Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism - Page 2

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  1. ISO #51

  2. ISO #52

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    I’m not sure what that solves.
    This will be a very insensitive thing to say, (remember I’m not rich by any stretch of the imagination, I’m actually rather poor rn), but: I don’t think that people who don’t know what to do with money should be give any money. Free healthcare, schooling etc is a good idea, but only up to s point. I don’t think having a minimum wage is a good idea.
    Jebus. Christ.

    Poor people deserve to be poor because they don't know how to handle money. Yes I'm not shocked at all you only watch Cucker Carlson.

  3. ISO #53

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    So basically, Ganelon is in panic mode because of a handful of anecdotes and instances of ***THE LEFT*** doing things like change master/slave, putting a warning on Trump's manipulated media tweets, calling out Trump and others for saying "good people on both sides" - re: Charlottesville. This panic is brought on by Fox News consumption, which is doing exactly what it was intended and designed to do.

    What exactly are you scared of? Being fired for being a racist?

  4. ISO #54

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    The Canada pronoun law hit the country hard. I remember the one time I was going to Tim Hortons with my buddy, and they only added one cream instead of two to his coffee. Dude started bitching about it, and without thinking, I said "dude stop being such a wom-". Before I could even get the word out, the Pronoun Police had stopped right next to me and withdrew their guns, and screamed at me to get on the ground for misgendering someone who had clearly identified themselves as he/him as per the new mandatory pronoun name tags. Obviously, misgendering someone carries a penalty of immediate summary execution, so I started praying (to a non-denominational god, of course, as all deities except for Allah had been banned 2 years prior). Then, out of nowhere, both cops got run over by a mystery car. The door opened, and it was none other than Jordan Peterson, come to personally save me from tyranny. He told me to hop in and offered me a Xanax, then we drove off into the sunset to go trigger more college students.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  5. ISO #55

  6. ISO #56

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    The thing is, those neo nazis are in the minority. Looking at the media you’d honestly get the feeling that everyone who is right wing is a nazi. People say that Niger Farage is a Nazi, and honestly until I actually checked him out I thought he was one too. He explicitly condemns nazis and commented in the Charlottesville incident by saying that he thought it was unbelievable Nazi salutes were happening in America; he also specifically stated he didn’t agree with Trump’s stance on immigration from Muslim countries, and feels that its okay to accept Muslim immigrants so long as they’re not extremist. He is no Nazi and yet he is touted as some huge racist...

    I think Trump has the same problem. He actually did specifically condemn white nationalists at Charlottesville, and clarified that he was referring to the people who didn’t want Robert E Lee statues torn down. Personally I actually agree with him but that’s beside the point: he specifically condemned them.

    And, everywhere I look if you don’t agree with the media or with hard left stances like white privilege and affirmative action, you’re instantly attacked and labeled a racist/xenophobe/white nationalist. Honestly that term has lost its meaning.

    My point is, the direction we are heading towards us worrisome. Sorry if my tone is a little extreme at times, I honestly am a bit of a bitch and I kind of enjoy being somewhat trolly, so that’s kinda why I’m so aggressive with these matters lol.
    See this is exactly what I'm talking about. Condemning something is meaningless if you then turn around and defend the very thing you are condemning. Words are cheap that way.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  7. ISO #57

  8. ISO #58

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Galeon how can Trump condemn white nationalists and then defend white nationalists for not wanting confederate statues removed? How can someone really condemn white nationalism if they actually support white nationalist views? How can a good person who just wants to "defend a historical monument" or whatever in good conscience stay at that rally side by side with nazis?

    The rally was organized by white supremacists. If you defend a rally organized by white supremacists in any capacity, are you really condemning white supremacy?
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  9. ISO #59

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    There were other people in Charlottesville who weren’t white nationalists and didnt want the statues removed

  10. ISO #60

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    I personally don’t think the statues should’ve been removed. They’re not strictly a symbol of slavery per se.

