spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

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  1. ISO #1

    spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    huhu just wanted to bring this up cause its really relevant.

    People breaking the rules all the time like Anon is a recent one (and don't get upset for saying names when its well deserved)

    so, we spend 1-3 days on getting a report valid and all from 15 min to 1 hour to just make the report then reply in it, and sometimes if you need multiple games and demos it takes days.

    So we spend 1-3 days to get a player on watch list? not even 1 day ban? not even 7 days ban?

    reporters here are really having their life sucked out, you know we only live for 100 years right, and instead of punishing ppl who constantly breaks the rules with proper bans ur instead hurting playerbase and every reporter on earth and its always been like that here, just trash. we spend hours to get what, a watch list going, we lose hours of our day and the guy who breaks rules gets Nothing, no bans just a warning.

    haha come on guys, everyone eventually realises how much of a waste of time it is to come to this forum having the remaining of their lifes sucked into this black hole of nothing.

    most people who gets reported broke some rules in some way so just start off with a couple days ban or something instead of 2-4x watchlist are u serious? having to do multiple Many hour reports just to get more watch list warnings, what a waste of time.

    Pointless ps, haven't reported ppl in a year or so, and stopped coming here cause This.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    What would you change here? I can't tell if you're saying that we should perma ban everyone with a report against them, or to dismantle the report system and disband our volunteer arcade staff because reporting is "useless". Neither of which seem like good solutions.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  3. ISO #3

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    start banning people quicker with 1-7 days and let them come to forums if they have a complaint.

    reduce watchlist and get quicker into banning people

    1-7 days is nothing, people just waits it out just like every year and if he break rules again give him 30+

  4. ISO #4

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    haha come on guys, everyone eventually realises how much of a waste of time it is to come to this forum having the remaining of their lifes sucked into this black hole of nothing.
    I'm going to be talking a bit broadly here.

    In my opinion, just because a bad person won't get much of a punishment often times doesn't justify not reporting them when it upsets you.

    To think, hypothetically, "this guy game throws but since he will only get a watch list so I guess reporting them is not worth it"

    is more or less saying, at least in my experience or perception:

    "Even though I don't like what they're doing, I'm just going to let them keep doing what they choose to do even if it hurts me because I don't think I can do much about it"

    it is like depressing yourself in value ; its almost a toxic thought, in my opinion.

    Personally, even if I knew a report did nothing, I would still do it anyways for the sake of myself and my own values.

    To not do anything just because "it wouldn't change anything" is like saying to myself that I'm not worth enough in order to choose to do something, even if its pointless, about that.

    I'm not criticizing your post here though, I acknowledge that you're communicating your personal disagreements or fustrations with the moderation system and I appreciate that. Hopefully they and you can come to a positive outcome for the community.
    Last edited by MartinGG99; July 6th, 2020 at 12:35 PM. Reason: typo

  5. ISO #5

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    start banning people quicker with 1-7 days and let them come to forums if they have a complaint.

    reduce watchlist and get quicker into banning people

    1-7 days is nothing, people just waits it out just like every year and if he break rules again give him 30+
    One thing I'd like to point out is that there are a lot of reports that get ignored. If we were to ban every player that was reported even for a small period of time, a lot of people would be getting banned for having done nothing wrong. I understand there are some circumstances where the crime may be obvious, but I disagree with the idea that we should assume people are guilty and force them to prove their innocence by preventing them from playing the game.

    As for your point on the watchlist not being effective, there are a lot of people that get watch listed that never get reported again. They see the warning and they stop. If people are convicted one time and never get reported again, I don't see any reason to ban them immediately.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    1-I really and truly believe @Unknown1234 is town. He stuck by me when I needed him
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Wow, this game was really easy. I just had to talk dumb shit to survive some days more. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If sheriff cleared you honestly I would take him out of my town core and put him as scum.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Would having some public stats that show the number of non repeat users after a watch list help Ninja?

    Also, would you mind sharing the stats on games that are ruined by people that you report versus the games that go fine?

