being tilted on online forums, and you're choosing not to take it. That's irresponsible.

I will not be voting red in this election because I don't trust this country going into an economic recession from a man who has declared bankruptcy six times. I'm undecided on whether or not I want to vote for Emperor Joe Palpatine or third party. But I have a chance to make my voice count and I'm going to take it.
stealth can vote now