  11. ISO #61

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    There were other people in Charlottesville who weren’t white nationalists and didnt want the statues removed
    The rally was organized by white supremacists. How is it okay to attend a rally organized my white supremacists? Can't you at least see how attending a rally organized by nazis might make people think you're a nazi?
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  12. ISO #62

  13. ISO #63

  14. ISO #64

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    I personally don’t think the statues should’ve been removed. They’re not strictly a symbol of slavery per se.
    Mag....have u looked at them?
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    President Fielzanks walks up to his stage, preparing his n1 speech. In front of him, his two cronies MM and David stood. In front of him, his immaculately written n1 speech was prepared. 'Gentleman, what is the soul of capitalism?', he asked his small audience. 'Money?', MM guessed. 'Waifus?', David asked. 'No' Fielz replied, disappointed in his trash scumteam .
    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    Naz would never forget the Chik-Fil-A Sauce

  15. ISO #65

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    oh love that broken link for me ^_^
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    President Fielzanks walks up to his stage, preparing his n1 speech. In front of him, his two cronies MM and David stood. In front of him, his immaculately written n1 speech was prepared. 'Gentleman, what is the soul of capitalism?', he asked his small audience. 'Money?', MM guessed. 'Waifus?', David asked. 'No' Fielz replied, disappointed in his trash scumteam .
    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    Naz would never forget the Chik-Fil-A Sauce

  16. ISO #66

  17. ISO #67

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Two local groups who support preserving the Lee statue also condemned Saturday's protests.
    "We remain committed to preserving the Robert E. Lee Monument in its park through the legal process in the courts because of its historic and artistic value," said a group called Save the Robert E. Lee Statue. "We soundly and completely reject racism, white supremacy, and any other identity-based groups that preach division and hate no matter which side of the issue they happen to support."

  18. ISO #68

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    I remember hearing the confederate flag in common use today isn't the original flag commonly used during the short-lived 5 year long confederacy. It's a flag that largely rose to prominence when it was flown as a middle finger to the civil rights movement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  19. ISO #69

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by naz View Post
    Mag....have u looked at them?
    The Robert E Lee has nothing to do with that.
    Its just a guy on horseback.
    The confederacy WAS racist, but these aren’t symbols of racism, theyre symbols of Southern culture. And that isn’t all about racism lol

  20. ISO #70

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    I remember hearing the confederate flag in common use today isn't the original flag commonly used during the short-lived 5 year long confederacy. It's a flag that largely rose to prominence when it was flown as a middle finger to the civil rights movement.
    It rose to prominence during the Civil War; the actual Confederate flag was too similar to the US flag.

  21. ISO #71

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    Two local groups who support preserving the Lee statue also condemned Saturday's protests.
    "We remain committed to preserving the Robert E. Lee Monument in its park through the legal process in the courts because of its historic and artistic value," said a group called Save the Robert E. Lee Statue. "We soundly and completely reject racism, white supremacy, and any other identity-based groups that preach division and hate no matter which side of the issue they happen to support."

    Where would you draw the line? Would you keep up a statue of Joseph Stalin in a public square, even if some of the taxpayers contributing to looking after that statue are descendants of refugees who fled from Stalinism? That statue would also certainly have historical and, potentially, artistic value.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  22. ISO #72

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    "Yeah but that doesn't fit the fox news narrative that the left is oppressing the right so imma ignore that!"
    I’ve been nothing but respectful so idk why y’all are trolling me like that lmao

  23. ISO #73

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Where would you draw the line? Would you keep up a statue of Joseph Stalin in a public square, even if some of the taxpayers contributing to looking after that statue are descendants of refugees who fled from Stalinism? That statue would also certainly have historical and, potentially, artistic value.
    A statue of Stalin is completely different. Stalin killed millions; Robert Lee didn’t.

  24. ISO #74

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    Two local groups who support preserving the Lee statue also condemned Saturday's protests.
    "We remain committed to preserving the Robert E. Lee Monument in its park through the legal process in the courts because of its historic and artistic value," said a group called Save the Robert E. Lee Statue. "We soundly and completely reject racism, white supremacy, and any other identity-based groups that preach division and hate no matter which side of the issue they happen to support."
    ...did you read the whole post? You wanna quote the first part that you conveniently left out here? Or should I?