    It would help put some things into perspective.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  7. ISO #7

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Admins should also be able to ban in game for people that they see constantly break rules, like anon constantly leaving early game before game starts and then he joins a new lobby.

    once you keep seeing people breaking the rules like that as an admin 3-4 times and the guy talks shit and is racist etc, then just BAN in game for a couple days and be done with it

    also another problem with this game cause everyone is too soft and you don't allow admins to ban rule breakers in game, at best the only thing they do is ban a hacker if they know who the hacker is first, but the normal is to watch 10 hours of replay and then even making a report as an admin and or just adding it to banlist yourself.

    this is another thing, cause ppl can break the rules here non stop and it takes weeks before ppl who constantly breaks the rules to actually get a punishment and when they do they get a "warning" instead of a ban lmfao

    its so much time wasted on our part, our life is just Sucked out of us trying to report people all day all night, there is so many cause admins can't just ban them which they should be able to, trust in admins and recruit proper people, and just remove admins who abuse. its that simple.

    Sc2mafia is too soft on rule breakers and reports take too long time and way 2 much work and too many days to even get accepted and when they do its never a ban its just a warning and u need then to waste another 1 week to get new evidence of the same Guy and then he might get 7 days ban or something or 1 day, its so pointless spending weeks of our time which is lost, just to make another person lose 1 day when he is the one who deserves to lose it cause he breaks the rules all the time.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    I am saying, ban rules are too soft, less warning and more bans so people just stops breaking rules quicker, it takes ages to just get some 4x watchlist or some **** on a person and the result is the guy who is reporting is losing way more of his life than the guy he is reporting!

    and at that rate people should even just get paid for working and reporting ppl, reporting people is work its not just free time fun fun or gaming now is it? its serious business where we help the community for free and its really sucking the life out of the reporter at sc2mafia cause its too soft in here, ban people more frequently, accept evidence easier, if the guy seem to break rules on purpose like gamethrow just give him a day off or 7 and he will calm down and if he does it again just give him more.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    remember that girl elizabeth or whatever who constantly made lobbies on purpose first so she was always first and always host and she kicked everyone, for weeks it went on, she was ruining the whole game,

    10 people here reports it, screenshots, evidenco everywhere and we supposedly have a good reason not to trust when the entire COMMUNITY reports the same thing! right now she is gone but thats a good example, ur looking at a person who wants to ruin sc2mafia and we don't care cause we need demos instead of listening to 10 ppl who reports the same thing which is basically impossible to be fake and even admins reported it, should just perm banned her and moved on.

    sc2 is free, making a new account is easy, its not a paid game, ban someone and they are back up the next hour with a new account.

    that's what i mean, perfect example of how soft we are here and how mods are afraid of just defending the community because we don't have specific rules for ppl who ruins lobbies and basically lets no game start at all for 5 hours straight ruining for everyone in the world who wanted to play during those 5 hours cause we don't get a lobby that can start and the rest just leaves for the day cause she is there.

    remember? perfect example of how soft things are here.

    We had a person who tried to ruin the game every SINGLE NIGHT, by ruining lobbies and sabotaging, and everyone reports it and you don't even ban!
    She was ruining sc2mafia and we're here just watching it happend, nobody cares, admins says they cant do anything when they can just ban her.

    These are just examples of how you can just ban the persons who ruin the game , which is what we should be doing.

    Show people what happends if they try to ruin SC2Mafia and don't be a wuzz
    Last edited by MasterNinja; July 6th, 2020 at 02:14 PM.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    also another problem with this game cause everyone is too soft and you don't allow admins to ban rule breakers in game
    we allow and encourage admins to ban rule breakers in all games, when appropriate.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  11. ISO #11

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    and at that rate people should even just get paid for working and reporting ppl
    once our volunteer arcade staff starts to get paid, i'll personally petition for reporters to be paid as well.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  12. ISO #12

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    In addition to what's already been said, I've noticed that reports take an unreasonably long time to be processed. Usually it takes 2-3 weeks from when the report is submitted to when the punishment is applied in-game. In fact, I've had a few reports that took so long to be reviewed that a new patch arrived and the replay was not viewable anymore.

    I agree; it is quite frustrating to put time into a well-founded report and see no result. I don't think the solution involves paying people to do this, but rather it needs to come from enthusiastic people who are willing and ready to do it.

    I applied to help review reports a year ago but I was not accepted unfortunately.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Etheopian View Post
    In addition to what's already been said, I've noticed that reports take an unreasonably long time to be processed. Usually it takes 2-3 weeks from when the report is submitted to when the punishment is applied in-game. In fact, I've had a few reports that took so long to be reviewed that a new patch arrived and the replay was not viewable anymore.

