Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
they can come on forums and apologise and get unbanned
Yeah, let's make sure we keep the people that are remorseful from playing because they made one mistake. That's a good policy!! (/sarcasm)

All I see is a bunch of exaggerated posts from MasterNinja about all the work that they do to snag big bad cheaters, and the arcade staff doing next to nothing. The arcade staff does excellent work toeing a line between keeping the game from being absolutely abhorrent to play, and not getting banned by Blizzard.

All it takes is a few reports to go to Blizzard, and Blizzard could take down the map and then everyone loses.

What you should do:
Come back with specific people that should be permabanned, replays or ignored threads, and take them to answer hall to get an answer on why these people should or should not be perma banned.

What you should not do:
Keep posting that staff doesn't do enough by using overblown and false statistics as evidence.