    It has come to our attention that several out-of-town groups associated with white supremacy and identarian beliefs conducted events and protests in both Lee and Jackson Parks today. Neither Save the Robert E. Lee Statue nor The Monument Fund were in any way involved in these events and only learned of them though media reports.

    1) They acknowledge that these rallies were organized and conducted by white supremacist groups, rather than beat around the bush about that

    2) They WERE NOT INVOLVED IN THE EVENTS. Meaning they did not tell people to go. They did not attend the rally. They are DISTANCING themselves from this event. They are not defending anyone at the event. THIS is how you reject nazis. There's no defense here of the people that attended the rally. lmfao. What are you doin man.
    Last edited by BananaCucho; June 22nd, 2020 at 07:36 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  25. ISO #75

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    It rose to prominence during the Civil War; the actual Confederate flag was too similar to the US flag.

    idk if this is reliable but I've heard it elsewhere... I can't recall a more reliable source right now
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  26. ISO #76

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Anyways I think statues of Lenin and Stalin shouldn’t exist, not after a century of communist attrocities.
    Do I think a statue of George Zhukov should be removed? No, I don’t, again, it’s completely different.
    I think the line should be, I remember someone in the confederacy gave a speech about how the confederacy was based around the idea of white supremacy. Obviously that guy shouldn’t have any statues, anywhere.
    With politically non involved people however? Sure, whatever. You can even put up statues of Rommel - the only German officer who wasn’t a Nazi and didn’t kill Jews

  27. ISO #77

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Statues in public spaces should be left to the locals to determine whether they want them or not. If a majority does not want it, it should be relocated to somewhere private. I wouldn't want to destroy statues of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot but I certainly wouldn't want them in a public square. A museum would be my choice of their new location.

  28. ISO #78

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    I’ve been nothing but respectful so idk why y’all are trolling me like that lmao
    Probably because you are defending nazis. And no, I am not twisting anything you're saying. You're defending people that attended a nazi rally (aka nazis), that makes you a nazi defender. I don't know how else to put that simply.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  29. ISO #79

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Anyway, it depends a great deal. I don’t think it should be illegal per se, as I don’t think outlawing dangerous ideologies really helps, but I do think a statue of Georgy Zhukov would be appropriate and I would have no issues with it.

  30. ISO #80

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    Probably because you are defending nazis. And no, I am not twisting anything you're saying. You're defending people that attended a nazi rally (aka nazis), that makes you a nazi defender. I don't know how else to put that simply.
    Lol what, where did I defend Nazism? Honestly when you guys say shit like this I lose all willpower to keep debating, this is a very nasty thing to say to someorn

  31. ISO #81

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    A statue of Stalin is completely different. Stalin killed millions; Robert Lee didn’t.
    Yeah, Stalin was much worse. I'm trying to guage how bad the man of the statue needs to be to justify being taken down in your eyes. Robert Lee fought for the preservation of slavery, but didn't personally own millions of slaves. Perhaps you'd be alright with some prominent Soviet general who didn't directly order the deaths of millions but was a nonetheless heroic general who defended Stalin's rule? If Stalin only enslaved millions of people rather than killing them would it be alright to put up a statue of Stalin then?
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  32. ISO #82

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    I'm not intentionally trying to sound like I'm strawmanning you I'm trying to make sense of where you draw the line. Putting up a statue of someone suggests you pedestalize them as an ideal. Or at least that's what I thought. That's why we don't put up statues of people that happen to have historical prominence but are terrible people, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  33. ISO #83

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Banana, I didn’t ANYWHERE say that nazis are good, I have never said such a thing and I eill
    never say it, because it completely goes against my beliefs. I’m not deciding Nazi defenders, I’m explaining why I think trump isn’t a white nationalist. He’s actually benefitted ethnic minorities, more so than Obsma, per se.