    I agree; it is quite frustrating to put time into a well-founded report and see no result. I don't think the solution involves paying people to do this, but rather it needs to come from enthusiastic people who are willing and ready to do it.

    I applied to help review reports a year ago but I was not accepted unfortunately.
    The people who deserves a ban are there everyday, we play with them everyday and we see them everyday and it feels like it takes 9 years of work and 9 years of waiting before anything happens and when something happens its just a watchlist

    its so bad, need to ban quicker and easier, keep in mind that sc2 is free its not even paid game anymore. and even with paid it should still been quicker to ban people cause they can come on forums and apologise and get unbanned

  14. ISO #14

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    they can come on forums and apologise and get unbanned
    Yeah, let's make sure we keep the people that are remorseful from playing because they made one mistake. That's a good policy!! (/sarcasm)

    All I see is a bunch of exaggerated posts from MasterNinja about all the work that they do to snag big bad cheaters, and the arcade staff doing next to nothing. The arcade staff does excellent work toeing a line between keeping the game from being absolutely abhorrent to play, and not getting banned by Blizzard.

    All it takes is a few reports to go to Blizzard, and Blizzard could take down the map and then everyone loses.

    What you should do:
    Come back with specific people that should be permabanned, replays or ignored threads, and take them to answer hall to get an answer on why these people should or should not be perma banned.

    What you should not do:
    Keep posting that staff doesn't do enough by using overblown and false statistics as evidence.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  15. ISO #15

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    admins r not different from us, we work harder to report the same people that admins can ban without doing anything.

    lets get simple things straight k.

    and if ur here saying I have no good points in this post lets say reporters having to suffer more simply reporting ppl than the guy who gets reported.

    shouldn't be like that and its turning everyone who reports ppl and helps this community into wasting their life for nothing just so ppl might get a warning and or very small few days ban at best when he deserves like 2 months off.

    and admins barely ban ppl cause again, its soft here we all know this, we need 100000x reasons before we ban someone instead of just banning him when he has broken the rules 3 times. and needing 3 individual games which takes alot of time and then a report, everything takes ages.

    Getting someone banned / punished for ruining game takes ages and what happends is that reporter wastes 3 days of his life and the guy he reports gets 2X watchlist and not even a ban.

    that's the point here.
    Last edited by MasterNinja; July 6th, 2020 at 07:07 PM.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    In your last report a year ago you accused a player game-throwing for executing you when you claimed Marshall as well as accusing him of targeting you in numerous replays you uploaded. Let's look at the reason for this report being ignored

    Replay 2101
    Player in question is the Godfather and kills Souleater (a spy) n1.
    Nothing wrong here.

    Replay 2010
    Again, he is godfather and kills Souleater n1.
    Again, nothing wrong with that.

    Replay 2008
    He is a jailor and jails souleater n1. He asks for role. Souleater says "n1 - 1 NS". He then chooses to execute. Souleater then claims marshall.
    Nothing wrong there either. Why shouldn't he execute somebody who gave him an obviously fake LW?

    Replay 1985
    He is a serial killer.
    Souleater claims mayor publicly d1.
    Accused player kills Souleater n1.
    Again... nothing wrong here.

    Replay 2282
    As arson, the accused player douses Souleater n1.
    Again, there's nothing wrong here.

    Evil roles can target whatever townies they want.
    Verdict: Ignored.
    I see nothing wrong with this decision. Also, at first I didn't understand why you thought reporting someone is "hard work" since it really isn't. Then I read over your second latest report that resulted us taking a new stance in regards to people who use the same name not being protected from witch hunting in most situations. The poor accused says it best so I will just quote them,

    The "crime" committed happened over the spawn of 200 games (first replay mafia game #1908 last replay mafia game #2114). So i'm getting banned for 2 weeks because I targeted the same player night one FOUR TIMES over the course of 200 games ? This is some advanced bullshit.
    You cherry picked 4 games over a span of 200 to deliberately paint a questionable narrative, especially considering your entitled opinion that because you choose the same name every game you should be immune from being killed night one. You're right reporting is hard work if you are going to that great of a length to try and get someone banned.

