Armorsmith/Surv/Poisoner Misc Bugs

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  1. ISO #1

    Armorsmith/Surv/Poisoner Misc Bugs

    Hey all, couple small bugs I've noticed:

    Survivor - when hovering over the button to use a vest, it will say "Take off vest" as the hover, despite the fact clicking the button actually puts on the vest. Only happens the first time putting the vest on each night.
    -alist shows a weird variation of roles, says I've won as every town role even though I haven't played as most of the new roles, and it shows a lot of mafia/triad/neut roles saying I haven't won as them (when I have in Mafia 1.0)

    (Unregard below bugs - posted and then realized they're known issues)

    Armorsmith targets someone to give a vest to who dies that night - it'll go back and forth between saying they have 4 vests remaining to give out and 3 vests remaining. Unsure which number is correct or intended.
    Poisoner for some reason was set up as night immune in my last game, but was attacked by the triad and killed night 1. Unsure the reason behind that.
    Last edited by Arexjamin; April 24th, 2020 at 03:40 PM.



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