    Isnt this the initial ‘if you don’t agree with me you’re a nazi’ I was talking g about?

  34. ISO #84

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    Lol what, where did I defend Nazism? Honestly when you guys say shit like this I lose all willpower to keep debating, this is a very nasty thing to say to someorn
    You defended nazis here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    There were other people in Charlottesville who weren’t white nationalists and didnt want the statues removed
    Bro it was a nazi rally. A white supremacist rally. It was organized by white supremacist groups for months and was sold as a white supremacy rally.

    If you attend a nazi rally, see all the nazi symbolism and hear the nazi chants and stay you are not someone worth defending. Yet here you continue to defend nazis.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  35. ISO #85

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    Two local groups who support preserving the Lee statue also condemned Saturday's protests.
    "We remain committed to preserving the Robert E. Lee Monument in its park through the legal process in the courts because of its historic and artistic value," said a group called Save the Robert E. Lee Statue. "We soundly and completely reject racism, white supremacy, and any other identity-based groups that preach division and hate no matter which side of the issue they happen to support."
    When declining an invitation to erect statues from the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association, Lee said, "I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavoured to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings it has engendered."

    What about the man himself saying NO to statues?

  36. ISO #86

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    Banana, I didn’t ANYWHERE say that nazis are good, I have never said such a thing and I eill
    never say it, because it completely goes against my beliefs. I’m not deciding Nazi defenders, I’m explaining why I think trump isn’t a white nationalist. He’s actually benefitted ethnic minorities, more so than Obsma, per se.

    Isnt this the initial ‘if you don’t agree with me you’re a nazi’ I was talking g about?
    You are completely ignoring my points

    No where did I say "if you don't agree with me you're a nazi". I never called you a nazi. I said you were a nazi defender.

    It's empty to say "I reject nazis" and then defend people that attend a nazi rally. Like how do you even do that. What type of mental gymnastics does it take.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  37. ISO #87

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    I'm not intentionally trying to sound like I'm strawmanning you I'm trying to make sense of where you draw the line. Putting up a statue of someone suggests you pedestalize them as an ideal. Or at least that's what I thought. That's why we don't put up statues of people that happen to have historical prominence but are terrible people, right?
    Right. How about we put up a statue of Georgi Zhukov? I have absolutely no problem with that. Just not Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler. None of them deserve statues. Generals are completely different , however. It’s really not as if Southern culture is strictly about racism; even back then it wasn’t. I don’t particularly like it myself as it’s a bit backward in my eyes, but hey, if they want to be proud of their history sure. Nobody is exalting the virtues of slavery, apart from the white nationalists. Really nothing wrong with Southern culture, and it’s jot all racist

  38. ISO #88

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    You defended nazis here.

    Bro it was a nazi rally. A white supremacist rally. It was organized by white supremacist groups for months and was sold as a white supremacy rally.

    If you attend a nazi rally, see all the nazi symbolism and hear the nazi chants and stay you are not someone worth defending. Yet here you continue to defend nazis.
    i LITERALLY said there were other groups who weren’t Nazi. How am I defending nazis

  39. ISO #89

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    You are completely ignoring my points

    No where did I say "if you don't agree with me you're a nazi". I never called you a nazi. I said you were a nazi defender.

    It's empty to say "I reject nazis" and then defend people that attend a nazi rally. Like how do you even do that. What type of mental gymnastics does it take.
    okay fine but you can see how people might feel offended at being called Nazi defenders I hope

  40. ISO #90

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Robert E. Lee wasn't an American war general, he fought for a traitor nation against the US. Maybe statues of Georgy Zhukov would be appropriate in Russia. How about statues of Zhukov in Eastern Germany, Poland, or any European country that fell to communism, though? Would that be appropriate? Do you think the people would be right in being upset with that?