    Report backlog is a week old at most, chill out. Here is some info that we don't usually give out but since you are seething I'll concede it just this once. The player you are crying about (Anon) was recommended to be banned 2 days ago. Once the next ban wave goes live he will be banned. Remember we all have lives outside of this website and Mafia so if you expect us to be quick to the trigger for everything then I will just say right now you can expect you be disappointed all the time, sorry.

    I'm all for constructive feedback into making the process better for players and moderators but when you come in here all belligerent, especially with your history, I find it hard to take what you say seriously.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Rumox coming in clutch with some quality stats. This is a being that deserves to be paid.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  18. ISO #18

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    So i now spend many hours and days on reports and this rumox now attacks me, me, a reporter who wastes his life, days and hours on getting someone banned (Me, not you)

    i am the one being attacked here now

    great i wish other admins could come and witness this, admins attacking a random person for reason at all when im explaining how "reporters and admins and the rules at sc2mafia is too soft" and how reporters are suffering

    ehm, why am I being attacked again when im resolving an issue where reporters waste 3 days of their life to get someone on 2x watchlist or 4x watchlist again?

    and how the hell did this resolve in an admin attacking the OP again? who is trying to resolve a serious issue with reporters? voss also supported this admin, so both of you are now in questioning of whetever you even deserve admin and or even look like adults.

    right Superjack?
    Last edited by MasterNinja; July 6th, 2020 at 09:10 PM.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    lets see, a conversation about how reporters need 3 days of their life sucked into a black hole that they never get back and the player they report gets 2-4x watchlist and not even a ban, loses nothing of his life.

    turns into admins attacking Me. woa now.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    Rumox coming in clutch with some quality stats. This is a being that deserves to be paid.
    getting paid for attacking the OP for no reason? I don't think so buddy, more like losing his admin over bringing in pointless arguments that has nothing to do with this and because its been very long since i ever reported anything I have 0 clue what he is talking about.

    the way to report griefers was to get up 4-5 demos (yeah 4-5 games of 20-40 minutes) which takes ages, up in a report and all demos was pretty close to eachother with dates where player unreasonably attacks me because of my name cause he knows who i am which happened alot when i used mayor name and or same name cause griefers be attacking ppl who they don't like, thats how reports on griefers worked out, look how long time i had to waste on reporting a griefer who constantly just attacked me randomly without evidence for no reason just because I used the same name and he knew who i was and just said i was mafia and wanted to lynch me without evidence. ppl would say they are sheriff and randomly attack me on first day for lynch mr rumox.

    legit griefing right there buddy. so why do we use 9 years to ban these griefers again?
    Last edited by MasterNinja; July 6th, 2020 at 09:24 PM.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    So I guess you guys are gonna do nothing about how reporters needs to waste 3 days of his life to get someone a 4x watchlist which wastes 0 days of his life(the guy we are reporting), basically un touched and takes weeks before report is even validated which just hurts reporters 100 times more than the player who breaks the rules everyday.

    that's surely what it sounds like.
    Last edited by MasterNinja; July 6th, 2020 at 09:30 PM.

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    I don't see anything in rumox's post that would make you suggest you're being attacked. If you are going to attempt to have a civil conversation at least don't cry that you're being attacked when someone makes a valid argument against you.

    Nobody spends their time doing this unless they want to make the game better. Try seeing it from someone else's point of view instead of getting upset that others aren't agreeing with you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    1-I really and truly believe @Unknown1234 is town. He stuck by me when I needed him
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Wow, this game was really easy. I just had to talk dumb shit to survive some days more. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If sheriff cleared you honestly I would take him out of my town core and put him as scum.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown1234 View Post
    I don't see anything in rumox's post that would make you suggest you're being attacked. If you are going to attempt to have a civil conversation at least don't cry that you're being attacked when someone makes a valid argument against you.

    Nobody spends their time doing this unless they want to make the game better. Try seeing it from someone else's point of view instead of getting upset that others aren't agreeing with you.
    I dont see why the f he has to bring up any of my reports? why Me again please explain why Me and why the hell he brought up Old reports again?

    What does this have to do with rulebreakers should get banned quicker, and watchlist should be shorter, 1x = 1x banlist for 1day or so and the player who is breaking the rules can come explaining himself.

    This is about every reporter in this entire community captain Rumox, not just me.

