Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
In defense of the questionnaire, I think the questions are intentionally phrased divisively / ambiguously to draw out people's ideology. You're not supposed to ask "what is the context" or "what are the facts". You're supposed to give your gut "feeling" responses, and assume the context is "your" context and the facts are "your" facts. If you have no gut "feeling" response, then perhaps you just aren't ideologically inclined. If you boil every question of policy down to its specifics, providing people with a specific context and set of facts, then people will more or less agree unless they have some fundamentally philosophically different view of morality.
I guess that's one way to do it; I just ended up answering like 100+ questions as neutral/unsure because they were too vague for me to boil down my feelings to "strongly/weakly agree/disagree." I feel like I ended up way more moderate in several areas than I actually am.