  41. ISO #91

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Yeah, Stalin was much worse. I'm trying to guage how bad the man of the statue needs to be to justify being taken down in your eyes. Robert Lee fought for the preservation of slavery, but didn't personally own millions of slaves. Perhaps you'd be alright with some prominent Soviet general who didn't directly order the deaths of millions but was a nonetheless heroic general who defended Stalin's rule? If Stalin only enslaved millions of people rather than killing them would it be alright to put up a statue of Stalin then?
    I’d be okay with a Soviet general, yes.
    No it wouldn’t. I don’t see the difference. But Robert Lee didn’t do that.

  42. ISO #92

  43. ISO #93

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    Robert E. Lee wasn't an American war general, he fought for a traitor nation against the US. Maybe statues of Georgy Zhukov would be appropriate in Russia. How about statues of Zhukov in Eastern Germany, Poland, or any European country that fell to communism, though? Would that be appropriate? Do you think the people would be right in being upset with that?
    It would depend a great deal on why they’d be putting up the statues. Obviously with Mao and Stalin it’s tough to argue that it’s not a glorification of communism, but again it depends.

  44. ISO #94

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    i LITERALLY said there were other groups who weren’t Nazi. How am I defending nazis
    You are still beating around the bush about this rally man. How can you in good conscience do that?

    The whole rally was a white supremacist rally. It was sold as a white supremacist rally. The entire crowd was filled with people wearing nazi symbols and shouting nazi chants. You are ignoring this completely, putting your fingers in your ears and saying "there were other groups who weren't nazis!" as if showing up to a nazi rally and standing side by side with nazis is somehow okay.

    Let's say I am a right winger who does not support nazis. I see a flyer for "Unite the Right". Perfect I think, I show up to this rally to support my fellow right wingers. Uh oh, there's a lot of nazis here. I can tell by all the swastikas and other nazi symbols I see. Do I a) stay cause I'm uniting with the nazis, who I condemn, but they espouse ideals that I espouse therefore I'm fine with standing with them as they shout their nazi shouts, or b) turn around and go home, this is NOT the rally I realized it was?

    Anyone standing side by side with a nazi is not condemning nazis and is a nazi themselves as far as anyone is concerned.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  45. ISO #95

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    It would depend a great deal on why they’d be putting up the statues. Obviously with Mao and Stalin it’s tough to argue that it’s not a glorification of communism, but again it depends.
    The timing of the confederate statues suggests it is a reminder to black people of their oppression at a time when they were fighting for their civil rights.

  46. ISO #96

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    okay fine but you can see how people might feel offended at being called Nazi defenders I hope
    I mean if you defend nazis you're a nazi defender. I don't know what else to tell you man. Maybe instead of taking offense you can maybe stop defending nazis? If you really reject nazi ideals.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  47. ISO #97

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    ‘How can you in good conscience’
    I don’t understand this moralistic tone. It’s not as if the only people
    protesting were the nazis.

  48. ISO #98

  49. ISO #99

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    It would depend a great deal on why they’d be putting up the statues. Obviously with Mao and Stalin it’s tough to argue that it’s not a glorification of communism, but again it depends.
    Oh I agree. The reason they put up the Civil War general statues (in the early 1900s, and during the civil rights movement) was to intimidate black people moving into neighbourhoods and trying to fight for their civil rights.

  50. ISO #100

    Re: Right-wing liberalism vs Conservvatism

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    Right. How about we put up a statue of Georgi Zhukov? I have absolutely no problem with that. Just not Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler. None of them deserve statues. Generals are completely different , however. It’s really not as if Southern culture is strictly about racism; even back then it wasn’t. I don’t particularly like it myself as it’s a bit backward in my eyes, but hey, if they want to be proud of their history sure. Nobody is exalting the virtues of slavery, apart from the white nationalists. Really nothing wrong with Southern culture, and it’s jot all racist
    Sorry I hadn't read the earlier post you already made when I said this. Your perspective is consistent to be fair, I just don't see why we need to pedestalize any Soviet officials lol

    Rommel and Zhukov afaik didn't take part in any of their regime's atrocities, but Robert Lee did own slaves, nor did he treat them very well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.



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