  25. ISO #25

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    So i now spend many hours and days on reports and this rumox now attacks me, me, a reporter who wastes his life, days and hours on getting someone banned (Me, not you)

    i am the one being attacked here now

    great i wish other admins could come and witness this, admins attacking a random person for reason at all when im explaining how "reporters and admins and the rules at sc2mafia is too soft" and how reporters are suffering

    ehm, why am I being attacked again when im resolving an issue where reporters waste 3 days of their life to get someone on 2x watchlist or 4x watchlist again?

    [SIZE=]and how the hell did this resolve in an admin attacking the OP again? who is trying to resolve a serious issue with reporters? [/SIZE]voss also supported this admin, so both of you are now in questioning of whetever you even deserve admin and or even look like adults.

    right Superjack?
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    getting paid for attacking the OP for no reason? I don't think so buddy, more like losing his admin over bringing in pointless arguments that has nothing to do with this and because its been very long since i ever reported anything I have 0 clue what he is talking about.

    the way to report griefers was to get up 4-5 demos (yeah 4-5 games of 20-40 minutes) which takes ages, up in a report and all demos was pretty close to eachother with dates where player unreasonably attacks me because of my name cause he knows who i am which happened alot when i used mayor name and or same name cause griefers be attacking ppl who they don't like, thats how reports on griefers worked out, look how long time i had to waste on reporting a griefer who constantly just attacked me randomly without evidence for no reason just because I used the same name and he knew who i was and just said i was mafia and wanted to lynch me without evidence. ppl would say they are sheriff and randomly attack me on first day for lynch mr rumox.

    legit griefing right there buddy. so why do we use 9 years to ban these griefers again?
    rumox is not attacking you. the highlighted parts of your posts can not coexist together.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  26. ISO #26

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    My old reports and my reports has nothing to do with this.

    So no, he brought up pointless arguments. if someone seems like he needs a 7 days ban in sc2mafia he should just get the ban and after that he will calm down and not break rules so often which is what I want and what the rest of you guys want which is what you should want.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    if you're not wasting your time doing reports, why are you writing these sob story threads? are you saying that you'd submit reports if there were bans associated to your reports? To me, someone who's never done any reporting reviews, it seems like you're trying to bully and shame the volunteer arcade staff to risk the status of the sc2mafia on battlenet over something you don't even do anymore!!!!

    I'll stop posting and let staff members chime in here.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  28. ISO #28

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    start banning people quicker with 1-7 days and let them come to forums if they have a complaint.

    reduce watchlist and get quicker into banning people

    1-7 days is nothing, people just waits it out just like every year and if he break rules again give him 30+
    Coming in here from more of a overarching perspective.
    You have to remember this is a community driven project, we cant just throw every single person into reviewing reports because we need to vet their ability to do so critically but at the same time we need people to process reports. It being voluntary obviously means people are donating their time to the betterment of the game which we appreciate but it is not an expectation.
    Additionally, this entire system goes against the Blizzard Terms of Use.
    See point 2.

    Not to mention all the other content we can probably get done for copyright under point 3 for.

    Blizzard currently turns a blind eye to it because of how we operate it. If we become incredibly draconian with the banlist and "just start blastin'" with bans, Blizzard will just ban the map. We've already been removed twice before and I don't think we really have much in the way of goodwill with anyone remaining on the SC2 Team there. Its a fine balance and we need to ensure the correct checks and balances are in place to ensure that the bans are justified.

    So I appreciate that there is frustrations with how sometimes it feels like people get away with too many chances - but it really is a system we cannot fire too hard with or the map will be removed from battle.net
    Photobucket in 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan View Post
    if you have elixir to contend with gl hf

  29. ISO #29

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    if you're not wasting your time doing reports, why are you writing these sob story threads? are you saying that you'd submit reports if there were bans associated to your reports? To me, someone who's never done any reporting reviews, it seems like you're trying to bully and shame the volunteer arcade staff to risk the status of the sc2mafia on battlenet over something you don't even do anymore!!!!

    I'll stop posting and let staff members chime in here.
    Do you not understand the people who try to help, care and wants to support sc2mafia is losing more of their life and time that they will never get back than most of the people we report every single time?

    Get quicker to ban people ASAP instead of watchlist, if someone gets 7 days then they can come to forums and learn how to be a good player instead of a douchebag.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    1) the first time you file a report it might take 30+ min cuz u don’t know what you’re doing. After that it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes. You copy the template, write the very simple information asked for, and then hit post.

    2) nobody is getting paid to moderate this game. When I started I’ve seen 3+ month long report backlogs. Lately it’s been about a week and a half.

    3) egregious (IE: obvious hacking or smurfing) reports get responded to almost instantly. But at the end of the day we average 1 patch a week where all the pending shit gets changed. Maybe if somebody was paid or if we had 10 times the staff it would be viable to do daily patches. Let me ask you something though: even in AAA games how often do you see them patching more than once per week?

    4) the watchlist exists because people don’t deserve to be banned for a single mistake. We already in the past year removed on hold and increased the rate of escalation if you didn’t know that (since it has been awhile for you submitting anything...)
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  31. ISO #31

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Okay so let's ignore your reports then MasterNinja. Let's look at this an0n guy you are using as your point of argument. He currently has 2 threads in the punishment section. His first offense is role-quitting which he received a 2x watch-list for. Fair punishment, it wasn't even put on hold so his punishment escalation has already started early like you wanted. His second offense was griefing and game-throwing, he got a 4x watch-list for this. Still fair punishment, even though this is a serious crime a warning to not do it again is more applicable than just banning a person. Now he has 5 replays filed against him for numerous rule breaks with a moderators recommendation of a ban which he will 100% be receiving. How is any of this unfair moderation from your perspective?

    It's always better to warn first then ban because it serves as an encouragement for players to stay within the rules instead of instantly pushing them down a path of resentment they may have not gone down if they weren't banned. Banning first will never be an option besides ban evasion and hacking. It doesn't make sense from reformative perspective and as Elixir pointed out it doesn't make sense if you want Mafia to even exist in the arcade section at all.

    If you have disagreements with how certain other cases have been dealt with we have the Answer Hall for you to ask questions.

    If it's the timely manner of reports being dealt with, well I'm sorry but like I said before the report back log is only a week old and we push a ban update ~weekly. We will never operate on a faster schedule unless it's warranted (hackers) simply because we have lives outside of this website/game.
    Last edited by ; July 7th, 2020 at 01:55 AM.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    I will recommend a banlist for people who deserves to be banned. I think that anon guy deserves to be banned, so I recommended a permanent ban for him.

    The only flaw in our punishment system is that it's voluntary, which means we do this on our free time, and we aren't going to enroll everyone as a mod, lest people start filing mod misconduct reports.

    Aren't you the guy that said "I will encourage people to greif me, not my fault if they do"?
    Last edited by ; July 7th, 2020 at 07:24 AM.
    I have no use for these bloodless minnows. Bring me a prey that will sate my bloodlust. I hunger.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    getting paid for attacking the OP for no reason? I don't think so buddy, more like losing his admin over bringing in pointless arguments that has nothing to do with this and because its been very long since i ever reported anything I have 0 clue what he is talking about.

    the way to report griefers was to get up 4-5 demos (yeah 4-5 games of 20-40 minutes) which takes ages, up in a report and all demos was pretty close to eachother with dates where player unreasonably attacks me because of my name cause he knows who i am which happened alot when i used mayor name and or same name cause griefers be attacking ppl who they don't like, thats how reports on griefers worked out, look how long time i had to waste on reporting a griefer who constantly just attacked me randomly without evidence for no reason just because I used the same name and he knew who i was and just said i was mafia and wanted to lynch me without evidence. ppl would say they are sheriff and randomly attack me on first day for lynch mr rumox.

    legit griefing right there buddy. so why do we use 9 years to ban these griefers again?

    Even though you are making valid points (in between your yelling) the staff doesn't give a F.

    My one, single post in this thread was marked as "Spam" by staff. This is the staff you are dealing with. Clowns belong in the circus

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    I think we should ban everyone who is cringe enough to play the mod. I had to take my 16-year old son to a neurosurgeon because playing the mod literally gave him neurodegeneration. He lost brain cells playing that game. Banning people is only good for them! That game is literally a furry game made by space aliens who want to dumb you down so they can take over.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    getting paid for attacking the OP for no reason? I don't think so buddy, more like losing his admin over bringing in pointless arguments that has nothing to do with this and because its been very long since i ever reported anything I have 0 clue what he is talking about.

    the way to report griefers was to get up 4-5 demos (yeah 4-5 games of 20-40 minutes) which takes ages, up in a report and all demos was pretty close to eachother with dates where player unreasonably attacks me because of my name cause he knows who i am which happened alot when i used mayor name and or same name cause griefers be attacking ppl who they don't like, thats how reports on griefers worked out, look how long time i had to waste on reporting a griefer who constantly just attacked me randomly without evidence for no reason just because I used the same name and he knew who i was and just said i was mafia and wanted to lynch me without evidence. ppl would say they are sheriff and randomly attack me on first day for lynch mr rumox.

    legit griefing right there buddy. so why do we use 9 years to ban these griefers again?
    Addressing this point you made. I pulled up all ignored reports from you during this period of games you are talking about. There are 9.

    Report 1: This was in the first post I made, evident this person didn't deserve to be punished. He was evil he has every right to kill you, and when he wasn't you lied to him.
    Report 2: Bank hacker accusation, guy was a donor.
    Report 3: Ban evasion smurf accusation, couldn't determine if it truly was a smurf.
    Report 4: Accuses a player of randomly lynching as mayor, deemed not a game-throw as he wasn't randomly lynching (was reading chat history)
    Report 5: Accuses a player of targeting him. Said player announces he will target him pre-game and tries to execute him two nights in a row. This at first glance looks like a possible case to punish them (however it is their only report against their name so it would be a watch-list), however after failing the first night execute due to a RB, Mafia do not kill. So he jails you again and tries to execute you again. The Escort that RB'd the jailor thinking that he found a killer rb'd him again. You were then lynched on day 3 in part probably to solve the dilemma the town were in.

    Report 6: Accuses a player of targeting him. The Mayor lynched you because the BD claimed he bussed you with him (no mafia kill)
    Report 7: Accuses a player of game-throwing. Decision is made that him quitting the game wasn't done to game-throw.
    Report 8: Accuses players of skyping, evidence isn't clear enough.
    Report 9: Accuses a player of game-throwing. Didn't understand the nuance of the situation and it had to be explained by two people that the person wasn't game-throwing.

    I decided to stop going over replays here as they didn't relate to you accusing people of targeting you and was well outside the scope of the era where you said you were being targeted. I've also highlighted all the cases you claimed people were targeting you. All of them have been proven to not be a simple case of "targeting you" but rather you simply not understanding the broader picture of the game state outside yourself. The only report you uploaded 4-5 demos that got ignored was the frivolous report I touched on in my first post in this thread.

    So I ask you again, where are these reports that have offended you?
    Last edited by ; July 7th, 2020 at 11:30 AM.

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    LMAO. GOod luck, Choo Iamme Hacker AKA BoxerRebellion was given 50 or so chances between the 25+ reports and the remaining ignored.

    Good luck getting TRUE GRIEFERS banned anytime soon.
    Yeah like that bananachucho guy, what a fackin troll
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    I find it hilarious that the people complaining in this thread have completely ignored the fact that Blizzard doesn't like us banning people and the arcade staff risks having the entire mod taken down.

    Nah, fuck that. Let's just shit on the staff!

    I don't find it funny at all.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  44. ISO #44

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Let's go through the statistics of how many reports were ruled/ignored on dear Choo Iamme Hacker SC2 Mafia darling (especially when his beloved SCVmurderer was a keeper).
    lol it's literally just a silly game
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  45. ISO #45

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Hacker was a really good player. I was friends with him. The reason it look so long to get him banned was because he actually did play to win, most of the time. The thing is, he spammed. A LOT.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Anyway this isn’t even remotely relevant so idk why you brought that up

  47. ISO #47

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    I find it hilarious that the people complaining in this thread have completely ignored the fact that Blizzard doesn't like us banning people and the arcade staff risks having the entire mod taken down.

    Nah, fuck that. Let's just shit on the staff!

    I don't find it funny at all.
    No, eat the staff. The staff don’t deserve anything.

  48. ISO #48

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    The time has come for the oppressed SC2Mafians to rise up in revolt against the fascist admins. Intaro shall be our leader!

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: spend 2 days making a report and he gets watch list

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    The time has come for the oppressed SC2Mafians to rise up in revolt against the fascist admins. Intaro shall be our leader!
    Finally, about fucking time. This is why I returned

    You have my sword
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho



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